253 research outputs found

    Effects of heat treatment on mechanical properties and microstructure of tungsten fi ber reinforced grey cast iron matrix composites

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    In this study, grey cast iron matrix composites reinforced by different volume fractions of tungsten fibers (Vr = 0.95 %, 1.90 %, 2.85 %, 3.80 %) were investigated in as-cast and under the heat treatment temperatures of 1,000℃ and 1,100℃. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the composites were analyzed and tested by means of SEM, micro-hardness tester and three-point bend testing. The results show that with increasing of the volume fraction of tungsten fibers, the composites reinforced by the tungsten fiber have higher fl exural strength and modulus than that of cast iron without reinforcement, and the fl exural strength increases with the increasing of heat treatment temperatures. Due to diffusion reaction between matrix and reinforcing phases, the process of heat treatment, the number of graphite fl akes in the matrix seemingly becomes lower; and some hard carbide particles are formed around the residual tungsten fi bers. Not only does the hardness of both matrix and reinforcement change tremendously, but also the region of reinforcement is also extended from the original 0.11 mm to 0.19 mm in radius

    Level sets with one dot fuzzy initialization for marine oil spill segmentation

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    Image segmentation techniques are widely used for identifying marine oil spill regions in SAR images, with one representative technique being level set evolution. The accuracy of level set evolution highly relies on a proper initial level set function which roughly captures the marine oil spill layouts in a SAR image. However, marine oil spill regions are always complicatedly shaped, and it is time-consuming and impractical to manually devise precise initial level set functions for various marine oil spill shapes. In order to address this problem and achieve efficient and robust segmentation, we develop a one dot initialization scheme for level set evolution. Our method just requires an arbitrary pixel within one marine oil spill region as initialization. It exploits fuzzy connectedness between pixels such that consistent initial level set functions can be established via arbitrary initial dots within the marine oil spill region. Experimental results validates the robustness of our strategy

    Energy minimization with one dot fuzzy initialization for marine oil spill segmentation

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    Detecting marine oil spill regions in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images has always been posed as a segmentation problem in terms of minimizing a certain energy function(al). As most energy minimization problems do not have analytical solutions, minimizing an energy function(al) is usually achieved in an iterative numerical manner. In this scenario, one key factor that affects the segmentation accuracy is the initialization for starting or constraining the numerical iterations. To guarantee accurate segmentation, a proper initialization that characterizes the marine oil spill layouts in a SAR image is required. However, marine oil spill regions are always complicatedly shaped, and it is inefficient to manually devise precise initializations for capturing various marine oil spill shapes. In order to address this problem and render efficient and robust segmentation, we develop a one dot fuzzy initialization strategy. In contrast to the normal practice of manually labeling a large amount of pixels (possibly lines or cycles of pixels subject to strict spatial conditions) as initialization, our strategy just requires one arbitrary pixel within a marine oil spill region as the initial dot. The intuition of our strategy is that the fuzzy connectedness between an arbitrary initial dot and the rest pixels enables the derivation of a physically homogeneous region which is consistent for initializing the energy minimization. In the light of this observation, we develop schemes for exploiting the one dot derived region to initialize both level sets for minimizing continuous energy functionals and graph cuts for minimizing discrete energy functions. Experimental results validate the robustness of our one dot fuzzy initialization strategy

    A flexible and accurate total variation and cascaded denoisers-based image reconstruction algorithm for hyperspectrally compressed ultrafast photography

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    Hyperspectrally compressed ultrafast photography (HCUP) based on compressed sensing and the time- and spectrum-to-space mappings can simultaneously realize the temporal and spectral imaging of non-repeatable or difficult-to-repeat transient events passively in a single exposure. It possesses an incredibly high frame rate of tens of trillions of frames per second and a sequence depth of several hundred, and plays a revolutionary role in single-shot ultrafast optical imaging. However, due to the ultra-high data compression ratio induced by the extremely large sequence depth as well as the limited fidelities of traditional reconstruction algorithms over the reconstruction process, HCUP suffers from a poor image reconstruction quality and fails to capture fine structures in complex transient scenes. To overcome these restrictions, we propose a flexible image reconstruction algorithm based on the total variation (TV) and cascaded denoisers (CD) for HCUP, named the TV-CD algorithm. It applies the TV denoising model cascaded with several advanced deep learning-based denoising models in the iterative plug-and-play alternating direction method of multipliers framework, which can preserve the image smoothness while utilizing the deep denoising networks to obtain more priori, and thus solving the common sparsity representation problem in local similarity and motion compensation. Both simulation and experimental results show that the proposed TV-CD algorithm can effectively improve the image reconstruction accuracy and quality of HCUP, and further promote the practical applications of HCUP in capturing high-dimensional complex physical, chemical and biological ultrafast optical scenes.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl

    Structural Analysis of Alkaline β-Mannanase from Alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. N16-5: Implications for Adaptation to Alkaline Conditions

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    Significant progress has been made in isolating novel alkaline β-mannanases, however, there is a paucity of information concerning the structural basis for alkaline tolerance displayed by these β-mannanases. We report the catalytic domain structure of an industrially important β-mannanase from the alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. N16-5 (BSP165 MAN) at a resolution of 1.6 Å. This enzyme, classified into subfamily 8 in glycosyl hydrolase family 5 (GH5), has a pH optimum of enzymatic activity at pH 9.5 and folds into a classic (β/α)8-barrel. In order to gain insight into molecular features for alkaline adaptation, we compared BSP165 MAN with previously reported GH5 β-mannanases. It was revealed that BSP165 MAN and other subfamily 8 β-mannanases have significantly increased hydrophobic and Arg residues content and decreased polar residues, comparing to β-mannanases of subfamily 7 or 10 in GH5 which display optimum activities at lower pH. Further, extensive structural comparisons show alkaline β-mannanases possess a set of distinctive features. Position and length of some helices, strands and loops of the TIM barrel structures are changed, which contributes, to a certain degree, to the distinctly different shaped (β/α)8-barrels, thus affecting the catalytic environment of these enzymes. The number of negatively charged residues is increased on the molecular surface, and fewer polar residues are exposed to the solvent. Two amino acid substitutions in the vicinity of the acid/base catalyst were proposed to be possibly responsible for the variation in pH optimum of these homologous enzymes in subfamily 8 of GH5, identified by sequence homology analysis and pKa calculations of the active site residues. Mutational analysis has proved that Gln91 and Glu226 are important for BSP165 MAN to function at high pH. These findings are proposed to be possible factors implicated in the alkaline adaptation of GH5 β-mannanases and will help to further understanding of alkaline adaptation mechanism

    The Effect of UV-Irradiation (under Short-Circuit Condition) on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Sensitized with a Ru-Complex Dye Functionalized with a (diphenylamino)Styryl-Thiophen Group

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    A new ruthenium complex, cis-di(thiocyanato)(2,2′-bipyridine-4,4′-dicarboxylic acid)(4,4′-bis(2-(5-(2-(4-diphenylaminophenyl)ethenyl)-thiophen-2-yl)ethenyl)-2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) (named E322) has been synthesized for use in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). Higher extinction coefficient and a broader absorption compared to the standard Ru-dye, N719, were aimed. DSCs were fabricated with E322, and the efficiency was 0.12% initially. (4.06% for N719, as reference). The efficiency was enhanced to 1.83% by exposing the cell under simulated sunlight containing UV-irradiation at short-circuit condition. The reasons of this enhancement are (1) enhanceing electron injection from sensitizer to TiO2 following a shift toward positive potentials of the conduction band of TiO2 by the adsorption of protons or cations from the sensitizer, or from the redox electrolyte and (2) improving the regeneration reaction of the oxidized dye by the redox electrolyte by the dissolution of aggregated dye from the surface of TiO2 following the treatment

    Somatic mutation of the cohesin complex subunit confers therapeutic vulnerabilities in cancer

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    A synthetic lethality-based strategy has been developed to identify therapeutic targets in cancer harboring tumor-suppressor gene mutations, as exemplified by the effectiveness of poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors in BRCA1/2-mutated tumors. However, many synthetic lethal interactors are less reliable due to the fact that such genes usually do not perform fundamental or indispensable functions in the cell. Here, we developed an approach to identifying the "essential lethality" arising from these mutated/deleted essential genes, which are largely tolerated in cancer cells due to genetic redundancy. We uncovered the cohesion subunit SA1 as a putative synthetic-essential target in cancers carrying inactivating mutations of its paralog, SA2. In SA2-deficient Ewing sarcoma and bladder cancer, further depletion of SA1 profoundly and specifically suppressed cancer cell proliferation, survival, and tumorigenic potential. Mechanistically, inhibition of SA1 in the SA2-mutated cells led to premature chromatid separation, dramatic extension of mitotic duration, and consequently, lethal failure of cell division. More importantly, depletion of SA1 rendered those SA2-mutated cells more susceptible to DNA damage, especially double-strand breaks (DSBs), due to reduced functionality of DNA repair. Furthermore, inhibition of SA1 sensitized the SA2-deficient cancer cells to PARP inhibitors in vitro and in vivo, providing a potential therapeutic strategy for patients with SA2-deficient tumors
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