94 research outputs found

    Ultra- ductile waterborne epoxy-concrete composite repair material

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    With the extension of service time, the building structure is in urgent need of repair and reinforcement due to its deterioration in safety and durability with the years. Normal cement concrete exposes shortcomings such as high brittleness and low flexural-tensile strength for which fails to meet the requirement of construction repairing. In this paper, a novel waterborne epoxy-concrete composite repair material (WECM) was prepared by using self-synthesized water-based epoxy resin based on the molecular structure-activity relationship. The key flexural and tensile performance parameters of WECM were accurately obtained

    Identification and discovery of imaging genetic patterns using fusion self-expressive network in major depressive disorder

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    IntroductionMajor depressive disorder (MDD) is a prevalent mental illness, with severe symptoms that can significantly impair daily routines, social interactions, and professional pursuits. Recently, imaging genetics has received considerable attention for understanding the pathogenesis of human brain disorders. However, identifying and discovering the imaging genetic patterns between genetic variations, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and brain imaging data still present an arduous challenge. Most of the existing MDD research focuses on single-modality brain imaging data and neglects the complex structure of brain imaging data.MethodsIn this study, we present a novel association analysis model based on a self-expressive network to identify and discover imaging genetics patterns between SNPs and multi-modality imaging data. Specifically, we first build the multi-modality phenotype network, which comprises voxel node features and connectivity edge features from structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI), respectively. Then, we apply intra-class similarity information to construct self-expressive networks of multi-modality phenotype features via sparse representation. Subsequently, we design a fusion method guided by diagnosis information, which iteratively fuses the self-expressive networks of multi-modality phenotype features into a single new network. Finally, we propose an association analysis between MDD risk SNPs and the multi-modality phenotype network based on a fusion self-expressive network.ResultsExperimental results show that our method not only enhances the association between MDD risk SNP rs1799913 and the multi-modality phenotype network but also identifies some consistent and stable regions of interest (ROIs) multi-modality biological markers to guide the interpretation of MDD pathogenesis. Moreover, 15 new potential risk SNPs highly associated with MDD are discovered, which can further help interpret the MDD genetic mechanism.DiscussionIn this study, we discussed the discriminant and convergence performance of the fusion self-expressive network, parameters, and atlas selection

    A PH Domain in ACAP1 Possesses Key Features of the BAR Domain in Promoting Membrane Curvature

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    SummaryThe BAR (Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs) domain undergoes dimerization to produce a curved protein structure, which superimposes onto membrane through electrostatic interactions to sense and impart membrane curvature. In some cases, a BAR domain also possesses an amphipathic helix that inserts into the membrane to induce curvature. ACAP1 (Arfgap with Coil coil, Ankyrin repeat, and PH domain protein 1) contains a BAR domain. Here, we show that this BAR domain can neither bind membrane nor impart curvature, but instead requires a neighboring PH (Pleckstrin Homology) domain to achieve these functions. Specific residues within the PH domain are responsible for both membrane binding and curvature generation. The BAR domain adjacent to the PH domain instead interacts with the BAR domains of neighboring ACAP1 proteins to enable clustering at the membrane. Thus, we have uncovered the molecular basis for an unexpected and unconventional collaboration between PH and BAR domains in membrane bending

    Study on the preparation process of quinoa anti-hypertensive peptide and its stability

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    Quinoa seeds are a food resource rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and other functional components such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, and saponins. The seeds have become favored by modern consumers due to being gluten-free and featuring a high protein content. This study focused on the preparation of quinoa peptides by short-time enzymatic-assisted fermentation. Quinoa flour (QF) was mixed with water in a certain ratio before being enzymatically digested with 0.5% amylase and 0.1% lipase for 6 h. Then, 16 bacterial taxa were used for fermentation, respectively. The peptide content in the resulting fermentation broths were determined by the biuret method. The dominant taxon was then identified and the peptide content, amino acid distribution, and molecular weight distribution of the prepared quinoa peptides were analyzed. Further, the temperature, pH, metal ions, organic solvents, ion concentration, and anti-enzyme stability of the quinoa anti-hypertensive peptides of different molecular weights after fermentation with the dominant taxon were investigated. Finally, the inhibitory activity of fermented quinoa peptides on bacteria was studied. The results show that the peptide content of the fermentation broth reached 58.72 ± 1.3% at 40 h of fermentation with Lactobacillus paracasei and the molecular weights of the hydrolyzed quinoa peptides were mainly distributed below 2 kDa by polyacrylamide gel. The Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibition and peptide retention of the 0–3 kDa quinoa peptides were screened to be high and stable. At the same time, the inhibitory activity of quinoa peptide after fermentation on E. coli was obvious. This study provides a theoretical basis for further research on quinoa peptide and its application in industrial production, and also lays a foundation for the later application of polypeptides in new food and chemical products

    Enhanced Traffic Management Procedures of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Transition Areas

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    In light of the increasing trend towards vehicle connectivity and automation, there will be areas and situations on the roads where high automation can be granted, and others where it is not allowed or not possible. These are termed ‘Transition Areas’. Without proper traffic management, such areas may lead to vehicles issuing take-over requests (TORs), which in turn can trigger transitions of control (ToCs), or even minimum-risk manoeuvres (MRMs). In this respect, the TransAID Horizon 2020 project develops and demonstrates traffic management procedures and protocols to enable smooth coexistence of automated, connected, andconventional vehicles, with the goal of avoiding ToCs and MRMs, or at least postponing/accommodating them. Our simulations confirmed that proper traffic management, taking the traffic mix into account, can prevent drops in traffic efficiency, which in turn leads to a more performant, safer, and cleaner traffic system, when taking the capabilities of connected and autonomous vehicles into account

    Untersuchungen uber das Schicksal der in rohes und gekochtes Brunnenwasser gemischten pathogenen Bakterien

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    Der Verfasser hat Untersuchungen uber die Lebensdauer von pathogenen Darmbakterien, die in rohes und gekochtes Brunnenwasser gemischt wurden, durchgefuhrt. Er hat 5 Brunnenwasser untersucht mit B. typhosus, B. paratyphosus A u. B, B. dysenteriae Komagome A u. B, B. dysenteriae Shiga; die Stamme erhielt Verf. aus dem Staatlichen Institut fur Infektionskrankheiten und aus dem bakteriologischen Institut zu Chiba. Die Ergebnisse sind folgende: 1) war die Menge der verwandten Bakterien klein (ca. 1/3000 Ose in 10 cc.), lebten alle Bakterien in rohem Wasser langer als in gekochtem Wasser. 2) war die Bakterienmenge relativ gross (1 Ose in 10 cc.), lebten die Bakterien zwar langer als bei geringer Menge, verschwanden aber in rohem Wasser schneller als in gekochtem. 3) Unter beiden Versuchsanordnungen lebten die Bakterien im Brunnenwasser langer als in Aq. dest. oder in physiologischer Kochsalzlosung. 4) Die Tabellen zeigen kurz die Ergebnisse: (Autoreferat

    Gene therapy for retinitis pigmentosa and Leber congenital amaurosis caused by defects in AIPL1: effective rescue of mouse models of partial and complete Aipl1 deficiency using AAV2/2 and AAV2/8 vectors

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    Defects in the photoreceptor-specific gene encoding aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein-like 1 (AIPL1) are clinically heterogeneous and present as Leber Congenital Amaurosis, the severest form of early-onset retinal dystrophy and milder forms of retinal dystrophies such as juvenile retinitis pigmentosa and dominant cone-rod dystrophy. [Perrault, I., Rozet, J.M., Gerber, S., Ghazi, I., Leowski, C., Ducroq, D., Souied, E., Dufier, J.L., Munnich, A. and Kaplan, J. (1999) Leber congenital amaurosis. Mol. Genet. Metab., 68, 200–208.] Although not yet fully elucidated, AIPL1 is likely to function as a specialized chaperone for rod phosphodiesterase (PDE). We evaluate whether AAV-mediated gene replacement therapy is able to improve photoreceptor function and survival in retinal degeneration associated with AIPL1 defects. We used two mouse models of AIPL1 deficiency simulating three different rates of photoreceptor degeneration. The Aipl1 hypomorphic (h/h) mouse has reduced Aipl1 levels and a relatively slow degeneration. Under light acceleration, the rate of degeneration in the Aipl1 h/h mouse is increased by 2–3-fold. The Aipl1–/– mouse has no functional Aipl1 and has a very rapid retinal degeneration. To treat the different rates of degeneration, two pseudotypes of recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) exhibiting different transduction kinetics are used for gene transfer. We demonstrate restoration of cellular function and preservation of photoreceptor cells and retinal function in Aipl1 h/h mice following gene replacement therapy using an AAV2/2 vector and in the light accelerated Aipl1 h/h model and Aipl1–/– mice using an AAV2/8 vector. We have thus established the potential of gene replacement therapy in varying rates of degeneration that reflect the clinical spectrum of disease. This is the first gene replacement study to report long-term rescue of a photoreceptor-specific defect and to demonstrate effective rescue of a rapid photoreceptor degeneration
