16,334 research outputs found

    The Hamiltonian index of a graph and its branch-bonds

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    Let GG be an undirected and loopless finite graph that is not a path. The minimum mm such that the iterated line graph Lm(G)L^m(G) is hamiltonian is called the hamiltonian index of G,G, denoted by h(G).h(G). A reduction method to determine the hamiltonian index of a graph GG with h(G)ā‰„2h(G)\geq 2 is given here. With it we will establish a sharp lower bound and a sharp upper bound for h(G)h(G), respectively, which improves some known results of P.A. Catlin et al. [J. Graph Theory 14 (1990)] and H.-J. Lai [Discrete Mathematics 69 (1988)]. Examples show that h(G)h(G) may reach all integers between the lower bound and the upper bound. \u

    Macroscopical Entangled Coherent State Generator in V configuration atom system

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    In this paper, we propose a scheme to produce pure and macroscopical entangled coherent state. When a three-level ''V'' configuration atom interacts with a doubly reasonant cavity, under the strong classical driven condition, entangled coherent state can be generated from vacuum fields. An analytical solution for this system under the presence of cavity losses is also given

    Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Heat Transfer Properties at Low Prandtl Number

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    The sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR), which is one of the most promising candidates for meeting the goal declared by the Generation IV International Forum (GIF), has drawn a lot of attention. Turbulent heat transfer in liquid sodium, which is a low-Prandtl fluid, is an extremely complex phenomenon. The limitations of the commonly used eddy diffusivity approach have become more evident when considering low-Prandtl fluids. The current study focuses on the assessment and optimization of the existing modeling closure for single-phase turbulence in liquid sodium based on reference results provided by the LES method. In this study, a wall-resolved Large-Eddy Simulation was performed to simulate the flow and heat transfer properties in a turbulent channel at low Prandtl number. The simulation results were first compared with the DNS results obtained from the literature. A good agreement demonstrated the capability of the employed numerical approach to predict the turbulent and heat transfer properties in a low-Prandtl number fluid. Consequently, new reference results were obtained for the typical Prandtl number and wall heat flux of an SFR. A time-averaged process was employed to evaluate the temperature profile quantitatively as well as the turbulent heat flux. Their dependency was also evaluated based on a systematic CFD simulation that covers the typical Reynolds numbers of SFRs. Based on the reference results obtained, the coefficients employed in an algebraic turbulent heat flux model (AFM) are calibrated. The optimized coefficients provide more accurate prediction of heat transfer properties for typical flow conditions of an SFR than the existing models found in the literature

    Topological Influence-Aware Recommendation on Social Networks

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    Users in online networks exert different influence during the process of information propagation, and the heterogeneous influence may contribute to personalized recommendations. In this paper, we analyse the topology of social networks to investigate usersā€™ influence strength on their neighbours. We also exploit the user-item rating matrix to find the importance of usersā€™ ratings and determine their influence on entire social networks. Based on the local influence between users and global influence over the whole network, we propose a recommendation method with indirect interactions that makes adequate use of usersā€™ relationships on social networks and usersā€™ rating data. The two kinds of influence are incorporated into a matrix factorization framework. We also consider indirect interactions between users who do not have direct links with each other. Experimental results on two real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed framework performs better than other state-of-the-art methods for all users and cold-start users. Compared with node degrees, betweenness, and clustering coefficients, coreness constitutes the best topological descriptor to identify usersā€™ local influence, and recommendations with the measure of coreness outperform other descriptors of user influence.</jats:p

    Service dominant logic:implications for postponement in service supply chains

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    Abstract. Different service supply chain models and frameworks have been developed based on the models of supply chain management of product manufacturing sector. Meanwhile, postponement has been studied a lot in the areas of manufacturing supply chain management, but not much evidence of service postponement has been examined. Is it possible to utilize postponement in service supply chain management? This Masterā€™s thesis is presenting research exploring the feasibility of applying postponement strategy in managing a service supply chain. With the service dominant logic as the basement, it is discovered that service providers should focus on assist creating customersā€™ value-in-use, which leads to long-term and higher value-in-exchange to the service provider. Operant resources, such as knowledge on customers, must be considered critical in managing service supply chains. Value offering model is adopted as a significant adaptation to enable postponement, because it integrates both demand and supply, both customers and the provider as the service co-creators. Then it is explained in the study that how postponement can be applied to manage the service supply chain with a creative model based on the value offering theory. The proposed framework adds to the existing knowledge on service supply chain management by exploring the applicability of postponement strategy from service dominant perspective. From this sense this study is innovative and exploratory. Practically, it suggests a service firm can utilize postponement by integrating the customer and customerā€™s demand chain into its supply chain. Qualitative method is considered as a reasonable and valid research method for this study. Abductive reasoning works as a strategy to conduct this research as it is appropriate for theory development. A single case study is conducted with a partner company, an international knowledge-intensive service provider providing professional consulting and engineering service. Primary empirical data is collected from semi-structured interviews. The approach of data analysis is coding and hermeneutics

    On-Orbit Noise Characterization for MODIS Reflective Solar Bands

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    Since launch, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) has operated successfully on-board the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra and EOS Aqua spacecraft. MODIS is a passive cross-track scanning radiometer that makes observations in 36 spectral bands with spectral wavelengths from visible (VIS) to long-wave infrared. MODIS bands 1-19 and 26 are the reflective solar bands (RSB) with wavelengths from 0.41 to 2.2 micrometers. They are calibrated on-orbit using an on-board solar diffuser (SD) and a SD stability monitor (SDSM) system. For MODIS RSB, the level 1B calibration algorithm produces top of the atmosphere reflectance factors and radiances for every pixel of the Earth view. The sensor radiometric calibration accuracy, specified at each spectral band's typical scene radiance, is 2% for the RSB reflectance factors and 5% for the RSB radiances. Also specified at the typical scene radiance is the detector signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), a key sensor performance parameter that directly impacts its radiometric calibration accuracy and stability, as well as the image quality. This paper describes an on-orbit SNR characterization approach developed to evaluate and track MODIS RSB detector performance. In order to perform on-orbit SNR characterization, MODIS RSB detector responses to the solar illumination reflected from the SD panel must be corrected for factors due to variations of the solar angles and the SD bi-directional reflectance factor. This approach enables RSB SNR characterization to be performed at different response levels for each detector. On-orbit results show that both Terra and Aqua MODIS RSB detectors have performed well since launch. Except for a few noisy or inoperable detectors which were identified pre-launch, most RSB detectors continue to meet the SNR design requirements and are able to maintain satisfactory short-term stability. A comparison of on-orbit noise characterization results with results derived from pre-launch calibration and characterization are also provided

    Quantum correlation measure in arbitrary bipartite systems

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    A definition of quantum correlation is presented for an arbitrary bipartite quantum state based on the skew information. This definition not only inherits the good properties of skew information such as the contractivity and so on, but also is effective and almost analytically calculated for any bipartite quantum states. We also reveal the relation between our measure and quantum metrology. As applications, we give the exact expressions of quantum correlation for many states, which provides a direct support for our result.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Comments are welcom
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