49 research outputs found

    La polémique !?

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    Evaluation of a teaching tool for learning the surgical technique of inguinal orchidopexy

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    International audienceIntroduction. Practical training of the surgery resident is based on the companionship currently hampered in particular by the increase of the number of residents in training. We created a teaching tool to promote learning and validation of a technique of classic urologic surgery, inguinal orchidopexy. The objective is to evaluate the applicability and the relevance of this tool. Material and methods. The tool is a technical evaluation sheet made from reference documentation. The trainers evaluated the residents at 3 times of the semester (hetero-evaluation at 0, 3 and 6 months). Residents evaluated themselves monthly on the same items. Results. Three trainers and 6 residents in surgery participated in the study between May and November 2013. The initial evaluation confirmed that the theoretical knowledge was acquired prior to the practical learning. The level of residents was very uneven at the beginning of the study but not at the end of the semester. The monthly evaluations gave a progressive and significant increase of notes. The notes of the intermediate and final hetero-evaluations rose gradually and they were always superior to those previous self-assessments (P< 0.05). The tool was considered simple and useful for the participants. Conclusion. This tool is applicable and relevant to the technical teaching of inguinal orchidopexy in this population. A larger study would be helpful to confirm it. This type of tool could be applied to the simple and common surgery techniques to enrich the educational tools used in the training. Level of evidence. 4. (C) 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Ischemic pre- and post-conditioning : current clinical applications

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    International audienceIschemic conditioning is a phenomenon through which short sequences of ischemiareperfusion applied to an organ confer some degree of protection towards future ischemic insults. This phenomenon was first observed in the mid-1980s in cardiac surgery, and has been since widely studied in different settings. Different sort of ischemic conditioning exist: local vs remote, direct or pharmacological, and with different timeframes of protection. Ischemic conditioning seems especially suited to applications in transplantation since schedules of both cold and warm ischemia, as well as reperfusion, are carefully and easily controlled, and the benefits of protecting fragile organs against ischemia-reperfusion injuries might help widen the pool of possible grafts and ensure better graft function and survival. The pathways through which ischemic conditioning work are many, offering both preservation of cell energy, protection against oxidative stress, better blood flow to organs and protection against apoptosis. In the field of pharmacological conditioning, which tries to mimic the protective effects of traditional ischemic conditioning without the potential side-effects associated with vessel clamping, many common-use drugs including anesthetics have been shown to be effective. Significant results have been obtained in small animal models, but while ischemic conditioning is successfully used in cardiac surgery, studies in large animal models and human applications in liver and kidney transplantation are still inconclusive.Le conditionnement ischémique est un procédé par lequel de courtes séquences d’ischémie-reperfusion appliquées à un organe confèrent un certain degré de protection envers les futures lésions ischémiques. Ce phénomène a été observé pour la première fois dans le milieu des années 1980 en chirurgie cardiaque, et a été depuis largement étudié dans différents contextes. D’autre types de conditionnement ischémique existent: locale ou à distance, directe ou pharmacologique. Le conditionnement ischémique semble particulièrement adapté à une application en transplantation avec des périodes d’ischémie chaude et froide, une reperfusion soigneusement et facilement contrôlé. Les avantages de la protection des organes fragiles contre les blessures d’ischémiereperfusion pourraient contribuer à élargir le pool de greffons disponibles et à assurer une meilleure fonction et survie du greffon. Les mécanismes d’action du conditionnement ischémique sont nombreux: préservation de l’énergie de la cellule, protection contre le stress oxydatif, meilleure circulation sanguine vers les organes et protection contre l’apoptose. Dans le domaine du conditionnement pharmacologique, qui tente d’imiter les effets protecteurs de conditionnement ischémique traditionnel sans les effets secondaires potentiels associés au clampage vasculaire, de nombreux médicaments d’usage courant, y compris les anesthésiques ont démontré leur efficacité. Des résultats significatifs ont ainsi été obtenus dans des modèles animaux de petite taille. Cependant même si le conditionnement ischémique est utilisé avec succès en chirurgie cardiaque, les études sur des modèles expérimentaux de gros animaux et des applications humaines dans la transplantation hépatique ou rénale ne sont toujours pas concluantes

    Recommandations françaises du Comité de transplantation de l’association française d’urologie (CTAFU) : lithiase urinaire chez le receveur ou le donneur en transplantation rénale

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    International audienceObjective: To define guidelines for the management of kidney stones in kidney transplant (KTx) donor or recipients.Method: Following a systematic approach, a review of the literature (Medline) was conducted by the CTAFU to report kidney stone epidemiology, diagnosis and management in KTx donors and recipients with the corresponding level of evidence.Results: Prevalence of kidney stones in deceased donor is unknown but reaches 9.3% in living donors in industrialized countries. Except in Maastrich 2 donors, diagnosis is done on systematic pre-donation CT scan according to standard french procedure. No prospective study has compared therapeutic strategies available for the management of kidney stones in KTx donor: ureteroscopy or an extra corporeal lithotripsy in case of living donor prior to donation, ex vivo approach (pyelotomy or ureteroscopy), ureterocopy in the KTx recipient or surveillance. De novo kidney stones result from a lithogenesis process to be identified and treated in order to avoid recurrences. The context of solitary functional kidney renders the prevention of recurrence of great importance. Diagnosis is suspected when identification of a renal graft dysfunction, hematuria or urinary tract infection with renal pelvis dilatation. Stone size and location are determined by computed tomography. There are no prospective, controlled studies on kidney stone management in the KTx. The therapeutic strategies are similar to standard management in general population.Conclusion: These French recommendations should contribute to improve kidney stones management in KTx donor and recipients