61 research outputs found

    Modified Clebsch-Gordan-type expansions for products of discrete hypergeometric polynomials

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    Starting from the second-order difference hypergeometric equation satisfied by the set of discrete orthogonal polynomials ∗pn∗, we find the analytical expressions of the expansion coefficients of any polynomial rm(x) and of the product rm(x)qj(x) in series of the set ∗pn∗. These coefficients are given in terms of the polynomial coefficients of the second-order difference equations satisfied by the involved discrete hypergeometric polynomials. Here qj(x) denotes an arbitrary discrete hypergeometric polynomial of degree j. The particular cases in which ∗rm∗ corresponds to the non-orthogonal families ∗xm∗, the rising factorials or Pochhammer polynomials ∗(x)m∗ and the falling factorial or Stirling polynomials ∗x[m]∗ are considered in detail. The connection problem between discrete hypergeometric polynomials, which here corresponds to the product case with m = 0, is also studied and its complete solution for all the classical discrete orthogonal hypergeometric (CDOH) polynomials is given. Also, the inversion problems of CDOH polynomials associated to the three aforementioned nonorthogonal families are solved.Dirección General de Enseñanza SuperiorJunta de Andalucí

    Fisher information of special functions and second-order differential equations

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    We investigate a basic question of information theory, namely the evaluation of the Fisher information and the relative Fisher information with respect to a nonnegative function, for the probability distributions obtained by squaring the special functions of mathematical physics which are solutions of second-order differential equations. Emphasis is made in the Nikiforov-Uvarov hypergeometric-type functions. We obtain explicit expressions for these information-theoretic properties via the expectation values of the coefficients of the differential equation. We illustrate our approach for various special functions of physico-mathematical interest

    Evaluating Urban Regeneration Policies. Methodological Proposal to Delimitate Experimental and Equivalent Urban Areas

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    El presente artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica para la delimitación de áreas territoriales aplicando una estrategia de corte cuasi-experimental, comparando las áreas en las que se ha desarrollado algún proyecto de regeneración urbana llamadas “áreas experimentales” con otras similares en las que no se ha desarrollado ningún proyecto, denominadas “áreas equivalentes”. Esta metodología es el paso previo necesario para el análisis de los efectos de los programas de regeneración urbana, que permitirá posteriormente comparar la evolución en el tiempo de pares semejantes entre sí (área experimental y área equivalente). En primer lugar, se explica el objetivo que subyace a la delimitación de estas áreas territoriales. En segundo lugar, se describe la metodología utilizada para seleccionar las áreas equivalentes. En tercer lugar, se presentan los resultados, esto es, la delimitación de áreas experimentales y equivalentes. . Por último, mediante procedimientos estadísticos concretos, análisis de varianza o ANOVA de un factor, se validan los resultados obtenidos. El trabajo se centra en las ciudades andaluzas de más de 100 mil habitantes en las que se han ejecutado proyectos de regeneración urbana.This article analyses a methodological proposal for the delimitation of territorial areas applying a quasi-experimental strategy, comparing areas where projects have been developed based in urban regeneration called “experimental areas” with similar ones without any project, called “equivalent areas”. This methodology is a necessary previous step to analyze the effect of programs about urban regeneration, which will allow subsequently to compare the evolution of similar pairs among themselves (experimental and equivalent areas). Firstly, we explain the underlying objective of delimitation in these territorial areas. Secondly, the methodology used to select the equivalent areas is described. Thirdly, the results are presented, it means, the delimitation of experimental and equivalent areas. Finally, through means of specific statistical procedures, analysis of variance or ANOVA of a factor, the obtained results are validated. The work is focused on Andalusian cities with a population over 100.000 inhabitants in which urban regeneration projects have been implemented.Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía GGI30011/DIYFEDER GGI30011/DI

    Non-Uniform Spline Quasi-Interpolation to Extract the Series Resistance in Resistive Switching Memristors for Compact Modeling Purposes

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    This research was funded by the Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidad, Junta de Andalucia (Spain) and the FEDER programme under projects A.TIC.117.UGR18 and IE2017-5414.An advanced new methodology is presented to improve parameter extraction in resistive memories. The series resistance and some other parameters in resistive memories are obtained, making use of a two-stage algorithm, where the second one is based on quasi-interpolation on nonuniform partitions. The use of this latter advanced mathematical technique provides a numerically robust procedure, and in this manuscript, we focus on it. The series resistance, an essential parameter to characterize the circuit operation of resistive memories, is extracted from experimental curves measured in devices based on hafnium oxide as their dielectric layer. The experimental curves are highly non-linear, due to the underlying physics controlling the device operation, so that a stable numerical procedure is needed. The results also allow promising expectations in the massive extraction of new parameters that can help in the characterization of the electrical device behavior.Junta de AndaluciaEuropean Commission A.TIC.117.UGR18 IE2017-541

    Environmental Sustainability in Information Technologies Governance

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    [Abstract] In the present day, many risk factors affect the continuity of a business. However, this situation produces a conducive atmosphere to approach alternatives that relieve this situation for organizations. Within these alternatives, environmental sustainability (ES) and information technologies governance (IT governance or ITG) stand out. Both alternatives allow organizations to address intrinsically common issues such as strategic alignment, generation of value, mechanisms for performance improvement, risk management and resource management. This article focuses on the fusion of both alternatives, determining to what extent current ITG models consider ES issues. With this purpose, the strategy followed was firstly to identify the relevant factors of ES present in the main approaches of the domain (ISO14001, GRI G4, EMAS, SGE21 and ISO26000). As a result, we identified 27 activities and 103 sub-activities of ES. Next, as the second main objective, we determined which of those factors are present in the main current ITG approaches (COBIT5, ISO38500 and WEILL & ROSS). Finally, we concluded through a quantitative study that COBIT5 is the most sustainable (i.e., the one that incorporates more ES issues) ITG approach

    A metrology-based approach for measuring the social dimension of cognitive trust in collaborative networks

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-018-0483-1[Abstract]: This paper addresses the measurement of the social dimension of cognitive trust in collaborative networks. Trust indicators are typically measured and combined in literature in order to calculate partners’ trustworthiness. When expressing the result of a measurement, some quantitative indication of the quality of the result—the uncertainty of measurement—should be given. However, currently this is not taken into account for the measurement of the social dimension of cognitive trust in collaborative networks. In view of this, an innovative metrology-based approach for the measurement of social cognitive trust indicators in collaborative networks is presented. Thus, a measurement result is always accompanied by its uncertainty of measurement, as well as by information traditionally used to properly interpret the results: the sample size, and the standard deviation of the sample

    Evaluating Urban Regeneration Policies. Methodological Proposal to Delimitate Experimental and Equivalent Urban Areas

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    This article analyses a methodological proposal for the delimitation of territorial areas applying a quasi-experimental strategy, comparing areas where projects have been developed based in urban regeneration called “experimental areas” with similar ones without any project, called “equivalent areas”. This methodology is a necessary previous step to analyze the effect of programs about urban regeneration, which will allow subsequently to compare the evolution of similar pairs among themselves (experimental and equivalent areas). Firstly, we explain the underlying objective of delimitation in these territorial areas. Secondly, the methodology used to select the equivalent areas is described. Thirdly, the results are presented, it means, the delimitation of experimental and equivalent areas. Finally, through means of specific statistical procedures, analysis of variance or ANOVA of a factor, the obtained results are validated. The work is focused on Andalusian cities with a population over 100.000 inhabitants in which urban regeneration projects have been implemente