11 research outputs found

    How prior knowledge, learning, teaching and assessment affect students? achievements in Mathematics

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    El objeto de este estudio es investigar la influencia del conocimiento previo del alumnado, el enfoque de aprendizaje integral, la enseñanza basada en problemas y el impacto de la evaluación en el aprendizaje básico del estudiante de matemáticas a nivel universitario. La investigación plantea un diseño de investigación cuasi experimental y un cuestionario estructurado. En él participaron dos grupos experimentales y dos grupos de control. Los resultados muestran que existe una correlación no significativa entre el conocimiento previo y la habilidad de aprendizaje básico; también plantea que un enfoque de aprendizaje integral se correlaciona positivamente con el conocimiento previo, mientras que con la evaluación casi no existe correlación, si bien existe una correlación positiva con la enseñanza basada en problemas. El enfoque tradicional se correlaciona negativamente con el conocimiento previo. Otros resultados que se obtienen es que el conocimiento previo, la enseñanza basada en problemas, el enfoque de aprendizaje integral y el impacto de la evaluación explican el 50% de la variación en los niveles de habilidades de aprendizaje básico


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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationships between students’ engagement, knowledge construction approaches, and achievement motivation on increasing of active learning of university students. The quantitative correlational approach, the structured questionnaire, and the cluster random sample of students (N= 264) were selected to be used in the study. It is found that there is a medium positive correlation between knowledge construction approaches and active learning variables (r = .483), where increases of knowledge construction approaches values were associated with increases of active learning values. The results showed that there is a small positive correlation between students’ engagement and active learning (r = .145), as well as between achievement motivation and active learning (r = .035). It is found that the total variance of active learning levels explained by students’ engagement, knowledge construction approaches, and achievement motivation is 26.0%, the other variance may be explained by other variables. The study showed that knowledge construction and student engagement influence strongly active learning.  Article visualizations

    Correlation between instruction time and student’s school attitude: Albania vs European Countries

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between curriculum instruction time and student' school attitude. A mixed research approach was used in the study. The random-cluster samples of students, teachers, principals, and curriculum specialists were selected to be used in the research. The qualitative approach, including a review of official documentation as well as interviewing, was used to support a quantitative approach in the study. The descriptive analysis and a bivariate correlation statistic were used for the processing of data, and the inductive open coding and the typology techniques were used to analyse the qualitative data.  It is found that there are differences in instruction time between European countries and Albania. At the same time, the results showed that there is a relatively non-adequate student's school attitude in lower secondary education. The study demonstrated that there is a positive correlation between curriculum instruction time and the students' school attitude. It is one of a very small number of studies in curriculum instruction time to provide such results

    The influence of multiple intelligences on learning styles in teaching and learning

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationships between the multiple intelligences and learning styles. The quantitative approach was the method used in the research. A sample of freshman and sophomore students as a non- random systematic sample was selected to be investigated in the research. A structured questionnaire was used to gather the primary data from the students in the study. Chi-square test for independence is used to explore the relationship between multiple intelligences and learning styles’ categorical variables. Based on multiple intelligences-learning styles crosstabs outputs, there is an association between multiple intelligences dimensions: studying, problem- solving, equipment functioning, subject choosing, and telling a story and visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. According to Pearson Chi-Square values as well as on values of Cramer’s V there is an association between multiple intelligences and learning styles. Maximum 10-15 lines

    Individual learning is predicted by teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, and lecturer-students interaction

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    The study aimed to investigate the relationship between teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, lecturer-students interaction, and individual learning of art master students at the university. A quantitative approach was the method used in the research. The correlational research design was used. The first and second-year master's students of an art university were selected to be used in the study. An online questionnaire was used to gather the primary data. The study found that 56.2% of the variance of individual learning is explained by teaching management. It is found a high positive correlation between lecturer-students relationship climate and individual learning variables (r = .552). The study also found that 56.4% of the variance of individual learning is explained by lecturer-students interaction. The findings of the study enhanced theoretical and practical understanding as teaching management, lecturer-students relationship climate, and lecturer-students interaction are important variables that impact individual learning

    Course Organization, Faculty-Student Interaction, and Student Involvement and Their Influence to Students’ Course Outcomes

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of course organization, faculty-student interaction, and student involvement in course outcomes at university level. A correlational research design, a structured questionnaire, and a random cluster sample of the students (N=371) were used in the study. The study showed a significant difference somewhere among the mean scores of the course outcomes for the four groups of course organization. It also found a significant difference somewhere among the mean scores of the course outcomes for the five groups of faculty-student interaction, as well as a significant difference somewhere among the mean scores of the course outcomes for the five groups of student involvement. At the same time, the study showed that 32.6% of the variance in course outcomes is explained by course organization, 16.6% of the variance is explained by faculty-student interaction, and 28.4% of the variance is explained by student involvement. The findings of this study enhanced Astin' s theory of student development, as course organization, faculty-student interaction, and student involvement are important variables that predict course outcomes

    Kolegialus mokyklos valdymo efektas mokinių įgūdžiams gerinti

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    The study aims to investigate the effect of collegial school management on the prevention of disruptive behaviors and students’ life skills. A quasi-experimental research design, a structured questionnaire, and the cluster random samples were used in the study. It is found that school management increase the prevention of disruptive behaviors and students’ life skills, and collegial school management predicts the prevention of disruptive behaviors and students’ life skills.Kolegialus mokyklos valdymas, kaip manoma, yra vienas iš svarbių faktorių, turinčių įtakos žalingo elgesio prevencijai ir mokinių gyvenimo įgūdžiams. Tyrimu siekiama ištirti mokyklos kolegialaus valdymo įtaką žalingo elgesio prevencijai ir mokinių gyvenimo įgūdžiams. Buvo naudojamas kvazieksperimentinis tyrimo dizainas, struktūrizuotas klausimynas ir klasterinė atranka. Tik atlikus testą, buvo pasirinktos neekvivalentiškos kontrolinės grupės. Kolegialus mokyklos valdymas buvo pasirinktas kaip manipuliuojamas kintamasis, kad būtų galima įvertinti jo poveikį žalingo elgesio prevencijai ir studentų gyvenimo įgūdžiams. Eksperimentinės ir kontrolinės respondentų grupės buvo atrinktos pasitelkiant esamus mokytojus ir vadovus iš žemesniųjų vidurinio ugdymo mokyklų mieste centre ir priemiesčiuose. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad kolegialus mokyklos valdymas yra tiesiogiai susijęs su žalingo elgesio prevencija ir studentų gyvenimo įgūdžiais, nors tarp miesto centro ir priemiesčio tiriamųjų grupių yra skirtumų. Nustatyta, kad bendra žalingo elgesio prevencijos ir mokinių gyvenimo įgūdžių lygių dispersija paaiškina palyginti mažą kolegialaus mokyklos valdymo procentą, nors tarp miesto ir priemiesčio mokyklų pastebėta skirtumų

    Mokyklinės lyderystės stiliaus įtaka veiksmingam mokymuisi, mokytojų ir mokinių sąveikai

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of school leadership on effective teaching and teacher-student interaction. A quasi-experimental research design, and a structured questionnaire were used in the study. A random cluster sample of teachers from lower secondary education were taken. The study demonstrated that a positive correlation exists between school leadership styles and effective teaching as well as teacher-students interaction. It can be concluded that the school leadership style impacts effective teaching and teacher-student interaction. It is one of a very small number studies in school leadership to provide such results.Efektyvi lyderystė yra veiksmingo mokymo ir mokinių akademinės pažangos pagrindas. Bushas (2003) nustatė devynis švietimo lyderystės modelius: vadovaujamosios, dalyvaujamosios, transformacinės, tarpasmeninės, transkacinės, postmoderniosios, situacinės, moralinės ir instrukcinės. Tyrime buvo nagrinėjami keturi švietimo lyderystės modeliai: (1) transakcinė lyderystė, (2) dalyvaujamoji lyderystė, (3) transformacinė lyderystė, (4) vadovaujamoji lyderystė. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti mokyklinės lyderystės įtaką veiksmingam mokymui, mokytojų ir mokinių sąveikai. Tyrime buvo naudojamas kiekybinis tyrimo metodas. Taikyta kvazieksperimentinė tyrimo struktūra. Rezultatai parodė, kad dalyvaujamosios ir transformacinės lyderystės stiliai mokykloje taikomi dažniau nei transakcinės ar vadovaujamosios lyderystės. Taip pat rezultatai atskleidė, kad veiksmingas mokymas užima svarbiausią pamokų dalį ir beveik visi mokytojai taiko mokytojų ir mokinių sąveiką maždaug ketvirtadalyje pamokų. Tarp veiksmingo mokymo ir mokyklinės lyderystės stilių buvo nustatyta nuo žemo iki vidutinio laipsnio teigiama koreliacija, tad mokyklinės lyderystės stiliai leidžia prognozuoti veiksmingą mokymą nors ir nedideliu procentu. Tarp mokyklinės lyderystės stilių ir mokytojų ir mokinių sąveikos buvo nustatyta vidutinio ir aukšto laipsnio teigiama koreliacija, tad mokyklinės lyderystės stiliai leidžia prognozuoti mokytojų ir mokinių sąveiką nors ir nedideliu procentu


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    Quality teaching in teacher education programs is crucial to improve student’s achievements in all levels. In this basic paper there have been presented the main issues on teacher education programs around the Europe but not only, including Albania. Results and conclusions of the paper showed teachers need to help students acquire not only the skills that are easiest to teach and easiest to test but more importantly, ways of thinking: (1) ways of working, (2) tools for working and (3) life skills. In Albania there is a new law for teaching professionalism in pre-university education system, as well as a Code of Conduct, and a license system for teachers’ certification after their studies at universities. Some core competences that all teachers need include: (1) sound knowledge frameworks; (2) a deep knowledge of how to teach specific subjects; (3) classroom teaching/management skills and strategies; (4) interpersonal, reflective and research skill; (5) critical attitudes towards their own professional actions; (6) positive attitudes to continuous professional development, collaboration, diversity and inclusion; (7) the capability of adapting plans and practices to students’ needs. Research suggests a number of factors for effective initial teacher education: (a) an extensive, structured teaching practice; (b) sustained, structured mentoring; (c) an individualized focus on student teachers as reflective learners; (d) opportunities for student teachers’ reflective practice; (e) an integrated initial teacher education curriculum; (f) effective partnerships between initial teacher education providers/universities and schools. A good balance between theory and practice of teacher education curricula enables teaching to be viewed as a problem-solving or research-in-action activity, closely linked to students’ learning and progress. The amount and sequence of teaching practice are key, to help develop teachers’ practical wisdom as related to professional values. Since 2011 graduated teachers from universities in Albania do a year professional practice, where a mentor has a significant role during professional practice. The benefits of a continuum approach that aligns initial teacher education with induction and continuing professional development are confirmed by evidence, which recommends: (1) mentoring of student teachers; (2) dialogue and collaboration of school and university communities; (3) innovation and creativity in teaching and learning


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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationships between the biological basic knowledge level, biological application skills level, and biological critical skills level on academic achievement variables. The quasi-experimental quantitative approach, the test, and two cluster random samples of students were selected to be used in the study. The study found a positive correlation between biological basic knowledge level, biological application skills level, biological critical skills level, and academic achievements. It is also found that the total variance of academic achievements explained by biological basic knowledge level, biological application skills level, and biological critical skills level is 66.7% for the experimental group, and 86.3% for the comparison group. Ziel der Studie ist es, die Beziehungen zwischen dem biologischen Grundwissensniveau, dem Niveau der biologischen Anwendungsfähigkeiten und dem Niveau der biologisch kritischen Fähigkeiten in Bezug auf akademische Leistungsvariablen zu untersuchen. Der quasi-experimentelle quantitative Ansatz, der Test und zwei Cluster-Zufallsstichproben von Studenten wurden ausgewählt, um in der Studie verwendet zu werden. Die Studie ergab eine positive Korrelation zwischen dem biologischen Grundwissen, dem Niveau der biologischen Anwendungsfähigkeiten, dem Niveau der biologischen kritischen Fähigkeiten und den akademischen Leistungen. Es wurde auch festgestellt, dass die Gesamtvarianz der akademischen Leistungen, die durch das biologische Grundwissen, das Niveau der biologischen Anwendungsfähigkeiten und das Niveau der biologischen kritischen Fähigkeiten erklärt wird, für die Versuchsgruppe 66,7% und für die Vergleichsgruppe 86,3% beträgt. Article visualizations