166 research outputs found

    Deformable Image Registration with Inclusion of Autodetected Homologous Tissue Features

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    A novel deformable registration algorithm is proposed in the application of radiation therapy. The algorithm starts with autodetection of a number of points with distinct tissue features. The feature points are then matched by using the scale invariance features transform (SIFT) method. The associated feature point pairs are served as landmarks for the subsequent thin plate spline (TPS) interpolation. Several registration experiments using both digital phantom and clinical data demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the method. For the 3D phantom case, markers with error less than 2 mm are over 85% of total test markers, and it takes only 2-3 minutes for 3D feature points association. The proposed method provides a clinically practical solution and should be valuable for various image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) applications

    PEA-Diffusion: Parameter-Efficient Adapter with Knowledge Distillation in non-English Text-to-Image Generation

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    Text-to-image diffusion models are well-known for their ability to generate realistic images based on textual prompts. However, the existing works have predominantly focused on English, lacking support for non-English text-to-image models. The most commonly used translation methods cannot solve the generation problem related to language culture, while training from scratch on a specific language dataset is prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we are inspired to propose a simple plug-and-play language transfer method based on knowledge distillation. All we need to do is train a lightweight MLP-like parameter-efficient adapter (PEA) with only 6M parameters under teacher knowledge distillation along with a small parallel data corpus. We are surprised to find that freezing the parameters of UNet can still achieve remarkable performance on the language-specific prompt evaluation set, demonstrating that PEA can stimulate the potential generation ability of the original UNet. Additionally, it closely approaches the performance of the English text-to-image model on a general prompt evaluation set. Furthermore, our adapter can be used as a plugin to achieve significant results in downstream tasks in cross-lingual text-to-image generation. Code will be available at: https://github.com/OPPO-Mente-Lab/PEA-DiffusionComment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Role of catecholamine levels and quality-of-life domains in patients with oral neoplasms

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    Background: Oral cancer has a profound impact on quality of life, but the relationship between quality of life and tumorigenesis, catecholamine levels, and disease stage in oral cancer patients is not well understood. Methods: Pre-surgical quality of life was determined using the Short Form 36 (SF-36) health-related quality of life questionnaire in 75 oral neoplasm patients, including 40 oral carcinoma patients and 35 benign oral tumor patients. The plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations were assessed using high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry, and data were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression models. Results: There were significant differences in pain, general health, and mental health SF-36 subscores between the oral carcinoma and benign oral tumor groups. Multivariate logistic regression models showed that the SF-36 scores in the oral carcinoma group were significantly lower than those in the benign oral tumor group. Conclusions: These findings show that general health is affected in oral neoplasm patients and stress hormones can affect quality of life in oral carcinoma patients; furthermore, plasma catecholamines and mental health contribute to the progression of oral carcinoma

    Partition of a Binary Matrix into k

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    A biclustering problem consists of objects and an attribute vector for each object. Biclustering aims at finding a bicluster—a subset of objects that exhibit similar behavior across a subset of attributes, or vice versa. Biclustering in matrices with binary entries (“0”/“1”) can be simplified into the problem of finding submatrices with entries of “1.” In this paper, we consider a variant of the biclustering problem: the k-submatrix partition of binary matrices problem. The input of the problem contains an n×m matrix with entries (“0”/“1”) and a constant positive integer k. The k-submatrix partition of binary matrices problem is to find exactly k submatrices with entries of “1” such that these k submatrices are pairwise row and column exclusive and each row (column) in the matrix occurs in exactly one of the k submatrices. We discuss the complexity of the k-submatrix partition of binary matrices problem and show that the problem is NP-hard for any k≥3 by reduction from a biclustering problem in bipartite graphs

    Constructing high-order functional connectivity network based on central moment features for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder

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    The sliding-window-based dynamic functional connectivity network (D-FCN) has been becoming an increasingly useful tool for understanding the changes of brain connectivity patterns and the association of neurological diseases with these dynamic variations. However, conventional D-FCN is essentially low-order network, which only reflects the pairwise interaction pattern between brain regions and thus overlooking the high-order interactions among multiple brain regions. In addition, D-FCN is innate with temporal sensitivity issue, i.e., D-FCN is sensitive to the chronological order of its subnetworks. To deal with the above issues, we propose a novel high-order functional connectivity network framework based on the central moment feature of D-FCN. Specifically, we firstly adopt a central moment approach to extract multiple central moment feature matrices from D-FCN. Furthermore, we regard the matrices as the profiles to build multiple high-order functional connectivity networks which further capture the higher level and more complex interaction relationships among multiple brain regions. Finally, we use the voting strategy to combine the high-order networks with D-FCN for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Experimental results show that the combination of multiple functional connectivity networks achieves accuracy of 88.06%, and the best single network achieves accuracy of 79.5%

    Biocompatibility and safety evaluation of a silk fibroin-doped calcium polyphosphate scaffold copolymer in vitro and in vivo

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    For the reconstruction of cartilage and bone defects, bone repair scaffolds with porous network structures have been extensively studied. In our previous study, CPP-type bioceramics showed higher compressive strength and enhanced degradation after silk fibroin doping, and SF/CPP could be considered a suitable bioceramic for bone tissue-engineering. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility and safety of SF/CPP in vitro and in vivo. The cell biocompatibility was evaluated with regard to the cytotoxicity of the scaffolds using co-culture and MTT tests in vitro. The in vivo biocompatibility of SF/CPP was evaluated by implanting the scaffolds in the subcutaneous and intramuscular regions of experimental animals. We established an experimental animal model to prepare critical-sized cranial defects and evaluated the biodegradability and osteoconductivity of the scaffolds in vivo. The results indicated that the SF/CPP scaffold yielded better biocompatibility and safety performance than the CPP scaffold in vitro and in vivo. Immunohistochemistry staining in vivo for OPN and OCN also indicated that SF/CPP has potential to promote the regeneration of critical-sized cranial defects. The SF/CPP scaffold has good biocompatibility and safety for experimental animals and could also serve as a potential effective bioceramic for a range of bone regeneration applications

    Disturbance-Estimated Adaptive Backstepping Sliding Mode Control of a Pneumatic Muscles-Driven Ankle Rehabilitation Robot.

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    A rehabilitation robot plays an important role in relieving the therapists' burden and helping patients with ankle injuries to perform more accurate and effective rehabilitation training. However, a majority of current ankle rehabilitation robots are rigid and have drawbacks in terms of complex structure, poor flexibility and lack of safety. Taking advantages of pneumatic muscles' good flexibility and light weight, we developed a novel two degrees of freedom (2-DOF) parallel compliant ankle rehabilitation robot actuated by pneumatic muscles (PMs). To solve the PM's nonlinear characteristics during operation and to tackle the human-robot uncertainties in rehabilitation, an adaptive backstepping sliding mode control (ABS-SMC) method is proposed in this paper. The human-robot external disturbance can be estimated by an observer, who is then used to adjust the robot output to accommodate external changes. The system stability is guaranteed by the Lyapunov stability theorem. Experimental results on the compliant ankle rehabilitation robot show that the proposed ABS-SMC is able to estimate the external disturbance online and adjust the control output in real time during operation, resulting in a higher trajectory tracking accuracy and better response performance especially in dynamic conditions

    Multi-task deep learning for large-scale building detail extraction from high-resolution satellite imagery

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    Understanding urban dynamics and promoting sustainable development requires comprehensive insights about buildings. While geospatial artificial intelligence has advanced the extraction of such details from Earth observational data, existing methods often suffer from computational inefficiencies and inconsistencies when compiling unified building-related datasets for practical applications. To bridge this gap, we introduce the Multi-task Building Refiner (MT-BR), an adaptable neural network tailored for simultaneous extraction of spatial and attributional building details from high-resolution satellite imagery, exemplified by building rooftops, urban functional types, and roof architectural types. Notably, MT-BR can be fine-tuned to incorporate additional building details, extending its applicability. For large-scale applications, we devise a novel spatial sampling scheme that strategically selects limited but representative image samples. This process optimizes both the spatial distribution of samples and the urban environmental characteristics they contain, thus enhancing extraction effectiveness while curtailing data preparation expenditures. We further enhance MT-BR's predictive performance and generalization capabilities through the integration of advanced augmentation techniques. Our quantitative results highlight the efficacy of the proposed methods. Specifically, networks trained with datasets curated via our sampling method demonstrate improved predictive accuracy relative to those using alternative sampling approaches, with no alterations to network architecture. Moreover, MT-BR consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in extracting building details across various metrics. The real-world practicality is also demonstrated in an application across Shanghai, generating a unified dataset that encompasses both the spatial and attributional details of buildings