85 research outputs found

    Smuggling of human beings and connection with organized crime

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    Through this paper is intended to note the difference between human smuggling and trafficking in human beings, emphasizing the distinctive items and those that are common. During work the focus is on criminal offenses committed by persons individually or as part of an organized crime group with particular focus on Kosovo. During work addressed the causes or factors that have a direct or indirect impact on the reporting of crimes of immigrant smuggling as individual criminal acts or even when they are carried out in the form of organized crime. By then treated roads that are used by smugglers in the case of smuggling of migrants to countries of Western Europe and the methods that they use to smugglers illegally crossed from one state to another state. The paper also finally contains conclusions and recommendations for the prevention and combating criminal acts of persons smuggling

    The role and importance of functioning institutions of justice in fighting crime

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    Justice authorities are one of the main pillars on which rests the basis of the functioning of most other institutions within a state. As is known the justice authorities, but that within their authority to have the preservation of public peace and order, have and fighting and preventing crime in general. Institutions that have special role in the fight against crime are numerous, but we have dealt only some of the key institutions involved in combating and preventing criminal phenomena in general and in particular in Kosovo. Ranging from the role of police in preventing and fighting crime as a phenomenon of harmful and dangerous to society then continued with the role and importance of the state attorney in fighting and preventing crime in Kosovo, to continue in the role and importance of courts in the prevention of crime. Also, is treated the protection of human rights in general within the legal system in Kosovo, addressing the issue of respect for human rights and the possible limits of institutions that have officials in respect to human rights in general

    Geometrical Transformations in the Mathematics: Textbooks in Kosovo and Catalonia

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    The rationale behind this study concerns the issues school administrators and teachers/prospective teachers face over the progress of these students in mathematics classrooms in two different countries (Spain/Catalonia and Kosovo). This study aimed to present a method of examining primary school mathematics textbooks with the purpose of evaluating students' expected past learning and comparing students' expected geometrical transformations learning across the different curricula. The analytical procedure of the examination of text content as presented in this study is itself a diagnostic technique for assessment of the students' past learning, which addressed the main objective of the study. As a main result, we found that the organization of content is based upon a disconnected way of presentation about transformations, and a few attentions paid to variability issues

    Anomalous Origin of Coronary Arteries

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    Coronary arteries supply the heart muscle with blood maintaining myocardial hemostasis and function. Coronary artery anomalies may persist after birth affecting cardiovascular system through haemodynamic impairment caused from shunting, ischaemia, especially in young children or adolescents and young adults. In patients undergoing coronary angiography the incidence of anomalous origination of the left coronary artery from right sinus is 0.15% and the right coronary artery from the left sinus is 0.92%. A recent classification of the coronary anomalies is based on anatomical considerations, recognizing three categories: anomalies of the origin and course, anomalies of the intrinsic coronary artery anatomy, and anomalies of the termination. In the setting of anomalous coronary artery from the opposite sinus, the proximal anomalous CA may run anterior to the pulmonary trunk (prepulmonic), posterior to the aorta (retroaortic), septal (subpulmonic), or between the pulmonary artery and the aorta itself (interarterial). Among them, only those with an interarterial aorta-pulmonary course are regarded as hidden conditions at risk of ischaemia and even sudden death. We presented two cases with anomalous origin of coronary arteries from opposite sinus, and two other cases with anomalous origin of left circumflex artery. The atherosclerotic coronary artery disease leads to the need of coronarography which can find out the presence of coronary artery anomalies. Anomalous origin of coronary artery that is present with atherosclerotic changes continues to exist as a challenge during treatment in interventional cardiology

    Causes for the Irregular Migration Crises: Case of Kosovo

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    Based on Eurostat’s data, the number of asylum seekers in EU member states from Republic of Kosovo (RKS) was 66,885 citizens during 2015, ranking Kosovo as the fourth highest in the world (following Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq). Consequently, these data are considered to be noticeably worrisome for the country. The purpose of this article is to determine the causes of this major flux of migrating asylum seekers from RKS to EU countries. Within this context, the research includes analysis of relevant statistics which monitor this situation, including the applicable laws that result in this unfavourable occurrence. The relevant comparisons of this situation have been made with regional countries and borders. As a result, it confirms some of the main causes of migration in RKS and offers practical recommendations for the eradication of this phenomenon in the future

    Assessment of Mathematics Textbooks Potential in Terms of Student’s Motivation and Comprehension

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    This paper discusses the role and influence of textbooks in mathematics teaching and learning in lower secondary school in the Republic of Kosovo. In particular, it focuses on their potential in enhancing student’s motivation and comprehension to engage in mathematical learning. Rivers matrix and Skovsmose’s learning milieus are two methods involved in analyzing the mathematics textbooks in current use in grades 6 – 9 of lower secondary school. Rivers matrix identifies key factors of the textbook content with direct impact on student motivation and comprehension. Subsequently their degree and quality of presence are examined. Using Skovsmose’s learning milieus, textbook tasks and examples are scrutinized according to the extent in which they are embedded in contexts that make connections to real life. Further on, the organizing structure of content and the range of used or proposed teaching and learning activities throughout the textbooks is discussed. The article is the first of its kind in Kosovo and it has provided valuable data regarding the functionality level of the above mentioned textbooks. Keywords: Comprehension, Mathematics textbooks, Motivation, Textbook analysi

    Universal tools for analysing structures and interactions in geometry

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    This study examined symmetry and perspective in modern geometric transformations, treating them as functions that preserve specific properties while mapping one geometric figure to another. The purpose of this study was to investigate geometric transformations as a tool for analysis, to consider invariants as universal tools for studying geometry. Materials and Methods: The Erlangen ideas of F. I. Klein were used, which consider geometry as a theory of group invariants with respect to the transformation of the plane and space. Results and Discussion: Projective transformations and their extension to two-dimensional primitives were investigated. Two types of geometric correspondences, collinearity and correlation, and their properties were studied. The group of homotheties, including translations and parallel translations, and their role in the affine group were investigated. Homology with ideal line axes, such as stretching and centre stretching, was considered. Involutional homology and harmonic homology with the centre, axis, and homologous pairs of points were investigated. In this study unified geometry concepts, exploring how different geometric transformations relate and maintain properties across diverse geometric systems. Conclusions: It specifically examined Möbius transforms, including their matrix representation, trace, fixed points, and categorized them into identical transforms, nonlinear transforms, shifts, dilations, and inversions