20 research outputs found

    Batoid fishery in Peru (1950-2015): Magnitude, management and data needs: Pesquería de batoideos en Perú (1950-2015): Magnitud, manejo y necesidades de información

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    Historical landings from the Food and Agriculture Organization (1950–2015) were used to estimate the contribution of the Peruvian batoid fishery to the eastern Pacific Ocean, and species-specific landings from Instituto del Mar del Peru (1997-2015) were used to identify the most-landed species, their landings sites and monthly variation throughout the year, and fishing gear types most used. The regulatory and research landscape were evaluated toward identifying potential gaps that may be hindering conservation and management of batoids in Peru. Results showed that in the eastern Pacific, Peru ranked second, after Chile, for batoid landings from 1950 to 2015. Of the twenty-three species of marine batoids that interact with Peruvian fisheries, the most landed taxonomic groups, from 1997 to 2015, were: Myliobatis spp. (i.e., M. chilensis and M. peruvianus; 45% of batoids landings), Mobula spp. (primarily M. mobular, and secondarily M. thurstoni, M. munkiana, M. tarapacana; 28%), Pseudobatos planiceps (6%), and Hypanus dipterurus (6%). Most of these species are landed in northern Peru, where gillnets are the most-used fishing gear to capture them. Batoid landings occurred year-round; yet, for H. dipterurus and P. planiceps landings were highest during the austral summer. Only three management measures exist for batoids fisheries in Peru for three species (i.e., M. birostris, Pristis pristis, Rhinoptera steindachneri) and two taxa (i.e., Mobula and Myliobatis) which are not fully enforced. Batoid research in Peru is limited, with only 25 publications from 1978 to 2022, in which the most studied species are Mobula birostris, M. chilensis and M. peruvianus. This study establishes an information baseline for batoids in Peru that can help guide their management, research, and conservation. &nbsp

    Genetic composition and origin of juvenile green turtles foraging at Culebra, Puerto Rico, as revealed by mtDNA

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    Marine migratory species encounter a range of threats as they move through coastal and oceanic zones. Understanding the connectivity and dispersal patterns of such species is critical to their effective conservation. Here we analyzed the temporal genetic composition and the most likely origin of juvenile green turtles foraging at Puerto Manglar and Tortuga Bay, Culebra, Puerto Rico, using mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. We identified 17 haplotypes, of which CM-A3 (51.5%), CM-A5 (19.4%) and CM-A1 (13.6%) were the most common. Haplotype (h) and nucleotide (Ï€) diversities were 0.680 and 0.008, respectively. There was no evidence of significant variation in the genetic composition of these aggregations throughout seven years (2000-2006), suggesting that relative contributions from source populations did not significantly change during this period. Mixed Stock Analysis (MSA), incorporating 14 Atlantic nesting populations as possible sources, indicated four main contributing stocks to the Culebra foraging grounds: Costa Rica (34.9%), Mexico (29.2%), East Central Florida (13.2%), and Suriname (12.0%). The regional pattern of connectivity among Wider Caribbean rookeries and Culebra was further evidenced by a second MSA using Atlantic Regional Management Units (RMUs) as sources, with 94.1% of the mixed stock attributed to this area. This study addresses the information gap on the connectivity of the green turtle in the North Atlantic, and establishes an important baseline that can be used to determine future changes in stock composition.Department of Natural and Environ-mental Resources of Puerto Rico; US National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS-NOAA, Section 6, grant NA08NMF4720436); US Fish and Wildlife Service, Chelonia Inc, and WIDECAST. Work was conducted under permits by NMFS-NOAA (permit nos. 1253, 1518, 14949) and DNER (06-EPE-016). ARP had the support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technologyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First record of hybridization between green Chelonia mydas and hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata sea turtles in the Southeast Pacific

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    Hybridization among sea turtle species has been widely reported in the Atlantic Ocean, but their detection in the Pacific Ocean is limited to just two individual hybrid turtles, in the northern hemisphere. Herein, we report, for the first time in the southeast Pacific, the presence of a sea turtle hybrid between the green turtle Chelonia mydas and the hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata. This juvenile sea turtle was captured in northern Peru (4°13′S; 81°10′W) on the 5th of January, 2014. The individual exhibited morphological characteristics of C. mydas such as dark green coloration, single pair of pre-frontal scales, four post-orbital scales, and mandibular median ridge, while the presence of two claws in each frontal flipper, and elongated snout resembled the features of E. imbricata. In addition to morphological evidence, we confirmed the hybrid status of this animal using genetic analysis of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I, which revealed that the hybrid individual resulted from the cross between a female E. imbricata and a male C. mydas. Our report extends the geographical range of occurrence of hybrid sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean, and is a significant observation of interspecific breeding between one of the world’s most critically endangered populations of sea turtles, the east Pacific E. imbricata, and a relatively healthy population, the east Pacific C. mydas

    Shark fisheries in the Southeast Pacific: A 61-year analysis from Peru [version 2; referees: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Peruvian waters exhibit high conservation value for sharks. This contrasts with a lag in initiatives for their management and a lack of studies about their biology, ecology and fishery. We investigated the dynamics of Peruvian shark fishery and its legal framework identifying information gaps for recommending actions to improve management. Further, we investigated the importance of the Peruvian shark fishery from a regional perspective. From 1950 to 2010, 372,015 tons of sharks were landed in Peru. From 1950 to 1969, we detected a significant increase in landings; but from 2000 to 2011 there was a significant decrease in landings, estimated at 3.5% per year. Six species represented 94% of landings: blue shark (Prionace glauca), shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena), common thresher (Alopias vulpinus), smooth-hound (Mustelus whitneyi) and angel shark (Squatina californica). Of these, the angel shark exhibits a strong and significant decrease in landings: 18.9% per year from 2000 to 2010. Peru reports the highest accumulated historical landings in the Pacific Ocean; but its contribution to annual landings has decreased since 1968. Still, Peru is among the top 12 countries exporting shark fins to the Hong Kong market. Although the government collects total weight by species, the number of specimens landed as well as population parameters (e.g. sex, size and weight) are not reported. Further, for some genera, species-level identification is deficient and so overestimates the biomass landed by species and underestimates the species diversity. Recently, regional efforts to regulate shark fishery have been implemented to support the conservation of sharks but in Peru work remains to be done

    Fish DNA barcoding around large marine infrastructure for improved biodiversity assessment and monitoring

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    <p>Accurate species-level identification is pivotal for environmental assessments and monitoring. The PERU LNG terminal is composed of large marine infrastructure located on the central coast of Peru. Since construction, taxonomically challenging species such as drum fishes (Sciaenidae) have been attracted to the new hard-bottom habitat. We conducted a DNA barcoding study to investigate fish diversity and constructed a DNA barcode reference library. We examined 56 vouchered specimens and identified 24 unique species. Intra- and interspecific divergence estimates ranged between 0 and 0.64% and 11 and 35.5%, respectively. We assessed the efficiency of the reference library to identify 29 non-vouchered specimens. We had 82.5% efficiency by using both our reference library (<i>n</i> = 17) and GenBank (<i>n</i> = 24). We highlight the importance of implementing molecular barcoding for complementing biodiversity assessments in marine environments. This study represents a first step towards generating a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library for marine fishes in Peru.</p

    Deep-sea Chondrichthyans associated with the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides fishery off the coast of Peru: Condrictios de aguas profundas asociados con la pesquería de bacalao de profundidad Dissostichus eleginoides frente a la costa de Perú

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    The deep-sea fishery for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Peru offers the opportunity to document species that may be new or rare to the region, or possibly new to science. Here, we report specimens caught, photographed and discarded in a vessel operating in the deep-sea fishery for D. eleginoides, during two fishing trips in 2019 and 2020. Five specimens of three chondrichthyan species were caught incidentally at an average depth of 1,489 m. Species identification was done from photographs as specimens were discarded, and they include Centroscyllium cf. nigrum, Bathyraja cf. spinosissima, and Hydrolagus melanophasma. All are new records for Peruvian waters. Continuing the collaboration with commercial fisheries as a source of information for deep-sea species could greatly contribute to improving our understanding of marine biodiversity in Peru and inform conservation decision-making

    Fast Growing, Healthy and Resident Green Turtles (<i>Chelonia mydas</i>) at Two Neritic Sites in the Central and Northern Coast of Peru: Implications for Conservation

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    <div><p>In order to enhance protection and conservation strategies for endangered green turtles (<i>Chelonia mydas</i>), the identification of neritic habitats where this species aggregates is mandatory. Herein, we present new information about the population parameters and residence time of two neritic aggregations from 2010 to 2013; one in an upwelling dominated site (Paracas ∼14°S) and the other in an ecotone zone from upwelling to warm equatorial conditions (El Ñuro ∼4°S) in the Southeast Pacific. We predicted proportionally more adult individuals would occur in the ecotone site; whereas in the site dominated by an upwelling juvenile individuals would predominate. At El Ñuro, the population was composed by (15.3%) of juveniles, (74.9%) sub-adults, and (9.8%) adults, with an adult sex ratio of 1.16 males per female. Times of residence in the area ranged between a minimum of 121 and a maximum of 1015 days (mean 331.1 days). At Paracas the population was composed by (72%) of juveniles and (28%) sub-adults, no adults were recorded, thus supporting the development habitat hypothesis stating that throughout the neritic distribution there are sites exclusively occupied by juveniles. Residence time ranged between a minimum of 65 days and a maximum of 680 days (mean 236.1). High growth rates and body condition index values were estimated suggesting healthy individuals at both study sites. The population traits recorded at both sites suggested that conditions found in Peruvian neritic waters may contribute to the recovery of South Pacific green turtles. However, both aggregations are still at jeopardy due to pollution, bycatch and illegal catch and thus require immediate enforcing of conservation measurements.</p></div

    DNA barcoding in the Southeast Pacific marine realm: Low coverage and geographic representation despite high diversity.

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    The Southeast Pacific comprises two Large Marine Ecosystems, the Pacific Central-American Coastal and the Humboldt Current System; and is one of the less well known in the tropical subregions in terms of biodiversity. To address this, we compared DNA barcoding repositories with the marine biodiversity species for the Southeast Pacific. We obtained a checklist of marine species in the Southeast Pacific (i.e. Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, and Peru) from the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) database and compared it with species available at the Barcoding of Life Data System (BOLD) repository. Of the 5504 species records retrieved from OBIS, 42% of them had at least one registered specimen in BOLD (including specimens around the world); however, only 4.5% of records corresponded to publicly available DNA barcodes including specimens collected from a Southeast Pacific country. The low representation of barcoded species does not vary much across the different taxonomic groups or within countries, but we observed an asymmetric distribution of DNA barcoding records for taxonomic groups along the coast, being more abundant for the Humboldt Current System than the Pacific Central-American Coastal. We observed high-level of barcode records with Barcode Index Number (BIN) incongruences, particularly for fishes (Actinopterygii = 30.27% and Elasmobranchii = 24.71%), reflecting taxonomic uncertainties for fishes, whereas for Invertebrates and Mammalia more than 85% of records were classified as data deficient or inadequate procedure for DNA barcoding. DNA barcoding is a powerful tool to study biodiversity, with a great potential to increase the knowledge of the Southeast Pacific marine biodiversity. Our results highlight the critical need for increasing taxonomic sampling effort, the number of trained taxonomic specialists, laboratory facilities, scientific collections, and genetic reference libraries

    Size, preliminary growth rates, and body condition index of green turtles (<i>Chelonia mydas</i>) at foraging grounds in the eastern Pacific.

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    <p>Information includes site name, samples size (n), proportion of juveniles to adults (Juv∶ Adt) reported either as a percentage or as total count of samples individuals, mean and standard deviation (SD) of curve carapace length (CCL), straight carapace length (SCL) in cm, weight in kg, growth rate in cm year<sup>−1</sup>, and body condition index (BCI). We include information of the habitat and the size criteria to distinguish juveniles from adults (mean nesting size-MNS of females).</p><p>Size, preliminary growth rates, and body condition index of green turtles (<i>Chelonia mydas</i>) at foraging grounds in the eastern Pacific.</p