186,776 research outputs found

    N=1 Matter from Fractional Branes

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    We study a bound state of fractional D3-branes localized inside the world-volume of fractional D7-branes on the orbifold C^3/Z_2 x Z_2. We determine the open string spectrum that leads to N=1 U(N1)xU(N2)xU(N3)xU(N4) gauge theory with matter having the number of D7-branes as a flavor index. We derive the linearized boundary action of the D7-brane on this orbifold using the boundary state formalism and we discuss the tadpole cancellation. After computing the asymptotic expression of the supergravity solution the anomalies of the gauge theory are reproduced.Comment: LaTeX 20 pages, 1 figure, small changes and references adde

    Yangians in Deformed Super Yang-Mills Theories

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    We discuss the integrability structure of deformed, four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theories using Yangians. We employ a recent procedure by Beisert and Roiban that generalizes the beta deformation of Lunin and Maldacena to produce N=1 superconformal gauge theories, which have the superalgebra SU(2,2|1)xU(1)xU(1). The deformed theories, including those with the more general twist, were shown to have retained their integrable structure. Here we examine the Yangian algebra of these deformed theories. In a five field subsector, we compute the two cases of SU(2)xU(1)xU(1)xU(1) and SU(2|1)xU(1)xU(1) as residual symmetries of SU(2,2|1)xU(1)xU(1). We compute a twisted coproduct for these theories, and show that only for the residual symmetry do we retain the standard coproduct. The twisted coproduct thus provides a method for symmetry breaking. However, the full Yangian structure of SU(2|3) is manifest in our subsector, albeit with twisted coproducts, and provides for the integrability of the theory.Comment: 17 page

    Towards an Anomaly-Free Quantum Dynamics for a Weak Coupling Limit of Euclidean Gravity: Diffeomorphism Covariance

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    The G-->0 limit of Euclidean gravity introduced by Smolin is described by a generally covariant U(1)xU(1)xU(1) gauge theory. In an earlier paper, Tomlin and Varadarajan constructed the quantum Hamiltonian constraint of density weight 4/3 for this U(1)xU(1)xU(1) theory so as to produce a non-trivial anomaly free LQG-type representation of the Poisson bracket between a pair of Hamiltonian constraints. These constructions involved a choice of regulating coordinate patches. The use of these coordinate patches is in apparent conflict with spatial diffeomorphism covariance. In this work we show how an appropriate choice of coordinate patches together with suitable modifications of these constructions results in the diffeomorphism covariance of the continuum limit action of the Hamiltonian constraint operator, while preserving the anomaly free property of the continuum limit action of its commutator.Comment: 56 pages, No figure

    D-brane Black Holes: Large-N Limit and the Effective String Description

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    We address the derivation of the effective conformal field theory description of the 5-dimensional black hole, modelled by a collection of D1- and D5- branes, from the corresponding low energy U(Q_1)xU(Q_5) gauge theory. Finite horizon size at weak coupling requires both Q_1 and Q_5 to be large. We derive the result in the moduli space approximation (say for Q_1>Q_5) and appeal to supersymmetry to argue its validity beyond weak coupling. As a result of a combination of quenched Z_{Q_1} Wilson lines and a residual Weyl symmetry, the low-lying excitations of the U(Q_1)xU(Q_5) gauge theory are described by an effective N=4 superconformal field theory with c=6 in 1+1 dimensions, where the space is a circle of radius RQ_1Q_5. We also discuss the appearance of a marginal perturbation of the effective conformal field theory for large but finite values of Q_5.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, some comments added to make the arguments in sections 4 and 5 more precise, to appear in Phys. Lett.