654 research outputs found

    Contaminated Confessions Revisited

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    A second wave of false confessions is cresting. In the first twenty-one years of post-conviction DNA testing, 250 innocent people were exonerated, forty of which had falsely confessed. Those false confessions attracted sustained public attention from judges, law enforcement, policymakers, and the media. Those exonerations not only showed that false confessions can happen, but did more by shedding light on the problem of confession contamination, in which details of the crime are disclosed to suspects during the interrogation process. As a result, false confessions can appear deceptively rich, detailed, and accurate. In just the last five years, there has been a new surge in false confessions — a set of twenty-six more false confessions among DNA exonerations. All but two of these most recent confessions included crime scene details corroborated by crime scene information. Illustrating the power of contaminated false confessions, in nine of the cases, defendants were convicted despite DNA tests that excluded them at the time. As a result, this second wave of false confessions should cause even more alarm than the first. In the vast majority of cases there is no evidence to test using DNA. Unless a scientific framework is adopted to regulate interrogations, including by requiring recording of entire interrogations, overhauling interrogation methods, providing for judicial review of reliability at trial, and informing jurors with expert testimony, the insidious problems of confession contamination will persist

    Design concept evaluation based on rough number and information entropy theory

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    Concept evaluation at the early phase of product development plays a crucial role in new product development. It determines the direction of the subsequent design activities. However, the evaluation information at this stage mainly comes from experts' judgments, which is subjective and imprecise. How to manage the subjectivity to reduce the evaluation bias is a big challenge in design concept evaluation. This paper proposes a comprehensive evaluation method which combines information entropy theory and rough number. Rough number is first presented to aggregate individual judgments and priorities and to manipulate the vagueness under a group decision-making environment. A rough number based information entropy method is proposed to determine the relative weights of evaluation criteria. The composite performance values based on rough number are then calculated to rank the candidate design concepts. The results from a practical case study on the concept evaluation of an industrial robot design show that the integrated evaluation model can effectively strengthen the objectivity across the decision-making processes

    Fighting For Time: Spillover and Crossover Effects of Long Work Hours Among Dual-Earner Couples

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    Drawing upon the spillover-crossover model, this study examined the extent to which one\u27s work time demands spilled over to the family domain, and crossed over to his or her spouse, utilizing data of 365 dual-earner couples from the 500 Family Study. The results of the distinguishable actor-partner interdependence model indicated that there was gender symmetry in the spillover processes such that the effects of work hours were identical between men and women. Further, although there was more bi-directional crossover between partners within couples, we observed some unidirectional crossover from husbands to wives. Specifically, husbands only increased their contribution to domestic work in response to wives\u27 work fatigue, whereas wives increased their contribution to domestic work in response to husbands\u27 work fatigue and high workloads. Finally, husbands\u27 housework hours negatively related to wives\u27 marital satisfaction and positively related to wives\u27 depression, whereas wives\u27 housework hours negatively related to husbands\u27 marital satisfaction and depression. These findings have practical implications for improving the work-family balance, health, and well-being of dual-earner couples

    A Coalgebraic View of Infinite Trees and Iteration

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    AbstractThe algebra of infinite trees is, as proved by C. Elgot, completely iterative, i.e., all ideal recursive equations are uniquely solvable. This is proved here to be a general coalgebraic phenomenon: let H be an endofunctor such that for every object X a final coalgebra, TX, of H(_) + X exists. Then TX is an object-part of a monad which is completely iterative. Moreover, a similar contruction of a “completely iterative monoid” is possible in every monoidal category satisfying mild side conditions