17,402 research outputs found

    Glutathione Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma Progression and Implications for Therapies

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    A significantly increased level of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger glutathione (GSH) has been identified as a hallmark of renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The proposed mechanism for increased GSH levels is to counteract damaging ROS to sustain the viability and growth of the malignancy. Here, we review the current knowledge about the three main RCC subtypes, namely clear cell RCC (ccRCC), papillary RCC (pRCC), and chromophobe RCC (chRCC), at the genetic, transcript, protein, and metabolite level and highlight their mutual influence on GSH metabolism. A further discussion addresses the question of how the manipulation of GSH levels can be exploited as a potential treatment strategy for RCC

    Sample Complexity Bounds on Differentially Private Learning via Communication Complexity

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    In this work we analyze the sample complexity of classification by differentially private algorithms. Differential privacy is a strong and well-studied notion of privacy introduced by Dwork et al. (2006) that ensures that the output of an algorithm leaks little information about the data point provided by any of the participating individuals. Sample complexity of private PAC and agnostic learning was studied in a number of prior works starting with (Kasiviswanathan et al., 2008) but a number of basic questions still remain open, most notably whether learning with privacy requires more samples than learning without privacy. We show that the sample complexity of learning with (pure) differential privacy can be arbitrarily higher than the sample complexity of learning without the privacy constraint or the sample complexity of learning with approximate differential privacy. Our second contribution and the main tool is an equivalence between the sample complexity of (pure) differentially private learning of a concept class CC (or SCDP(C)SCDP(C)) and the randomized one-way communication complexity of the evaluation problem for concepts from CC. Using this equivalence we prove the following bounds: 1. SCDP(C)=Ω(LDim(C))SCDP(C) = \Omega(LDim(C)), where LDim(C)LDim(C) is the Littlestone's (1987) dimension characterizing the number of mistakes in the online-mistake-bound learning model. Known bounds on LDim(C)LDim(C) then imply that SCDP(C)SCDP(C) can be much higher than the VC-dimension of CC. 2. For any tt, there exists a class CC such that LDim(C)=2LDim(C)=2 but SCDP(C)tSCDP(C) \geq t. 3. For any tt, there exists a class CC such that the sample complexity of (pure) α\alpha-differentially private PAC learning is Ω(t/α)\Omega(t/\alpha) but the sample complexity of the relaxed (α,β)(\alpha,\beta)-differentially private PAC learning is O(log(1/β)/α)O(\log(1/\beta)/\alpha). This resolves an open problem of Beimel et al. (2013b).Comment: Extended abstract appears in Conference on Learning Theory (COLT) 201

    Redrawing the Boundaries on Purchasing Data from Privacy-Sensitive Individuals

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    We prove new positive and negative results concerning the existence of truthful and individually rational mechanisms for purchasing private data from individuals with unbounded and sensitive privacy preferences. We strengthen the impossibility results of Ghosh and Roth (EC 2011) by extending it to a much wider class of privacy valuations. In particular, these include privacy valuations that are based on ({\epsilon}, {\delta})-differentially private mechanisms for non-zero {\delta}, ones where the privacy costs are measured in a per-database manner (rather than taking the worst case), and ones that do not depend on the payments made to players (which might not be observable to an adversary). To bypass this impossibility result, we study a natural special setting where individuals have mono- tonic privacy valuations, which captures common contexts where certain values for private data are expected to lead to higher valuations for privacy (e.g. having a particular disease). We give new mech- anisms that are individually rational for all players with monotonic privacy valuations, truthful for all players whose privacy valuations are not too large, and accurate if there are not too many players with too-large privacy valuations. We also prove matching lower bounds showing that in some respects our mechanism cannot be improved significantly

    Uplift Modeling with Multiple Treatments and General Response Types

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    Randomized experiments have been used to assist decision-making in many areas. They help people select the optimal treatment for the test population with certain statistical guarantee. However, subjects can show significant heterogeneity in response to treatments. The problem of customizing treatment assignment based on subject characteristics is known as uplift modeling, differential response analysis, or personalized treatment learning in literature. A key feature for uplift modeling is that the data is unlabeled. It is impossible to know whether the chosen treatment is optimal for an individual subject because response under alternative treatments is unobserved. This presents a challenge to both the training and the evaluation of uplift models. In this paper we describe how to obtain an unbiased estimate of the key performance metric of an uplift model, the expected response. We present a new uplift algorithm which creates a forest of randomized trees. The trees are built with a splitting criterion designed to directly optimize their uplift performance based on the proposed evaluation method. Both the evaluation method and the algorithm apply to arbitrary number of treatments and general response types. Experimental results on synthetic data and industry-provided data show that our algorithm leads to significant performance improvement over other applicable methods