19 research outputs found

    Cluster Analysis Based on Bipartite Network

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    Clustering data has a wide range of applications and has attracted considerable attention in data mining and artificial intelligence. However it is difficult to find a set of clusters that best fits natural partitions without any class information. In this paper, a method for detecting the optimal cluster number is proposed. The optimal cluster number can be obtained by the proposal, while partitioning the data into clusters by FCM (Fuzzy c-means) algorithm. It overcomes the drawback of FCM algorithm which needs to define the cluster number c in advance. The method works by converting the fuzzy cluster result into a weighted bipartite network and then the optimal cluster number can be detected by the improved bipartite modularity. The experimental results on artificial and real data sets show the validity of the proposed method

    Artificial intelligence and data mining: algorithms and applications

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    Artificial intelligence and data mining techniques have been used in many domains to solve classification, segmentation, association, diagnosis, and prediction problems. The overall aim of this special issue is to open a discussion among researchers actively working on algorithms and applications. The issue covers a wide variety of problems for computational intelligence, machine learning, time series analysis, remote sensing image mining, and pattern recognition. After a rigorous peer review process, 20 papers have been selected from 38 submissions. The accepted papers in this issue addressed the following topics: (i) advanced artificial intelligence and data mining techniques; (ii) computational intelligence in dynamic and uncertain environments; (iii) machine learning on massive datasets; (iv) time series data analysis; (v) Spatial data mining: algorithms and applications

    Dimensionality Reduction by Weighted Connections between Neighborhoods

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    Dimensionality reduction is the transformation of high-dimensional data into a meaningful representation of reduced dimensionality. This paper introduces a dimensionality reduction technique by weighted connections between neighborhoods to improve K-Isomap method, attempting to preserve perfectly the relationships between neighborhoods in the process of dimensionality reduction. The validity of the proposal is tested by three typical examples which are widely employed in the algorithms based on manifold. The experimental results show that the local topology nature of dataset is preserved well while transforming dataset in high-dimensional space into a new dataset in low-dimensionality by the proposed method

    Study on Semantic Contrast Evaluation Based on Vector and Raster Data Patch Generalization

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    We used buffer superposition, Delaunay triangulation skeleton line, and other methods to achieve the aggregation and amalgamation of the vector data, adopted the method of combining mathematical morphology and cellular automata to achieve the patch generalization of the raster data, and selected the two evaluation elements (namely, semantic consistency and semantic completeness) from the semantic perspective to conduct the contrast evaluation study on the generalization results from the two levels, respectively, namely, land type and map. The study results show that: (1) before and after the generalization, it is easier for the vector data to guarantee the area balance of the patch; the raster data’s aggregation of the small patch is more obvious. (2) Analyzing from the scale of the land type, most of the land use types of the two kinds of generalization result’s semantic consistency is above 0.6; the semantic completeness of all types of land use in raster data is relatively low. (3) Analyzing from the scale of map, the semantic consistency of the generalization results for the two kinds of data is close to 1, while, in the aspect of semantic completeness, the land type deletion situation of the raster data generalization result is more serious

    Semisupervised Community Detection by Voltage Drops

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    Many applications show that semisupervised community detection is one of the important topics and has attracted considerable attention in the study of complex network. In this paper, based on notion of voltage drops and discrete potential theory, a simple and fast semisupervised community detection algorithm is proposed. The label propagation through discrete potential transmission is accomplished by using voltage drops. The complexity of the proposal is OV+E for the sparse network with V vertices and E edges. The obtained voltage value of a vertex can be reflected clearly in the relationship between the vertex and community. The experimental results on four real networks and three benchmarks indicate that the proposed algorithm is effective and flexible. Furthermore, this algorithm is easily applied to graph-based machine learning methods

    Incremental Metabolic Benefits from Cryoablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: Insights from Metabolomic Profiling

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    Background: Cryoablation (CRYO) is a novel catheter ablation technique for atrial fibrillation (AF). However, uncertainty persists regarding the role of metabolic modifications associated with CRYO. This study was aimed at exploring whether CRYO influences the metabolic signature – a possibility not previously investigated. Methods: Paired serum samples from patients with AF (n = 10) were collected before and 24 h after CRYO. Untargeted metabolomic analysis was conducted with LC-MS. Univariate and multivariate analyses were applied to identify differential metabolites between samples. Pathway enrichment and Pearson correlation analyses were performed to reveal the perturbed metabolic pathways and potential interactions. Results: Levels of 19 metabolites showed significant changes between baseline and 24 h after CRYO. Pathway analysis revealed that the perturbed metabolites were enriched in unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis, retrograde endocannabinoid signaling, and neuroactive ligand-receptor interactions. Pearson correlation analysis indicated strong correlations among differential metabolites, biochemical markers, and clinical indicators. Conclusions: CRYO induces systemic changes in the serum metabolome in patients with paroxysmal AF and provides potential metabolic benefits. Our findings might enable enhanced understanding of the pathophysiology and metabolic mechanisms involved in catheter ablation

    Application of Symbolic Computation in Nonlinear Differential-Difference Equations

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    A method is proposed to construct closed-form solutions of nonlinear differential-difference equations. For the variety of nonlinearities, this method only deals with such equations which are written in polynomials in function and its derivative. Some closed-form solutions of Hybrid lattice, Discrete mKdV lattice, and modified Volterra lattice are obtained by using the proposed method. The travelling wave solutions of nonlinear differential-difference equations in polynomial in function tanh are included in these solutions. This implies that the proposed method is more powerful than the one introduced by Baldwin et al. The results obtained in this paper show the validity of the proposal

    A Dynamic Fuzzy Cluster Algorithm for Time Series

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm, called dynamic fuzzy cluster (DFC), for dynamically clustering time series by introducing the definition of key point and improving FCM algorithm. The proposed algorithm works by determining those time series whose class labels are vague and further partitions them into different clusters over time. The main advantage of this approach compared with other existing algorithms is that the property of some time series belonging to different clusters over time can be partially revealed. Results from simulation-based experiments on geographical data demonstrate the excellent performance and the desired results have been obtained. The proposed algorithm can be applied to solve other clustering problems in data mining

    Dimensionality Reduction by Weighted Connections between Neighborhoods

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    Dimensionality reduction is the transformation of high-dimensional data into a meaningful representation of reduced dimensionality. This paper introduces a dimensionality reduction technique by weighted connections between neighborhoods to improve K-Isomap method, attempting to preserve perfectly the relationships between neighborhoods in the process of dimensionality reduction. The validity of the proposal is tested by three typical examples which are widely employed in the algorithms based on manifold. The experimental results show that the local topology nature of dataset is preserved well while transforming dataset in high-dimensional space into a new dataset in low-dimensionality by the proposed method

    A Novel Spectral–Spatial Classification Method for Hyperspectral Image at Superpixel Level

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    Although superpixel segmentation provides a powerful tool for hyperspectral image (HSI) classification, it is still a challenging problem to classify an HSI at superpixel level because of the characteristics of adaptive size and shape of superpixels. Furthermore, these characteristics of superpixels along with the appearance of noisy pixels makes it difficult to appropriately measure the similarity between two superpixels. Under the assumption that pixels within a superpixel belong to the same class with a high probability, this paper proposes a novel spectral–spatial HSI classification method at superpixel level (SSC-SL). Firstly, a simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) algorithm is improved by introducing a new similarity and a ranking technique. The improved SLIC, specifically designed for HSI, can straightly segment HSI with arbitrary dimensionality into superpixels, without consulting principal component analysis beforehand. In addition, a superpixel-to-superpixel similarity is newly introduced. The defined similarity is independent of the shape of superpixel, and the influence of noisy pixels on the similarity is weakened. Finally, the classification task is accomplished by labeling each unlabeled superpixel according to the nearest labeled superpixel. In the proposed superpixel-level classification scheme, each superpixel is regarded as a sample. This obviously greatly reduces the data volume to be classified. The experimental results on three real hyperspectral datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed spectral–spatial classification method over several comparative state-of-the-art classification approaches, in terms of classification accuracy