109 research outputs found

    Práticas de literacia familiar em benguela (angola): Um estudo exploratório.

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    As investigações mostram que a aprendizagem da linguagem escrita começa muito antes do ensino formal e que as práticas e o ambiente de literacia familiar influenciam a literacia emergente e o desenvolvimento da linguagem escrita. Mas, se estes estudos são desenvolvidos no Ocidente, em África pouco se tem feito e em Angola não se conhece nenhum estudo. Com base nos estudos existentes, em diversos contextos culturais, verifica-se que a literacia familiar existe, podendo as práticas variar no tipo e frequência uma vez que o que se passa num contexto, pode não ser igual ao que se passa noutra realidade cultural diferente. Neste sentido este trabalho, procura caraterizar as práticas e o ambiente familiar de literacia em 11 famílias de Benguela com um filho a frequentar o início da escolaridade. Os dados foram recolhidos através de uma entrevista informal aos pais. Os resultados mostram que as práticas de literacia familiar são essencialmente práticas formais, muito ligadas à escola e às tarefas escolares. No mesmo sentido verificámos que a responsabilidade pela aprendizagem da linguagem escrita é atribuída à escola, e a explicadores. Apesar de surgirem algumas referências do uso da literacia associado a práticas religiosas, poucas referências foram feitas a práticas informais ou lúdicas. Foi clara a quase inexistência de materiais de leitura (jornais, livros, revistas) para além dos escolares. A falta de tempo, a escassez de bibliotecas públicas e livrarias, a falta dos recursos financeiras para aquisição do material de literacia e a iliteracia foram apontados como obstáculos para o desenvolvimento de outro tipo de práticasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On Heterogeneous Database Retrieval: A Cognitively-Guided Approach

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    Retrieving information from heterogeneous database systems involves a complex process and remains a challenging research area. We propose a cognitively-guided approach for developing an information retrieval agent that takes the user’s information request, identifies relevant information sources, and generates a multidatabase access plan. Our work is distinctive in that agent design is based on an empirical study of how human experts retrieve information from multiple, heterogeneous database systems. To improve on empirically observed information retrieval capabilities, the design incorporates mathematical models and algorithmic components. These components optimize the set of information sources that need to be considered to respond to a user query and are used to develop efficient multidatabase access plans. This agent design which integrates cognitive and mathematical models has been implemented using the Soar architecture

    The filtered target ERP and distractor ERP.

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    <p>(A) shows the result of CSP filters; (B) shows the result of CCSSP filters.</p

    Shielding from background radiation at the LBRE laboratory at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.

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    <p>(A) The LBRE laboratory, (hosted by the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), a nuclear waste repository near Carlsbad, NM.), is located in the middle of the 600 m-thick Salado formation. (B) Laboratories underground at WIPP are conex shipping containers modified to accommodate office and laboratory equipment. The LBRE steel vault used in this study is under the orange fire blanket (arrow) to provide insulation from the high temperature in the drift. Inside the vault there are two incubators, one of which has 11.5 kg of KCl as a source of ~185 kBq of potassium-40 to ‘add-back” natural levels of radiation and act as our experimental control. Potassium is also present in the media in both incubators adding a dose rate of about 0.5 nGy mL<sup>-1</sup> h<sup>-1</sup> to both the treatment and control. (D) Sampling (Geoffrey Smith) from the plus KCl control incubator (70 nGy h<sup>-1</sup>) inside the vault made from pre-World War II steel.</p

    The frequency responses of FIR filters in Subject aa's CP3 and Subject R3's CP1.

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    <p>FIR filter 1 and FIR filter 2 correspond to the highest and the lowest eigenvalues, respectively.</p

    Metabolic function GO terms enrichment analysis in response to below-background radiation in <i>S</i>. <i>oneidensis</i>.

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    <p>GO terms redundancy in down and upregulated genes was reduced and summarized using REVIGO [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0196472#pone.0196472.ref026" target="_blank">26</a>]. Scatterplots show the non-redundant, down and upregulated GO terms enriched during early (A, B) and late (C, D) exponential phases. Only GO terms with a log10 <i>p</i> value ≤ -1.7 are labeled and the bubble size indicates the frequency of the GO term.</p

    A new potent immunosuppressive isoflavanonol from <i>Campylotropis hirtella</i>

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    <p>Four new flavonoids were isolated from <i>Campylotropis hirtella</i> and these are a chromone and a 2H-chromene, an isoflavone and an isoflavanonol. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by extensive spectroscopic measurements. All of the compounds were assessed for immunosuppressive activity. Compound <b>4</b> showed very strong T lymphocyte suppression activity (IC<sub>50</sub>: 0.13 μM) and potent B lymphocyte suppression activity (IC<sub>50</sub>: 0.26 μM). Due to its potent immunosuppressive activity and lower cytotoxicity, further structure–activity studies will be pursued on this compound.</p

    Brief summary of MI datasets.

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    <p>Brief summary of MI datasets.</p

    The relative power of ERP signals before and after being filtered by FIR filter 1 in <b>Figure 3B</b>.

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    <p>(A) shows the result of target ERP; (B) shows the result of distractor ERP.</p