217 research outputs found

    Examining scholars' activity on a Chinese blogging and academic social network site

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    This study analyzes scholars' activity on a popular academic blogging and social network site (SNS) in China, ScienceNet. We collected blogs, comments, recommendations, likes, and user profile information and analyzed how different groups of users differ in their patterns of activity with others in different disciplines, professional ranks, and universities. Results indicate that: 1) scholars in management and mathematics are active in recommending and commenting other users; 2) scholars from well-known universities and research institutes often receive more comments and recommendations than those from other universities; 3) scholars with higher professional ranks are more active, and are more likely to receive comments and recommendations from others. These findings suggest different usage of academic SNS among scholars of different disciplines, ranks, and universities

    Holographic-Type Communication for Digital Twin: A Learning-based Auction Approach

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    Digital Twin (DT) technologies, which aim to build digital replicas of physical entities, are the key to providing efficient, concurrent simulation and analysis of real-world objects. In displaying DTs, Holographic-Type Communication (HTC), which supports the transmission of holographic data such as Light Field (LF), can provide an immersive way for users to interact with Holographic DTs (HDT). However, it is challenging to effectively allocate interactive and resource-intensive HDT services among HDT users and providers. In this paper, we integrate the paradigms of HTC and DT to form a HTC for DT system, design a marketplace for HDT services where HDT users' and providers' prices are evaluated by their valuation functions, and propose an auction-based mechanism to match HDT services using a learning-based Double Dutch Auction (DDA). Specifically, we apply DDA and train an agent acting as the auctioneer to adjust the auction clock dynamically using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), aiming to achieve the best market efficiency. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed learning-based auctioneer can achieve near-optimal social welfare at halved auction information exchange cost of the baseline method.Comment: 6 page

    Characterization of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome in rural regions of Zhejiang, China.

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    Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (SFTSV) infections have recently been found in rural regions of Zhejiang. A severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) surveillance and sero-epidemiological investigation was conducted in the districts with outbreaks. During the study period of 2011-2014, a total of 51 SFTSV infection cases were identified and the case fatality rate was 12% (6/51). Ninety two percent of the patients (47/51) were over 50 years of age, and 63% (32/51) of laboratory confirmed cases occurred from May to July. Nine percent (11/120) of the serum samples from local healthy people without symptoms were found to be positive for antibodies to the SFTS virus. SFTSV strains were isolated by culture using Vero, and the whole genomic sequences of two SFTSV strains (01 and Zhao) were sequenced and submitted to the GenBank. Homology analysis showed that the similarity of the target nucleocapsid gene from the SFTSV strains from different geographic areas was 94.2-100%. From the constructed phylogenetic tree, it was found that all the SFTSV strains diverged into two main clusters. Only the SFTSV strains from the Zhejiang (Daishan) region of China and the Yamaguchi, Miyazakj regions of Japan, were clustered into lineage II, consistent with both of these regions being isolated areas with similar geographic features. Two out of eight predicted linear B cell epitopes from the nucleocapsid protein showed mutations between the SFTSV strains of different clusters, but did not contribute to the binding ability of the specific SFTSV antibodies. This study confirmed that SFTSV has been circulating naturally and can cause a seasonal prevalence in Daishan, China. The results also suggest that the molecular characteristics of SFTSV are associated with the geographic region and all SFTSV strains can be divided into two genotypes

    Exploring Browsing Behavior of Product Information in an M-commerce Application: a Transaction Log Analysis

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    This research aims to describe the information browsing and merchandise purchasing behaviors of the users in an M-commerce application. Data used in this research comes from the transaction logs of 290 heavy users in March 2015. We established the mapping between the request parameters in the log and the user information behavior to future analyze the pattern of user behavior. People are most concerned about the details of items, and actively share their favorite items and shops to others. The times of view is power-law distribution. We also find that the items which are viewed 9 times and are included in the submitted order are most likely to be bought. There is a positive correlation between the purchase of items and the numbers of browsing and sharing behaviors

    Ada-NETS: Face Clustering via Adaptive Neighbour Discovery in the Structure Space

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    Face clustering has attracted rising research interest recently to take advantage of massive amounts of face images on the web. State-of-the-art performance has been achieved by Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) due to their powerful representation capacity. However, existing GCN-based methods build face graphs mainly according to kNN relations in the feature space, which may lead to a lot of noise edges connecting two faces of different classes. The face features will be polluted when messages pass along these noise edges, thus degrading the performance of GCNs. In this paper, a novel algorithm named Ada-NETS is proposed to cluster faces by constructing clean graphs for GCNs. In Ada-NETS, each face is transformed to a new structure space, obtaining robust features by considering face features of the neighbour images. Then, an adaptive neighbour discovery strategy is proposed to determine a proper number of edges connecting to each face image. It significantly reduces the noise edges while maintaining the good ones to build a graph with clean yet rich edges for GCNs to cluster faces. Experiments on multiple public clustering datasets show that Ada-NETS significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art methods, proving its superiority and generalization. Code is available at https://github.com/damo-cv/Ada-NETS

    Avatar Knowledge Distillation: Self-ensemble Teacher Paradigm with Uncertainty

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    Knowledge distillation is an effective paradigm for boosting the performance of pocket-size model, especially when multiple teacher models are available, the student would break the upper limit again. However, it is not economical to train diverse teacher models for the disposable distillation. In this paper, we introduce a new concept dubbed Avatars for distillation, which are the inference ensemble models derived from the teacher. Concretely, (1) For each iteration of distillation training, various Avatars are generated by a perturbation transformation. We validate that Avatars own higher upper limit of working capacity and teaching ability, aiding the student model in learning diverse and receptive knowledge perspectives from the teacher model. (2) During the distillation, we propose an uncertainty-aware factor from the variance of statistical differences between the vanilla teacher and Avatars, to adjust Avatars' contribution on knowledge transfer adaptively. Avatar Knowledge Distillation AKD is fundamentally different from existing methods and refines with the innovative view of unequal training. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our Avatars mechanism, which polishes up the state-of-the-art distillation methods for dense prediction without more extra computational cost. The AKD brings at most 0.7 AP gains on COCO 2017 for Object Detection and 1.83 mIoU gains on Cityscapes for Semantic Segmentation, respectively.Comment: Accepted by ACM MM 202

    DAMO-YOLO : A Report on Real-Time Object Detection Design

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    In this report, we present a fast and accurate object detection method dubbed DAMO-YOLO, which achieves higher performance than the state-of-the-art YOLO series. DAMO-YOLO is extended from YOLO with some new technologies, including Neural Architecture Search (NAS), efficient Reparameterized Generalized-FPN (RepGFPN), a lightweight head with AlignedOTA label assignment, and distillation enhancement. In particular, we use MAE-NAS, a method guided by the principle of maximum entropy, to search our detection backbone under the constraints of low latency and high performance, producing ResNet/CSP-like structures with spatial pyramid pooling and focus modules. In the design of necks and heads, we follow the rule of ``large neck, small head''.We import Generalized-FPN with accelerated queen-fusion to build the detector neck and upgrade its CSPNet with efficient layer aggregation networks (ELAN) and reparameterization. Then we investigate how detector head size affects detection performance and find that a heavy neck with only one task projection layer would yield better results.In addition, AlignedOTA is proposed to solve the misalignment problem in label assignment. And a distillation schema is introduced to improve performance to a higher level. Based on these new techs, we build a suite of models at various scales to meet the needs of different scenarios. For general industry requirements, we propose DAMO-YOLO-T/S/M/L. They can achieve 43.6/47.7/50.2/51.9 mAPs on COCO with the latency of 2.78/3.83/5.62/7.95 ms on T4 GPUs respectively. Additionally, for edge devices with limited computing power, we have also proposed DAMO-YOLO-Ns/Nm/Nl lightweight models. They can achieve 32.3/38.2/40.5 mAPs on COCO with the latency of 4.08/5.05/6.69 ms on X86-CPU. Our proposed general and lightweight models have outperformed other YOLO series models in their respective application scenarios.Comment: Project Website: https://github.com/tinyvision/damo-yol

    A Real-Time and Long-Term Face Tracking Method Using Convolutional Neural Network and Optical Flow in IoT-Based Multimedia Communication Systems

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    The development of the Internet of Things (IoT) stimulates many research works related to Multimedia Communication Systems (MCS), such as human face detection and tracking. This trend drives numerous progressive methods. Among these methods, the deep learning-based methods can spot face patch in an image effectively and accurately. Many people consider face tracking as face detection, but they are two different techniques. Face detection focuses on a single image, whose shortcoming is obvious, such as unstable and unsmooth face position when adopted on a sequence of continuous images; computing is expensive due to its heavy reliance on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and limited detection performance on the edge device. To overcome these defects, this paper proposes a novel face tracking strategy by combining CNN and optical flow, namely, C-OF, which achieves an extremely fast, stable, and long-term face tracking system. Two key things for commercial applications are the stability and smoothness of face positions in a sequence of image frames, which can provide more probability for face biological signal extraction, silent face antispoofing, and facial expression analysis in the fields of IoT-based MCS. Our method captures face patterns in every two consequent frames via optical flow to get rid of the unstable and unsmooth problems. Moreover, an innovative metric for measuring the stability and smoothness of face motion is designed and adopted in our experiments. The experimental results illustrate that our proposed C-OF outperforms both face detection and object tracking methods