35 research outputs found

    Empirische Deliberationsforschung - eine systematische Übersicht

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    Zusammenfassung: Die empirische Deliberationsforschung hat nach zögerlichem Start in den 1990er Jahren einen wahren Boom erlebt: das philosophische Konstrukt des vernĂŒnftigen Dialogs wurde nicht nur auf sein Vorkommen in der politischen und zivilgesellschaftlichen SphĂ€re hin untersucht, sondern zunehmend auch in Modelle politischen Entscheidungshandelns eingebaut. Folgender Literaturbericht fragt systematisch nach den Funktionsweisen deliberativen Handelns, seiner institutionellen, kulturellen und akteursspezifischen Voraussetzungen sowie den Ergebnissen, die aus deliberativ hochwertigen Prozessen erfolgen. Die mittlerweile vielfĂ€ltigen empirischen Studien zeigen, dass insbesondere unter gĂŒnstigen institutionellen Bedingungen Akteure in Politik und Zivilgesellschaft vernĂŒnftig miteinander diskutieren können, wobei sich dann auch normativ wĂŒnschbare Ergebnisse (wie höhere epistemische QualitĂ€t oder breiter abgestĂŒtzte Kompromisse) einstellen. Gleichwohl bleiben nach einer Dekade intensiver Forschung einige zentrale Fragen offen, insbesondere die Frage nach der stringenten Trennung von deliberativem (und verstĂ€ndigungsorientiertem) und strategischem Handel

    Digital maturity variables and their impact on the enterprise architecture layers

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    This study examines the variables of digital maturity of companies. The framework for enterprise architectures Archimate 3.0 is used to compare the variables. The variables are assigned to the six layers of architecture: Strategy, Business Environment, Applications, Technology, Physical and Implementation and Migration. On the basis of a literature overview, 15 “digital maturity models” with a total of 147 variables are analyzed. The databases Scopus, EBSCO – Business Source Premier and ProQuest are used for this purpose

    Empowering local citizens: assessing the inclusiveness of a digital democratic innovation for co-creating a Voting Advice Application

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    Increasing citizen dissatisfaction with democracy leads governments and municipalities across the globe to seek new ways of including and empowering citizens. Little is known about whether ‘Digital Democratic Innovations’ (DDIs) could contribute to this goal. We developed a new DDI in a Swiss municipality, dubbed Demokratiefabrik, where 1,079 citizens co-created a questionnaire that served as an official Voting Advice Application for candidates and voters in communal elections. We find that while sophisticated and allegiant citizens and left-green voters participated more in the DDI, they did not dominate the process of creating the questionnaire. Intriguingly, citizens with lower political trust were particularly active on the platform, suggesting that DDIs might give disenchanted citizens a new voice in the political process. Overall, carefully designed DDIs can be a venue for inclusive citizen participation, involving and empowering local citizens in decision-making

    Two-photon microscopy with double-circle trajectories for in vivo cerebral blood flow measurements

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    Scanning microscopes normally use trajectories which produce full-frame images of an object at a low frame rate. Time-resolved measurements are possible if scans along a single line are repeated at a high rate. In conjunction with fluorescence labeling techniques, in vivo recording of blood flow in single capillaries is possible. The present work investigates scanning with double-circle trajectories to measure blood flow simultaneously in several vessels of a capillary network. With the trajectory centered near a bifurcation, a double circle crosses each vessel twice, creating a sensing gate for passing dark red blood cells in fluorescently labeled plasma. From the stack of scans repeated at 1,300Hz, the time-resolved velocity is retrieved using an image correlation approach. Single bifurcation events can be identified from a few fluorescently labeled red blood cells. The applicability of the method for in vivo measurements is illustrated on the basis of two-photon laser scanning microscopy of the cerebral capillary network of mice. Its performance is assessed with synthetic data generated from a two-phase model for the perfusion in a capillary network. The calculation of velocities is found to be sufficiently robust for a wide range of conditions. The achievable limits depend significantly on the experimental conditions and are estimated to be in the 1ÎŒm/s (velocity) and 0.1s (time resolution) ranges, respectively. Some manual fine-tuning is required for optimal performance in terms of accuracy and time resolution. Further work may lead to improved reliability with which bifurcation events are identified in the algorithm and to include red blood cell flux and hematocrit measurements. With the capability for time-resolved measurements in all vessels of a bifurcation, double-circle scanning trajectories allow a detailed study of the dynamics in vascular network

    Ergebnisbericht zur Könizer Demokratiefabrik 2021

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    Zwischen dem 14. Juni und dem 4. Juli 2021 konnten zufĂ€llig ausgewĂ€hlte Könizer Wahlberechtigte im Rahmen eines wissenschaftlichen Pilotprojektes auf einer eigens dafĂŒr entwickelten Online-Plattform, der «Demokratiefabrik», den smartvote-Fragenkatalog fĂŒr die Könizer Gemeindewahlen vom 26. September 2021 gestalten. Die Online-Wahlhilfe von smartvote erlaubt es den Wahlberechtigten, ihre Positionen mit denjenigen der Kandidierenden zu vergleichen. Mit der Demokratiefabrik entwickelten Forschende am Institut fĂŒr Politikwissenschaft an der UniversitĂ€t Bern im Rahmen eines vom Nationalen Forschungsprogramm 77 «Digitale Transformation» unterstĂŒtzen Projektes ein neues, digitales Beteiligungsformat, das BĂŒrgerinnen und BĂŒrgern eine autonome Rolle in einem demokratischen Prozess einrĂ€umt. Im Unterschied zu sozialen Medien bedient sich die Demokratiefabrik diverser Mechanismen, die darauf abzielen, den Austausch zwischen unterschiedlichen Positionen zu fördern und eine möglichst breit abgestĂŒtzte Beteiligung zu erzielen – insbesondere der Mechanismus der Zufallsauswahl kommt auf der Online-Plattform mehrfach zum Zug. Von den 9'000 zufĂ€llig aus dem Wahl- und Stimmregister ausgelosten Personen beteiligten sich 1'078 Könizerinnen und Könizer mindestens einmal aktiv in der Demokratiefabrik. Etwas ĂŒber die HĂ€lfte der Teilnehmenden hat sich ferner an einem Begutachtungsverfahren beteiligt, das als QualitĂ€tssicherung fĂŒr die Fragen eingesetzt worden ist. 201 Personen haben DiskussionsbeitrĂ€ge verfasst und 108 Teilnehmende haben einen Antrag fĂŒr eine neue Frage oder fĂŒr eine Verbesserung einer bestehenden Frage erstellt. Im Vergleich mit bestehenden Studien ist die Beteiligungsquote von 12 Prozent hoch und die Teilnehmenden der Könizer Demokratiefabrik waren ĂŒberdurchschnittlich engagiert. Nach Beendigung der Demokratiefabrik verblieben 100 Fragen von Teilnehmenden neben 40 Fragen der lokalen Parteien – diese erhielten im Vorfeld die Möglichkeit, Fragen fĂŒr die Demokratiefabrik vorzuschlagen – im Rennen um einen Platz im smartvote-Fragebogen. Über die definitive Auswahl der Fragen entschieden die auf der Demokratiefabrik abgegebenen Bewertungen der Teilnehmenden. Von den 52 definitiven Fragen fĂŒr den smartvote-Fragenkatalog stammen schliesslich 32 von Teilnehmenden der Demokratiefabrik und 20 aus der Feder von lokalen Parteien. Erste Auswertungen zeigen, dass das Teilnehmerfeld divers war. So haben sich annĂ€hernd so viele Frauen wie MĂ€nner beteiligt. Auch hat das neue digitale Beteiligungsformat nicht nur die junge Bevölkerung erreicht: Mit Ausnahme von Personen ĂŒber 75 Jahren waren alle Altersgruppen gut vertreten. Im Vergleich zur Zufallsstichprobe etwas untervertreten waren Personen aus den lĂ€ndlicheren Teilen von Köniz. Personen mit tieferem politischen Interesse oder Vertrauen in die politischen Institutionen sowie auch Personen aus dem rechten 4 politischen Spektrum waren in der Demokratiefabrik untervertreten. Dies stimmt mit den Erfahrungen bei politischen Umfragen ĂŒberein, bei denen dieselben Personengruppen aus verschiedenen GrĂŒnden schwieriger zur Teilnahme zu bewegen sind. Dennoch vermochte die Demokratiefabrik in erster Linie BĂŒrgerinnen und BĂŒrger ohne politisches Mandat oder Parteimitgliedschaft zu erreichen. Fast die HĂ€lfte der Teilnehmenden gab ferner an, keiner Partei sehr oder eher nahe zu stehen. Insgesamt Ă€hnelt das Profil der Teilnehmenden demjenigen der Personen, die smartvote auch hĂ€ufig als Wahlempfehlung nutzen. Die im Nachgang der Demokratiefabrik durchgefĂŒhrte Evaluation, die vom 6. Juli bis 25. Juli 2021 lief (N=425), ergab, dass Teilnehmende die zusĂ€tzliche Mitsprachemöglichkeit geschĂ€tzt haben. RĂŒckmeldungen lassen jedoch auch vermuten, dass die den Teilnehmenden ĂŒbertragenen Aufgaben als relativ anspruchsvoll wahrgenommen wurden. Teilnehmende hĂ€tten zum Teil gerne mehr Zeit fĂŒr die Erarbeitung des Fragebogens zur VerfĂŒgung gehabt. Nach der Demokratiefabrik zeigten sich Teilnehmende hĂ€ufiger als zuvor der Meinung, dass die Digitalisierung fĂŒr die Demokratie Chancen berge. Die im Rahmen des Pilotprojektes erhobenen Daten werden nun vom Forschungsteam im Detail ausgewertet und analysiert, um daraus Schlussfolgerungen fĂŒr kĂŒnftige Projekte zu ziehen

    Deliberation and Identity Rules : The Effect of Anonymity, Pseudonyms and Real-Name Requirements on the Cognitive Complexity of Online News Comments

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    How do identity rules influence online deliberation? We address this question by drawing on a data set of 45 million comments on news articles on the Huffington Post from January 2013 to May 2015. At the beginning of this period, the site allowed commenting under what we call non-durable pseudonyms. In December 2013, Huffington Post moved to regulate its forum by requiring users to authenticate their accounts. And in June 2014, Huffington Post outsourced commenting to Facebook altogether, approximating a ‘real-name’ environment. We find a significant increase in the cognitive complexity of comments (a proxy for one aspect of deliberative quality) during the middle phase, followed by a decrease following the shift to real-name commenting through Facebook. Our findings challenge the terms of the apparently simple trade-off between the goods and bads of anonymous and real-name environments and point to the potential value of durable pseudonymity in the context of online discussion

    Digital maturity variables and their impact on the enterprise architecture layers

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    This study examines the variables of digital maturity of companies. The framework for enterprise architectures Archimate 3.0 is used to compare the variables. The vari¬ables are assigned to the six layers of architecture: Strategy, Business Environment, Applications, Technology, Physical and Implementation and Migration. On the basis of a literature overview, 15 “digital maturity models” with a total of 147 variables are analyzed. The databases Scopus, EBSCO – Business Source Premier and ProQuest are used for this purpose.The results of the work will help researchers and managers to identify which digitiza¬tion variables affect the different layers of the company. This enables researchers or managers to use the right model for a specific purpose or to create a new model from a combination of existing models for the entire company or just one architectural layer.On the basis of a more precise assessment of the digital maturity of a company, better actions can be derived. This work is important for companies, as the digitization of enterprises and markets changed similarly to the invention of the steam engine did. Websites, sensors, mobile devices, apps, etc. are combined into new digital products and services. The competitors in the market have to adapt. If this is not done, they will increasingly disappear.Finally, the authors suggests a conclusion about the current situation regarding the measurement of digital maturity in companies and show in which areas further studies could be carried out

    Reality check: primary vascular access creation today.

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    INTRODUCTION In Switzerland, the outcome of vascular access creation in the 4500 current dialysis patients is unknown, mainly because there is no prospective registry for patients undergoing vascular access surgery for renal replacement therapy. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of vascular access creation and to compare it with the current literature and guidelines, in order to define strategies to improve clinical outcome. METHODS Retrospective single-centre study in a tertiary referral centre. All consecutive patients over 18 years of age undergoing primary vascular access creation between January 2013 and December 2014 were included. Follow-up data for at least 12 months were collected. RESULTS During the study period, 365 patients had a surgical intervention for renal replacement therapy. A primary vascular access was created in 74 patients (20%), who were further analysed in our study: 63 (85%) had an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) and 11 (15%) an arteriovenous graft (AVG). The intervention-free survival (primary patency rate) of the primary vascular access at 1 year was 46% (95% confidence interval [CI] 33-58%) for AVF and 30% (95% CI 7-58%) for AVG, with a secondary patency rate at 1 year of 75% (95% CI 63-84%) for AVF and 50% (95% CI 18-75%) for AVG. Twenty-seven patients (36%) with primary vascular access underwent central venous catheter (CVC) placement (tunnelled or non-tunnelled) before the access creation. Thirty-seven (50%) patients had their first dialysis through a CVC. Thirty-one patients (42%) never received a CVC. CONCLUSIONS The primary patency of vascular access was unexpectedly low, and the number of CVC requests unexpectedly high. In light of this, we consider it essential that centres creating vascular access should register their activities and compare their outcomes with current guidelines to check and improve clinical management. To facilitate this, there is an initiative starting in 2018 encouraging all Swiss vascular surgeons to provide data on vascular access interventions, including 1-year follow-up, in the national online registry "SwissVasc 2.0"

    Evaluation and Design of a Globally Applicable Rear-locking Prosthetic Knee Mechanism

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    A rear locking prosthetic knee joint with a durable, rear Automatic Stance-Phase Lock (ASPL), was developed to investigate the versatility of the (ASPL) mechanism in improving the functionality of prosthetic knees appropriate for a global market. An international survey and a Quality Function Deployment identified deficits with existing prosthetic knee mechanisms and established the most influential design parameters. Work on the knee design was completed following a comparative stability analysis of different knee mechanisms which justified the initial design. Solid models were generated with computer design software and a prototype was produced and structurally tested. Finally, clinical pilot testing was conducted on a unilateral transfemoral amputee, and various gait variables were assessed. As hypothesized, the knee performed close to the level of a conventional six-bar knee providing highly effective stance-phase control and the pilot test showed that improvements to the swing-phase response could further reduce the asymmetry of gait.MAS

    Evidence from Germany: what citizens want from democracy

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    Although democracy is viewed positively across Europe, surprisingly little is known about the type of democratic processes citizens support. Drawing on new research in Germany, Saskia Goldberg, Dominik Wyss and André BÀchtiger illustrate that disenchanted citizens want stronger involvement in political decision-making, irrespective of the concrete participation format