443 research outputs found

    A Brief Review of Ferroelectric Control of Magnetoresistance in Organic Spin Valves

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    Magnetoelectric coupling has been a trending research topic in both organic and inorganic materials and hybrids. The concept of controlling magnetism using an electric field is particularly appealing in energy efficient applications. In this spirit, ferroelectricity has been introduced to organic spin valves to manipulate the magneto transport, where the spin transport through the ferromagnet/organic spacer interfaces (spinterface) are under intensive study. The ferroelectric materials in the organic spin valves provide a knob to vary the interfacial energy alignment and the interfacial crystal structures, both are critical for the spin transport. In this review, we first go over the basic concepts of spin transport in organic spin valves. Then we introduce the recent efforts of controlling magnetoresistance of organic spin valves using ferroelectricity, where the ferroelectric material is either inserted as an interfacial layer or used as a spacer material. The realization of the ferroelectric control of magneto transport in organic spin valve, advances our understanding in the spin transport through the ferromagnet/organic interface and suggests more functionality of organic spintronic devices

    Multiferroic hexagonal ferrites (h-RFeO3_3, R=Y, Dy-Lu): an experimental review

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    Hexagonal ferrites (h-RFeO3_3, R=Y, Dy-Lu) have recently been identified as a new family of multiferroic complex oxides. The coexisting spontaneous electric and magnetic polarizations make h-RFeO3_3 rare-case ferroelectric ferromagnets at low temperature. Plus the room-temperature multiferroicity and predicted magnetoelectric effect, h-RFeO3_3 are promising materials for multiferroic applications. Here we review the structural, ferroelectric, magnetic, and magnetoelectric properties of h-RFeO3_3. The thin film growth is also discussed because it is critical in making high quality single crystalline materials for studying intrinsic properties

    Multiferroic hexagonal ferrites (h-RFeO3, R=Y, Dy-Lu): an experimental review

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    Hexagonal ferrites (h-RFeO3, R=Y, Dy-Lu) have recently been identified as a new family of multiferroic complex oxides. The coexisting spontaneous electric and magnetic polarizations make h-RFeO3 rare-case ferroelectric ferromagnets at low temperature. Plus the room-temperature mul- tiferroicity and predicted magnetoelectric effect, h-RFeO3 are promising materials for multiferroic applications. Here we review the structural, ferroelectric, magnetic, and magnetoelectric properties of h-RFeO3. The thin film growth is also discussed because it is critical in making high quality single crystalline materials for studying intrinsic properties

    Comprehensive Demonstration of Spin-Hall Hanle Effects in Epitaxial Pt Thin Films

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    We demonstrate a nonlinear Hall effect due to the boundary spin accumulation in Pt films grown on Al2O3 substrates. This Hall effect and the previously demonstrated Hanle magnetoresistance provide a complete picture of the spin-precession control of the spin and charge transport at the boundary of a spin-orbit coupled material, which we refer to as spin-Hall Hanle effects (SHHE). We also show that the SHHE can be employed to measure the spin diffusion length, the spin-Hall angle, and the spin relaxation time of heavy metal without the need of magnetic interface or the input from other measurements. The comprehensive demonstration of SHHE in such a simple system suggests they may be ubiquitous and needs to be considered for unravelling the spin and charge transport in more complex thin film structures of spin-orbit coupled materials

    Magnetic Enhancement in Cobalt-Manganese Alloy Clusters

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    Magnetic moments of CoNMnM and CoNVM clusters (N ≤ 60; M ≤ N/3) are measured in molecular beams using the Stern-Gerlach deflection method. Surprisingly, the per atom average moments of CoNMnM clusters are found to increase with Mn concentration, in contrast to bulk CoMn. The enhancement with Mn doping is found to be independent of cluster size and composition in the size range studied. Meanwhile, CoNVM clusters show reduction of average moments with increasing V doping, consistent with what is expected in bulk CoV. The results are discussed within the virtual bound states model
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