94 research outputs found

    Restitution of Tabaklar Bath in Bolu

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    Tabaklar Hamamı (Debbağlar Hamamı), Bolu ili merkez Tabaklar Mahallesi İzzet Baysal Caddesi üzerinde yer almaktadır. Tabaklar Hamamı’nın inşa tarihi ve mimarı bilinmemektedir. Sokullu Mehmet Paşa Vakfı’nın mülkü olan eser, günümüze ulaşmamış Mehmet Paşa Camii’ne gelir getirmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çifte hamam olarak yapılan ve bu amaçla kullanılan yapı, 16. yüzyıldan bugüne kadar çeşitli onarımlardan geçmiştir. Şeriye sicil kayıtlarından öğrenebildiğimiz en eski onarım tarihi 1815’tir. 1963’teki yangında hamamın soyunmalık kısmı tamamen yanmıştır. 1965 yılında da Vakıfl ar Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından onarılarak tekrar faaliyete geçmiştir. Bu çalışmada hamama ait eski ve yeni rölöveler ve restorasyon projesi, eski fotoğrafl ar, vakıf kayıtları ve yazışmalar, Şeriye Sicilleri, bölgedeki diğer hamamlar vb. tüm veriler değerlendirilerek 1863 yılına ait restitüsyon denemesi yapılmıştır

    Acts of injuries that require simple medical intervention and the issue of implementation of provisions of crimes aggravated by the result

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    5237 sayılı TCK m. 86/2’de kasten yaralama fiilinin etkisinin basit tıbbi müdahale ile giderilebilecek ölçüde hafif olduğu hallerde temel kasten yaralama fiillerine nazaran daha hafif bir yaptırım öngörülmektedir. Basit tıbbi müdahalelik yaralamanın müstakil bir hüküm olarak vazedilmesi birtakım sonuçları beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu sebeple hangi yaralamaların basit tıbbi müdahalelik olduğunun tespiti, cezai sorumluluk açısından hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu yaralamalar bilhassa TCK m. 87’de düzenlenen neticesi sebebiyle ağırlaşmış hükümlerinin tatbiki hususunda önem arz etmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra basit tıbbi müdahalelik yaralamaların tespit ve takdiri, teşebbüs, haksız tahrik ve diğer ceza hukuku kurumlarının uygulanması bakımından önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, basit tıbbi müdahalelik yaralamanın tespiti bakımından nasıl bir metot izlenmesi gerektiği hususunda çözüm önerilerinde bulunulmuştur. Sonrasında ise bu metotla tutarlı olarak hem neticesi sebebiyle ağırlaşmış suç meselesinde hem de teşebbüs ve haksız tahrik gibi diğer ceza hukuku kurumlarının tatbiki bakımından çözüm önerilerinde bulunulmuştur.In Article 86/2 of the Turkish Criminal Code (numbered 5237), in cases where the effect of the act of willful injury is so slight that it can be eliminated by simple medical intervention, a lighter sanction is foreseen compared to the acts of basic willful injury. The regulation of simple-medical-intervention injury as an independent provision brings some consequences. For this reason, it is vital to determine which injuries are simple medical interventions in terms of criminal liability. These injuries, in particular, play a role in the application of the aggravated provisions due to the result regulated in Article 87 of the TCC. In addition, the detection of simple-medical-intervention injuries plays an important role in the implementation of the provisions of the attempt, unjust provocation and other criminal law institutions. In this study, solution suggestions have been made about what kind of method should be followed for the detection of simple medical intervention injury. Afterwards, consistent with this method, solution suggestions were made both in the case of aggravated crime due to its result and in the application of other criminal law institutions such as attempt and unjust provocation

    Driver evaluation in heavy duty vehicles based on acceleration and braking behaviors

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    In this paper, we present a real-time driver evalua-tion system for heavy-duty vehicles by focusing on the classifica-tion of risky acceleration and braking behaviors. We utilize animproved version of our previous Long Short Memory (LSTM)based acceleration behavior model [10] to evaluate varyingacceleration behaviors of a truck driver in small time periods.This model continuously classifies a driver as one of six driverclasses with specified longitudinal-lateral aggression levels, usingdriving signals as time-series inputs. The driver gets accelerationscore updates based on assigned classes and the geometry ofdriven road sections. To evaluate the braking behaviors of atruck driver, we propose a braking behavior model, which usesa novel approach to analyze deceleration patterns formed duringbrake operations. The braking score of a driver is updated foreach brake event based on the pattern, magnitude, and frequencyevaluations. The proposed driver evaluation system has achievedsignificant results in both the classification and evaluation ofacceleration and braking behaviors

    The impact of synapsin III gene on the neurometabolite level alterations after single-dose methylphenidate in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the neurometabolite level changes according to synapsin III gene rs133945G>A and rs133946C>G polymorphisms by using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). METHODS: Fifty-seven adults diagnosed with ADHD were recruited for the study. The participants were examined by single-voxel (1)H MRS when medication naïve and 30 minutes after oral administration of 10 mg methylphenidate (Mph). Those who had been on a stimulant discontinued the medication 48 hours before MRS imaging. Spectra were taken from the anterior cingulate cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, striatum, and cerebellum, and N-acetylaspartate (NAA), choline, and creatine levels were examined. For genotyping of the synapsin III gene polymorphisms, DNA was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes. The effects of age, sex, and ADHD subtypes were controlled in the analyses. RESULTS: After a single dose of Mph, choline levels increased significantly in the striatum of rs133945G>A polymorphism-GG genotypes (P=0.020) and NAA levels rose in the anterior cingulate cortex of rs133946C>G polymorphism-CG genotypes (P=0.014). Both rs133945G>A and rs133946C>G polymorphisms were found to statistically significantly affect the alteration of NAA levels in response to Mph in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex with two-way repeated measure of analysis of variance. Post hoc comparisons revealed a significant difference between CG and GG genotypes of rs133946C>G polymorphisms after Bonferroni adjustment (P=0.016). CONCLUSION: Synapsin III gene polymorphisms may be affecting the changes in neurometabolite levels in response to Mph in adult ADHD patients. Future studies are needed to confirm our findings

    Performance-based seismic assessment method for medium-rise RC buildings

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    Jaki potresi zabilježeni u Turskoj tijekom posljednjih pet desetljeća pokazuju da je većina postojećih zgrada nedovoljno otporna na njihovo djelovanje. U ovom se radu predlaže pojednostavljena inačica brze metode za procjenu seizmičkog ponašanja građevine (PERA) za analizu srednje visokih armiranobetonskih zgrada. Prilikom procjene ponašanja čitave građevine u obzir se uzima i utjecaj kritičnog kata. Postignuta je dobra podudarnost između predviđanja dobivenih pojednostavljenom metodom, metodom PERA i postupcima za procjenu ponašanja konstrukcija koji se temelje na odgovarajućim propisima.Severe earthquakes registered in Turkey over the last five decades have shown that most of the existing buildings exhibit low resistance to earthquake action. In this study, a simplified version of the performance based rapid seismic assessment method (PERA) is proposed for the analysis of medium-size reinforced-concrete buildings. The influence of a critical storey is also considered when evaluating performance of the entire building. Good agreement is obtained between predictions by the simplified method, the PERA method, and the code based structural performance assessment procedures

    Does pelvic injury trigger erectile dysfunction in men?

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    WOS: 000442089500008PubMed ID: 26764545Purpose: Pelvic ring fractures constitute 3%-8% of all fractures of the skeletal system and are generally related with high energy trauma. Sexual dysfunction following pelvic fracture has a high incidence, and affects the male patients both physically and psychologically. In this study, we aimed to investigate the impact and frequencies of comorbidities such as erectile dysfunction (ED) with adverse sociocultural and psychological consequences for the patient who had a pelvic ring fracture. Methods: This study included 26 men who corresponded to the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate our study. Results: According to fracture types, most of our cases were Tile type A1 and type A2. Severe and moderate ED were detected in 46.1% (12/26) of these patients via the International Index of Erectile Function-5 questionnaire. Conclusion: ED develops following pelvic fractures, especially in Tile type B and C pelvic fractures

    Lumbar spinal schwannoma with retroperitoneal invasion: a case report

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    Schwannom periferik sinir kılıfının schwann hücrelerinden köken alan nadir bir tümördür. Genellikle baş, boyun ve üst extremitelerde yerleşirler. Nadiren de posterior mediasten ve retroperitonda yerleşebilirler. 47 yaşinda bayan bir hasta rektal dolgunluk hissi ve bel ağrisi yakinmalari ile başvurdu. Yapilan radyolojik incelemeler sonucu pelvik retroperitoneal yerleşimli solid bir kitle tanisi ile yatirildi. Kadin Hastaliklari ve Doğum Kliniği ile Nöroşirürji Kliniğinin birlikte yaptiği cerrahi uygulama ile total olarak çikartilan kitlenin histopatolojik incelemesi Schwannom olarak rapor edildi. Kismi çikartilan destrükte olmuş L5 korpusu nedeniyle lumbosakral bölge enstrümante edilip stabillendi ve kemik greft ile füzyon yapildi. Postoperatif dönemde sorunu olmayan hasta takip edilmek üzere taburcu edildi.SUMMARY Schwannomas or neurilemmomas are encapsulated tumours arising from the neural sheath of peripheral nerves. They are usually located in the head and neck or in the upper extremities, but may appear in the posterior mediastinum and more rarely in the retroperitoneum. A 47 year-old-female complaining of pelvic and lumbar pain has been admitted with the diagnosis of retroperitoneal pelvic solitary mass after radiologic evaluation. The mass has been resected totally through an anterior abdominopelvic incision and histopathology evaluation reported to be the schwannoma. Lumbosacral instrumentation and fusion with bone graft have been performed following the resection of the mass and destructed L5 vertebrae corpus. Postoperative period went uneventful

    Increased serum neuregulin 4 levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A case-control study

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    Neuregulin 4 (NRG4) is an adipokine that is synthesized in many tissues and has been shown to be associated with the development of obesity and metabolic disorders in animals and humans. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between serum NRG4 levels and various metabolic parameters in women with PCOS. This cross-sectional study included 40 women with PCOS and 40 age- and BMI-matched controls without PCOS. NRG4, fasting blood glucose (FBG), insulin, hs-CRP, LDL-C, HDL-C, SHBG, DHEA-SO4 and total-testosterone levels were measured in all the participants. HOMA-IR was used to calculate the insulin resistance. Serum NRG4 levels were higher in women with PCOS than in healthy women (24.89 ± 9.32 [ng/mL] vs. 18.98 ± 6.40 [ng/mL], p = 0.002). FBG, LDL-C, HDL-C, LH, SHBG, FAI, DHEA-SO4, insulin, hs-CRP, HOMA-IR and total-testosterone levels were significantly higher in women with PCOS than controls. Circulating NRG4 levels were positively correlated with HOMA-IR, insulin and hs-CRP for both groups. There was a positive correlation between NRG4 and FBG in the PCOS group. HOMA-IR and hs-CRP were associated with NRG4. The high concentration of circulating NRG4 in PCOS may be associated with insulin resistance and low-grade chronic inflammation