520 research outputs found

    Relação Entre Traços Psiológicos de Resiliência e Perdão em Pessoas Deslocadas Internamente

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    Aim: In general, conflict has many adverse effects on individuals’ lives. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between psychological trait resilience and forgiveness among internally displaced persons (IDPs). Method: The sample consisted of 244 IDPs (111 males and 133 females) who have been exposed to various stressful situations. Age of participants ranged between 18 and 60 years (M = 32.63 years, SD = 8.18). Psychological Trait Resilience Scale and Enright Forgiveness Inventory were used through a cross-sectional study to collect data. Results: The results showed that IDPs reported low levels of resilience and forgiveness. The results also indicated that ecological resilience was positively related with emotional, behavioral, and cognitive forgiveness, while engineering resilience was positively related with emotional and cognitive forgiveness. Adaptive resilience was found to be positively related with emotional forgiveness. Regression analysis indicated that ecological resilience uniquely predicted emotional, behavioral, and cognitive forgiveness after controlling for demographic characteristics. Conclusion: These results suggest that higher levels of resilience are important for forgiveness among IDPs. Interventions aiming to enhance IDPs’ forgiveness should account for psychological trait resilience.Objetivo: O conflito tem efeitos adversos na vida dos indivíduos. O propósito deste estudo foi examinar a relação entre traços psicológicos de resiliência e perdão entre pessoas deslocadas internamente (IDPs). Método: A amostra foi composta por 244 IDPs (111 homens e 133 mulheres) estiveram expostos a diferentes situações stressantes. A idade dos participantes variou entre 18 e 60 anos (M = 32.63, SD = 8.18). A escala de Traços Psicológicos de Resiliência e o Inventário de Perdão de Enright foram usados para recolha de dados num estudo transversal. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que os IDPs tendem ser menos resilientes e capazes de perdoar do que a população em geral. Os resultados mostraram também que a resiliência ecológica estava positivamente correlacionada com o perdão emocional e comportamental, ao passo que resiliência de engenharia estava positivamente correlacionada com perdão emocional e cognitivo. A resiliência adaptativa mostrou-se positivamente correlacionada com o perdão emocional. Análises de regressão indicaram a resiliência ecológica como preditor único do perdão emocional, comportamental, e cognitivo, após controlar as características sociodemográficas. Conclusão: Estes resultados sugerem que níveis mais altos de resiliência são importantes para o perdão entre os IDPs. Intervenções que visem melhorar o perdão dos IDPs devem ter em consideração a resiliência de traço psicológico

    Kamu yönetiminde bilgi yönetiminin gerekliliği üzerine bir inceleme

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    Knowledge management is a business strategy aiming at accomplishing the organizations by means of the most effective use of knowledge in the context where there are very rapid and wide changes. Practices for knowledge management in public administration bear traces of new public management. New public management approach strives to reduce the size of public sector and open it up to market. This efforts facilitate the application of knowledge management in public administration. However, the emphasis on the importance of knowledge, knowledge use and knowledge share isn't an adequate requirement for knowledge management in public administration. In this context the concepts of knowledge and knowledge-society have been defined, the meaning of knowledge management has been explained, and basic principles of knowledge management on public administration have been clarified.Bilgi yönetimi, kapsamlı ve hızlı değişimlerin yaşandığı bir ortamda, bilgiyi en etkin şekilde kullanmak suretiyle örgütleri başarıya ulaştırmayı amaçlayan bir iş stratejisidir. Kamu yönetiminde bilgi yönetimi uygulamaları, yeni kamu yönetimi yaklaşımının izlerini taşımaktadır. Yeni kamu yönetimi yaklaşımının, kamu sektörünü daraltarak piyasaya açma çabaları, kamu yönetiminde bilgi yönetimi uygulamalarının yolunu açmıştır. Ne var ki kamu yönetiminde bilgiye, bilginin kullanımına ve paylaşımına önem verilmesi, bilgi yönetimi uygulamaları için yeterli bir koşul değildir. Başka bir ifadeyle, bilgi yönetimini bilginin önemsenmesiyle bağdaştırmamak gerekir. Bu çalışmada, kamu yönetiminde bilgi yönetiminin ne anlama geldiği, bilgi yönetimini gerektiren koşulların neler olduğu incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda; bilgi ve bilgi toplumu kavramları tanımlanmış, bilgi yönetiminin anlamı açıklanmış ve kamu yönetimi için bilgi yönetiminin temel ilkeleri açıklığa kavuşturulmuştur


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    This study was conducted to examine the correlation between the scores of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the scores of the Cardio Fitness Test (CFT) in students studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences. The sample group was composed of totally 25 students, including 14 males and 11 females aged between 22-24 years. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) test battery including seven stations as deep squat, hurdle step, in-line lunge, shoulder mobility, active straight-leg raise, trunk stability, and rotary trunk and the Cardio Fitness Test (CFT) battery including six stations as resting heart rate, heart rate recovery, body flexibility, upper body strength, core strength, and lower body strength were applied to the sample group in different days. It was found that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the total scores of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the total scores of the Cardio Fitness Test (CFT) (r =0.60, p<0.001). While no statistically significant correlation was found between the lower body total scores of the relevant test batteries, there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the upper extremity total scores (r=0.48, p<0.05). Consequently; the significant correlation found between the Functional Movement Screen test battery, used in posture analysis and posture rehabilitation, and the Cardio Fitness Test formed the opinion that these two tests can be used in the field in combination. It may be recommended to apply this correlation in larger groups and assess the gender and age differences.  Article visualizations

    Loneliness and Psychological Distress: A Mediating Role of Meaning in Life during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic represents a health crisis with a high amount of loneliness, which in turn may be associated with negative mental health outcome like psychological distress. This chapter aimed to investigate if meaning in life mediated the effect of loneliness on symptoms of psychological distress. A young adult sample (N = 605, 75.7% women) completed the measures of loneliness, psychological distress, and meaning in life. The results indicated that meaning in life mediated the relations between loneliness and psychological distress symptoms. This relation was significant at low, medium, and high levels of meaning in life. The study shows that experience of loneliness is associated with symptoms of psychological distress. Level of meaning in life differentiates the direct and indirect effect of loneliness on psychological distress. Knowledge about the effect of loneliness in response to a health crisis is important for developing treatment and prevention strategies for loneliness, psychological distress, and meaning in life

    Modernizm, postmodernizm ve kamu yönetimi

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    In this study, the impacts of modernism and postmodernism on public administration have been comperatively examined. This distinction between modernism and postmodernism also expresses different living and thinking ways in point of perceiving and giving meaning to social life. This situation naturally denotes in the field of administration. While bureaucratic organisations become experienced modernism, post-bureaucratic organisations reflect postmodern life in a way that postmodernism rejects modern viewpoint.Bu çalışmada, modernizm ve postmodernizmin kamu yönetimi üzerine etkileri karşılaştırmalı bir biçimde incelenmiştir. Modernizm ve postmodernizm şeklindeki ayrımlama, aynı zamanda toplumsal yaşamın algılanması ve anlamlandırılması bakımından farklı yaşayış ve düşünüş tarzlarının bir ifadesi olmaktadır. Bu durum doğal olarak kendini yönetsel alanda da göstermektedir. Bürokratik örgütler modernizm deneyiminin yaşandığı mekânlar; post-bürokratik örgütler ise modern dünya görüşünün reddine paralel biçimde, postmodern dönemin örgütleri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır

    Synthesis Of Polymeric Cationic Surfactant For Emulsion Polymerization Of Methyl Methacrylate And Vinyl Acetate

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008Emülsiyon polimerizasyonu ticari olarak polimerlerin sentezi bakımından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Yüzey aktif maddeler gerek boya sanayinde, emülsiyon polimerleşmesinde, yapıştırıcılarda, tekstil sanayinde v.s büyük önem taşımaktadır. Yüzey aktif maddeler anyonik, katyonik, non-iyonik ve amfoterik olarak 4 gruba ayrılır. Bu çalışmada tetrametilenetilendiamin ile dibromohekzanın reaksiyonu ile katyonik polimerik yüzey aktif sentezlenmiş ve bu maddenin karakterizasyonları FT-IR ve kritik misel konsantrasyonları kondüktometrik yöntemle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen yüzey aktif metal metakrilat ve vinil asetatın emüsiyon polimerizasyonlarında kullanılmıştır. Polimerlerin karakterizasyonları yüzey gerilim ölçümleri, reometre ve viskozimetrik ölçümler ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.Emulsion polymerization is important to produce commercially available polymers. Surface active materials are used in painting, emulsion polymerizations, adhesives, textile industry, etc. There are three different surface active materials. They are anionic, cationic and non-ionic. In this study, a new cationic polymeric surface active agent will be synthesized with the reaction between tetramethylethlenediamine and dibromohexzane.. This material will be characterized by FT-IR spectra and critical micelle concentration by using conductometric method. This material will be used for emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate and methylmethacrylate. Also, obtained polymers will be characterized by using surface tension and reometric measurements.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    The Protective Role of Folic Acid and Vitamin E Against Toxical Effects of Valproic Acid on Liver Tissue During Period of Gestation

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    Valproic acid is an anticonvulsan drug used in epilepsy. Thehistopathological changes of valproic acid on liver and the protective effectof vitamin E and also folic acid were observed. 24 adult female Wistar Albinorats were used. The first control, the second valproic acid group that wasgiven 300 mg/kg on 8.9. and 10. days of gestation, the third valproic acid+vitamin E group. Vitamin E was given 250mg/kg via nasogastric intubationbefore one hour administration of valproic acid on 8.9.10.days of gestation.The fourth valproic acid+ folic acid group; via valproic acid, folic acid wasgiven 400 microgram ordinarily in drinking water per day. In the liversections of valproic acid group, perivenullar dilatation, swelling of Kuppfercells, microvesicular steatosis and degeneration were observed. In the secondgroup there was moderate degeneration in hepatocytes,necrotic areas insome places, mononuclear cell infiltration. In valproic acid +vitamin E groupnormal-like appearance of the structure of Remark cell lines were observed.Under these source of results, we viewed antioxidants decreased thehepatotoxicity on liver tissue by using folic acid and vitamin E


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    Background: The existing literature has not adequately studied the influence of COVID-19 worry on mental health disorders. This study tested the mediating roles of resilience and meaning in life between COVID-19 worry and mental health disorders. Subjects and methods: We recruited 284 Arabic speaking young adults (60.6% females; mean age = 26.25±7.57 years) to complete the COVID-19 Worry Scale, Brief Resilience Scale, Meaning in Life Measure, and Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Results: Results showed that COVID-19 worry negatively predicted resilience and meaning in life and positively predicted mental health disorders. Furthermore, indirect effect of COVID-19 worry on mental health disorders via resilience and meaning in life was significant. Conclusion: These results will contribute to find effective measures to prevent mental health disorders and promote reduced mental health disorders from the perspective of mitigating COVID-19 worry and increasing resilience and meaning in life

    A maturity based qualitative information systems effectiveness evaluation of a public organization in Turkey

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    Among the top issues of information systems (IS) management is measuring and improving IS effectiveness. In that, the concept of IS effectiveness is widely accepted throughout IS research as the principle criterion for evaluating information systems. IS effectiveness is defined as the extent to which a given information system actually contributes to achieving organizational goals.. As the society moves from the industrial era to the information age,,ıs role in any organization shifts from efficiency to effectiveness. This case study presents an IS effectiveness evaluation methodology applied on a public organization. The paper supports in general the claim that the use of a systematic IS effectiveness evaluation approach can improve organizational performance

    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome secondary to acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis

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    A previously healthy 11-year-old boy presented to the emergency department with generalized tonic-clonic seizures. One week prior, he had complained of headaches, blurry vision, nausea, and vomiting. Once the seizures were controlled with midazolam and levetiracetam, the patient was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit