46 research outputs found

    Toxoplasmosis tanısında "Yakalama" ELISA IgM yönteminin geliştirilmesi ve ticari kit ile karşılaştırılması

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    False positive and false negative results are very common with the indirect ELISA IgM test used routinely in the diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis. Capture ELISA IgM is known to have higher specificity and sensitivity. We compared indirect ELISA IgM and capture T46 ELISA IgM tests with a commercial kit Toxonostica IgM II;reg; (Organon) in the diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis. For this purpose, the 268 serum samples were first examined with indirect ELISA IgM prepared in our laboratory. Then, these sera were evaluated by capture T46 ELISA IgM and the commercial kit Toxonostica IgM II;reg;. of these samples, 44 had been found to be positive and 124, negative previously. When the results obtained by Toxonostica IgM II are regarded as standard, the specificities and sensitivities were 50% and 73% with our indirect ELISA IgM, and 95% and 78% with the capture T46 IgM, respectively. in Turkey, it is not possible to test all samples routinely with commercial kits due to their high cost and unavailability. Therefore, the development of tests with high sensitivity and specificity can be used widely and will be valuable for primary diagnosis. Our capture T46 ELISA IgM test, gave significantly better results in comparison to indirect ELISA IgM, and showed no significant difference from the commercial test Toxonostika IgM II;reg;. These data suggest that our capture T46 ELISA IgM test can be used routinely in the diagnosis of acute toxoplasmosis.Akut toxoplasmosis tanısında Toxoplasma gondii'ye karşı IgM antikorlarının saptanabilmesi için rutinde sıklıkla uygulanan "dolaylı" ELISA yöntemlerinde yanlış pozitif ve negatif sonuçlar alınabilmektedir. Yakalama (capture) ilkesine dayanan ELISA IgM yöntemleri ile daha yüksek duyarlılık ve özgüllük sağlanabileceği belirtilmektedir. Bu çalışmada akut toxoplasmosisin tanısında "dolaylı" Toxoplasma ELISA IgM ve "yakalama" T46 ELISA IgM yöntemi, ticari bir kit olan Toxonostika IgM II (Organon) yöntemi ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, laboratuvarımızda hazırlanan "dolaylı" ELISA-IgM yöntemi ile önceden saptanan 144 pozitif ve 124 negatif olmak üzere, toplam 268 serum örneği, diğer iki yöntem ile de değerlendirilmiştir. Toxonostika IgM II kitine göre "dolaylı" ELISA IgM yönteminin duyarlılığı %73, özgüllüğü %50, laboratuvarımızda hazırlanan "yakalama" T46 ELISA IgM yönteminin ise duyarlılığı %78, özgüllüğü %95 olarak saptanmıştır. Ülkemizde ticari kitlerin sağlanmasındaki güçlükler ve maliyetin yüksek olması, özgül ve duyarlı yöntemlerin rutinde kullanımını sınırlamaktadır. Bu nedenle akut toxoplasmosis tanısında duyarlılığı ve özgüllüğü yüksek tanı testlerinin geliştirilmesi, yöntemlerin yaygınlaşmasını ve tanıda ilk basamakta kullanılmalarını sağlayabilir. Çalışmamızda yakalama yöntemleri ile dolaylı yöntem arasında anlamlı fark saptanırken, T46 ELISA IgM ile Toxonostika IgM II kiti arasında anlamlı bir fark saptanmaması bu düşünceyi desteklemektedir

    Lung Microbiota: Its Relationship to Respiratory System Diseases and Approaches for Lung-Targeted Probiotic Bacteria Delivery

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    Microorganisms that make up the local microbiota (suchas Lactobacillus sp. and Bifidobacterium sp.)play a crucial role in the modulation of diseases and health statesby taking place not only in the gut but also in many parts of ourbody. There is also interference between the gut and the lung viathe gut-lung axis. The relationship between respiratory diseasesand lung microbiota, which become more of an issue of particular importancein recent years, shows that probiotics play an essential role in maintainingthe balance of microorganisms in the respiratory tract. However, studieson probiotics' prophylactic or therapeutic application in chroniclung diseases are limited. In this review, the literature between1977 and 2022 was surveyed. General information about human microbiotawas accessed in earlier sources, and especially in the past decade,research on lung microbiota has been reached. The relationship betweenlung microbiota and important respiratory diseases such as bronchopulmonarydysplasia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, cysticfibrosis, allergy-asthma, influenza, lung cancer, and COVID-19 infection,was scrutinized after mentioning human microbiota, the gut-lungaxis, and respiratory tract microbiota. The mechanism of action ofprobiotics and the formulation approaches of probiotics in terms ofpharmaceutical technology were reviewed. Finally, future perspectiveson lung-targeted administration of probiotic bacteria with prophylacticor therapeutic potential, or both, were presented

    A binary chaotic horse herd optimization algorithm for feature selection

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    One of the most challenging and common problems in machine learning is the Feature Selection (FS) process, which reduces the dataset size by finding optimal subsets of features. The Horse Herd Optimization Algorithm (HOA) is a new metaheuristic algorithm created by modeling the herd behavior of horses and developed for large scale optimization problems. This paper proposes the binary version of the HOA as a wrapper FS method to solve the FS problem. The proposed algorithm is a binary chaotic horse herd optimization algorithm for feature selection (BCHOAFS). The proposed BCHOAFS is applied to select the optimal feature combination that maximizes classification accuracy while minimizing the number of selected features. Classifier algorithms from machine learning algorithms were used to test the accuracy of the reduced subsets. The proposed method was named binary horse herd optimization for feature selection (BHOAFS) before adding chaotic maps; the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were tested as separate classifiers. It has been seen that k-NN classification accuracy gives better results than SVM. The BHOAFS-kNN method using the k-NN classification was combined with five chaotic maps and named as BCHOAFS-Logistics, BCHOAFS-Piecewise, BCHOAFS-Singer, BCHOAFS-Sinusoidal, BCHOAFS-Tent. The BCHOAFS versions were run on datasets consisting of 18 different sizes and quality datasets (i.e., low scale, medium scale, and large scale) taken from the UCI repository and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms in previous studies. The results prove that the proposed version, especially with the BCHOAFS-Piecewise and the BCHOAFS-Singer chaotic map outperforms or competes with well-known methods. The proof of the proposed approach’s statistical significance has been validated using the Friedman Signed Rank test and post hoc Wilcoxon test. The novelty of BCHOAFS is that HOA, which is an optimization algorithm specially designed for large scale data, is the first binary chaotic-based algorithm developed for feature selection problems. It also proposes a new local search strategy called Similarity Measurement Function (SMF). As a result, versions of the proposed algorithm BCHOAFS can be used for the FS problem

    Decision Support Systems: Usage And Applications In Logistics Services

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    Competitive advantage in logistics operations is possible by analyzing data to create information and turning that information into decision. Supply chain optimization depends on effective management of chain knowledge. Analyzing data from supply chain and making a decision creates complex operations. Therefore, these operations require benefitting from information technology. In today’s global world, businesses use outsourcing for logistics services to focus on their own field, so are seeking to achieve competitive advantage against competitors. Outsourcing requires sharing of various information and data with companies that provide logistical support. Effective strategies are based on well-analyzed the data and information. Best options for right decisions can be created only from good analysis. That’s why companies that supply logistics services achieve competitive advantage using decision support systems (DSS) in industrial competition. In short, DSS has become driving force for every business in today’s knowledge-based economy