619 research outputs found

    Structural correlates of antimicrobial efficacy in IL-8 and related human kinocidins

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    AbstractChemokines are small (8–12 kDa) effector proteins that potentiate leukocyte chemonavigation. Beyond this role, certain chemokines have direct antimicrobial activity against human pathogenic organisms; such molecules are termed kinocidins. The current investigation was designed to explore the structure–activity basis for direct microbicidal activity of kinocidins. Amino acid sequence and 3-dimensional analyses demonstrated these molecules to contain iterations of the conserved γ-core motif found in broad classes of classical antimicrobial peptides. Representative CXC, CC and C cysteine-motif-group kinocidins were tested for antimicrobial activity versus human pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Results demonstrate that these molecules exert direct antimicrobial activity in vitro, including antibacterial activity of native IL-8 and MCP-1, and microbicidal activity of native IL-8. To define molecular determinants governing its antimicrobial activities, the IL-8 γ-core (IL-8γ) and α-helical (IL-8α) motifs were compared to native IL-8 for antimicrobial efficacy in vitro. Microbicidal activity recapitulating that of native IL-8 localized to the autonomous IL-8α motif in vitro, and demonstrated durable microbicidal activity in human blood and blood matrices ex vivo. These results offer new insights into the modular architecture, context-related deployment and function, and evolution of host defense molecules containing γ-core motifs and microbicidal helices associated with antimicrobial activity

    Context Mediates Antimicrobial Efficacy of Kinocidin Congener Peptide RP-1

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    Structure-mechanism relationships are key determinants of host defense peptide efficacy. These relationships are influenced by anatomic, physiologic and microbiologic contexts. Structure-mechanism correlates were assessed for the synthetic peptide RP-1, modeled on microbicidal domains of platelet kinocidins. Antimicrobial efficacies and mechanisms of action against susceptible (S) or resistant (R) Salmonella typhimurium (ST), Staphylococcus aureus (SA), and Candida albicans (CA) strain pairs were studied at pH 7.5 and 5.5. Although RP-1 was active against all study organisms, it exhibited greater efficacy against bacteria at pH 7.5, but greater efficacy against CA at pH 5.5. RP-1 de-energized SA and CA, but caused hyperpolarization of ST in both pH conditions. However, RP-1 permeabilized STS and CA strains at both pH, whereas permeabilization was modest for STR or SA strain at either pH. Biochemical analysis, molecular modeling, and FTIR spectroscopy data revealed that RP-1 has indistinguishable net charge and backbone trajectories at pH 5.5 and 7.5. Yet, concordant with organism-specific efficacy, surface plasmon resonance, and FTIR, molecular dynamics revealed modest helical order increases but greater RP-1 avidity and penetration of bacterial than eukaryotic lipid systems, particularly at pH 7.5. The present findings suggest that pH– and target–cell lipid contexts influence selective antimicrobial efficacy and mechanisms of RP-1 action. These findings offer new insights into selective antimicrobial efficacy and context–specificity of antimicrobial peptides in host defense, and support design strategies for potent anti-infective peptides with minimal concomitant cytotoxicity

    PACAP is a pathogen-inducible resident antimicrobial neuropeptide affording rapid and contextual molecular host defense of the brain

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    Defense of the central nervous system (CNS) against infection must be accomplished without generation of potentially injurious immune cell-mediated or off-target inflammation which could impair key functions. As the CNS is an immune-privileged compartment, inducible innate defense mechanisms endogenous to the CNS likely play an essential role in this regard. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a neuropeptide known to regulate neurodevelopment, emotion, and certain stress responses. While PACAP is known to interact with the immune system, its significance in direct defense of brain or other tissues is not established. Here, we show that our machine-learning classifier can screen for immune activity in neuropeptides, and correctly identified PACAP as an antimicrobial neuropeptide in agreement with previous experimental work. Furthermore, synchrotron X-ray scattering, antimicrobial assays, and mechanistic fingerprinting provided precise insights into how PACAP exerts antimicrobial activities vs. pathogens via multiple and synergistic mechanisms, including dysregulation of membrane integrity and energetics and activation of cell death pathways. Importantly, resident PACAP is selectively induced up to 50-fold in the brain in mouse models of Staphylococcus aureus or Candida albicans infection in vivo, without inducing immune cell infiltration. We show differential PACAP induction even in various tissues outside the CNS, and how these observed patterns of induction are consistent with the antimicrobial efficacy of PACAP measured in conditions simulating specific physiologic contexts of those tissues. Phylogenetic analysis of PACAP revealed close conservation of predicted antimicrobial properties spanning primitive invertebrates to modern mammals. Together, these findings substantiate our hypothesis that PACAP is an ancient neuro-endocrine-immune effector that defends the CNS against infection while minimizing potentially injurious neuroinflammation

    Ecto-5′-Nucleotidase: A Candidate Virulence Factor in Streptococcus sanguinis Experimental Endocarditis

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    Streptococcus sanguinis is the most common cause of infective endocarditis (IE). Since the molecular basis of virulence of this oral commensal bacterium remains unclear, we searched the genome of S. sanguinis for previously unidentified virulence factors. We identified a cell surface ecto-5′-nucleotidase (Nt5e), as a candidate virulence factor. By colorimetric phosphate assay, we showed that S. sanguinis Nt5e can hydrolyze extracellular adenosine triphosphate to generate adenosine. Moreover, a nt5e deletion mutant showed significantly shorter lag time (P<0.05) to onset of platelet aggregation than the wild-type strain, without affecting platelet-bacterial adhesion in vitro (P = 0.98). In the absence of nt5e, S. sanguinis caused IE (4 d) in a rabbit model with significantly decreased mass of vegetations (P<0.01) and recovered bacterial loads (log10CFU, P = 0.01), suggesting that Nt5e contributes to the virulence of S. sanguinis in vivo. As a virulence factor, Nt5e may function by (i) hydrolyzing ATP, a pro-inflammatory molecule, and generating adenosine, an immunosuppressive molecule to inhibit phagocytic monocytes/macrophages associated with valvular vegetations. (ii) Nt5e-mediated inhibition of platelet aggregation could also delay presentation of platelet microbicidal proteins to infecting bacteria on heart valves. Both plausible Nt5e-dependent mechanisms would promote survival of infecting S. sanguinis. In conclusion, we now show for the first time that streptococcal Nt5e modulates S. sanguinis-induced platelet aggregation and may contribute to the virulence of streptococci in experimental IE

    Searching for new strategies against biofilm infections: Colistin-AMP combinations against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus single- and double-species biofilms

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    Antimicrobial research is being pressured to look for more effective therapeutics for the ever-growing antibiotic-resistant infections, and antimicrobial peptides (AMP) and antimicrobial combinations are promising solutions. This work evaluates colistin-AMP combinations against two major pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, encompassing non- and resistant strains. Colistin (CST) combined with the AMP temporin A (TEMP-A), citropin 1.1 (CIT-1.1) and tachyplesin I linear analogue (TP-I-L) was tested against planktonic, single- and double-species biofilm cultures. Overall synergy for planktonic P. aeruginosa and synergy/additiveness for planktonic S. aureus were observed. Biofilm growth prevention was achieved with synergy and additiveness. Pre-established 24 h-old biofilms were harder to eradicate, especially for S. aureus and double-species biofilms; still, some synergy and addictiveness was observed for higher concentrations, including for the biofilms of resistant strains. Different treatment times and growth media did not greatly influence AMP activity. CST revealed low toxicity compared with the other AMP but its combinations were toxic for high concentrations. Overall, combinations reduced effective AMP concentrations, mainly in prevention scenarios. Improvement of effectiveness and toxicity of therapeutic strategies will be further investigated.The authors acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (http://www.fct.pt/), under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/B10/04469/2013 and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684). This study was also supported by FCT and the European Community fund FEDER, through Program COMPETE, and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 -Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. This work was also partially funded by the [14V105] Contract-Programme from the University of Vigo (https://mw.uvigo.gal/ uvigo_en/) and the Agrupamento INBIOMED (http://inbiomed.webs.uvigaes/) from DXPCTSUG-FEDER unha maneira de facer Europa (2012/273) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (http://ec.europleuiregionaL policy/EN/fundingierdf/) under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (WNP-POIG.01.04.00-22-052/11).). Lipopharm.pl (http://www.lipopharm.p1/) provided support in the form of salaries for authors DG and WK. The authors also acknowledge the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) (https://www.escmid.org/) for the Research Grant 2014 to Anglia Lourenco, and FCT for the PhD Grant of Paula Jorge (grant number SFRH/BD/88192/2012). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The thrombotic potential of oral pathogens

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    In recent times the concept of infectious agents playing a role in cardiovascular disease has attracted much attention. Chronic oral disease such as periodontitis, provides a plausible route for entry of bacteria to the circulation. Upon entry to the circulation, the oral bacteria interact with platelets. It has been proposed that their ability to induce platelet aggregation and support platelet adhesion is a critical step in the pathogenesis of the infection process. Many published studies have demonstrated multiple mechanisms through which oral bacteria are able to bind to and activate platelets. This paper will review the various mechanisms oral bacteria use to interact with platelets