121 research outputs found

    Re-Evaluation of RF Electromagnetic Communication in Underwater Sensor Networks

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    Most underwater wireless networks use acoustic waves as the transmission medium nowadays, but the chances of getting much more out of acoustic modems are quite remote. Optical links are impractical for many underwater applications. Given modern operational requirements and digital communications technology, the time is now ripe for re-evaluating the role of electromagnetic signals in underwater environments. The research presented in this article is motivated by the limitations of current and established wireless underwater techniques, as well as the potential that electromagnetic waves can offer to underwater applications. A case study is presented that uses electromagnetic technology in a small-scale underwater wireless sensor network. The results demonstrate the likely effectiveness of the designated network

    A distributed anomaly detection system for in-vehicle network using HTM

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    With the development of 5G and Internet of Vehicles technology, the possibility of remote wireless attack on an in-vehicle network has been proven by security researchers. Anomaly detection technology can effectively alleviate the security threat, as the first line of security defense. Based on this, this paper proposes a distributed anomaly detection system using hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) to enhance the security of a vehicular controller area network bus. The HTM model can predict the flow data in real time, which depends on the state of the previous learning. In addition, we improved the abnormal score mechanism to evaluate the prediction. We manually synthesized field modification and replay attack in data field. Compared with recurrent neural networks and hidden Markov model detection models, the results show that the distributed anomaly detection system based on HTM networks achieves better performance in the area under receiver operating characteristic curve score, precision, and recall

    Attosecond spectroscopy of size-resolved water clusters

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    Electron dynamics in water are of fundamental importance for a broad range of phenomena, but their real-time study faces numerous conceptual and methodological challenges. Here, we introduce attosecond size-resolved cluster spectroscopy and build up a molecular-level understanding of the attosecond electron dynamics in water. We measure the effect that the addition of single water molecules has on the photoionization time delays of water clusters. We find a continuous increase of the delay for clusters containing up to 4-5 molecules and little change towards larger clusters. We show that these delays are proportional to the spatial extension of the created electron hole, which first increases with cluster size and then partially localizes through the onset of structural disorder that is characteristic of large clusters and bulk liquid water. These results establish a previously unknown sensitivity of photoionization delays to electron-hole delocalization and reveal a direct link between electronic structure and attosecond photoemission dynamics. Our results offer novel perspectives for studying electron/hole delocalization and its attosecond dynamics

    Attosecond delays between dissociative and non-dissociative ionization of polyatomic molecules

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    The interplay between electronic and nuclear motions in molecules is a central concept in molecular science. To what extent it influences attosecond photoionization delays is an important, still unresolved question. Here, we apply attosecond electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy and advanced calculations that include both electronic and nuclear motions to study the photoionization dynamics of CH4 and CD4 molecules. These molecules are known to feature some of the fastest nuclear dynamics following photoionization. Remarkably, we find no measurable delay between the photoionization of CH4 and CD4, neither experimentally nor theoretically. However, we measure and calculate delays of up to 20 as between the dissociative and non-dissociative photoionization of the highest-occupied molecular orbitals of both molecules. Experiment and theory are in quantitative agreement. These results show that, in the absence of resonances, even the fastest nuclear motion does not substantially influence photoionization delays, but identify a previously unknown signature of nuclear motion in dissociative-ionization channels. These findings have important consequences for the design and interpretation of attosecond chronoscopy in molecules, clusters, and liquidsWe gratefully acknowledge funding from an ERC Consolidator Grant (Project Nos. 772797-ATTOLIQ), the SNSF through grant number 200021_172946, the European COST Action CA18222 AttoChem, the Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) through the projects PID2019-105458RB-I00, the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (CEX2020-001039-S) and the María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (CEX2018-000805-M), the Comunidad de Madrid through the projects FULMATEN Ref. Y2018NMT-5028 and PRICIT Ref. PCD-I3PCD026, as well as the NCCRMUST, funding instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 12122404,11974114,12261160363), the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (Grant No.19560745900), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Computational resources provided by the MareNostrum Supercomputer Centre through the Spanish Supercomputing Network and the Scientific Computation Center at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CCC-UAM) are acknowledge

    KinD-LCE Curve Estimation And Retinex Fusion On Low-Light Image

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    Low-light images often suffer from noise and color distortion. Object detection, semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and other tasks are challenging when working with low-light images because of image noise and chromatic aberration. We also found that the conventional Retinex theory loses information in adjusting the image for low-light tasks. In response to the aforementioned problem, this paper proposes an algorithm for low illumination enhancement. The proposed method, KinD-LCE, uses a light curve estimation module to enhance the illumination map in the Retinex decomposed image, improving the overall image brightness. An illumination map and reflection map fusion module were also proposed to restore the image details and reduce detail loss. Additionally, a TV(total variation) loss function was applied to eliminate noise. Our method was trained on the GladNet dataset, known for its diverse collection of low-light images, tested against the Low-Light dataset, and evaluated using the ExDark dataset for downstream tasks, demonstrating competitive performance with a PSNR of 19.7216 and SSIM of 0.8213.Comment: Accepted by Signal, Image and Video Processin

    Attosecond Photoionization Dynamics: from Molecules over Clusters to the Liquid Phase

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    Photoionization is a process taking place on attosecond time scales. How its properties evolve from isolated particles to the condensed phase is an open question of both fundamental and practical relevance. Here, we review recent work that has advanced the study of photoionization dynamics from atoms to molecules, clusters and the liquid phase. The first measurements of molecular photoionization delays have revealed the attosecond dynamics of electron emission from a molecular shape resonance and their sensitivity to the molecular potential. Using electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy these measurements have been extended from isolated molecules to clusters. A continuous increase of the delays with the water-cluster size has been observed up to a size of 4-5 molecules, followed by a saturation towards larger clusters. Comparison with calculations has revealed a correlation of the time delay with the spatial extension of the created electron hole. Using cylindrical liquid-microjet techniques, these measurements have also been extended to liquid water, revealing a delay relative to isolated water molecules that was very similar to the largest water clusters studied. Detailed modeling based on Monte-Carlo simulations confirmed that these delays are dominated by the contributions of the first two solvation shells, which agrees with the results of the cluster measurements. These combined results open the perspective of experimentally characterizing the delocalization of electronic wave functions in complex systems and studying their evolution on attosecond time scales

    Wave-Packet Surface Propagation for Light-Induced Molecular Dissociation

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    Recent advances in laser technology have enabled tremendous progress in photochemistry, at the heart of which is the breaking and formation of chemical bonds. Such progress has been greatly facilitated by the development of accurate quantum-mechanical simulation method, which, however, does not necessarily accompany clear dynamical scenarios and is rather often a black box, other than being computationally heavy. Here, we develop a wave-packet surface propagation (WASP) approach to describe the molecular bond-breaking dynamics from a hybrid quantum-classical perspective. Via the introduction of quantum elements including state transitions and phase accumulations to the Newtonian propagation of the nuclear wave-packet, the WASP approach naturally comes with intuitive physical scenarios and accuracies. It is carefully benchmarked with the H2+ molecule and is shown to be capable of precisely reproducing experimental observations. The WASP method is promising for the intuitive visualization of strong-field molecular dynamics and is straightforwardly extensible toward complex molecules.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure