22,870 research outputs found

    Mechanical modulation of single-electron tunneling through molecular-assembled metallic nanoparticles

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    We present a microscopic study of single-electron tunneling in nanomechanical double-barrier tunneling junctions formed using a vibrating scanning nanoprobe and a metallic nanoparticle connected to a metallic substrate through a molecular bridge. We analyze the motion of single electrons on and off the nanoparticle through the tunneling current, the displacement current and the charging-induced electrostatic force on the vibrating nanoprobe. We demonstrate the mechanical single-electron turnstile effect by applying the theory to a gold nanoparticle connected to the gold substrate through alkane dithiol molecular bridge and probed by a vibrating platinum tip.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Water Content and Superconductivity in Na0.3CoO2*yH2O

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    We report here the correlation between the water content and superconductivity in Na0.3CoO2*yH2O under the influences of elevated temperature and cold compression. The x-ray diffraction of the sample annealed at elevated temperatures indicates that intergrowths exist in the compound at equilibrium when 0.6 < y < 1.4. Its low-temperature diamagnetization varies linearly with y, but is insensitive to the intergrowth, indicative of quasi-2D superconductivity. The Tc-onset, especially, shifts only slightly with y. Our data from cold compressed samples, on the other hand, show that the water-loss non-proportionally suppresses the diamagnetization, which is suggestive of weak links.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; submitted to Physica C (August 13, 2003

    Fast geometric gate operation of superconducting charge qubits in circuit QED

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    A scheme for coupling superconducting charge qubits via a one-dimensional superconducting transmission line resonator is proposed. The qubits are working at their optimal points, where they are immune to the charge noise and possess long decoherence time. Analysis on the dynamical time evolution of the interaction is presented, which is shown to be insensitive to the initial state of the resonator field. This scheme enables fast gate operation and is readily scalable to multiqubit scenario

    GRB 970228 Within the EMBH Model

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    We consider the gamma-ray burst of 1997 February 28 (GRB 970228) within the ElectroMagnetic Black Hole (EMBH) model. We first determine the value of the two free parameters that characterize energetically the GRB phenomenon in the EMBH model, that is to say the dyadosphere energy, Edya=5.1×1052E_{dya}=5.1\times10^{52} ergs, and the baryonic remnant mass MBM_{B} in units of EdyaE_{dya}, B=MBc2/Edya=3.0×103B=M_{B}c^{2}/E_{dya}=3.0\times10^{-3}. Having in this way estimated the energy emitted during the beam-target phase, we evaluate the role of the InterStellar Medium (ISM) number density (nISM_{ISM}) and of the ratio R{\cal R} between the effective emitting area and the total surface area of the GRB source, in reproducing the observed profiles of the GRB 970228 prompt emission and X-ray (2-10 keV energy band) afterglow. The importance of the ISM distribution three-dimensional treatment around the central black hole is also stressed in this analysis.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the Los Alamos "Gamma Ray Burst Symposium" in Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 8-12 2003 (AIP Conf. Ser.), CHAPTER: GRB Connection to Supernova

    Photometric identification of blue horizontal branch stars

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    We investigate the performance of some common machine learning techniques in identifying BHB stars from photometric data. To train the machine learning algorithms, we use previously published spectroscopic identifications of BHB stars from SDSS data. We investigate the performance of three different techniques, namely k nearest neighbour classification, kernel density estimation and a support vector machine (SVM). We discuss the performance of the methods in terms of both completeness and contamination. We discuss the prospect of trading off these values, achieving lower contamination at the expense of lower completeness, by adjusting probability thresholds for the classification. We also discuss the role of prior probabilities in the classification performance, and we assess via simulations the reliability of the dataset used for training. Overall it seems that no-prior gives the best completeness, but adopting a prior lowers the contamination. We find that the SVM generally delivers the lowest contamination for a given level of completeness, and so is our method of choice. Finally, we classify a large sample of SDSS DR7 photometry using the SVM trained on the spectroscopic sample. We identify 27,074 probable BHB stars out of a sample of 294,652 stars. We derive photometric parallaxes and demonstrate that our results are reasonable by comparing to known distances for a selection of globular clusters. We attach our classifications, including probabilities, as an electronic table, so that they can be used either directly as a BHB star catalogue, or as priors to a spectroscopic or other classification method. We also provide our final models so that they can be directly applied to new data.Comment: To appear in A&A. 19 pages, 22 figures. Tables 7, A3 and A4 available electronically onlin

    Conserving GW scheme for nonequilibrium quantum transport in molecular contacts

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    We give a detailed presentation of our recent scheme to include correlation effects in molecular transport calculations using the GW approximation within the non-equilibrium Keldysh formalism. We restrict the GW self-energy to the central region, and describe the leads by density functional theory (DFT). A minimal basis of maximally localized Wannier functions is applied both in the central GW region and the leads. The importance of using a conserving, i.e. fully self-consistent, GW self-energy is demonstrated both analytically and by numerical examples. We introduce an effective spin-dependent interaction which automatically reduces self-interaction errors to all orders in the interaction. The scheme is applied to the Anderson model in- and out of equilibrium. In equilibrium at zero temperature we find that GW describes the Kondo resonance fairly well for intermediate interaction strengths. Out of equilibrium we demonstrate that the one-shot G0W0 approximation can produce severe errors, in particular at high bias. Finally, we consider a benzene molecule between featureless leads. It is found that the molecule's HOMO-LUMO gap as calculated in GW is significantly reduced as the coupling to the leads is increased, reflecting the more efficient screening in the strongly coupled junction. For the IV characteristics of the junction we find that HF and G0W0[G_HF] yield results closer to GW than does DFT and G0W0[G_DFT]. This is explained in terms of self-interaction effects and life-time reduction due to electron-electron interactions.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure

    Strong electric fields induced on a sharp stellar boundary

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    Due to a first order phase transition, a compact star may have a discontinuous distribution of baryon as well as electric charge densities, as e.g. at the surface of a strange quark star. The induced separation of positive and negative charges may lead to generation of supercritical electric fields in the vicinity of such a discontinuity. We study this effect within a relativistic Thomas-Fermi approximation and demonstrate that the strength of the electric field depends strongly on the degree of sharpness of the surface. The influence of strong electric fields on the stability of compact stars is discussed. It is demonstrated that stable configurations appear only when the counter-pressure of degenerate fermions is taken into consideration.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Decoherence processes during active manipulation of excitonic qubits in semiconductor quantum dots

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    Using photoluminescence spectroscopy, we have investigated the nature of Rabi oscillation damping during active manipulation of excitonic qubits in self-assembled quantum dots. Rabi oscillations were recorded by varying the pulse amplitude for fixed pulse durations between 4 ps and 10 ps. Up to 5 periods are visible, making it possible to quantify the excitation dependent damping. We find that this damping is more pronounced for shorter pulse widths and show that its origin is the non-resonant excitation of carriers in the wetting layer, most likely involving bound-to-continuum and continuum-to-bound transitions.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure