40 research outputs found

    A Stratified Redox Model for the Ediacaran Ocean

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    The Ediacaran Period (635 to 542 million years ago) was a time of fundamental environmental and evolutionary change, culminating in the first appearance of macroscopic animals. Here, we present a detailed spatial and temporal record of Ediacaran ocean chemistry for the Doushantuo Formation in the Nanhua Basin, South China. We find evidence for a metastable zone of euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) waters impinging on the continental shelf and sandwiched within ferruginous [Fe(II)-enriched] deep waters. A stratified ocean with coeval oxic, sulfidic, and ferruginous zones, favored by overall low oceanic sulfate concentrations, was maintained dynamically throughout the Ediacaran Period. Our model reconciles seemingly conflicting geochemical redox conditions proposed previously for Ediacaran deep oceans and helps to explain the patchy temporal record of early metazoan fossils

    Coupled evolution of nitrogen cycling and redoxcline dynamics on the Yangtze Block across the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition

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    The authors acknowledge funding support from the NSF FESD and Earth-Life Transitions programs (T.L.), the NASA Astrobiology Institute under Cooperative Agreement No. NNA15BB03A issued through the Science Mission Directorate (T.L.), the key project of the Natural Science Foundation of China (C.-F.C.) (No. 41730424), and the program of China Scholarships Council (Y.C.) (No. 201504910582). Nitrogen and carbon isotope analyses were funded by startup funds from Virginia Tech to B.C.G.The Ediacaran-Cambrian transition is characterized by the evolution of complex eukaryotes and rapid diversification of metazoans. However, linkages between environmental triggers and evolutionary patterns remain unclear. Here, we present high-resolution records of carbon and nitrogen isotopic data (δ13C, δ15N) for a drill core extending from the early Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation to the early Cambrian Jiumenchong Formation, located on the slope of the Yangtze Block. Our data show that sedimentary bulk nitrogen isotope values (δ15Nbulk) decrease progressively from the early Ediacaran to the early Cambrian, broadly concurrent with nitrogen isotope data from other sections throughout the Yangtze Block. During the early Ediacaran, however, δ15Nbulk values from our study are higher (maximum 11.2‰) compared to those from more restricted coeval sections, suggesting a higher degree of denitrification in our slope section. The early Ediacaran δ15Nbulk data from the Yangtze Block may thus provide indirect evidence for an upwelling system that led to a shallower redoxcline in slope environments of the Upper Yangtze region. Widespread light δ15Nbulk values from the early Cambrian (minimum −7.5‰) paired with excess silicate-bound nitrogen throughout much of the Yangtze Block are most parsimoniously interpreted as non-quantitative assimilation of ammonium (NH4+) with relatively high concentrations of NH4+ accumulating in the deep basin. Overall, the spatial and temporal trends in nitrogen cycling across the Yangtze Block suggest that fixed nitrogen was more bioavailable in the Ediacaran-Cambrian Yangtze Basin compared to previously studied Mesoproterozoic sections, although nitrogen speciation in the photic zone may have varied with time. Environmental factors such as oxygen levels and nitrogen bioavailability may have shaped the evolutionary trajectory of life on the Yangtze Block and potentially elsewhere across the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Forecasting the Dark Energy Measurement with Baryon Acoustic Oscillations: Prospects for the LAMOST surveys

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    The Large Area Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) is a dedicated spectroscopic survey telescope being built in China, with an effective aperture of 4 meters and equiped with 4000 fibers. Using the LAMOST telescope, one could make redshift survey of the large scale structure (LSS). The baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) features in the LSS power spectrum provide standard rulers for measuring dark energy and other cosmological parameters. In this paper we investigate the meaurement precision achievable for a few possible surveys: (1) a magnitude limited survey of all galaxies, (2) a survey of color selected red luminous galaxies (LRG), and (3) a magnitude limited, high density survey of z<2 quasars. For each survey, we use the halo model to estimate the bias of the sample, and calculate the effective volume. We then use the Fisher matrix method to forecast the error on the dark energy equation of state and other cosmological parameters for different survey parameters. In a few cases we also use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to make the same forecast as a comparison. The fiber time required for each of these surveys is also estimated. These results would be useful in designing the surveys for LAMOST.Comment: Replaced with version accepted by MNRA

    Uranium and molybdenum isotope evidence for an episode of widespread ocean oxygenation during the late Ediacaran Period

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2015.02.025 © 2015. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/To improve estimates of the extent of ocean oxygenation during the late Ediacaran Period, we measured the U and Mo isotope compositions of euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) organic-rich mudrocks (ORM) of Member IV, upper Doushantuo Formation, South China. The average d238U of most samples is 0.24 ± 0.16& (2SD; relative to standard CRM145), which is slightly higher than the average d238U of 0.02 ± 0.12& for restricted Black Sea (deep-water Unit I) euxinic sediments and is similar to a modeled d238U value of 0.2& for open ocean euxinic sediments in the modern well-oxygenated oceans. Because 238U is preferentially removed to euxinic sediments compared to 235U, expanded ocean anoxia will deplete seawater of 238U relative to 235U, ultimately leading to deposition of ORM with low d238U. Hence, the high d238U of Member IV ORM points to a common occurrence of extensive ocean oxygenation ca. 560 to 551 Myr ago. The Mo isotope composition of sediments deposited from strongly euxinic bottom waters ([H2S]aq >11 lM) either directly records the global seawater Mo isotope composition (if Mo removal from deep waters is quantitative) or represents a minimum value for seawater (if Mo removal is not quantitative). Near the top of Member IV, d98Mo approaches the modern seawater value of 2.34 ± 0.10&. High d98Mo points to widespread ocean oxygenation because the preferential removal of isotopically light Mo to sediments occurs to a greater extent in O2-rich compared to O2-deficient marine environments. However, the d98Mo value for most Member IV ORM is near 0&(relative to standard NIST SRM 3134 = 0.25&), suggesting extensive anoxia. The low d98Mo is at odds with the high Mo concentrations of Member IV ORM, which suggest a large seawater Mo inventory in well-oxygenated oceans, and the high d238U. Hence, we propose that the low d98Mo of most Member IV ORM was fractionated from contemporaneous seawater. Possible mechanisms driving this isotope fractionation include: (1) inadequate dissolved sulfide for quantitative thiomolybdate formation and capture of a seawater-like d98Mo signature in sediments or (2) delivery of isotopically light Mo to sediments via a particulate Fe–Mn oxyhydroxide shuttle. A compilation of Mo isotope data from euxinic ORM suggests that there were transient episodes of extensive ocean oxygenation that break up intervals of less oxygenated oceans during late Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic time. Hence, Member IV does not capture irreversible deep ocean oxygenation. Instead, complex ocean redox variations likely marked the transition from O2-deficient Proterozoic oceans to widely oxygenated later Phanerozoic oceans.National Science Foundation NASA Astrobiology Institute Agouron Institute Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Gran

    Sulfide-melt inclusions in mantle xenoliths of Hannuoba, China

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    A geochemical redox model for Ediacaran ocean chemistry in Nanhua Basin, South China

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    A detailed spatial and temporal record of Ediacaran marine biogeochemistry has been compiled for the Doushantuo Formation (635-551 Myr) in South China at four outcrop sections in the Nanhua Basin, encompassing a shelfto- basinal paleoenvironmental transect

    Selenium isotopes trace anoxic and ferruginous seawater conditions in the Early Cambrian

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    International audienceSelenium (Se) isotopes can yield substantial isotopic fractionation (up to 20‰) confirmed by experiments and field investigations, depending on various biotic or abiotic redox transformations. Therefore, it is expected that redox changes in the ancient oceans would induce significant isotopic fractionation, and the Se isotopic signatures recorded in old sedimentary rocks might provide new insight into how the redox state of the ancient ocean has evolved. However, previous studies have shown that Se is slightly enriched in the lighter isotope relative to the bulk earth values in most deposited conditions (oxic, anoxic, and even sulfidic). Here, our results reveal that ferruginous conditions can result in excessive accumulation of Se in sediments with an elevated Se/S ratio and significant isotope fractionation (about 6‰), which leads us to propose that Se isotopes are an appropriate geochemical proxy to trace unique oceanic conditions over times. Accordingly, Se isotopic variations measured in three Early Cambrian formations in southern China suggest that anoxic waters with ferruginous conditions must have been present in early Cambrian ocean along the eastern margin of the Yangtze platform, and oceanic circulation was stepwise reorganized. This may have triggered biological diversification from the Ediacaran to the Early Cambrian

    Unveiling potential mechanisms of Spatholobi Caulis against lung metastasis of malignant tumor by network pharmacology and molecular docking

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    Lung metastasis of malignant tumor signifies worse prognosis and immensely deteriorates patients' life quality. Spatholobi Caulis (SC) has been reported to reduce lung metastasis, but the mechanism remains elusive.Published versionThis article was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81973640, 81573915)