65 research outputs found

    Oxidative stress impairs cognitive function by affecting hippocampal fimbria volume in drug-naïve, first-episode schizophrenia

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    ObjectiveThe aim of the present study was to explore influencing factors of cognitive impairments and their interrelationships in drug-naïve, first-episode schizophrenia (SCZ).MethodsPatients with drug naïve, first episode SCZ and healthy controls (HCs) were enrolled. Cognitive function was assessed by the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB). Serum levels of oxidative stress indices, including folate, superoxide dismutase (SOD), uric acid (UA) and homocysteine (Hcy), were determined after an overnight fast. Hippocampal subfield volumes were measured using FreeSurfer. Mediation models were conducted using the SPSS PROCESS v3.4 macro. A false discovery rate (FDR) correction was applied for multiple comparisons.ResultsSixty-seven patients with SCZ and 65 HCs were enrolled in our study. The patient group had significantly lower serum levels of folate and SOD and higher serum levels of HCY compared with the HCs (all p < 0.05). The patient group had a significantly smaller volume of the whole hippocampus than the HC group (p < 0.05). We also found significant volume differences between the two groups in the following subfields: CA1, molecular layer, GC-ML-DG and fimbria (all p < 0.05, uncorrected). The partial correlation analysis controlling for age and sex showed that the fimbria volume in the patient group was significantly positively associated with NAB scores (r = 0.382, pFDR = 0.024); serum levels of SOD in the patient group showed a significantly positive correlation with fimbria volume (r = 0.360, pFDR = 0.036). Mediation analyses controlling for age and sex showed that the serum levels of SOD in patients with SCZ had significant indirect effects on the NAB scores which were mediated by the fimbria volume [indirect effect = 0.0565, 95% CI from the bootstrap test excluding zero (0.0066 to 0.0891)].ConclusionOxidative stress, a reduction in hippocampal subfield volumes and cognitive impairments occur in early SCZ. Oxidative stress impairs cognitive function by affecting hippocampal subfield volumes

    Association Analysis of NLRP3 Inflammation-Related Gene Promotor Methylation as Well as Mediating Effects on T2DM and Vascular Complications in a Southern Han Chinese Population

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    Objective: To explore the association between the methylation levels in the promoter regions of the NLRP3, AIM2, and ASC genes and T2DM and its vascular complications in a Southern Han Chinese population and further analyze their interaction and mediating effects with environmental factors in T2DM.Methods: A case-control study was used to determine the association between population characteristics, the methylation level in the promoter region of the NLRP3, AIM2, and ASC genes and T2DM and vascular complications. A mediating effect among genes-environment-T2DM and the interaction of gene-gene or gene-environment factors was explored.Results: In the logistic regression model with adjusted covariants, healthy people with lower total methylation levels in the AIM2 promoter region exhibited a 2.29-fold [OR: 2.29 (1.28~6.66), P = 0.011] increased risk of developing T2DM compared with higher-methylation individuals. T2DM patients without any vascular complications who had lower methylation levels (<methylation median) in NLRP3 CpG2 and AIM2 total methylation had 6.45 (OR: 6.45, 95% CI: 1.05~39.78, P = 0.011) and 9.48 (OR: 9.48, 95% CI: 1.14~79.00, P = 0.038) times higher risks, respectively, of developing diabetic microvascular complications than T2DM patients with higher methylation. Similar associations were also found between the lower total methylation of the NLRP3 and AIM2 promoter regions and macrovascular complication risk (NLRP3 OR: 36.03, 95% CI: 3.11~417.06, P = 0.004; AIM2 OR: 30.90, 95% CI: 2.59~368.49, P = 0.007). Lower NLRP3 promoter total methylation was related to a 17.78-fold increased risk of micro-macrovascular complications (OR: 17.78, 95% CI: 2.04~155.28, P = 0.009). Lower ASC CpG1 or CpG3 methylation levels had significant partial mediating effects on T2DM vascular complications caused by higher age (ASC CpG1 explained approximately 52.8% or 32.9% of the mediating effect of age on macrovascular or macro-microvascular complications; ASC CpG3 explained approximately 38.9% of the mediating effect of age on macrovascular complications). No gene-gene or gene-environment interaction was identified in T2DM.Conclusion: Lower levels of AIM2 promoter total methylation might increase the risk of T2DM. NLRP3, AIM2, and ASC promoter total methylation or some CpG methylation loss might increase the risk of T2DM vascular complications, which merits further study to support the robustness of these findings

    Risk factors and longitudinal changes of dyslipidemia among Chinese people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy

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    Abstract Background Antiretroviral therapy (ART) improved the prognosis of people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (PLWH). Life-long treatment is required in PLWH and is accompanied by various metabolic abnormalities in the disease course. Data about the epidemiology and the dynamic changes of dyslipidemia in PLWH receiving antiretroviral therapy were scarce in Asian countries. This study aimed to explore the risk factors of dyslipidemia and analyze the longitudinal changes of dyslipidemia among Chinese PLWH receiving HAART. Methods We conducted a longitudinal analysis of PLWH enrolled in two large multicenter clinical trials across China, and outpatients followed at the clinic of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Demographic data and clinical parameters were collected. The risk factors and longitudinal changes in lipid profiles associated with HIV-1 infection were analyzed. The definition of dyslipidemia was made based on the National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel (NCEP-ATP) III guidelines. Results A total of 1542 PLWH were included. The median follow-up was 6 years. At baseline, the concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were 4.1 ± 0.91 mmol/L, 1.2 (interquartile ranges [IQR] 0.85–1.75) mmol/L, 1.1 ± 0.37 and 2.4 ± 0.76 mmol/L, respectively. The rate of hypercholesterolemia, hyperglyceridemia, high LDL-C, and low HDL-C were 10.18%, 26.39%, 9.08%, and 44.94%, respectively. The overall prevalence of dyslipidemia was 69.3%, which raised to 84.3% after antiretroviral therapy, substantially higher. CD4/CD8 ratio  105 copies/mL were risk factors associated with any subtype of dyslipidemia. A negative correlation between CD8+CD38+ percentage and HDL-C concentration was found. The regimens including efavirenz (EFV) and tenofovir (TDF) showed better lipid profiles. Longitudinal analysis revealed that both the level and the percentage of abnormal TG and HDL-C occurred drastic change in the first 6 months after ART initiation (from 4.07 to 4.41, from 1.11 to 1.28mmol/L, from 26.39 to 31.1% and from 44.94 to 29.5%, respectively). Conclusions The prevalence of dyslipidemia is high in PLWH and increases after ART, mainly represented as high TG and low HDL-C and associated with advanced stage of HIV-1 infection. The greatest changes in lipids occurred in the early stage after initiating ART therapy. The results suggest that dyslipidemia should be monitored and managed when starting ART

    Теоретичні аспекти проблематики конфліктів у сфері державного управління

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    The theoretical foundations of conflicts and their resolution or leveling in public administration at different stages of social development have got a number of original features that are determined by the socio-political, economic and cultural processes, the nature of human activities and relationships. This basis of diagnosis is an important part of the incident and builds a mechanism for preventing and resolving the conflict situation in high places.Теоретичні основи виникнення конфліктів та їх вирішення або нівелювання в сфері державного управління на різних етапах суспільного розвитку мають ряд своєрідних особливостей, обумовлені соціально-політичними, економічними та культурними процесами, характером людської діяльності та взаємин. Це обґрунтування є важливою складовою діагностики інциденту і побудови механізму запобігання та врегулювання конфліктної ситуації у вищих ешелонах влади

    Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial of the effect of retinol and vitamin D supplementation on treatment in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients with diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: The association between pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and diabetes mellitus (DM) has been previously attracted much attention. Diabetes alters immunity to tuberculosis, leading to more frequent treatment failure in TB patients with DM. Moreover, TB and DM often coincide with micronutrients deficiencies, such as retinol and vitamin D, which are especially important to immunity of the body and may influence pancreas β-cell function. However, the effects of retinol and vitamin D supplementation in active TB patients with diabetes on treatment outcomes, immune and nutrition state are still uncertain. We are conducting a randomized controlled trial of vitamin A and/or D in active PTB patients with DM in a network of 4 TB treatment clinics to determine whether the supplementation could improve the outcome in the patients. METHODS/DESIGN: This is a 2×2 factorial trial. We plan to enroll 400 active PTB patients with DM, and randomize them to VA (2000 IU daily retinol); VD (400 IU daily cholecalciferol); VAD (2000 IU daily retinol plus 400 IU cholecalciferol) or control (placebo) group. Our primary outcome measure is the efficacy of anti-tuberculosis treatment and ameliorating of glucose metabolism, and the secondary outcome measure being immune and nutrition status of the subjects. Of the first 37 subjects enrolled: 8 have been randomized to VA, 10 to VD, 9 to VAD and 10 to control. To date, the sample is 97.3% Han Chinese and 91.9% female. The average fasting plasma glucose level is 12.19 mmol/L. DISCUSSION: This paper describes the design and rationale of a randomized clinical trial comparing VA and/or VD supplementation to active pulmonary TB patients with DM. Our trial will allow rigorous evaluation of the efficacy of the supplementation to active TB and DM therapy for improving clinical outcomes and immunological condition. This detailed description of trial methodology can serve as a template for the development of future treatment scheme for active TB patient with DM. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ChiCTR-TRC-1200254

    A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay for Osteocalcin in Human Serum and a Solution to the “Hook Effect”

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    A chemiluminescent immunoassay for human serum osteocalcin, or bone Gla protein, was established using a double-antibody sandwich model. Examination of the hook effect revealed that it was significantly reduced, and no hook effect was observed at an osteocalcin concentration of 4000 ng/mL. The established method showed good analytical performance and thermal stability. The limit of detection was 0.03 ng/mL. The intra-assay coefficient of variation (CV) was 3.22%–5.64%, the interassay CV was 4.42%–7.25%, and the recovery rate was 93.22%–107.99%. Cross-reactivity (CR) was not observed with bovine, rat, mouse, rabbit, or porcine samples. The developed method showed a good correlation with the N-MID product from Roche. In total, 1069 clinical patient samples were measured using the reagent kit developed in this study

    Generation of male germ cells from mouse induced pluripotent stem cells in vitro

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    Germ cells are the only cell type that passes genetic information to the next generation. In most metazoan species, primordial germ cells (PGCs) were induced from epiblasts by signals from the neighboring tissues. In vitro derivation of germ cells from the pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) such as embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced PSCs (iPSCs) are of great values for the treatment of infertility, for animal breeding, and for studying the mechanism of germ cell development. Although the derivations of male germ cells from PSCs have been previously reported, most of the studies failed to conduct the induction in a well-controlled and highly efficient manner. Here, we report the derivation of induced PGC-like cells (iPGCLCs) from mouse iPSCs via induced epiblast-like cells (iEpiLCs) as being monitored by the expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein gene under the control of the promoter of stimulated by retinoic acid 8 (Stra8-EGFP). The identity of iPGCLCs was characterized by examining the expression of multiple marker genes as well as by the recovery of spermatogenesis after they were transplanted to the testis of infertile W/Wv mice. Furthermore, iPGCLCs were either induced to germline stem cell-like cells (iGSCLCs) or reverted back to embryonic germ cell-like cells (iEGCLCs). In conclusion, we have established an efficient procedure for inducing iPSCs into iPGCLCs that can be further expanded and induced to more developed germ cells. This work indicates that the technology of in vitro germ cell induction is becoming more sophisticated and can be further improved

    Hyperglycemia is associated with increased risk of patient delay in pulmonary tuberculosis in rural areas

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    Background: Excessive time between the first presentation of symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and diagnosis contributes to ongoing transmission and increased risk of infection in the community, as well as to increased disease severity and higher mortality. People with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have a higher risk of developing PTB. However, the effect of T2DM on delayed diagnosis of PTB is not fully understood. This study investigated the effects of hyperglycemia (diabetes and prediabetes) and other factors on PTB patient delay in a rural area of China. Methods: In the present community-based investigation, PTB patients aged ≥16years newly diagnosed at county tuberculosis dispensaries were recruited consecutively between September 2011 and December 2013. Fasting blood glucose was determined in all subjects, and a structured questionnaire was used to collect basic information. Results: Of the 2280 patients, 605 (26.5 %) had hyperglycemia. The median (interquartile range) time to seeking health care was 44 (59) days. Health care seeking was delayed in 1754 subjects, and hyperglycemia was independently associated with an increased probability (odds ratio 2.10; 95 % confidence interval 1.49-2.97) of patient delay in subjects aged ≥30years. Other factors associated with patient delay were cough, night sweats, and lack of knowledge regarding typical tuberculosis symptoms. The onset of hemoptysis was negatively correlated with patient delay. Conclusions: Patient delay appears to be a serious problem in this rural area with a high prevalence of tuberculosis. Hyperglycemia is independently associated with an increased probability of patient delay, which, in turn, may result in more serious clinical manifestations

    B Vitamins Can Reduce Body Weight Gain by Increasing Metabolism-related Enzyme Activities in Rats Fed on a High-Fat Diet

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    B vitamins are enzyme cofactors that play an important role in energy metabolism. The aim of this study was to elucidate whether B vitamin administration can reduce body weight (BW) gain by improving energy metabolism-related enzyme activities in rats fed on a highfat diet. Fifty rats were randomly assigned to one of the following five groups: control group (C), including rats fed on standard rat chow; four treatment groups (HO, HI, H2, and H3), in which rats were fed on a high-fat diet. Rats in the HI group were treated daily with 100 mg/kg BW thiamine (VB1), 100 mg/kg BW riboflavin (VB2), and 250 mg/kg BW niacin (VPP); rats in the H2 group were treated daily with 100 mg/kg BW pyridoxine (VB6), 100 mg/kg BW cobalamin (VB12), and 5 mg/kg BW folate (FA); and rats in the H3 group were treated daily with all of the B vitamins administered to the HI and H2 groups. After 12 weeks, the BW gains from the initial value were 154.5±58.4 g and 159.1±53.0 g in the HI and C groups, respectively, which were significantly less than the changes in the HO group (285.2±14.8 g, P+/K+ adenosine triphosphatase were significantly increased in the B vitamin-treated groups and were significantly greater than those in the HO group (P<0.05). Furthermore, the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, pyruvic acid kinase, and succinate dehydrogenase activities also were increased after treatment with B vitamins. Supplementation with B vitamins could effectively reduce BW gain and plasma levels of lipids by improving energy metabolism-related enzyme activities in rats, thus possibly providing potential benefits to humans.</p