120 research outputs found

    Contributing Factors in Increasing Health Care Associated Infection (Hai's) in Phlebitis Cases

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    Backgrounds: One significant problem in hospital is Health Care Associated Infection (HAI's) and it gives many effects on patients health status.Purpose: This study was aimed to examine the incidence rate of phlebitis, the procedures of IV insertion and the factors that influence the phlebitis case in-patient department at the hospital.Methods: The main method used in this study is descriptive explorative. Started by giving training education for 15 nursing staff , medical doctor and pharmacists. Then they were obseved in doing the procedures of IV incertion, care and documentation by Using Visual Infusion Phlebitis ( VIP) scale then followed by case studies to have clear results in describing the contribution factors which influence the phlebitis incidents.Result: 35 subjects in the experimental group and 35 subjects in the control group completed The result represents that 7 from 72 patients (9,7%) were suffer from phlebitis, 25 patients (34,7%) with IV insertion were not monitored well, 5% nurses did not do the hand washing, 78% did not use the skin perlak for preventing blood to the bed linen. The mode of desinfection direction were 44% circular, 55 % from distal to proximal part, and 11% did not do the desinfectant. 100% the nurses did not documentate the IV monitoring such as the swelling, redness, the size of IV canule and any other skin symptoms of phlebitis. Some medication, insertion side of IV canule on the metacarpal area and flushing procedures were also determinant factor that lead to phlebitis cases.Conclusion: This study conclude that the treatment, care and monitoring IV insertion is a significant and important procedures to prevent phlebitis and automatically becomes an important aspect in preventing Health Care Associated Infection (HAI's) rate in hospital

    Analisis Kontrak pada Supply Chain Industri Kecil dan Menengah

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    Pertumbuhan pesat Industri Kecil dan Menengah (IKM) sejak tahun 2005 mendorong meningkatnyapendapatan bruto di berbagai sektor nasional. Hal ini terjadi karena IKM cenderung lebih kuat dalammenghadapi terpaan badai ekonomi sehingga mampu menjadi penopang perekonomian nasional. Industrisepatu bordir adalah salah satu sektor IKM yang tumbuh dan berkembang pesat di Jawa Timur.Kompetisi diantara pelaku bisnis IKM sepatu bordir menjadi tidak terelakkan. Koordinasi diantarapelaku bisnis dalam supply chain menjadi kunci penting untuk dapat bersaing di pasar. Salah satu bentukkoordinasi supply chain yaitu adanya kontrak kerjasama diantara pelaku supply chain. Kontrak dirancangdengan tujuan meningkatkan profit, tidak hanya profit manufaktur dan riteltetapi juga profit supply chain.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kontrak kerjasama antara IKM sepatu bordir yang berperan sebagaimanufakturdengan distributor yang berperan sebagai ritel.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontrakkerjasama yang dilakukan antara IKM sepatu bordir dan ritel mengikuti modelQuantity FlexibilityContracts. Dimana pihak ritel diperbolehkan memodifikasi ordersampai pada range yang telah disepakatibersama. Kontrak ini dapat digunakan karena manufaktur yaitu IKM Sepatu Bordir dalam prosesproduksinya menerapkanflexible capacity. Bagi manufaktur kontrak ini akan meningkatkan profit yangdiperoleh seiring dengan profit supply chainnya. Ekspektasi profit yang diperoleh supply chainmerupakan penjumlahan antara ekspektasi profit pada IKM sepatu bordir dan ritel

    Analisis Metode Cycle Crossover (Cx) Dan Metode Partial Mapped Crossover (Pmx) Pada Penyelesaian Kasus Traveling Salesman Problem (Tsp)

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    Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a form of a problem in optimizing the search for the shortest route by passing through every city in exactly one time. The problem of searching the shortest route of a location can be solved by using many other optimizing algorithms. In this research, genetics algorithm was used by using two crossover methods namely cycle crossover and partial-mapped crossover. The parameters used were crossover probability and mutation probability, the sum of the city, maximum generation, the sum of the population and also threshold. In this research two testing models were used. In the first one, in order to get the generation and the best fitness it used the 80% consistency stopping criteria, and in the second one, in order to get the best testing time, it  used the 100 and 500 maximum generation stopping criteria. The result of the first test showed that PMX method is better than the CX one. This was shown through the 8 times of testing which the result was the best PMX generation was 104,0469 and the CX was 350,4563. The second test resulted that the best testing time of the PMX time was 1,1035 second and the CX method was 2,2374 second, thus, it can be concluded that the solution brought by the PMX method is considered better than the CX


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    Masyarakat yang umumnya mulai sadar akan pentingnya keterampilan dalam mengoperasikan komputerpun  berusaha mencari sumber informasi tentang tempat pelatihan komputer, yang biasanya didapatkan dari iklan-iklan di media cetak maupun elektronik selebihnya diperoleh dari mulut ke mulut. Namun hal ini, juga mempersulit masyarakat karena harus pergi mencari tempat kusrsus untuk mendaftar. Hal ini cukup memakan waktu serta biaya transportasi yang cukup besar. Oleh karena itu, perlu dibuat sebuah website yang dapat mempermudah masyarakat dalam mengakses informasi tempat pelatihan serta menghemat waktu dan biaya transportasi. Kupang Data Camp adalah salah satu tempat pelatihan komputer yang hadir sebagai media pembelajaran komputer nonformal bagi masyarakat untuk menambah keterampilan, pengetahuan, pengembangan diri dan pengembangan profesi dalam bidang komputer. Maka dari itu dibuatnya sebuah website yang dapat digunakan sebagai media promosi dan informasi, serta dapat membantu masyarakat umum dalam melakukan pendaftaran dan mengakses informasi tentang pelatihan Kupang data Camp  dengan lebih mudah dan efisien serta tidak memakan banyak waktu.&nbsp

    Pengaruh Potensi Kebangkrutan Perusahaan Publik terhadap Pergantian Auditor

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    The main objective of this paper is to examine the effect of failing firms (firms which arepotential to be bankrupt) on auditor switching. Hypothesis was derived from Schwartz and Menon (1985) which implies that failing firms have a greater tendency to switch auditors than healthier firms do. The Z score (Altman model) was used as a proxy to measure the potential of bankruptcy. This method was applied since it has been developed in several countries such as US, Germany, Brazil, Australia, England, Ireland, Canada, the Netherlands, and France. Annual report and Indonesian Capital Market Directory were used to collect the data for a sample of 7 firms that changed their auditors and 7 firms that did not. Those four-teen (14) firms have been selected as sample among firms in consumer goods industries to answer the question about the impact of firns with potential to go bankrupt on auditor switching. Chi-Square result shows that firms with potential to go bankrupt could not influence auditor switching

    The Effect of Filteret Sugarcane Juice in Egg Yolk Citrate on Viability and Spermatozoa Abnormality, and pH of Bali Catle Semen

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the sugarcane juice diluent in egg yolk citrate on viability, spermatozoa abnormality, and pH of Bali bull semen. This study has been carried out in Poultry Housing of Animal Science Study Program, and the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Timor. Semen is collected from a a bull, ± 4.5 years old, in healthy condition. The method used in this study was a completely randomized design method with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment giving are: T0 (diluent citrate-egg yolk without sugarcane juice); T1 (diluent citrate-egg yolk + 5ml sugarcane juice); T2 (diluent citrate-egg yolk + 10 ml sugarcane juice); T3 (diluent citrate-egg yolk + 15 ml sugarcane juice) and T4 (diluent citrate-yolk + sugar cane juice 20 ml). The variables measured were viability, abnormal spermatozoa, and semen pH of Bali bull. The results showed that T4 treatment with a 20 ml sugarcane juice level showed the best value for spermatozoa viability (92.875%), spermatozoa abnormality (6.375%), and semen pH (6.6). Conclusion: that the level of 20 ml of sugarcane juice in semen diluent can maintain the life of Bali bull spermatozoa

    Analisis Glimepirida Dalam Plasma Tikus

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    The aim of this research is to find the method for analyze glimepiride and itÂ’s metabolite. Glimepiride is the second generation of antidiabetic oral from the sulphonyl urea that works by stimulating the insulin secretion from beta cells of pancreas. Glimepiride is isolated from plasma the using chloroform. Using the high performance liquid chromatography method which include C18 reversed phase column, using mixture of methanol:water (50:50, v/v) as a mobile phase, flow rate 1.0 ml/minutes, detection at wavelenght 228 nm with photo diode array detector gives retention times of glimepiride in 17 minutes without any interference from endogen component of plasma and from itÂ’s metabolite. Linearity with added internal standard gliclazide was established for the range concentration 100-1000 ng/ml with coefficient of correlation (r) is 0.9977 and give the limit of quantitation of glimepiride in 50 ng/ml. The results of validation method fulfilled for the given criterias


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    Background: Stress is a condition that requires individuals to react physically, psychologically, and behaviorally to a change. Sleep quality is a measure of how well a person sleeps. Increased stress and poor sleep quality can affect nurses' health conditions (physical, psychological, behavioral) and work performance.Objective: To determine the correlation between stress levels and the sleep quality of nurses at Gotong Royong Hospital Surabaya.Methods: Cross-sectional method was carried out with a purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done online using Jotform. The stress level questionnaire used was the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and sleep quality with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). PSS results consist of mild, moderate, and severe stress, while PSQI results are good and bad sleep quality.Results: 72 people (92.3%) experienced moderate stress, and 64 (82.1%) had poor sleep quality. From the Spearmancorrelation test results, a significance value of 0.069 (p>0.05) was obtained, which means it was not significant.Conclusion: There is no correlation between stress levels and the sleep quality of nurses at Gotong Royong Hospital Surabaya

    Designing Essential Questions in the Process of Teaching and Learning to Deepen Understanding and Develop Students\u27 Awareness Toward Environment

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    Essential questions help teachers in delivering focused and meaningful lessons for students. Good essential questions will help students gaining clear understanding and developing their critical thinking skills as well as creativity. This research is aiming at designing essential questions to help teachers deepening understanding and developing students\u27 awareness towards the world\u27s greatest concern, environment. It was started with analysis of questions in the teacher and student books of the 2013 Curriculum grade V theme 1 and subtheme 1, especially those related to environmental matters. The next step was doing revisions by designing essential questions based on the criteria suggested by McTighe and Wiggins (2013). The essential questions proposed were then reviewed, graded, and given feedback by using expert judgment methods. The result showed that more than 65% questions proposed were categorized as essential questions while the remaining 35% still needed further revisions