38 research outputs found

    Homicidio鈥揝uicidio. Aproximaci贸n al homicidio鈥搒uicidio. Estudio piloto en una muestra espa帽ola con conducta parasuicida

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Criminologia, Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017 Tutor: Miguel 脕ngel, Soria Verde[spa] Los homicidios y los suicidios son eventos violentos cuyo estudio por separado goza de amplia trayectoria de investigaci贸n te贸rica y emp铆rica, sin embargo, existen sucesos menos frecuentes donde el agresor, tras cometer una conducta homicida, acaba con su propia vida, d谩ndose lugar el homicidio鈥搒uicidio. A pesar de ser un evento de caracter铆sticas etiol贸gicas distintas y cuya ocurrencia se suele asociar al 谩mbito familiar, est谩 poco estudiado si se compara con el homicidio y el suicidio por separado, no existiendo de este modo estudios en Espa帽a acerca del homicidio鈥搒uicidio (Bridges & Lester, 2011; Burgess, Sekula, & Carretta, 2015; Harper & Voigt, 2007; Liem, 2010; Liem & Nieuwbeerta, 2010; Logan, Walsh, Patel, & Hall, 2013; Marzuk, Tardiff, & Hirsch, 1992; Panczak et al., 2013). Esta investigaci贸n realiza una primera aproximaci贸n al homicidio鈥搒uicidio en poblaci贸n espa帽ola en el 谩mbito familiar mediante el uso de la base de datos de Soria y Garc铆a (2011), con el objetivo de comparar los resultados obtenidos con otros estudios del 谩mbito occidental. Se plantea tambi茅n una hip贸tesis de trabajo acerca del uso de armas de fuego como m茅todo poco frecuente de matar en esta investigaci贸n debido a la dificultad de acceso a este tipo de armas en Espa帽a. La muestra fue de 30 casos. Para realizar el estudio, este trabajo se focaliz贸 en tres ejes de an谩lisis: la v铆ctima, el agresor y elementos del modus operandi y la escena del crimen. Por otra parte, se utiliza como criterio de distinci贸n el modelo taxon贸mico de Marzuk et al. (1992). Los resultados obtenidos coinciden a nivel general con las investigaciones realizadas en el 谩mbito occidental, aunque existen diferencias respecto al historial de violencia, al grado de premeditaci贸n y al sexo de v铆ctimas y agresores en caso de filicidio鈥搒uicidio, posiblemente debidas al tama帽o de la muestra o bien la fuente de obtenci贸n de los datos. Por 煤ltimo, se confirma la hip贸tesis planteada en el trabajo, de modo que el uso de armas de fuego es poco frecuente en Espa帽a para homicidio鈥搒uicidios ocurridos en el 谩mbito familiar.[eng] Homicides and suicides are violent events whose separated study have a large trajectory of theoretical and empirical research, nevertheless, there are less frequent violent events where the offender suicides after performing an homicidal act, what is known as homicide鈥搒uicide. This events have different etiological characteristics and, in spite they are related to a family context, there is less amount of research focused on homicides鈥搒uicides in comparison with homicides or suicides by separate (Bridges & Lester, 2011; Burgess et al., 2015; Harper & Voigt, 2007; Liem, 2010; Liem & Nieuwbeerta, 2010; Logan et al., 2013; Marzuk et al., 1992; Panczak et al., 2013). There are no precedent studies in Spain focused on this type of violent act. This work uses Soria and Garc铆a (2011) database to study homicide鈥搒uicide in the family context with a Spanish sample. The objective of this investigation is to compare the obtained results with other similar studies in the occidental context to search for similarities and differences. It is also hypothesised that the use of firearms in this sample will be lower because of the difficulty to access them. The sample of the study included 30 cases of homicide鈥搒uicide. To organize the information obtained in the results, this work used as a distinction criteria Marzuk et al. (1992) taxonomic model, studying in each category the victimology, the characteristics of the offender and some elements of the modus operandi and the crime scene. In general, the results obtained by this investigation are similar to other studies focused on occidental samples, but there are differences relative to the history of violence, the premeditation of the acts and the sex of the offender and the victim in the cases of filicide鈥搒uicide, possibly explained because of the size of the sample or the way the data was obtained. The hypothesis about the use of firearms was confirmed

    Los malestares psicol贸gicos en la sociedad del bienestar

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    En nuestra sociedad, y a pesar de los notables avances en el estado de bienestar, muchas personas se sienten enfermas y trastornadas ante los vaivenes de la vida. El infortunio cotidiano tiene hoy d铆a rango de enfermedad, muchas veces de enfermedad mental. De ah铆, el notable aumento de las consultas en los diferentes dispositivos sanitarios de todo tipo. El consumo, la tecno-ciencia y el individualismo, los tres sistemas a trav茅s de los cuales tratamos de alcanzar la felicidad en la actualidad, influyen en la forma en la que experimentamos las adversidades de la vida. A su vez, los medios de comunicaci贸n, la industria farmac茅utica, los profesionales y los pacientes son los agentes implicados en lo que se ha dado en llamar la medicalizaci贸n de la existencia. La conclusi贸n es que las personas experimentan como enfermedades las contradicciones propias del sistema social

    Added value of intraoperative real-time imaging in searches for difficult-to-locate sentinel nodes.

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    Localization of sentinel lymph nodes can be challenging if they are in difficult anatomic locations or near high radiotracer activity The purpose of this study was to assess the value of intraoperative real-time imaging using a portable gamma-camera in conjunction with a conventional gamma-counting probe when it is difficult to localize the sentinel node

    Problematic internet and cell phone use in Spanish teenagers and young students

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    Addiction to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become an important research topic. The aims of the present study were to determine the problematic uses of Internet and cell phones in Spanish teenagers and young students and analyze the predictive capacity of these problematic uses to explain scores on the CERI (Cuestionario de Experiencias Relacionadas con Internet) and CERM (Cuestionario de Experiencias Relacionadas con el M贸vil). Three questionnaires were applied to 1,879 students: a general questionnaire for Internet and cell phone use, one scale for problematic use of Internet (CERI) and one for cell phone (CERM). Cluster analysis yielded a solution involving three groups for both CERI and for CERM: no problems, occasional problems and frequent problems. There were no differences between males and females in Internet but there were more females showing frequent problematic use of cell phone. A comparison with nine previous Spanish studies suggests that: a) the amount of time spent connected is not a good indicator of problems deriving from its use; b) the factor that could explain problematic use is altered identity communication (AIC), which occurs when users hide or alter their true identity; and c) population survey data alone do not allow to confirm the existence of a persistent addictive disorder related to ICTLas adicciones a las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y de la Comunicaci贸n han devenido una importante 谩rea de investigaci贸n. Los objetivos del estudio fueron caracterizar el posible uso problem谩tico de Internet y m贸vil y analizar la capacidad predictiva de estos usos problem谩ticos para explicar las puntuaciones en el Cuestionario de Experiencias Relacionadas con Internet (CERI) y en el Cuestionario de Experiencias Relacionadas con el M贸vil (CERM). Se aplicaron tres cuestionarios) a 1.879 estudiantes: un cuestionario general sobre uso de Internet y de m贸vil, un cuestionarios sobre uso problem谩tico de Internet (CERI) y otro sobre m贸vil (CERM). El cl煤ster ofreci贸 una soluci贸n de tres grupos tanto para el CERI como para el CERM: sin problemas, problemas ocasionales y problemas frecuentes.No se encontraron diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en Internet pero hab铆a m谩s mujeres en el grupo de problemas frecuentes con el m贸vil. La comparaci贸n con nueve estudios espa帽oles sugiere que: a) el tiempo conectado no es por s铆 s贸lo un buenindicador de uso problem谩tico; b) emerge la relaci贸n entre uso problem谩tico de Internet y malestar psicol贸gico; c) el factor que puede explicar este uso problem谩tico son las comunicaciones alteradas de identidad que ocurren al esconder la verdadera identidad; y d) las encuestas poblacionales no permiten confirmar la existencia de un trastorno adictivo persistente asociado a las TI

    Creaci贸 d'una infraestructura de dades espacials i publicaci贸 de metadades per a l'Ajuntament de Granollers

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    RESUM: El present treball final de m脿ster tracta sobre el projecte desenvolupat en el marc de col路laboraci贸 entre el M脿ster en Tecnologies de la Informaci贸 Geogr脿fica (19陋 edici贸) i l'Ajuntament de Granollers. Aquest treball t茅 com objectiu el desenvolupament d'una Infraestructura de Dades Espacials (IDE) i la creaci贸 d'un cat脿leg de metadades per a l'Ajuntament de Granollers. Aquesta IDE permetr脿 gestionar i donar a con猫ixer el gran volum d'informaci贸 geogr脿fica que gestiona l'Ajuntament. La IDE s'ha implementat mitjan莽ant l'eina de software lliure i de codi obert GeoNetwork. Aquest programari proporciona una interf铆cie web que permet la creaci贸, edici贸 i consulta de metadades, la configuraci贸 del cat脿leg de metadades, la personalitzaci贸 de l'aspecte de la IDE i la visualitzaci贸 de dades geogr脿fiques mitjan莽ant un mapa interactiu. A m茅s, es poden realitzar modificacions en la IDE de caire avan莽at modificant el codi font, gr脿cies a que GeoNetwork 茅s un programari de codi obert. Els resultats obtinguts s贸n un cat脿leg de metadades avan莽at i de f脿cil acc茅s, estandarditzat a normatives ISO adaptades a sistemes d'informaci贸 geogr脿fica, a m茅s d'una IDE amb un aspecte personalitzat als requeriments de l'Ajuntament. De les 477 dades geogr脿fiques gestionades per l'Ajuntament, 35 d'elles se'ls hi han assignat metadades. Finalment, el balan莽 d'aquest projecte ha estat positiu ja que ha assolit tots els objectius, tant generals com espec铆fics, en el temps planificat. Actualment l'Ajuntament es troba en la fase d'assignar un domini d'Internet a la IDE i realitzar la migraci贸 d'aquesta a un servidor inform脿tic adequat amb l'objectiu de permetre que els ciutadans tinguin acc茅s obert al cat脿leg.El presente trabajo final de m谩ster trata sobre el proyecto desarrollado en el marco de colaboraci贸n entre el M谩ster en Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n Geogr谩fica (19陋 edici贸n) y el Ayuntamiento de Granollers. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (IDE) y la creaci贸n de un cat谩logo de metadatos para el Ayuntamiento de Granollers. Esta IDE permitir谩 gestionar y dar a conocer el gran volumen de informaci贸n geogr谩fica que gestiona el Ayuntamiento. La IDE se ha implementado mediante la herramienta de software libre y de c贸digo abierto GeoNetwork. Este software proporciona una interfaz web que permite la creaci贸n, edici贸n y consulta de metadatos, la configuraci贸n del cat谩logo de metadatos, la personalizaci贸n del aspecto de la IDE y la visualizaci贸n de datos geogr谩ficos mediante un mapa interactivo. Adem谩s, se pueden realizar modificaciones de la IDE de tipo avanzado modificando el c贸digo fuente, gracias a que GeoNetwork es un software de c贸digo abierto. Los resultados obtenidos son un cat谩logo de metadatos avanzado y de f谩cil acceso, estandarizado a normativas ISO adaptadas a sistemas de informaci贸n geogr谩fica, adem谩s de una IDE con un aspecto personalizado a los requerimientos del Ayuntamiento. De los 477 datos geogr谩ficos gestionados por el Ayuntamiento, a 35 de ellos se les han asignados metadatos. Finalmente, el balance de este proyecto ha sido positivo ya que ha alcanzado todos los objetivos, tanto generales como espec铆ficos, en el tiempo planificado. Actualmente el Ayuntamiento se encuentra en la fase de asignar un dominio de Internet a la IDE y realizar la migraci贸n de esta a un servidor inform谩tico adecuado con el objetivo de permitir que los ciudadanos tengan acceso abierto al cat谩logo.The present MSc thesis deals with the project developed in the collaboration framework between the M脿ster en Tecnologies de la Informaci贸 Geogr脿fica (19th Edition) of the Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona and the City Council of Granollers in Spain. The objective of this project is the development of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and the creation of a metadata catalog for the City Council. This SDI will allow managing and publishing the large volume of geographic information managed by the City Council. The SDI has been implemented with GeoNetwork, an open-source software tool. This software provides a web interface that allows the creation, edition and query of metadata information, the configuration of the metadata catalog, the customization of the SDI appearance, and the visualization of geographic data by means of an interactive map. Since GeoNetwork is an open-source software tool, advanced modifications of the SDI can be performed. The project outcomes are an easy-access advanced metadata catalog standardized to ISO normative conceived for geographical information systems, as well as a SDI with a personalized appearance that meets the City Council requirements. From the 477 geographical data instances maintained by the City Council, 35 of them have been assigned metadata. Finally, the balance of this project has been positive since it has achieved all general and specific objectives following the time schedule. Currently, the City Council is in the phase of assigning an Internet domain to the SDI and migrate it to a suitable computer server, with the aim of allowing citizens to have open access to the catalog

    Influencia del pick and roll en el juego de ataque en baloncesto de alto nivel

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar las acciones del pick and roll y su influencia en el juego en baloncesto de alto nivel. Se analiz贸 la eficacia t谩ctica y de marcador en funci贸n de distintos factores que inciden en las situaciones de juego mediante un dise帽o observacional nomot茅tico, puntual y multidimensional en 18 equipos de la liga ACB de baloncesto. Un instrumento observacional ad hoc (VTP&R) fue validado por un panel de 20 expertos de alto nivel y se comprob贸 la fiabilidad en la observaci贸n por parte de los investigadores. El an谩lisis de datos se realiz贸 mediante el an谩lisis secuencial de retardos, el an谩lisis de coordenadas polares y los estad铆sticos descriptivos cuantitativos. Del total de acciones analizadas (n=3895), el 25,3% se corresponden a pick and roll (n=984). Solo el 36,3% de las acciones de pick and roll se han mostrado eficaces en el marcador, mientras que el 85,7% lo son t谩cticamente. La interpretaci贸n de los resultados muestra el inter茅s en complementar el an谩lisis del juego en baloncesto a trav茅s de los mixed methods. La posibilidad de determinar qu茅 acciones se realizan en cada momento del partido y de qu茅 manera se ejecutan, as铆 como establecer patrones de respuesta t谩ctica en funci贸n de los distintos factores que intervienen en el juego, justifica la utilidad de los resultados aqu铆 obtenidos y se concluye el inter茅s en incorporar las distintas t茅cnicas anal铆ticas de la metodolog铆a observacional a los procesos de an谩lisis del baloncesto

    Conformational and functional variants of CD44-targeted protein nanoparticles bio-produced in bacteria

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    Biofabrication is attracting interest as a means to produce nanostructured functional materials because of its operational versatility and full scalability. Materials based on proteins are especially appealing, as the structure and functionality of proteins can be adapted by genetic engineering. Furthermore, strategies and tools for protein production have been developed and refined steadily for more than 30 years. However, protein conformation and therefore activity might be sensitive to production conditions. Here, we have explored whether the downstream strategy influences the structure and biological activities, in vitro and in vivo, of a self-assembling, CD44-targeted protein-only nanoparticle produced in Escherichia coli. This has been performed through the comparative analysis of particles built from soluble protein species or protein versions obtained by in vitro protein extraction from inclusion bodies, through mild, non-denaturing procedures. These methods have been developed recently as a convenient alternative to the use of toxic chaotropic agents for protein resolubilization from protein aggregates. The results indicate that the resulting material shows substantial differences in its physicochemical properties and its biological performance at the systems level, and that its building blocks are sensitive to the particular protein source

    MicroRNA-200, associated with metastatic breast cancer, promotes traits of mammary luminal progenitor cells

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    MicroRNAs are critical regulators of gene networks in normal and abnormal biological processes. Focusing on invasive ductal breast cancer (IDC), we have found dysregulated expression in tumor samples of several microRNAs, including the miR-200 family, along progression from primary tumors to distant metastases, further reflected in higher blood levels of miR-200b and miR-7 in IDC patients with regional or distant metastases relative to patients with primary node-negative tumors. Forced expression of miR-200s in MCF10CA1h mammary cells induced an enhanced epithelial program, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity, mammosphere growth and ability to form branched tubuloalveolar structures while promoting orthotopic tumor growth and lung colonization in vivo. MiR-200s also induced the constitutive activation of the PI3K-Akt signaling through downregulation of PTEN, and the enhanced mammosphere growth and ALDH activity induced in MCF10CA1h cells by miR-200s required the activation of this signaling pathway. Interestingly, the morphology of tumors formed in vivo by cells expressing miR-200s was reminiscent of metaplastic breast cancer (MBC). Indeed, the epithelial components of MBC samples expressed significantly higher levels of miR-200s than their mesenchymal components and displayed a marker profile compatible with luminal progenitor cells. We propose that microRNAs of the miR-200 family promote traits of highly proliferative breast luminal progenitor cells, thereby exacerbating the growth and metastatic properties of transformed mammary epithelial cells

    Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management

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    This paper provides an overview of the last 40 years of use, and in many cases abuse, of the natural resources in Catalonia, a country that is representative of European countries in general, and especially those in the Mediterranean region. It analyses the use of natural resources made by mining, agriculture, livestock, logging, fishing, nature tourism, and energy production and consumption. This use results in an ecological footprint, i.e., the productive land and sea surface required to generate the consumed resources and absorb the resulting waste, which is about seven times the amount available, a very high number but very similar to other European countries. This overexploitation of natural resources has a huge impact on land and its different forms of cover, air, and water. For the last 25 years, forests and urban areas have each gained almost 3% more of the territory at the expense of agricultural land; those municipalities bordering the sea have increased their number of inhabitants and activity, and although they only occupy 6.7% of the total surface area, they account for 43.3% of the population; air quality has stabilized since the turn of the century, and there has been some improvement in the state of aquatic ecosystems, but still only 36% are in good condition, while the remainder have suffered morphological changes and different forms of nonpoint source pollution; meanwhile the biodiversity of flora and fauna remains still under threat. Environmental policies do not go far enough so there is a need for revision of the legislation related to environmental impact and the protection of natural areas, flora, and fauna. The promotion of environmental research must be accompanied by environmental education to foster a society which is more knowledgeable, has more control and influence over the decisions that deeply affect it. Indeed, nature conservation goes hand in hand with other social and economic challenges that require a more sustainable vision. Today's problems with nature derive from the current economic model, which is environmentally unsustainable in that it does not take into account environmental impacts. Lastly, we propose a series of reasonable and feasible priority measures and actions related to each use made of the country's natural resources, to the impacts they have had, and to their management, in the hope that these can contribute to improving the conservation and management of the environment and biodiversity and move towards sustainability