3,364 research outputs found

    Universal Properties of Fermi Gases in One-dimension

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    In this Rapid Communication, we investigate the universal properties of a spin-polarized two-component Fermi gas in one dimension (1D) using Bethe ansatz. We discuss the quantum phases and phase transitions by obtaining exact results for the equation of state, the contact, the magnetic susceptibility and the contact susceptibility, giving a precise understanding of the 1D analogue of the Bose-Einstein condensation and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer crossover in three dimension (3D) and the associated universal magnetic properties. In particular, we obtain the exact form of the magnetic susceptibility χ1/Texp(Δ/T)\chi \sim {1}/{\sqrt{T}}\exp(-\Delta/T) at low temperatures, where Δ\Delta is the energy gap and TT is the temperature. Moreover, we establish exact upper and lower bounds for the relation between polarization PP and the contact CC for both repulsive and attractive Fermi gases. Our findings emphasize the role of the pair fluctuations in strongly interacting 1D fermion systems that can shed light on higher dimensions.Comment: 4 figures, the main pape

    Momentum distribution and contacts of one-dimensional spinless Fermi gases with an attractive p-wave interaction

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    We present a rigorous study of momentum distribution and p-wave contacts of one dimensional (1D) spinless Fermi gases with an attractive p-wave interaction. Using the Bethe wave function, we analytically calculate the large-momentum tail of momentum distribution of the model. We show that the leading (1/p2\sim 1/p^{2}) and sub-leading terms (1/p4\sim 1/p^{4}) of the large-momentum tail are determined by two contacts C2C_2 and C4C_4, which we show, by explicit calculation, are related to the short-distance behaviour of the two-body correlation function and its derivatives. We show as one increases the 1D scattering length, the contact C2C_2 increases monotonically from zero while C4C_4 exhibits a peak for finite scattering length. In addition, we obtain analytic expressions for p-wave contacts at finite temperature from the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations in both weakly and strongly attractive regimes.Comment: 19 pages,2 figure

    Experimental study of flashing LNG jet fires following horizontal releases

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    A horizontally oriented jet fire could occur if the leaking liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the side surface of a pipe or storage tank was ignited. Previous work with LNG mostly focused on pool fires. In the present study, horizontally oriented LNG jet fires were studied through 10 open field full scale tests. The flames were visualized by both infrared and video cameras. The recorded flame shapes are compared and analysed. Peak temperatures and heat fluxes at various flow rates were measured and recorded. For relatively low reservoir pressure, a small amount of LNG was found to spray through the fire and rainout onto the ground, forming an LNG pool. A correlation was established to calculate the flame length from the mass flow rate


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    KEMENTRIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAANUNIVERSITAS SYIAH KUALAFAKULTAS KEDOKTERANPROGRAM STUDI ILMU KEPERAWATANSKRIPSI7 Oktober 2012Xiv + VI Bab + 73 halaman + 13 tabel + 1 skema + 14 lampiranAAN SOFYANA0807101060003HUBUNGAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA DENGAN KONSEP DIRI PASIENTUBERKULOSIS PARU DI BALAI KESEHATAN PARU MASYARAKATBANDA ACEH TAHUN 2012ABSTRAKPenderita TB Paru masih mengalami stigma sosial dan ketidakadilan di masyarakat,diantaranya yaitu gangguan komponen konsep diri. Keluarga dapat menjadikelompok pendukung utama dalam hal pencegahan terjadinya gangguan komponenkonsep diri pada pasien TB Paru. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungandukungan keluarga dengan konsep diri pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Balai KesehatanParu Masyarakat Banda Aceh 2012. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif korelatif.Desain penelitian cross sectional study melalui tekhnik purposive sampling denganjumlah sampel sebanyak 63 pasien TB Paru. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukanmulai tanggal 3 - 6 september 2012 dengan membagikan kuisioner yang terdiri dari35 item pernyataan dalam skala likert dan dichotomous choice. Metode analisis datadengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square, hasil penelitian adalah ada hubunganantara dukungan sosial keluarga (P-value 0,005), dukungan penilaian (P-value0,010), dukungan tambahan (P-value 0,010) dan dukungan emosional (P-value0,022) dengan konsep diri pasien TB Paru. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa adahubungan antara dukungan keluarga (P-value 0,005) dengan konsep diri pasienTuberkulosis paru di Balai Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Banda Aceh tahun 2012.Saran bagi Poliklinik Paru BKPM adalah agar dapat meningkatkan pengetahuanpasien TB Paru bahwa penyakit TB Paru dapat disembuhkan dengan berobat secarateratur dan bagi keluarga untuk dapat memberikan dukungan sehingga dapatmeningkatkan konsep diri pasien kearah yang positif.Kata kunci : Tuberkulosis paru, konsep diri, dukungan keluargaDaftar bacaan : 24 buku + 8 jurnal + 4 internet (1999-2012)Banda Ace