888 research outputs found

    J. Maritain interprete del marxismo: La Philosophie morale e Le Paysan de la Garonne

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    The author describes J.Maritain's interpretation of Marxism in two of his major works: La Philosophie Morale and Le Paysan de la Garonne

    Antonio Gramsci, Palmiro Togliatti: due approcci diversi al rapporto col mondo cattolico italiano. I riflessi sulla situazione politica odierna

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    The author describes Gramsci's approach to the religious problem and his opinion on Catholic associations, Partito popolare and Gramsci's new interpretation and compares it with Togliatti's attitude towards Italian Catholicism from the 7th Congress of the Third Communist International to Yalta's memorial

    Jacques Maritain interprete del marxismo: critici di “destra” e critici di “sinistra”. Gli apporti ermeneutici di Italo Mancini e di Antonio Pavan

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    The paper analyzes some right-wing and left-wing criticisms regarding the interpretation of Marxism by Jacques Maritain, highlighting in particular the contributions by Italo Mancini and Antonio Pavan

    Senso e valore della metafisica nel pensiero di Antonio Rosmini e di Edmund Husserl

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    [Italiano] La inderogabile necessità del ritorno a una rivalutazione della metafisica, che ancori il sapere a un saldo realismo, è un tema comune sia a Rosmini che a Husserl, personalità appartenenti a due epoche diverse e con intenti e interessi filosofici anche profondamente diversi, ma accomunati dallo scopo di ricostituire il significato della tradizione filosofica occidentale. [English]The author exposes the re-proposal of the meaning and value of metaphysics in the thought of A. Rosmini and E. Husserl

    Senso e valore della metafisica nel pensiero di Antonio Rosmini e di Edmund Husserl

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    [Italiano] La inderogabile necessità del ritorno a una rivalutazione della metafisica, che ancori il sapere a un saldo realismo, è un tema comune sia a Rosmini che a Husserl, personalità appartenenti a due epoche diverse e con intenti e interessi filosofici anche profondamente diversi, ma accomunati dallo scopo di ricostituire il significato della tradizione filosofica occidentale. [English]The author exposes the re-proposal of the meaning and value of metaphysics in the thought of A. Rosmini and E. Husserl

    Jacques Maritain interprete del marxismo: critici di “destra” e critici di “sinistra”. Gli apporti ermeneutici di Italo Mancini e di Antonio Pavan

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    The paper analyzes some right-wing and left-wing criticisms regarding the interpretation of Marxism by Jacques Maritain, highlighting in particular the contributions by Italo Mancini and Antonio Pavan

    HRAS is silenced by two neighboring G-quadruplexes and activated by MAZ, a zinc-finger transcription factor with DNA unfolding activity

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    The HRAS promoter contains immediately upstream of the transcription start site two neighboring G-elements, each capable of folding into a G-quadruplex structure. We have previously found that these G-quadruplexes bind to the zinc-finger transcription factors MAZ and Sp1. In the present study we have examined the interaction between the HRAS promoter and MAZ, demonstrating for the first time that the protein unfolds the G-quadruplex structures. We also demonstrate that MAZ-GST, in the presence of the complementary strands, promotes a rapid transformation of the two HRAS quadruplexes into duplexes. By a mutational analysis of the HRAS G-elements, we dissected the MAZ-binding sites from the quadruplex-forming motifs, finding that the two neighboring G-quadruplexes bring about a dramatic repression of transcription, in a synergistic manner. We also discovered that the two G-quadruplexes are strong targets for small anticancer molecules. We found that a cell-penetrating anthratiophenedione (ATPD-1), which binds tightly to the G-quadruplexes (ΔT > 15°C), promotes the total extinction of HRAS transcription. In contrast, when one of the two G-quadruplexes was abrogated by point mutations, ATPD-1 repressed transcription by only 50%. Our study provides relevant information for the rationale design of targeted therapy drugs specific for the HRAS oncogene

    Merito, meritocrazia e pedagogia

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    .Le attuali considerazioni su merito e meritocrazia con le loro contraddizioni tradiscono la loro origine utilitaristica il cui limite principale \ue8 il misconoscimento della diversit\ue0 delle persone, dei loro talenti e delle loro storie. Riconoscere il merito \ue8 fondamentale per affermare la responsabilit\ue0 delle persone, ma diventa possibile recuperandone l\u2019originario significato morale, evitando di appiattirlo su di una logica meramente efficientista. Solo distinguendo tra qualifica e merito la pedagogia e l\u2019educazione restano le migliori alleate del merito, non per garantire ascensori sociali, ma per formare cittadini capaci di combattere il malcostume e il privilegio e promuovere la mobilit\ue0 sociale

    Merito, meritocrazia e pedagogia

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    The contradictions regarding worth and meritocracy come from an utilitarian principle, in such a way that they disclaim the difference regarding peoples’ personal talents and histories. In recognizing the worth we affirm the responsibility of people, but only if we recover native moral meaning of it, far off an efficiency-based approach. To be an ally of worth, pedagogy and education are to distinguish it in relation to qualification. In such a way they are not to be considered social elevators, but are in the position to prepare citizen able to fight immorality andprivileges on one side and on the other to indirectly promote social mobility.Le attuali considerazioni su merito e meritocrazia con le loro contraddizioni tradiscono la loro origine utilitaristica il cui limite principale è il misconoscimento della diversità delle persone, dei loro talenti e delle loro storie. Riconoscere il merito è fondamentale per affermare la responsabilità delle persone, ma diventa possibile recuperandone l’originario significato morale, evitando di appiattirlo su di una logica meramente efficientista. Solo distinguendo tra qualifica e merito la pedagogia e l’educazione restano le migliori alleate del merito, non per garantire ascensorisociali, ma per formare cittadini capaci di combattere il malcostume e il privilegio e promuovere la mobilità sociale

    G4-DNA formation in the HRAS promoter and rational design of decoy oligonucleotides for cancer therapy.

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    HRAS is a proto-oncogene involved in the tumorigenesis of urinary bladder cancer. In the HRAS promoter we identified two G-rich elements, hras-1 and hras-2, that fold, respectively, into an antiparallel and a parallel quadruplex (qhras-1, qhras-2). When we introduced in sequence hras-1 or hras-2 two point mutations that block quadruplex formation, transcription increased 5-fold, but when we stabilized the G-quadruplexes by guanidinium phthalocyanines, transcription decreased to 20% of control. By ChIP we found that sequence hras-1 is bound only by MAZ, while hras-2 is bound by MAZ and Sp1: two transcription factors recognizing guanine boxes. We also discovered by EMSA that recombinant MAZ-GST binds to both HRAS quadruplexes, while Sp1-GST only binds to qhras-1. The over-expression of MAZ and Sp1 synergistically activates HRAS transcription, while silencing each gene by RNAi results in a strong down-regulation of transcription. All these data indicate that the HRAS G-quadruplexes behave as transcription repressors. Finally, we designed decoy oligonucleotides mimicking the HRAS quadruplexes, bearing (R)-1-O-[4-(1-Pyrenylethynyl) phenylmethyl] glycerol and LNA modifications to increase their stability and nuclease resistance (G4-decoys). The G4-decoys repressed HRAS transcription and caused a strong antiproliferative effect, mediated by apoptosis, in T24 bladder cancer cells where HRAS is mutated
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