115 research outputs found

    Planckian Scattering Beyond the Eikonal Approximation in the Functional Approach

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    In the framework of functional integration the non-leading terms to leading eikonal behavior of the Planckian-energy scattering amplitude are calculated by the straight-line path approximation. We show that the allowance for the first-order correction terms leads to the appearance of retardation effect. The singular character of the correction terms at short distances is also noted, and they may be lead ultimately to the appearance of non-eikonal contributions to the scattering amplitudes.Comment: 15 pages, no figure


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    Combined system of Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic reactor with Biological Aerated Filter (A2/O – BAF) is used to enhance simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus on aquatic product processing wastewater treatment. A2/O reactor was operated with short solids retention time employed mainly for removal of organic matter and phosphorus together with denitrification and BAF with long solids retention time employed mainly for nitrification. The model of combined A2/O – BAF system made from polyacrylic with the capacity of 49.5 liters was operated with hydraulic retention time decreased from 19.2 to 9.6 hours and organic loading rates increased from 0.50 to 1.0 kgCOD/m3/day.  The results showed that the model not only treated organic matter well but also removed nearly completely both nitrogen and phosphorus. For loading rate of 0.75 kgCOD/m3/day, treatment efficiencies of COD, NH4+-N, TN, TP of the model were the highest as 91.02, 96.82, 84.08, 86.66  %, respectively and output values of these parameters were within the limits of QCVN 11:2008/BTNMT, column A

    Selection of suitable fragment from rbcL gene for DNA barcode analysis of family Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta

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    Among the members of Halymeniaceae family, Grateloupia sensu lato occupies the largest composition in species. Classification based on morphological traits is difficult due to the highly variable terete to blade-like thalli among the members of this genus that usually leads to misidentification. Molecular systematics has been applied to classify Grateloupia sensu lato so that the taxonomists acquire a better understanding of the species diversity in general. The plastid gene encoding the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-carboxylase-oxygenase (rbcL) was the focus of numerous marine algal studies concerning phylogeny and molecular evolution. However, using the full length of rbcL showed disadvantages such as cost and time consuming due to two times of sequencing and two times of PCR. In the present study, the shorter sequence, fragment 773 bp at 5’ end and fragment 579 bp at 3’ end of rbcL were applied and compared for the phylogenetic analysis of Halymeniaceae members. The results indicated there are no differences of topological phylogenetic trees, species resolution within genus and genus resolution within the family between fragment 773 bp at 5’ and the full length of rbcL. Therefore, we conclude that fragment 773 bp at 5’ should be used as DNA barcodes for the Halymeniaceae to reduce the cost and time during phylogenetic analysis. Two taxa Grateloupia newly collected in Vietnam were grouped to the known Phyllymenia, a new genus in Vietnam

    Analysis of rDNA reveals a high genetic diversity of Halophila major in the Wallacea region

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    The genus Halophila shows the highest species diversity within the seagrass genera. Southeast Asian countries where several boundary lines exist were considered as the origin of seagrasses. We hypothesize that the boundary lines, such as Wallace’s and Lydekker’s Lines, may act as marine geographic barriers to the population structure of Halophila major. Seagrass samples were collected at three islands in Vietnamese waters and analyzed by the molecular maker ITS. These sequences were compared with published ITS sequences from seagrasses collected in the whole region of interest. In this study, we reveal the haplotype and nucleotide diversity, linking population genetics, phylogeography, phylogenetics and estimation of relative divergence times of H. major and other members of the Halophila genus. The morphological characters show variation. The results of the ITS marker analysis reveal smaller groups of H. major from Myanmar, Shoalwater Bay (Australia) and Okinawa (Japan) with high supporting values. The remaining groups including Sri Lanka, Viet Nam, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Two Peoples Bay (Australia) and Tokushima (Japan) showed low supporting values. The Wallacea region shows the highest haplotype and also nucleotide diversity. Non-significant differences were found among regions, but significant differences were presented among populations. The relative divergence times between some members of section Halophila were estimated 2.15–6.64 Mya

    The role of orographic effects on occurrence of the heavy rainfall event over Central Vietnam in November 1999

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    In this study, the WRF model is used to investigate the role of Central Vietnam terrain on occurrence of the heavy rainfall event in November 1999 over Central Vietnam. Two model experiments with and without terrain were performed to examine the orographic blocking effects during the event. In the terrain experiment, the results from a three-day simulation show that the model reasonably well captures northeast monsoon circulation, tropical cyclones and the occurrence of heavy rainfall in Central Vietnam. The topography causes a high pressure anomaly intensifying northeast monsoon. When the terrain is removed, the three-day accumulated rainfall decreases approximately 75% in comparison with that in the terrain experiment. The terrain blocking and lifting effects in strong wind and moisture laden conditions combined with convergence circulation over open ocean are the main factors for occurrence of the heavy rainfall event

    Applying convolutional neural networks for limited-memory application

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    Currently, convolutional neural networks (CNN) are considered as the most effective tool in image diagnosis and processing techniques. In this paper, we studied and applied the modified SSDLite_MobileNetV2 and proposed a solution to always maintain the boundary of the total memory capacity in the following robust bound and applied on the bridge navigational watch & alarm system (BNWAS). The hardware was designed based on raspberry Pi-3, an embedded single board computer with CPU smartphone level, limited RAM without CUDA GPU. Experimental results showed that the deep learning model on an embedded single board computer brings us high effectiveness in application

    Effects of perceived corporate social responsibility practices on customers’ satisfaction and perceived value – A study in the food industry in Vietnam

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of perceived Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices on customers’ satisfaction and perceived value. According to the result of the literature review, the studied CSR practices include environmental protection, customer protection, community, HR policies, price, product quality, relationship selling, empathy, and fulfill expectations. To address the research objective, the present study proposed two following research questions: (1) What are factors of CSR practices impacting customers’ satisfaction?; and (2) How do these factors influence customer satisfaction and perceived value? The study approached 236 customers of the food industry to conduct a survey empirically and tested the proposed hypotheses using structural equation modeling. The research findings show that (1), in Vietnamese customers perceptions, Perceived price, Perceived quality and Empathy are three components of CSR practices; (2) these components have positive impacts on Customer satisfaction; and (3) Customer satisfaction has a positive relationship with customers’ perceived value. These findings help to enrich the CSR literature in developing countries like Vietnam, and to confirm the findings of previous studies. Moreover, from the research findings, the present study suggested some managerial implications for firms in the food industry relating to price, product quality and empathy

    Current advances in seagrass research: A review from Viet Nam

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    Seagrass meadows provide valuable ecosystem services but are fragile and threatened ecosystems all over the world. This review highlights the current advances in seagrass research from Viet Nam. One goal is to support decision makers in developing science-based conservation strategies. In recent years, several techniques were applied to estimate the size of seagrass meadows. Independent from the method used, there is an alarming decline in the seagrass area in almost all parts of Viet Nam. Since 1990, a decline of 46.5% or 13,549 ha was found. Only in a few protected and difficult-to-reach areas was an increase observed. Conditions at those sites could be investigated in more detail to make suggestions for conservation and recovery of seagrass meadows. Due to their lifestyle and morphology, seagrasses take up compounds from their environment easily. Phytoremediation processes of Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides are described exemplarily. High accumulation of heavy metals dependent on their concentration in the environment in different organs can be observed. On the one hand, seagrasses play a role in phytoremediation processes in polluted areas; on the other hand, they might suffer at high concentrations, and pollution will contribute to their overall decline. Compared with the neighboring countries, the total Corg stock from seagrass beds in Viet Nam was much lower than in the Philippines and Indonesia but higher than that of Malaysia and Myanmar. Due to an exceptionally long latitudinal coastline of 3,260 km covering cool to warm water environments, the seagrass species composition in Viet Nam shows a high diversity and a high plasticity within species boundaries. This leads to challenges in taxonomic issues, especially with the Halophila genus, which can be better deduced from genetic diversity/population structures of members of Hydrocharitaceae. Finally, the current seagrass conservation and management efforts in Viet Nam are presented and discussed. Only decisions based on the interdisciplinary cooperation of scientists from all disciplines mentioned will finally lead to conserve this valuable ecosystem for mankind and biodiversity
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