107 research outputs found

    Kamu ve özel banka müşterilerinin elektronik bankacılığagüveni ve kullanım sebepleri üzerine bir araştırma: Gaziantepili uygulaması

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    Elektronik bankacılık, ülkemizde ve Dünyada kısa bir süre içerisinde büyük gelişmeler kaydeden bir alan olmuştur. Bunun nedeni, elektronik bankacılık sektörünün teknolojik gelişmelerle orantılı olarak yüksek düzeyde ve hızda inovatif fikirleri hayata geçirebilmiş olmasıdır. Araştırma içerisinde güncel sorularla anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Anket sonucunda çıkan veriler SPSS programında işlenerek çıkan güvenilirlik düzeyi endeksi ki kare tablosu ve istatistiksel tabloların değerlendirilmesi ile araştırma içerisinde analizlere yer verilmiştir. Elektronik bankacılığın gelişmesi, müşteri memnuniyeti sağlayan bir unsur olmasının yanında, sermaye gerektiren şube bankacılığından farklı olarak teknoloji ile birlikte gelişim gösteren bir faktördür. İşte bu konuda yapılacak araştırmanın ve sorulacak soruların sonunda araştırma içerisinde yapılan anket çalışmasının çözümlenmesi ile alınabilecek yanıtlar incelenmiştir. Bu anketlerin sonuçlarından, Elektronik bankacılığın en çok kullanılan alanlarında yaşanabilecek değişimlere tüketicilerin veya kullanıcıların tepkisi ölçülmektedir. Analiz sonuçlarının grafiklerle ve tablolarla anlatılarak detaylarıyla gösterilmesi araştırmanın amacına uygun olarak tüketici tercihlerinin bankacılığın en çok gelişen sektörlerinden biri olan Elektronik bankacılık alanında uygulamarın müşteri tercihine yönelik ölçümüne katkı sağlayacaktır

    Kudret Narı (Momordica charantia Descourt.) Meyvesinden Saflaştırılan Peroksidaz Enzimi Kullanılarak Hibrit Nano Çiçekler Sentezlenmesi ve Direct Blue 1 Gideriminde Kullanılabilirlikleri

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    .Peroxidase enzymes are purified from different plant sources are used efficiently for the removal of dyes in industrial wastes. The fruit of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), an inexpensive and easily accessible vegetable, is an important source of peroxidase. In this study, total protein content was found to be 0.485 mg/mL and peroxidase activity was found to be 2360.9 EU/mg as a result of 50% protein precipitation made from green bitter gourd. However; total protein amount was 0.232 mg/mL and free peroxidase activity was determined as 7719.30 EU/mg as a result of 60% protein precipitation made from ripe bitter gourd. Peroxidase enzymes which were purified from bitter gourd in different growth stages under optimum conditions showed higher enzymatic activity compared to free forms when immobilized via enzyme-inorganic hybrid nanoflower synthesis method. The highest peroxidase activity was seen in mature fruit and hybrid nanoflower form (19661, 6 EU/mg). In addition, the usability of hybrid nanoflowers was investigated compared to the free purified peroxidase for removal of Direct Blue 1 dye widely used in textile industry. It was determined that hybrid nanoflower form synthesized especially by using ripe bitter gourd peroxidase had more dye removal.

    Impacts of chemical-assisted thermal pretreatments on methane production from fruit and vegetable harvesting wastes: process optimization

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    PubMed ID: 31979363The increasing population creates excess pressure on the plantation and production of fruits and vegetables across the world. Consumption demand during the whole year has made production compulsory in the covered production system (greenhouse). Production, harvesting, processing, transporting, and distribution chains of fruit and vegetables have resulted in a huge amount of wastes as an alternative source to produce biofuels. In this study, optimization of two pretreatment processes (NaOH and HCl assisted thermal) was investigated to enhance methane production from fruit and vegetable harvesting wastes (FVHW) that originate from greenhouses. NaOH concentration (0-6.5%), HCl concentration (0-5%), reaction temperature (60-100 °C), solid content (1-5%), time of reaction (1-5 h), and mixing speed (0-500 rpm) were chosen in a wide range of levels to optimize the process in a broad design boundary and to evaluate the positive and negative impacts of independent variables along with their ranges. Increasing NaOH and HCl concentrations resulted in higher COD solubilization but decreased the concentration of soluble sugars that can be converted directly into methane. Thus, the increasing concentrations of NaOH and HCl in the pretreatments have resulted in low methane production. The most important independent variables impacting COD and sugar solubilization were found to be chemical concentration (as NaOH and HCl), solid content and reaction temperature for the optimization of pretreatment processes. The high amount of methane productions in the range of 222-365 mL CH4 gVS-1 was obtained by the simple thermal application without using chemical agents as NaOH or HCl. Maximum enhancement of methane production was 47-68% compared to raw FVHW when 5% solid content, 1-hour reaction time and 60-100 °C reaction temperature were applied in pretreatments

    A new approach for green synthesis and characterization of Artemisia L. (Asteraceae) genotype extracts-Cu2 nanocomplexes (nanoflower) and their effective antimicrobial activity

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    .In this study, we have demonstrated the fabrication of novel organic-inorganic nanobio-antimicrobial agents called “nanoflowers” (NFs) and elucidate the increase in the antimicrobial activity of NFs. This is the first report that the NFs were formed of plant extracts as the organic components and copper (II) ions (Cu2+) as the inorganic component. The Artemisia L. (Asteraceae) methanol extracts from three genotypes including A. absinthium L. (Aa), A. vulgaris L. (Av) and A. ludoviciana Nutt. (Al) were selected in the NF synthesis. The effect of the plant extract concentrations on the morphology of NFs was examined. Most regular and uniform flower-shaped morpholo- gies were observed when a concentration of 0.1 mg mL-1 plant extract was used in the synthesis of NFs. The syntesized NFs were characterized with several techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The NFs exhibited much antimicrobial activity against the pathogens even at low concentrations compared to the extracts. The MICs and MBCs values for NFs were found to be range between 0.4 to 40 μg mL-1 and 40 to 400 μg mL-1 while those values for Aa, Av and Al extracts were ranged from 500-2000 μg mL-1 and 1000-4000 μg mL-1 for the studied pathogens, respectively.

    Second trimester termination of pregnancy complicated with multiple fetal abnormalities and also placenta percreta

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    We read with great interest the article by Matsuzaki S and et al., in which the authors presented a case series named “Successful management of placenta percreta by cesarean hysterectomy with transverse uterine fundal incision”.

    Atrioventricular Septal Defects Repair: Comparison of Classic Single Patch and Double-Patch Techniques

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    Objective: Different patch techniques were virtually always used in the surgery of pediatric patients with complete atrioventricular septal defects. In this study, we described our single center, single surgeon experiences and results about the classic single patch and double patch techniques to repair complete atrioventricular septal defects. Materials and Methods: This retrospective descriptive study included 30 patients who underwent intracardiac repair of complete atrioventricular septal defect in Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Department of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery. The study was conducted between February 2019 to December 2021. Patients in group S underwent surgery using the traditional single-patch method, while group D included patients who underwent repair using the double patch approach (n = 10). Patients’ demographic and clinical information was taken from institutional databases and medical records. Postoperative complications were recorded. Results: When the preoperative/postoperative insufficiency levels of the valves were compared with the Wilcoxon Signed rank test, the findings were not statistically significant for the left atrioventricular valves, but were statistically significant for the right atrioventricular valves. (p=0.02) When we compared postoperative valve regurgitation of both techniques with the Kruskall-Wallis test, no significant difference was found between postoperative valve regurgitation and function, independent of preoperative findings. Conclusion: Both operation techniques did not make a difference between operative or late mortality and morbidity. Depending on the surgeon’s experience, ventricular septal defect size does not play a restrictive role in the selection of the technique to be used. The single-patch and double patch method as described here is methodical, comprehensible, repeatable, and reasonably long-lasting

    İnkübasyon ve işletme koşullarının biyogaz üretimine etkisi

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    Anaerobic digestion is leading to environmental benefits such as producing energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Biochemical methane potential (BMP) assays provide a realistic estimate of methane production from the anaerobic digestibility of a given substrate. The information provided by BMP is valuable when planning the optimal conditions for anaerobic digestion and designing the anaerobic digesters. Therefore, recognized and accredited BMP assays will help us for comparing the different literature results. This study focused on the effects of incubation and operational conditions in BMP assay. The effects of headspace pressure, measurement frequency, nutrient addition, pH adjustment, N2 /CO2 purging and mixing were investigated by using 27 different configured reactors. The results indicated that biogas production had positively affected under low headspace pressure and lesser measurement frequency, but the other modifications didn’t create significant variations.Anaerobik parçalanma ile enerji üretimi ve sera gazı emisyonlarının azaltılması gibi çevresel yararlar elde edilmektedir. Biyokimyasal metan potansiyeli testi (BMP) ile istenilen maddenin metan üretim potansiyeli gerçekçi olarak tahmin edilebilmektedir. Anaerobik reaktörlerin dizaynı ve anaerobik parçalanmanın optimal koşullarının planlanmasında BMP testi önemli bilgi sunmaktadır. Bu sebeple deneysel olarak standart BMP testleri literatür sonuçlarının karşılaştırmasında ve değerlendirilmesinde önemlidir. Bu çalışmada BMP testinin hazırlanması ve BMP testine işletme koşullarının etkisi incelenmiştir. Hava boşluğu basıncı, ölçüm sıklığı, besin ilavesi, pH ayarlaması, N2 /CO2 gaz karışımına ile ortamın anaerobik yapılması ve karıştırma işlemlerinin etkisi 27 farklı şekilde işletilen BMP reaktörleri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Düşük boşluk hacmi basıncı ve uzun aralıklı ölçümler yapılması biyogaz üretimine olumlu yönde katkı sağlarken diğer parametrelerin önemli bir etkisinin olmadığı tespit edilmişti

    Küreselleşme sürecinde yeni bir boyutta güvenlik anlayışı ve çevresel etkileri

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    The purpose of this study, to examine the process of transformation began to occur in environmentally safe in the process of globalization and is accordingly subject to environmental dimension of security conception. Starting point of the investigation is the globalization, increase in population and technological developments in the 21st century meanwhile the environment to be unsafe. Depending on the process of rapid change in the world of today's living conditions and needs are changing rapidly and new problems arise. One of the most striking places of change is international areas where security is being felt more It is understood that in parallel to globalization, security is also globalized, and the country's boundaries are exceeded. The increasing problems of living environment in expanding the scope of security, the need for environmental security have emerged. In study, the perspectives that will serve the security in the process of mutual interaction between security and environment and the ways of reflecting to the environment are examined. Environmental values and the idea that man has an integrated structure that cannot be separated from each other will bring about being safe. In this context, the study consists of five chapters. In the first part, globalization; In the second part, security concepts will be introduced. In the third chapter, changing security understanding will be explained. In the fourth chapter, environmental security, which constitutes a new dimension in the process of globalization will be mentioned. The final section includes results and evaluation.Bu çalışmanın amacı, küreselleşme sürecinde güvenlik alanında oluşmaya başlayan dönüşüm sürecinin incelenmesi ve bu perspektifte güvenlik anlayışının çevresel boyutunun konu alınmasıdır. Yapılan araştırmanın çıkış noktası, 21. yüzyıldaki küreselleşme, nüfustaki artış ve teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak çevrenin de güvenliğinin kalmaması durumudur. Dünyada küreselleşme sürecinde görülen hızlı değişime bağlı olarak günümüzdeki yaşamın koşulları da hızlı bir şekilde değişim göstermekte ve yeni problemler ve ihtiyaçlar kendini göstermektedir. Değişimin çoğunlukla görüldüğü mekanlardan biri, güvenliğin gittikçe daha fazla önemsendiği uluslararası alanlardır. Küreselleşmeye koşut olarak güvenliğin de küreselleştiği ve ülke sınırlarını aştığı görülmektedir. Yaşanan çevrenin sorunlarının her geçen gün artması, güvenliğin alanını genişleterek, çevresel güvenlik gerekliliğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Araştırmada, güvenlik ve çevre arasındaki karşılıklı etkileşim sürecinde güvenliğe hizmet edeceği perspektifler ile çevreye yansıma biçimi incelenmektedir. Çevresel değerler ve insanın birbirinden ayrı düşünülmeyen bütünleşik bir yapıya sahip olduğunu görmek, güvende olmayı getirecektir. Bu bağlamda, çalışma beş bölümde ele alınacaktır. İlk bölümde, küreselleşme; ikinci bölümde güvenlik kavramları tanıtılacaktır. Üçüncü bölümde, değişen güvenlik anlayışına yer verilecektir. Dördüncü bölüm, küreselleşme sürecinde yeni bir boyut oluşturan çevresel güvenlik konusunu içermektedir. Son bölümde ise sonuç ve değerlendirmeye yer verilmiştir

    Current approaches to the treatment of gastric varices: Glue, coil application, TIPS, and BRTO

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    Gastric varices are less common than esophageal varices, and their treatment is quite challenging. Gastric varix bleedings (GVB) occur less frequently than esophageal varix (EV) bleedings and represent 10% to 30% of all variceal bleedings. They are; however, more severe and are associated with high mortality. Re-bleeding may occur in 35% to 90% of cases after spontaneous hemostasis. GV bleedings represent a serious clinical problem compared with esophageal varices due to their location. Sclerotherapy and band ligation, in particular, are less effective. Based on the anatomic site and location, treatment differs from EV and is categorized into two groups (i.e., endoscopic or radiologic treatment). Surgical management is used less frequently. Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) and cyanoacrylate are safe but there is a high risk of re-bleeding. Portal pressure elevates following BRTO and leads to worsening of esophageal varix pressure. Other significant complications may include hemoglobinuria, abdominal pain, fever, and pleural effusion. Shock and atrial fibrillation are major complications. New and efficient treatment modalities will be possible in the future