3 research outputs found

    Gastric cancer in Ecuador - current situation

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    Gastric cancer is one of the most frequent cancers and has the worst prognosis worldwide, with a 5-year survival rate of only 15% worldwide. Almost one million new cases are diagnosed each year in the world, representing the fourth cause of death from cancer in the world. And in Guayaquil in 2015, nearly 300 new cases were diagnosed, being the most up-to-date figures in our environment

    Management of Enterocutaneous Fistula with VAC therapy. Case report and literature review

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    Enterocutaneous fistulas are a rare complication of the usual abdominal-intestinal surgical practice that represent a challenge for the surgeon in his treatment that is generally stagnant due to the progressive deterioration of the condition of the patient suffering from the fistula. There are multiple treatment modalities and accepted schemes. In recent years, VAC therapy has gained ground in this pathology,We presenting the case of a 60-year-old man who presented enterocutaneous fistula after ileostomy closure as a postoperative complication, which is managed with therapy. VAC

    Invaginación de intestino delgado en un adulto, rara urgencia quirúrgica. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Intussusception or intussusception in the adult corresponds to a rare etiology of intestinal obstruction representing only 0.08% of abdominal surgeries in the world, unlike its presentation in childhood most of these have an underlying organic cause. We present the case of a 55-year-old middle-aged woman with no underlying pathology who presented with repetitive symptoms of intestinal pseudo-occlusion. With the help of imaging studies, the site of obstruction was visualized and she underwent exploratory laparotomy where small bowel invagination was evidenced due to a tumorous process, resection and anastomosis were performed with a rapid recovery and then small bowel adenocarcinoma was confirmed. In conclusion, we must take into account that this rare pathology could occur in patients with signs of occlusion not so clear in order to offer an effective and timely surgical treatment.La invaginación o intususcepción intestinal en el adulto corresponde a una rara etiología de obstrucción intestinal representando únicamente el 0.08% de las cirugías abdominales en el mundo, a diferencia de su presentación en la infancia la mayoría de estas tienen una causa subyacente orgánica. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de mediana edad de 55 años sin patología subyacente que se presenta con síntomas repetitivos de pseudo oclusión intestinal, con ayuda de estudios de imágenes se logra visualizar lugar de obstrucción y se somete a laparotomía exploratoria en donde se evidencia invaginación de intestino delgado debido a proceso tumoral de este, se realiza resección y anastomosis con una recuperación rápida y luego se confirma adenocarcinoma de intestino delgado. En conclusión, debemos tomar en cuenta que esta rara patología se podría presentar en pacientes con signos de oclusión no tan clara para poder ofrecer un tratamiento quirúrgico eficaz y oportuno