36 research outputs found

    The phytotoxin coronatine is a multifunctional component of the virulence armament of Pseudomonas syringae

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    Plant pathogens deploy an array of virulence factors to suppress host defense and promote pathogenicity. Numerous strains of Pseudomonas syringae produce the phytotoxin coronatine (COR). A major aspect of COR function is its ability to mimic a bioactive jasmonic acid (JA) conjugate and thus target the JA-receptor COR-insensitive 1 (COI1). Biological activities of COR include stimulation of JA-signaling and consequent suppression of SA-dependent defense through antagonistic crosstalk, antagonism of stomatal closure to allow bacterial entry into the interior of plant leaves, contribution to chlorotic symptoms in infected plants, and suppression of plant cell wall defense through perturbation of secondary metabolism. Here, we review the virulence function of COR, including updates on these established activities as well as more recent findings revealing COI1-independent activity of COR and shedding light on cooperative or redundant defense suppression between COR and type III effector proteins

    Development of Polysorbate 80/Phospholipid mixed micellar formation for docetaxel and assessment of its in vivo distribution in animal models

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    Docetaxel (DTX) is a very important member of taxoid family. Despite several alternative delivery systems reported recently, DTX formulated by Polysorbate 80 and alcohol (Taxotere®) is still the most frequent administration in clinical practice. In this study, we incorporated DTX into Polysorbate 80/Phospholipid mixed micelles and compared its structural characteristics, pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, and blood compatibility with its conventional counterparts. Results showed that the mixed micelles loaded DTX possessed a mean size of approximately 13 nm with narrow size distribution and a rod-like micelle shape. In the pharmacokinetics assessment, there was no significant difference between the two preparations (P > 0.05), which demonstrated that the DTX in the two preparations may share a similar pharmacokinetic process. However, the Polysorbate 80/Phospholipid mixed micelles can increase the drug residence amount of DTX in kidney, spleen, ovary and uterus, heart, and liver. The blood compatibility assessment study revealed that the mixed micelles were safe for intravenous injection. In conclusion, Polysorbate 80/Phospholipid mixed micelle is safe, can improve the tumor therapeutic effects of DTX in the chosen organs, and may be a potential alternative dosage form for clinical intravenous administration of DTX

    Extremely powerful and frequency-tunable terahertz pulses from a table-top laser-plasma wiggler

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    The production of broadband, terawatt terahertz (THz) pulses has been demonstrated by irradiating relativistic lasers on solid targets. However, the generation of extremely powerful, narrow-band, and frequency-Tunable THz pulses remains a challenge. Here, we present a novel approach for such THz pulses, in which a plasma wiggler is elaborated by a tabletop laser and a near-critical density plasma. In such a wiggler, the laser-Accelerated electrons emit THz radiations with a period closely related to the plasma thickness. Theoretical model and numerical simulations predict a THz pulse with a laser-THz energy conversion over 2.0%, an ultra-strong field exceeding 80 GV/m, a divergence angle approximately 20?, and a center-frequency tunable from 4.4 to 1.5 THz, can be generated from a laser of 430 mJ. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this method can work across a wide range of laser and plasma parameters, offering potential for future applications with extremely powerful THz pulse. © 2023 Authors. All rights reserved.11Nsciescopu

    Misdiagnosed psychiatric manifestations in a rare disease: a case report of secondary anxiety syndrome in Cushing’s disease

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    Diagnosing and treating secondary psychiatric symptoms with accuracy can be challenging in clinical settings. In this case study, we report on a female patient with Cushing’s disease who was misdiagnosed with anxiety disorder during her first psychiatric visit. Following initial ineffective psychiatric intervention, unexplained hypokalemia, and hypothyroidism, the patient visited the endocrinology clinic and was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease. During the medical and surgical procedures that followed, high doses of psychotropic medication were continued to treat persisting anxiety. After discharge, the patient developed autonomic dysfunction and impaired consciousness. Upon readmission, serotonin syndrome due to inappropriate psychiatric medication was diagnosed. The management of secondary psychiatric syndromes must be adapted to changes in the patient’s primary condition, which necessitates interdisciplinary collaboration in general hospital settings

    Ultra-short lifetime isomer studies from photonuclear reactions using laser-driven ultra-intense {\gamma}-ray

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    Isomers, ubiquitous populations of relatively long-lived nuclear excited states, play a crucial role in nuclear physics. However, isomers with half-life times of several seconds or less barely had experimental cross section data due to the lack of a suitable measuring method. We report a method of online {\gamma} spectroscopy for ultra-short-lived isomers from photonuclear reactions using laser-driven ultra-intense {\gamma}-rays. The fastest time resolution can reach sub-ps level with {\gamma}-ray intensities >10^{19}/s ({\geqslant} 8 MeV). The ^{115}In({\gamma}, n)^{114m2}In reaction (T_{1/2} = 43.1 ms) was first measured in the high-energy region which shed light on the nuclear structure studies of In element. Simulations showed it would be an efficient way to study ^{229m}Th (T_{1/2} = 7 {\mu}s), which is believed to be the next generation of nuclear clock. This work offered a unique way of gaining insight into ultra-short lifetimes and promised an effective way to fill the gap in relevant experimental data

    Um programa de ginástica para coronariopatas Coletânea de Exercícios Sugeridos

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    The acceleration of super-heavy ions (SHIs) from plasmas driven by ultrashort (tens of femtoseconds) laser pulses is a challenging topic waiting for breakthrough. The detecting and controlling of the ionization process, and the adoption of the optimal acceleration scheme are crucial for the generation of highly energetic SHIs. Here, we report the experimental results on the generation of deeply ionized super-heavy ions (Au) with unprecedented energy of 1.2 GeV utilizing ultrashort laser pulses (22 fs) at the intensity of 10^22 W/cm2. A novel self-calibrated diagnostic method was developed to acquire the absolute energy spectra and charge state distributions of Au ions abundant at the charge state of 51+ and reaching up to 61+. The measured charge state distributions supported by 2D particle-in-cell simulations serves as an additional tool to inspect the ionization dynamics associated with SHI acceleration, revealing that the laser intensity is the crucial parameter for the acceleration of Au ions over the pulse duration. The use of double-layer targets results in a prolongation of the acceleration time without sacrificing the strength of acceleration field, which is highly favorable for the generation of high-energy super heavy ions

    Le désert et le vide chez Flaubert et Melville : héritages romantiques et construction narrative

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    The present study proposes to make a comparison between Gustave Flaubert and Herman Melville who, in the tracks of the Romantic movement, put the question of the human condition in the center of their literary preoccupation. Our work studies the distinct ways in which France and North America receive the influence of Romanticism, while examining its development in these two countries. Through the thematic “desert and emptiness”, we address fictitious representations of the world, the history and the situation of the individual in the midst of his fellows. Taking the axe of literary representation of the “quest” in fictional characters, we interrogate ourselves on how can mankind exist in a world where God has deserted. Throughout their writing career, Flaubert and Melville, taking “writing” as “the moral of the form”, dialogue with time, the world in which they live, History and themselves as human beings. They establish, while showing each its own originality in the process of narration and literary elaboration, their new authorities as “author”, and a new relationship to God and their times. Through the evolution of their work — from early works to those of maturity, along the nineteenth century — we also notice the poetics, aesthetics and ethics developed by these two authors, coming from two continents abroad, Europe and North America. By leaving both a posthumous work published in the twentieth century, Flaubert and Melville leave us visionary messages which echo in contemporary times. The world, “real” and “imaginary”; modern society and human being; history and story; the position of the author, his “authoritative authorship” and the renewal of literature as its “absolute”... these are the reasonings presented throughout this study.La présente étude se propose d’établir une comparaison entre Gustave Flaubert et Herman Melville qui, dans le sillage du mouvement romantique, mettent au centre de leur préoccupation littéraire la question de la condition humaine. Notre étude s’intéresse à la manière distincte dont la France et l’Amérique du Nord reçoivent l’influence du romantisme, tout en examinant son développement dans ces deux pays. À travers la thématique « désert et vide », nous abordons les représentations fictives du monde, de l’Histoire et de l’individu parmi ses semblables. En prenant comme pivot la représentation littéraire de la « quête » des personnages fictifs, nous nous interrogeons sur la manière dont l’homme peut exister dans un monde sans Dieu. Tout au long de leur carrière d’écrivain, Flaubert et Melville, en adoptant l’« écriture » comme « morale de la forme », dialoguent avec le temps, le monde dans lequel ils vivent, l’Histoire et eux-mêmes en tant qu’êtres humains. Ils établissent une autorité nouvelle en tant qu’« auteur », tout en manifestant leur originalité respective au niveau de la narration et de l’élaboration littéraire. Ils fondent ainsi un rapport nouveau à Dieu et à leur époque. Au travers de l’évolution de leurs œuvres — depuis les œuvres précoces jusqu’à celles de la maturité, au cours du XIXe siècle — nous remarquons également la poétique, l'esthétique et l'éthique élaborées par ces deux auteurs, originaires de deux continents différents : l’Europe et l’Amérique du Nord. En laissant respectivement une œuvre posthume publiée au XXe siècle, Flaubert et Melville nous transmettent des messages visionnaires, qui résonnent dans le monde contemporain. Le monde, « concret » et « imaginaire » ; la société moderne et l’être humain ; l’Histoire et l’histoire ; la position de l'auteur, son autorité auctoriale et le renouveau de la littérature comme « absolu »... telles sont les réflexions présentées tout au long de cette étude