110 research outputs found


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    Bu çalışmada, Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nde Almanya Sosyal Demokrat Partisi (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands-SPD) ve Almanya Komünist Partisi (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands-KPD) arasındaki karşıtlığın, Nasyonal Sosyalist Alman İşçi Partisi’nin (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei-NSDAP) yükselişi üzerindeki etkilerini subjektif koşullar merkezinde sorgulamak ve bu partilerin iç dinamiklerinden hareketle NSDAP’nin seslendiği seçmen kitlesinin sınıfsal yapısını analiz etmek hedeflenmektedir. Bu analizde büyük oranda Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nin kuruluş dönemine odaklanılacak, kökeni 1918 Kasım ve 1919 Ocak Devrimleri’ne dayanan SPD-KPD ayrışması bu partilerin kurumsal yapısından hareketle tartışılacaktır. Bu sorgulamada, NSDAP’nin yükselişinde öznenin eylemine dayalı koşulların etkilerini öne çıkaran bir Nazizm analizi geliştiren Wilhelm Reich’ın kuramsal pozisyonu temel alınmıştır. “KPD’nin liderliğini devraldığı 1919 Ocak ayaklanmalarının, SPD’nin isyancılar aleyhine Alman Ordusu (Reichswehr) ve büyük sermayeyle uzlaşması nedeniyle bastırılması, Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nde siyasi açıdan bir kırılma noktası olmuş ve bu süreç NSDAP’nin yükseleceği siyasal zemini hazırlamıştır” tezi bu çalışmanın odak noktasını oluşturmaktadır

    Nietzsche and Realism: the Concept of Will to Power in Nietzsche and Realist Paradigm

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    DergiPark: 530601trakyasobedBuçalışmada, Nietzsche’nin felsefesinde güç istenci düşüncesi, uluslararasıilişkiler disiplininin temel tartışmaları özelinde, yeni paradigmayla ilişkiliolarak tartışılmıştır. Bu tartışmalar daha çok E.H. Carr, Morgenthau, Waltz gibiisimlere referansla realist paradigma çerçevesinde ele alınacaktır. Güç istencikavramı uluslararası ilişkiler perspektifinden değerlendirilecek, uluslararasıilişkiler açısından büyük kırılma noktalarının tespit edilmesinde güçistencinin belirleyici rolü saptanacaktır. Nietzsche’nin güç istencidüşüncesiyle ortaya koyduğu yeni paradigmanın, çatışmaya ve sürekli çıkarmücadelesine dayalı perspektifi multidisipliner bir bakış açısıyla birleştirmeiddiası değerlendirilecektir. Çalışmanın temel hedefi, uluslararası ilişkilerdisiplinindeki tartışmalara, özellikle realist paradigma çerçevesinde, bualanda sınırlı düzeyde tartışılan Nietzsche’nin siyaset felsefesi üzerindenyeni bir açılım getirmek ve Nietzsche’nin güç istenci düşüncesiyle, realizmingüç kavramı arasındaki ortak noktaları değerlendirmektir. In this study, the will to power in Nietzsche's philosophy has beendebated in relation to the new paradigm, in particular, in the basic argumentsof the discipline of international relations. This study will approach thesediscussions mostly in reference to names such as E.H. Carr, Morgenthau, Waltz,etc., in the context of realist paradigm. The concept of “will to power” willbe evaluated from the perspective of international relations, and thedistinctive role of the “will to power” in terms of breaking points will bedetermined. The claim that the new paradigm that Nietzsche puts forward withthe idea of the will to power combines the perspective based on conflict andongoing conflict of interest with a multidisciplinary point of view will bediscussed. The main objective of the study is to bring about a new breakthroughto the discussions in international relations discipline specifically withinthe frame of realist paradigm, through Nietzsche's political philosophy, whichis rarely discussed in this area, and discuss the common points between theconcept of power in realism and Nietzsche's idea of will to power.

    Determination of investment criteria in local governments: An analysis with fuzzy DEMATEL method

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, yerel yönetimlerin yaptıkları yatırımlara etki edenfaktörlerin belirlenmesidir. Bu çerçevede, literatür taraması neticesinde bahsi geçen yerel yönetimlerin yatırım kararlarını etkileyeceği düşünülen 6 farklı kriter (nüfus artışı, bölgesel kişi başı GSYİH, lokasyon, jeolojik etki, politik risk ve finansal risk) dikkate alınmıştır. Öte yandan, belirtilen bu amaca ulaşabilmek için bulanık DEMATEL yönteminden faydalanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, nüfus artışı ve bölgesel kişi başı GSYİH rakamının yerel yönetimlerin yatırım seçimlerini etkileyen en önemli kriterler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlara ek olarak, jeolojik etki en çok etkileyen kriter, nüfus artışı ise en çok etkilenen kriter olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu sonuçlar dikkate alındığında, yerel yönetimlerin ağırlıklı olarak nüfusu yoğun olan ve bölgesel anlamda daha da kalkınmış olan kesimlere yatırım yaptıkları anlaşılmaktadır. Söz konusu bilgilerden yola çıkılarak yerel yönetimlerin nüfusu az olan ve ekonomik anlamda kalkınmamış bölgeleri de göz ardı etmemeleri gerektiğini söyleyebilmek mümkündür. Bu sayede, ülkenin ekonomik olarak gelişmesine katkı sağlanabilecektir.The aim of this study is to determine the factors affecting the investments of local governments. In this context, 6 different criteria (population growth, GDP per capita, location, geological impact, political risk and financial risk) which canaffect theinvestment decisions of the local administrations mentioned are taken into consideration. On the other hand, the fuzzy DEMATEL method isused to achieve this goal. As a result, population growth and the per capita GDP amountare the most important criteria affecting local government investment choices. In addition to these results, geological impact is the most influential and population growth is the most affected criterion. Considering these results, it is understood that local governments have invested heavily in populations that are densely populated and are more developed in the regional sense. Based on the information in question, it is possible to say that local governments should not ignore the regions with low population and economic development. In this way, economic development of the country can be contributed

    Effect of Ecklonia Cava Polyphenol Extract in House Ear Institute-Organ of Corti 1 Cells Against Cisplatin Ototoxicity: A Preliminary Study

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    Objective:Cisplatin is a widely used agent for the treatment of adult and childhood malignancies. Side effects such as nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and ototoxicity lead to dose limitations. Ecklonia cava polyphenol extract (ECP) is a molecule obtained from algae that live in seawater in the Far East. ECP has recently been shown to have protective effects against oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible protective effects of ECP on cisplatin ototoxicity.Methods:In this study, we investigated the protective effects of ECP against cisplatin-induced cell death in mouse-derived House Ear Institute Organ of Corti (HEI-OC1) cochlear cells. Cisplatin (100 μM) and 1, 10, and 25 μM doses of ECP were administered to the cells, and the protective effects of ECP at 24 and 72 hours were investigated. Cell viability was evaluated by the WST-1 (water soluble tetrazolium salt).Results:Cisplatin (100 μM) reduced cell viability in both the 24th and 72nd hour evaluation. Although the 25 μM dose of ECP showed otoprotective effects in the 24th hour, in the 72nd hour this effect disappeared. Other doses of ECP showed no otoprotective effects in the 24th and 72nd hours.Conclusion:Although ECP showed some protective effects in the 24th hour against cisplatin ototoxicity, these effects disappeared by the 72nd hour. Further studies using recurrent and higher doses of ECP are required

    Immunogenicity of a Haemophilus influenzae type b–tetanus conjugate vaccine when administered separately or in combined vaccines for primary immunization in two consecutive national schedules in Turkey

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    SummaryBackgroundIn Turkey, the Haemophilus influenzae type b–tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine (Hib) was replaced by the combined diphtheria–tetanus–acellular pertussis and inactivated polio vaccine (DTaP–IPV/Hib) in 2008. This shift to the new schedule created different cohorts of vaccinated children as a consequence of the different schedules used. We evaluated the immunogenicity of the Hib vaccine in infants vaccinated with these different schedules.MethodsThree groups of children were evaluated: group 1 comprised 145 infants vaccinated with diphtheria, tetanus, and whole cell pertussis (DTwP), oral polio vaccine (OPV), and Hib vaccines simultaneously at separate sites; group 2 comprised 204 infants vaccinated with the DTaP–IPV/Hib combined vaccine; group 3 comprised 100 infants vaccinated with a mixed schedule of DTwP, OPV, and Hib for the first one or two doses, followed by DTaP–IPV/Hib vaccine to complete the series.ResultsAnti-polyribosylribitol phosphate (anti-PRP) titers ≥0.15μg/ml were similar in groups 1, 2, and 3. However, in group 1, who received all the vaccines at separate sites, ≥ l.0μg/ml long-lasting antibody titers and anti-PRP geometric mean titers were higher (p=0.001).ConclusionThis study showed that even one dose administered in combination with other vaccines in a primary series decreased the level of anti-PRP

    Novel SNARE Complex Polymorphisms Associated with Multiple Sclerosis: Signs of Synaptopathy in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Background: It is well known that axonal degeneration plays a role in disability in patients with multiple sclerosis, and synaptopathy has recently become an important issue.Aims: To investigate the possible roles of selected synaptic and presynaptic membrane protein genetic polymorphisms (VAMP2, SNAP-25, synaptotagmin, and syntaxin 1A) in patients with multiple sclerosis.Study Design: Case-control study.Methods: A total of 123 patients with multiple sclerosis and 192 healthy controls were included. The functional polymorphisms of specific SNARE complex proteins (VAMP2, synaptotagmin XI, syntaxin 1A, and SNAP-25) were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction.Results: Significant differences were detected in the genotype and allele distribution of 26-bp Ins/Del polymorphisms of VAMP2 between patients with multiple sclerosis and control subjects; Del/Del genotype and Del allele of VAMP2 were more frequent in patients with multiple sclerosis (p=0.011 and p=0.004, respectively). Similarly, Ddel polymorphism of SNAP-25 gene C/C genotype (p=0.059), syntaxin 1A T/C and C/C genotypes (p=0.005), and synaptotagmin XI gene C allele (p=0.001) were observed more frequently in patients with multiple sclerosis. CC, syntaxin rs1569061 1A gene for 33-bp promoter region TC haplotypes, and synaptotagmin XI gene were found to be associated with an increased risk for multiple sclerosis (p=0.012). Similarly, GC haplotype for rs3746544 of SNAP-25 gene and rs1051312 of SNAP-25 gene were associated with an increased risk for multiple sclerosis (p=0.022).Conclusion: Genetic polymorphisms of SNARE complex proteins, which have critical roles in synaptic structure and communication, may play a role in the development of multiple sclerosis