13 research outputs found

    Safety and Immunogenicity of a Malaria Vaccine, Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1/MSP-1 Chimeric Protein Formulated in Montanide ISA 720 in Healthy Adults

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    The P. falciparum chimeric protein 2.9 (PfCP-2.9) consisting of the sequences of MSP1-19 and AMA-1 (III) is a malaria vaccine candidate that was found to induce inhibitory antibodies in rabbits and monkeys. This was a phase I randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the PfCP-2.9 formulated with a novel adjuvant Montanide ISA720. Fifty-two subjects were randomly assigned to 4 dose groups of 10 participants, each receiving the test vaccine of 20, 50, 100, or 200 µg respectively, and 1 placebo group of 12 participants receiving the adjuvant only.The vaccine formulation was shown to be safe and well-tolerated, and none of the participants withdrew. The total incidence of local adverse events (AEs) was 75%, distributed among 58% of the placebo group and 80% of those vaccinated. Among the vaccinated, 65% had events that were mild and 15% experienced moderate AEs. Almost all systemic adverse reactions observed in this study were graded as mild and required no therapy. The participants receiving the test vaccine developed detectable antibody responses which were boosted by the repeated vaccinations. Sixty percent of the vaccinated participants had high ELISA titers (>1∶10,000) of antigen-specific antibodies which could also recognize native parasite proteins in an immunofluorescence assay (IFA).This study is the first clinical trial for this candidate and builds on previous investigations supporting PfCP-2.9/ISA720 as a promising blood-stage malaria vaccine. Results demonstrate safety, tolerability (particularly at the lower doses tested) and immunogenicity of the formulation. Further clinical development is ongoing to explore optimizing the dose and schedule of the formulation to decrease reactogenicity without compromising immunogenicity.

    Bacterial community structure and novel species of magnetotactic bacteria in sediments from a seamount in the Mariana volcanic arc

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    Abstract Seamounts are undersea mountains rising abruptly from the sea floor and interacting dynamically with underwater currents. They represent unique biological habitats with various microbial community structures. Certain seamount bacteria form conspicuous extracellular iron oxide structures, including encrusted stalks, flattened bifurcating tubes, and filamentous sheaths. To extend our knowledge of seamount ecosystems, we performed an integrated study on population structure and the occurrence of magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) that synthesize intracellular iron oxide nanocrystals in sediments of a seamount in the Mariana volcanic arc. We found Proteobacteria dominant at 13 of 14 stations, but ranked second in abundance to members of the phylum Firmicutes at the deep-water station located on a steep slope facing the Mariana-Yap Trench. Live MTB dwell in biogenic sediments from all 14 stations ranging in depth from 238 to 2,023 m. Some magnetotactic cocci possess the most complex flagellar apparatus yet reported; 19 flagella are arranged in a 3:4:5:4:3 array within a flagellar bundle. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences identified 16 novel species of MTB specific to this seamount. Together the results obtained indicate that geographic properties of the seamount stations are important in shaping the bacterial community structure and the MTB composition

    Membrane-remodeling protein ESCRT-III homologs incarnate the evolution and morphogenesis of multicellular magnetotactic bacteria

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    Abstract Endosomal sorting complex required transport (ESCRT) III proteins are essential for membrane remodeling and repair across all domains of life. Eukaryotic ESCRT-III and the cyanobacterial homologs PspA and Vipp1/Imm30 remodel membrane into vesicles, rings, filaments and tubular rods structures. Here our microscopy analysis showed that multicellular bacteria, referred to as magnetoglobules, possess multiple compartments including magnetosome organelles, polyphosphate granules, vesicles, rings, tubular rods, filaments and MVB-like structures. Therefore, membrane remodeling protein PspA might be required for the formation of these compartments, and contribute to the morphogenesis and evolution of multicellularity. To assess these hypotheses, we sequenced nine genomes of magnetoglobules and found a significant genome expansion compared to unicellular magnetotactic bacteria. Moreover, PspA was ubiquitous in magnetoglobules and formed a distinct clade on the tree of eubacterial and archaeal ESCRT-III. The phylogenetic feature suggested the evolution of magnetoglobules from a unicellular ancestor of deltaproteobacterium. Hetero-expression of ellipsoidal magnetoglobule pspA2 gene alone in Escherichia coli resulted in intracellular membrane aggregation. GFP fusion labeling revealed polar location of PspA2 in rod-shaped unicells and regular interval location in filamentous cells. Cryo-electron tomography analysis showed filament bundle, membrane sacculus, vesicles and MVB-like structure in the cells expressing PspA2. Moreover, electron-dense area with a similar distribution as GFP-PspA2 foci in filamentous cells changed the inward orientation of the septum, which might interfere with the cell division. Collectively, these results show the membrane remodeling function of magnetoglobule PspA proteins, which may contribute to morphogenesis and the evolution of multicellularity of magnetotactic bacteria