576 research outputs found

    Empirical analysis of current status data for additive hazards model with auxiliary covariates

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    summary:In practice, it often occurs that some covariates of interest are not measured because of various reasons, but there may exist some auxiliary information available. In this case, an issue of interest is how to make use of the available auxiliary information for statistical analysis. This paper discusses statistical inference problems in the context of current status data arising from an additive hazards model with auxiliary covariates. An empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic for the regression parameter vector is defined and its limiting distribution is shown to be a standard chi-squared distribution. A profile empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic for a sub-vector of the parameters and its asymptotic distribution are also studied. To assess the finite sample performance of the proposed methods, simulation studies are implemented and simulation results show that the methods work well

    Power of linkage analysis using traits generated from simulated longitudinal data of the Framingham Heart Study

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    The Framingham Heart Study is a very successful longitudinal research for cardiovascular diseases. The completion of a 10-cM genome scan in Framingham families provided an opportunity to evaluate linkage using longitudinal data. Several descriptive traits based on simulated longitudinal data from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 (GAW13) were generated, and linkage analyses were performed for these traits. We compared the power of detecting linkage for baseline and slope genes in the simulated data of GAW13 using these traits. We found that using longitudinal traits based on multiple follow-ups may not be more powerful than using cross-sectional traits for genetic linkage analysis

    Identifying association under a previous linkage peak on chromosome 16 for body mass index using cross-sectional and longitudinal data of the Framingham Heart Study

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    We performed association analysis under a previous linkage peak on chromosome 16 with genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data to identify genetic variants underlying body mass index (BMI). Data from all subjects with baseline measures and a subgroup who had complete data at four selected time points from the Framingham Heart Study were analyzed. The cross-sectional measures include BMI at baseline for all subjects, as well as BMI at selected time points for the subgroup. The longitudinal measure is the within-subject mean of BMI for the subgroup at the four time points

    Desain Proportional Integral Derrivative (Pid) Controller Pada Model Arm Robot Manipulator

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    Dalam rangka menuju proses industrialisasi modern di negara Indonesia, harus didukung dengan teknologi yang canggih, contoh nya adalah arm robot manipulator. sebagai pelaku proses produksi sehingga dihasilkan ketepatan,kepresisian, dan kefektifan pada proses produksi. Dengan hal tersebut dibuat sebuah desain kontrol PID pada arm robot manipulator dengan tujuan menghasilkan tingkat presisi dan kestabilan yang lebih baik. Kontroler tersebut didesain, disimulasikan, dan diaplikasikan pada hardware dengan menggunakan software MATLAB/Simulink, kemudian dianalisa kestabilannya dengan metode root locus. Akrilik digunakan sebagai material pada body arm robot. Selanjutnya komponen utama seperti, potensiometer sebagai analog input, motor DC sebagai penggerak setiap link, serta Arduino Mega 2560 sebagai mikrokontroler. Akrilik dipilih karena ringan, kuat dan tahan lama.Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan penyempurnaan konstruksi mekanik arm robot manipulator yang sudah ada, pemasangan hardware elektronik, dan pemrograman mikrokontroler dengan menggunakan software MATLAB pada Arduino Toolbox. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, model arm robot manipulator dapat bergerak lebih smooth sesuai dengan input pergerakan potensiometer, dan berada posisi kestabilan saat dianalisa dengan menggunakan root locus

    Genome-wide linkage analysis using cross-sectional and longitudinal traits for body mass index in a subsample of the Framingham Heart Study

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    To evaluate linkage evidence for body mass index (BMI) using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data, we performed genome-wide multipoint linkage analyses on subjects who had complete data at four selected time points (initial, 8(th), 12(th), and 16(th )year following the initial visit) from the Framingham Heart Study. The cross-sectional measures included BMI at each of the four selected time points and the longitudinal measure was the within-subject mean of BMI at the above four time points. Using the variance components method, we consistently observed the maximum LOD score out of the genome scan using BMI at each time point and the mean of BMI between 049xd2 and GATA71H05 on chromosome 16. The highest LOD score (3.0) was at time point 1, while the lowest (1.9) was at time point 4. We also observed other suggestive linkages on chromosome 6, 10, and 18 at time point 1 only. The longitudinal measure we studied (mean of BMI) did not provide greater power to identify a positive linkage than some of the cross-sectional measures (e.g., time point 1). The changing of linkage evidence over time provided some insights on the variation of genetic effect on BMI with aging. There may be a QTL on chromosome 16 that contributes to BMI and this locus, and maybe others, is more likely to affect BMI during early adulthood

    Stability improvement of multi-beam picosecond–petawatt laser system for ultrahigh peak-power applications

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    Pointing fluctuations of beams reduce the possibility of incoherent or coherent addition for ultrahigh peak power in a multi-beam picosecond–petawatt laser system. Pointing fluctuations on the target were observed on Shenguang Upgrade Petawatt (SGII-UP-Petawatt) beam using a high-speed and high-resolution active pointing stabilization control system. The maximum frequency of the pointing fluctuations was less than 50 Hz, and the amplitude was approximately 2.8 µrad (RMS). An online test of pointing fluctuations with active stabilization control demonstrated that pointing fluctuations could be reduced to 0.63 µrad (RMS), approximately one-quarter of that without active stabilization control. The benefits of reduced pointing fluctuation were estimated using a multi-beamlet petawatt laser system; the results demonstrated that peak power could be increased by 51.7% when active stabilization control was used in an eight-beamlet picosecond–petawatt laser system

    Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals dynamic changes in A-to-I RNA editome during early human embryogenesis

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    BACKGROUND: A-to-I RNA-editing mediated by ADAR (adenosine deaminase acting on RNA) enzymes that converts adenosine to inosine in RNA sequence can generate mutations and alter gene regulation in metazoans. Previous studies have shown that A-to-I RNA-editing plays vital roles in mouse embryogenesis. However, the RNA-editing activities in early human embryonic development have not been investigated. RESULTS: Here, we characterized genome-wide A-to-I RNA-editing activities during human early embryogenesis by profiling 68 single cells from 29 human embryos spanning from oocyte to morula stages. We demonstrate dynamic changes in genome-wide RNA-editing during early human embryogenesis in a stage-specific fashion. In parallel with ADAR expression level changes, the genome-wide A-to-I RNA-editing levels in cells remained relatively stable until 4-cell stage, but dramatically decreased at 8-cell stage, continually decreased at morula stage. We detected 37 non-synonymously RNA-edited genes, of which 5 were frequently found in cells of multiple embryonic stages. Moreover, we found that A-to-I editings in miRNA-targeted regions of a substantial number of genes preferably occurred in one or two sequential stages. CONCLUSIONS: Our single-cell analysis reveals dynamic changes in genome-wide RNA-editing during early human embryogenesis in a stage-specific fashion, and provides important insights into early human embryogenesis. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-016-3115-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
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