75 research outputs found

    A sequence-based machine learning model for predicting antigenic distance for H3N2 influenza virus

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    IntroductionSeasonal influenza A H3N2 viruses are constantly changing, reducing the effectiveness of existing vaccines. As a result, the World Health Organization (WHO) needs to frequently update the vaccine strains to match the antigenicity of emerged H3N2 variants. Traditional assessments of antigenicity rely on serological methods, which are both labor-intensive and time-consuming. Although numerous computational models aim to simplify antigenicity determination, they either lack a robust quantitative linkage between antigenicity and viral sequences or focus restrictively on selected features.MethodsHere, we propose a novel computational method to predict antigenic distances using multiple features, including not only viral sequence attributes but also integrating four distinct categories of features that significantly affect viral antigenicity in sequences.ResultsThis method exhibits low error in virus antigenicity prediction and achieves superior accuracy in discerning antigenic drift. Utilizing this method, we investigated the evolution process of the H3N2 influenza viruses and identified a total of 21 major antigenic clusters from 1968 to 2022.DiscussionInterestingly, our predicted antigenic map aligns closely with the antigenic map generated with serological data. Thus, our method is a promising tool for detecting antigenic variants and guiding the selection of vaccine candidates

    Predicting Parkinson's Disease Genes Based on Node2vec and Autoencoder

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    Identifying genes associated with Parkinson's disease plays an extremely important role in the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's disease. In recent years, based on the guilt-by-association hypothesis, many methods have been proposed to predict disease-related genes, but few of these methods are designed or used for Parkinson's disease gene prediction. In this paper, we propose a novel prediction method for Parkinson's disease gene prediction, named N2A-SVM. N2A-SVM includes three parts: extracting features of genes based on network, reducing the dimension using deep neural network, and predicting Parkinson's disease genes using a machine learning method. The evaluation test shows that N2A-SVM performs better than existing methods. Furthermore, we evaluate the significance of each step in the N2A-SVM algorithm and the influence of the hyper-parameters on the result. In addition, we train N2A-SVM on the recent dataset and used it to predict Parkinson's disease genes. The predicted top-rank genes can be verified based on literature study

    BOURNE: Bootstrapped Self-supervised Learning Framework for Unified Graph Anomaly Detection

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    Graph anomaly detection (GAD) has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its critical application in a wide range of domains, such as social networks, financial risk management, and traffic analysis. Existing GAD methods can be categorized into node and edge anomaly detection models based on the type of graph objects being detected. However, these methods typically treat node and edge anomalies as separate tasks, overlooking their associations and frequent co-occurrences in real-world graphs. As a result, they fail to leverage the complementary information provided by node and edge anomalies for mutual detection. Additionally, state-of-the-art GAD methods, such as CoLA and SL-GAD, heavily rely on negative pair sampling in contrastive learning, which incurs high computational costs, hindering their scalability to large graphs. To address these limitations, we propose a novel unified graph anomaly detection framework based on bootstrapped self-supervised learning (named BOURNE). We extract a subgraph (graph view) centered on each target node as node context and transform it into a dual hypergraph (hypergraph view) as edge context. These views are encoded using graph and hypergraph neural networks to capture the representations of nodes, edges, and their associated contexts. By swapping the context embeddings between nodes and edges and measuring the agreement in the embedding space, we enable the mutual detection of node and edge anomalies. Furthermore, we adopt a bootstrapped training strategy that eliminates the need for negative sampling, enabling BOURNE to handle large graphs efficiently. Extensive experiments conducted on six benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior effectiveness and efficiency of BOURNE in detecting both node and edge anomalies

    A fast and efficient count-based matrix factorization method for detecting cell types from single-cell RNAseq data

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    Abstract Background Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) data always involves various unwanted variables, which would be able to mask the true signal to identify cell-types. More efficient way of dealing with this issue is to extract low dimension information from high dimensional gene expression data to represent cell-type structure. In the past two years, several powerful matrix factorization tools were developed for scRNAseq data, such as NMF, ZIFA, pCMF and ZINB-WaVE. But the existing approaches either are unable to directly model the raw count of scRNAseq data or are really time-consuming when handling a large number of cells (e.g. n>500). Results In this paper, we developed a fast and efficient count-based matrix factorization method (single-cell negative binomial matrix factorization, scNBMF) based on the TensorFlow framework to infer the low dimensional structure of cell types. To make our method scalable, we conducted a series of experiments on three public scRNAseq data sets, brain, embryonic stem, and pancreatic islet. The experimental results show that scNBMF is more powerful to detect cell types and 10 - 100 folds faster than the scRNAseq bespoke tools. Conclusions In this paper, we proposed a fast and efficient count-based matrix factorization method, scNBMF, which is more powerful for detecting cell type purposes. A series of experiments were performed on three public scRNAseq data sets. The results show that scNBMF is a more powerful tool in large-scale scRNAseq data analysis. scNBMF was implemented in R and Python, and the source code are freely available at https://github.com/sqsun .https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148526/1/12918_2019_Article_699.pd

    Predicting Disease-Related Genes Using Integrated Biomedical Networks

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    Background: Identifying the genes associated to human diseases is crucial for disease diagnosis and drug design. Computational approaches, esp. the network-based approaches, have been recently developed to identify disease-related genes effectively from the existing biomedical networks. Meanwhile, the advance in biotechnology enables researchers to produce multi-omics data, enriching our understanding on human diseases, and revealing the complex relationships between genes and diseases. However, none of the existing computational approaches is able to integrate the huge amount of omics data into a weighted integrated network and utilize it to enhance disease related gene discovery. Results: We propose a new network-based disease gene prediction method called SLN-SRW (Simplified Laplacian Normalization-Supervised Random Walk) to generate and model the edge weights of a new biomedical network that integrates biomedical data from heterogeneous sources, thus far enhancing the disease related gene discovery. Conclusions: The experiment results show that SLN-SRW significantly improves the performance of disease gene prediction on both the real and the synthetic data sets

    A multi-view latent variable model reveals cellular heterogeneity in complex tissues for paired multimodal single-cell data

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    Motivation Single-cell multimodal assays allow us to simultaneously measure two different molecular features of the same cell, enabling new insights into cellular heterogeneity, cell development and diseases. However, most existing methods suffer from inaccurate dimensionality reduction for the joint-modality data, hindering their discovery of novel or rare cell subpopulations. Results Here, we present VIMCCA, a computational framework based on variational-assisted multi-view canonical correlation analysis to integrate paired multimodal single-cell data. Our statistical model uses a common latent variable to interpret the common source of variances in two different data modalities. Our approach jointly learns an inference model and two modality-specific non-linear models by leveraging variational inference and deep learning. We perform VIMCCA and compare it with 10 existing state-of-the-art algorithms on four paired multi-modal datasets sequenced by different protocols. Results demonstrate that VIMCCA facilitates integrating various types of joint-modality data, thus leading to more reliable and accurate downstream analysis. VIMCCA improves our ability to identify novel or rare cell subtypes compared to existing widely used methods. Besides, it can also facilitate inferring cell lineage based on joint-modality profiles

    POSTER ABSTRACT SQL Based Frequent Pattern Mining without Candidate Generation ABSTRACT

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    Scalable data mining in large databases is one of today’s real challenges to database research area. The integration of data mining with database systems is an essential component for any successful large-scale data mining application. A fundamental component in data mining tasks is finding frequent patterns in a given dataset. Most of the previous studies adopt an Apriori-like candidate set generation-andtest approach. However, candidate set generation is still costly, especially when there exist prolific patterns and/or long patterns. In this study we present an evaluation of SQL based frequent pattern mining with a novel frequent pattern growth (FP-growth) method, which is efficient and scalable for mining both long and short patterns without candidate generation. We examine some techniques to improve performance. In addition, we have made performance evaluation on commercial DBMS (IBM DB2 UDB EEE V8)

    Detection of Network Motif Based on a Novel Graph Canonization Algorithm from Transcriptional Regulation Networks

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    Network motifs are patterns of complex networks occurring significantly more frequently than those in random networks. They have been considered as fundamental building blocks of complex networks. Therefore, the detection of network motifs in transcriptional regulation networks is a crucial step in understanding the mechanism of transcriptional regulation and network evolution. The search for network motifs is similar to solving subgraph searching problems, which has proven to be NP-complete. To quickly and effectively count subgraphs of a large biological network, we propose a novel graph canonization algorithm based on resolving sets. This method has been implemented in a command line interface (CLI) program sgip using the SeqAn library. Comparing to Babai’s algorithm, this approach has a tighter complexity bound, o ( exp ( n log 2 n + 4 log n ) ) , on strongly regular graphs. Results on several simulated datasets and transcriptional regulation networks indicate that sgip outperforms nauty on many graph cases. The source code of sgip is freely accessible in https://github.com/seqan/seqan/tree/master/apps/sgip and the binary code in http://packages.seqan.de/sgip/

    Towards Gene Function Prediction via Multi-Networks Representation Learning

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    Multi-networks integration methods have achieved prominent performance on many network-based tasks, but these approaches often incur information loss problem. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-networks representation learning method based on semi-supervised autoencoder, termed as DeepMNE, which captures complex topological structures of each network and takes the correlation among multinetworks into account. The experimental results on two realworld datasets indicate that DeepMNE outperforms the existing state-of-the-art algorithms