47 research outputs found

    The general aspect of anomalous coating behaviour of iron group alloys

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    Demir grubu metal (Fe, Ni ve Co) alaşımlarının sahip oldukları manyetik ve termofiziksel özelliklerden dolayı elektrokaplanmış demir grubu metal alaşımlarının endüstride önemli kullanım alanları mevcuttur. Söz konusu alaşımların endüstriyel öneme sahip olmaları yanısıra anormal kaplama olarak tanımlanan olayın, demir grubu alaşımların elektrokaplamasında görülmesi de bu sistem üzerinde yoğunlaşan çalışmaların bir başka nedenidir. Demir grubu elementleri olan Ni, Fe ve Co arasında termodinamik olarak en soy olanı Ni, en az soy olanı ise Fe elementidir. Bu üç metal arasında ikili ya da üçlü olarak gerçekleşecek alaşım kaplama reaksiyonları kinetik olarak karşılaştırıldığında Ni’in hem Co hem de Fe’e göre öncelikli olarak kaplanması beklenebilir. Ancak anormal kaplama davranışı gereği Ni kaplama, Co ve/veya Fe kaplama tarafından yasaklanmaktadır ki benzer durum Co ile Fe arasında da mevcuttur. Normal alaşım kaplamaya göre ilginç olan bu kaplama davranışı sonucunda endüstriyel anlamda istenilen manyetik özelliklere sahip ikili ve üçlü demir grubu alaşımlar üretilebilmektedir. Anormal kaplama olarak ifade edilen bu sıradışı kaplama olayının mekanizmasına açıklık getirebilmek adına günümüze kadar süregelen çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalarda araştırmacıların hemfikir olduğu nokta termodinamik olarak soy olan metalin kaplanmasının daha az soy olan metal tarafından engellendiğidir. Bu çalışmada alaşım kaplama yöntemlerinden biri olan elektrokaplama yöntemi kısaca tanıtılmıştır. Bunu takiben literatürde yeralan ikili ve üçlü demir grubu alaşımların elektrokaplamasına özgü anormal kaplama davranışını açıklamaya yönelik çalışmalar özetlenmiştir.   Anahtar Kelimeler: Elektrokaplama, anormal kaplama, manyetik alaşımlar, ince film.Electrodeposition, also known as electroplating, refers to the process where a thin film of metal is deposited onto a conductive substrate under an applied current. The electrodeposition of alloys on a substrate requires the simultaneous deposition of two or more metals. Electrodeposition is both a cost-effective and simple method to produce thin film materials (such as NiFe, CoNi, CoFe and NiCoFe). Nickel, cobalt and iron, ( iron-group metals), and their alloys are important engineering materials in many applications because of their unique magnetic, corrosion and wear-resistance, thermophysical and electrocatalytic properties. For example,  NiFe and NiCoFe alloys are strong candidates for application in high density magnetic recording heads due to their high saturation flux density and low coercivity. These functional materials are usually prepared by electroplating because this technique is often much cheaper and simpler than other methods. In addition, advantages of electrodeposition include low deposition temperature and the simplicity of the required apparatus. The magnetic properties of these materials are seriously affected by their composition and structure thus, reliable control of these properties for the iron-group alloys is important for their wide applications. The standard equilibrium potentials of Ni, Co, and Fe are 0.25, 0.27, and 0.44 V vs. the normal hydrogen electrode (NHE), respectively. Therefore from a thermodynamic consideration Ni is the most noble of the three metals. On the basis of these values, in normal codeposition, nickel is expected to electroplate preferentially to cobalt and cobalt preferentially to iron. When these metals are plated individually, the kinetics of the electrodeposition of individual metals follows the trend expected from the standard equilibrium potential. However, when Fe is present in the same solution with either Ni, Co or both ions, there is often potential range where the rate of Fe deposition exceeds the rate of Ni and Co deposition occurs. The called anomalous codeposition of iron group metals is characterized by the less noble metal deposition preferentially to the nobler one. In other words, the reduction of nickel is inhibited while the deposition of iron and/or cobalt are enhanced when compared with their individual deposition rates. The study on the anomalous deposition of the iron-group alloys can be traced back to 1927. The mechanism of anomalous codeposition of iron group metals has been studied by many researchers and several hypotheses have been presented in the literature. Although many models have been proposed in the literature, the exact mechanism of the anomalous codeposition process is still not well understood. Anomalous codeposition is a term first introduced by Brenner for binary alloy system, such as NiCo, NiFe and ZnNi. Among these, the NiFe system is most studied. One of the earlier explanations of anomalous codeposition in NiFe binary system was put forth by Dahms and Croll. Their model based upon the inhibition of nickel reduction due to the formation of the hydroxide of the less noble metal, Fe(OH)2. The hydroxide is considered stable because of the high pH calculated at the electrode surface. Andricacos and coworkers were the first to systematically examine the role of hydrodynamics in the deposition process of NiFe binary alloy. In their study, iron came under mass transport limitations at high enough currents. The nickel deposition inhibition was seen to increase with increasing rotation rate. Recent studies of NiFe have utilized this theory; both Hesssami and Tobias and Grande and Talbot have focused on the discharging of the monohydroxyl ion on the electrode surface. The most widely accepted explanation for the anomalous codepostion is that precipitation of ferrous hydroxides on the cathode, caused by an increase in the pH due to hydrogen evolution, inhibits Ni and/or Co reductions. The anomalous codeposition of iron group metal is still not completely understood. Therefore, it would be of academic interest to conduct research of the anomalous codeposition of the iron group metal in order to obtain understanding of the factors that control the anomaly of Fe and Co deposition in the codeposition process. This could allow researcher to control the rates of deposition of the individual metal component in the NiCoFe alloys. As a result, it would lead to better control of the physical, mechanical and magnetic properties of electrodeposited iron group alloys. Keywords: Electroplating, anomalous coating, magnetic alloys, thin film

    Our results in treatment of acut hand burns

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    1986-1991 yılları arasında GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Plastik Cerrahi Kliniği ve Yanık Merkezinde yatırılarak tedavi edilen 64 olgudaki 90 el yanığı retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Akut el yanıklarının tedavisinde; hastanın yaşı, mesleği, genel durumu, yanığın genişliği, lokalizasyon, derinliği, eşlik eden yaralanmalar göz önüne alınmış kişiye uygun tedavi seçilerek uygulanmıştır. Elde ettiğimiz sonuçlar literatür verilerinin ışığında gözden geçirilmiştir.We reviewed 90 hand bums in 64 patients who admitted GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital Plastic Surgery Dept. and Bum Centre between 1986-1991. In the treatment of the acute hand bums; age, occupation, general health, depth and extent of the bum, localization and accompanying travma are all considered and best therapeutique choices were performed. Results were reviewed under the light of literature

    The Relatıonshıp Between Trunk Muscle Endurance, Respıratory Functıons, Respıratory Muscle Strength And Level Of Physıcal Actıvıty

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı solunum kas enduransı, solunum fonksiyon testi değerleri ve gövde kas enduransı arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma yaşları 20 ile 36 arasında değişen 60 sağlıklı gönüllü üzerinde yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan olguların 27'si kadın, 33'ü erkekti. Olguların, solunum kas kuvveti, gövde kas enduransları, solunum fonksiyon testi değerleri ve fiziksel aktiviye düzeyleri değerlendirildi. Solunum kas kuvveti ve solunum fonksiyon testleri Cosmed marka, Pony Fx model masaüstü spirometre ile yapıldı. Bireylerin gövde kas enduransları prone bridge, side bridge, fleksör endurans ve sorensen test ile değerlendirildi. Fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri ise uluslararası fiziksel aktivite anketi ile belirlendi. Sonuçlara göre solunum kas kuvveti değerleri ile prone bridge ve side bridge testleri arasında pozitif yönde ilişki bulunmuştur (p< 0,05). FVC % ve FEV1 % ile gövde kas endurans testleri arasında da pozitif ilişki gösterilmiştir (p< 0,05). Fiziksel aktivite ile prone bridge, side bridge ve sorensen test arasında yine pozitif yönde ilişki bulunurken, fleksör endurans test ile bir ilişkiye rastlanmamıştır (p< 0,05). Sonuçlara göre solunum parametleri ile kor stabilizasyonu sağlayan kasların enduransı arasında bir ilişki olduğu, gövde kas enduransı egzersizlerinin solunum değerlerine pozitif yönde etki edebileceği söylenebilirThe purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between respiratory muscle endurance, pulmonary function test values and trunk muscle endurance. The study was conducted on 60 healthy volunteers ranging in age from 20 to 36 years. 27 woman and 33 men participated in the study. Respiratory muscle strength, trunk muscle endurance, pulmonary function test values and physical activity levels were evaluated for the subjects participating in the study. Respiratory muscle strength and respiratory function tests were performed with a Cosmed Pony Fx portable spirometer. Trunk muscle endurances of the individuals were evaluated by prone bridge, side bridge, flexor endurance and sorensen test. Physical activity levels were determined by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. According to the results, respiratory muscle strength values were positively correlated with prone bridge and side bridge tests (p<0,05). The positive correlation between FVC% and FEV1% and trunk endurance tests was shown (p<0,05). There was a positive relationship between physical activity and prone bridge, side bridge, and sorensen test, but no association with flexor endurance test (p<0,05). According to the results, there is a connection between respiratory parameters and core stabilization, it can be said that traning of trunk muscle endurance may have a positive effect on respiratory values

    Reliance on double pedicle TRAM flap technique in breast reconstruction based on mammographic evidence

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    Breast reconstruction is now a part of the overall treatment of breast cancer. Its main drawback is rather the suspicion to conceal any probable recurrence. Fat necrosis is a particularly important finding because it can be mistaken for a local recurrence. Alternatively, local recurrences may be dismissed as areas of fat necrosis. Fat necrosis is a relatively minor complication of TRAM flap breast reconstruction but one that can induce anxiety, expense, and inconvenience for patients and concerns about tumor recurrence. The techniques selected for reconstruction must carry the least risks for these awful complications

    Light Quality Control with Artificial Neural Networks

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    Bir aydınlatma sisteminde zaman içerisinde aydınlatma elemanlarının verimlerinin düşmesi, yıpranma, kirlenme, tozlanma gibi etkenler, çalışma düzlemi üzerindeki aydınlık düzeyi dağılımı üzerinde olumsuz yönde etkiye sahiptirler. Zaman içerisinde aydınlatma sistemlerinde ortaya çıkan bu olumsuzluklar hem enerji tüketimi hem de ergonomik çalışma koşulları açısından pek çok olumsuzluklara sebep olur. Sağlıklı çalışma ortamlarının oluşturulabilmesi için ise yeterli ve kararlı bir aydınlık düzeyinin sağlanması şarttır. Bir aydınlatma sisteminin kurulum aşamasından bir süre sonra o ortamdaki aydınlık düzeyi dağılımını ölçmek uzun ve yorucu bir iştir. Bu çalışmada; Aydınlatma kavramı yapay sinir ağları başlığı adı altında farklı açılardan incelenerek, iç mekânlardaki aydınlık kalitesini belirlemek amacıyla yapay sinir ağları kullanılmıştır. Klasik hesaplama yöntemiyle mümkün olmayan, ölçme cihazlarıyla uzun zaman alan ölçümler, yapay sinir ağı sayesinde kısa bir sürede, minimum hata oranı ile tahmin edilmiş ve tahminler Matlab ortamında üç boyutlu olarak modellenmiştir. Böylelikle aydınlatma sistemlerinin karmaşık ve uzun zaman alan bakımlarının daha az sürede ve daha güvenilir bir şekilde yapılması sağlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada, aydınlatma düzeyinin ve kalitesinin tahmininde yapay sinir ağlarının ne ölçüde başarılı olduğu gözlemlenip hem ekonomiklik hem de kullanım açısından daha doğru sonuçlara ulaşıldığı görülmüştür

    Reliance on double pedicle TRAM flap technique in breast reconstruction based on mammographic evidence

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    Breast reconstruction is now a part of the overall treatment of breast cancer. Its main drawback is rather the suspicion to conceal any probable recurrence. Fat necrosis is a particularly important finding because it can be mistaken for a local recurrence. Alternatively, local recurrences may be dismissed as areas of fat necrosis. Fat necrosis is a relatively minor complication of TRAM flap breast reconstruction but one that can induce anxiety, expense, and inconvenience for patients and concerns about tumor recurrence. The techniques selected for reconstruction must carry the least risks for these awful complications. 15 breast cancer cases were treated in our center by using Bostwick&#x2032;s principles. These include double-pedicle technique in cases with one or two risk factors and added vascular delay two weeks prior to this procedure in cases with more risk factors. During the follow up period, neither the patients nor her physicians experienced any nodules in their treatment sites clinically. One case is the only exception that she felt hardness but it softened. Mammographically, no images of fat necrosis were observed in any of the cases. In contrary to other studies reporting no advantages of double pedicle technique to lessen the risk for fat necrosis, we observed fat necrosis only in one of 15 cases. This may be because both sides of the flap are supplied axially and delay procedures are added in high risk patients

    The use of scalp as a donor site for pediatric burn patients to obtain split thickness skin graft

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    Amaç: Pediatrik yanıklı hastaların tedavisinde kısmi kalınlıkta deri grefti (KKDG) yaygın olarak uygulanmaktadır. KKDG, sıklıkla uyluk ve kalça bölgesinden alınmaktadır. Bu hastalarda, uzun iyileşme periyodu ve kalıcı iz oluşumu gibi önemli morbiditelerle karşılaşılmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2002 ile Aralık 2008 yılları arasında saçlı derinin KKDG donör alanı olarak kullanıldığı 86 pediatrik yanıklı hasta geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Saçlı derinin iyileşme zamanının konvansiyonel KKGD donör alanlarından daha hızlı olduğu saptandı. Ayrıca, bu tekniğin operasyon sonrası ortaya çı- kan rahatsızlıkları azaltmak, tekrarlayan greft alımına olanak sağlamak ve görünen izi saklamak gibi önemli avantajları mevcuttu. Sonuç:Bu çalışmada, skalp donör alanının pediatrik yanıklı hastalarda düşük morbiditeye sahip güvenli bir alan olduğu düşünüldü.Aim: To treat the pediatric burn patients, split thickness skin grafting (STSG) is used widespreadly. STSG is frequently taken from the thigh or buttock. Some serious donor site morbidities such as long healing period and permanent scars are seen in these patients. Materials and Method: We retrospectively analyzed 86 pediatric burn patients in wich scalp was used as a donor-site of STSG between January 2002 and November 2008. Results: We determined that the healing time of the scalp is more rapid than conventional STSG donor site. Furthermore, this technique had important advantages such as to minimize postoperative discomforts, to allow repetitive graft harvesting and to camouflage visible scar. Conclusion: In our study, we revealed that scalp donor sites were dependable areas with low morbidity in pediatric burn patients

    Reliance on double pedicle TRAM flap technique in breast reconstruction based on mammographic evidence

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    Breast reconstruction is now a part of the overall treatment of breast cancer. Its main drawback is rather the suspicion to conceal any probable recurrence. Fat necrosis is a particularly important finding because it can be mistaken for a local recurrence. Alternatively, local recurrences may be dismissed as areas of fat necrosis. Fat necrosis is a relatively minor complication of TRAM flap breast reconstruction but one that can induce anxiety, expense, and inconvenience for patients and concerns about tumor recurrence. The techniques selected for reconstruction must carry the least risks for these awful complications. 15 breast cancer cases were treated in our center by using Bostwick's principles. These include double-pedicle technique in cases with one or two risk factors and added vascular delay two weeks prior to this procedure in cases with more risk factors. During the follow up period, neither the patients nor her physicians experienced any nodules in their treatment sites clinically. One case is the only exception that she felt hardness but it softened. Mammographically, no images of fat necrosis were observed in any of the cases. In contrary to other studies reporting no advantages of double pedicle technique to lessen the risk for fat necrosis, we observed fat necrosis only in one of 15 cases. This may be because both sides of the flap are supplied axially and delay procedures are added in high risk patients