111 research outputs found

    Characterization of Francisella species isolated from the cooling water of an air conditioning system.

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    Strains of Francisella spp. were isolated from cooling water from an air conditioning system in Guangzhou, China. These strains are Gram negative, coccobacilli, non-motile, oxidase negative, catalase negative, esterase and lipid esterase positive. In addition, these bacteria grow on cysteine-supplemented media at 20 °C to 40 °C with an optimal growth temperature of 30 °C. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that these strains belong to the genus Francisella. Biochemical tests and phylogenetic and BLAST analyses of 16S rRNA, rpoB and sdhA genes indicated that one strain was very similar to Francisella philomiragia and that the other strains were identical or highly similar to the Francisella guangzhouensis sp. nov. strain 08HL01032 we previously described. Biochemical and molecular characteristics of these strains demonstrated that multiple Francisella species exist in air conditioning systems

    Cryptosporidium rubeyi n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae) in multiple Spermophilus ground squirrel species.

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    Previously we reported the unique Cryptosporidium sp. "c" genotype (e.g., Sbey03c, Sbey05c, Sbld05c, Sltl05c) from three species of Spermophilus ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi, Spermophilus beldingi, Spermophilus lateralis) located throughout California, USA. This follow-up work characterizes the morphology and animal infectivity of this novel genotype as the final step in proposing it as a new species of Cryptosporidium. Analysis of sequences of 18S rRNA, actin, and HSP70 genes of additional Cryptosporidium isolates from recently sampled California ground squirrels (S. beecheyi) confirms the presence of the unique Sbey-c genotype in S. beecheyi. Phylogenetic and BLAST analysis indicates that the c-genotype in Spermophilus ground squirrels is distinct from Cryptosporidium species/genotypes from other host species currently available in GenBank. We propose to name this c-genotype found in Spermophilus ground squirrels as Cryptosporidium rubeyi n. sp. The mean size of C. rubeyi n. sp. oocysts is 4.67 (4.4-5.0) μm × 4.34 (4.0-5.0) μm, with a length/width index of 1.08 (n = 220). Oocysts of C. rubeyi n. sp. are not infectious to neonatal BALB/c mice and Holstein calves. GenBank accession numbers for C. rubeyi n. sp. are DQ295012, AY462233, and KM010224 for the 18S rRNA gene, KM010227 for the actin gene, and KM010229 for the HSP70 gene

    Dietary Intervention to Reduce <em>E. coli</em> Infectious Diarrhea in Young Pigs

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    Postweaning piglets are immediately imposed to remarkable environmental and psychosocial stressors, which adversely affect their intestinal development and health and predispose them to diarrhea. The ratio of postweaning mortality is 6–10% and may rise up to 20% with poor management strategies. Diarrhea per se accounts for 20–30% of cases of mortality in weanling pigs. E. coli postweaning diarrhea is one of the most important causes of postweaning diarrhea in pigs. This diarrhea is responsible for huge economic losses due to high mortality and morbidity, weight loss, and cost of medication. Burgeoning evidence suggested feed-based intervention are one of the promising measures to prevent postweaning diarrhea and to enhance overall health of weaned pigs. Although the exact protective mechanisms may vary and are still not completely understood, a number of feed ingredients or feed additives are marketed to assist in boosting intestinal immunity and regulating gut microbiota. The promising results have been demonstrated in several nutrients (i.e., functional amino acids, organic acids, micro minerals, nondigestible carbohydrates, and antimicrobial peptides), non-nutrients (i.e., phytochemicals and probiotics), and many other feed additives. The efficiencies of each candidate may differ based on their exact modes of action, the basal diet formulation, and the health status of pigs

    Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance profiles of Vibrio spp. and Enterococcus spp. in retail shrimp in Northern California

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    Shrimp is one of the most consumed seafood products globally. Antimicrobial drugs play an integral role in disease mitigation in aquaculture settings, but their prevalent use raises public health concerns on the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistant microorganisms. Vibrio spp., as the most common causative agents of seafood-borne infections in humans, and Enterococcus spp., as an indicator organism, are focal bacteria of interest for the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in seafood. In this study, 400 samples of retail shrimp were collected from randomly selected grocery stores in the Greater Sacramento, California, area between September 2019 and June 2020. The prevalence of Vibrio spp. and Enterococcus spp. was 60.25% (241/400) and 89.75% (359/400), respectively. Subsamples of Vibrio (n = 110) and Enterococcus (n = 110) isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST). Vibrio isolates had high phenotypic resistance to ampicillin (52/110, 47.27%) and cefoxitin (39/110, 35.45%). Enterococcus were most frequently resistant to lincomycin (106/110, 96.36%), quinupristin-dalfopristin (96/110, 87.27%), ciprofloxacin (93/110, 84.55%), linezolid (86/110, 78.18%), and erythromycin (58/110, 52.73%). For both Vibrio and Enterococcus, no significant associations were observed between multidrug resistance (MDR, resistance to ≥3 drug classes) in isolates from farm raised and wild caught shrimp (p &gt; 0.05) and in isolates of domestic and imported origin (p &gt; 0.05). Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of a subset of Vibrio isolates (n = 42) speciated isolates as primarily V. metschnikovii (24/42; 57.14%) and V. parahaemolyticus (12/42; 28.57%), and detected 27 unique antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) across these isolates, most commonly qnrVC6 (19.05%, 8/42), dfrA31 (11.90%, 5/42), dfrA6 (9.5%, 4/42), qnrVC1 (9.5%, 4/42). Additionally, WGS predicted phenotypic resistance in Vibrio isolates with an overall sensitivity of 11.54% and specificity of 96.05%. This study provides insights on the prevalence and distribution of AMR in Vibrio spp. and Enterococcus spp. from retail shrimp in California which are important for food safety and public health and exemplifies the value of surveillance in monitoring the spread of AMR and its genetic determinants
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