20 research outputs found

    Origin and transformation of morainic landscape in NW part of Lubawa Upland Origin and transformation of morainic landscape in NW part of Lubawa Upland

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    The paper presents the investigation results concerning the origin and transformation of the morainic landscape in the northwest part of Lubawa Upland. Detailed sedimentological studies of the sediments within the morainic hill in Rożental and the reconstruction of their depositional and deformational processes are presented. We proposed a model of landscape formation and transformation in examined area. The reconstruction of the palaeogeographical conditions which have been prevailed during the late Pleistocene is also proposed. Collected data show that morainic landscape in the northwestern part of Lubawa Upland reveal landforms of an older origin. It is suggested that relief of examined area consist some features of "palimpsest landscape". The older glacial landforms, formed before the last ice advance, can exist here

    Chronology and extents of ice sheet advances in the Vistula lobe area during the Main Stage of the Last Glaciation

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    During the maximum of the last glaciation the Vistula ice lobe was one of the key morphological elements at southern margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in north-central Poland. The area of the Vistula ice lobe experienced two ice sheet advances of varied extent, the earlier one during the Leszno Phase and the younger one in the Poznań Phase. According to the authors, the limit of the Leszno Phase within the study area was much smaller than hitherto accepted and its age is estimated at about 20.5 ka BP. Significant ice sheet retreat was followed by an ice readvance during the Poznań Phase, overriding the extent of the Leszno Phase. The Poznań readvance reached the maximum limit in the Vistula ice lobe area about 18.5 ka BP. It is assumed that the rapid ice sheet transgression during the Poznań Phase (on average 400 m/a) and origin of the Vistula lobe were probably connected with activity of the palaeo-ice stream

    Palimpsest terminal moraines in NW part of Lubawa Upland : structure and mechanisms of formation

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań litofacjalnych i strukturalnych osadów budujących przetrwałe moreny czołowe na NW skłonie Garbu Lubawskiego. Uzyskane rezultaty wskazują na złożoną genezę badanych wzgórz oraz na wyraźne cechy świadczące o ich przetrwałości. Zaproponowano modele genetyczne dla analizowanych form, prezentujące główne etapy ich formowania oraz mechanizmy sprzyjające ich zachowaniu w strefie subglacjalnej. Analiza budowy badanych form sugeruje ich „palimpsestowy” charakter oraz możliwy wpływ wieloletniej zmarzliny na procesy przetrwania wzgórz pod ostatnim lądolodem skandynawskim.This article presents the results of lithofacies and structural studies of deposits in the palimpsest terminal moraines on the NW slope of Lubawa Upland. The results document a complex origin of these hills and some distinct features suggesting their palimpsest nature. We propose genetic models highlighting the main stages of their formation as well as the mechanisms of their preservation in the subglacial system. The inner structure of the hills suggests a crucial role of permafrost in preservation protecting the hills from erosion under the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet

    Till facies diversity as an indicator of subglacial water pressure fluctuations at the ice/bed interface during Weichselian glaciation in N part of Dobrzyń Lakeland

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    Badaniom sedymentologicznym poddano gliny lodowcowe fazy poznańskiej zlodowacenia wisły na dwóch stanowiskach terenowych (Przeszkoda i Obórki), zlokalizowanych w północnej części Pojezierza Dobrzyńskiego. Podczas ostatniego zlodowacenia obszar ten był pokryty lobem lodowcowym Wisły, którego rozwój był najprawdopodobniej determinowany przez wiślany strumień lodowy. W rekonstrukcji procesów formowania glin oraz mechanizmów ruchu lodu została zastosowana kompleksowa analiza glin, w tym: cech sedymentacyjnych, uziarnienia, składu petrograficznego, orientacji dłuższej osi głazików oraz analiza mikromorfologiczna. Analizowane gliny są masywne i warstwowane. Badania sugerują występowanie złożonych i czasowo zmiennych warunków pod lobem Wisły, prawdopodobnie spowodowanych przez fluktuacje ciśnienia wód subglacjalnych. Ruch lodu był wynikiem kombinacji deformacji podłoża i poślizgu bazalnego.Sedimentological analyses were performed on glacial till of the Weichselian glaciation in two field sites (Przeszkoda and Obórki) which are located in northern part of the Dobrzyń Lakeland. During the last glaciation this area was covered by the Vistula ice lobe which development has been determined by the Vistula Ice Stream. A multi-proxy approach including a study of sedimentary features, grain size, petrographic composition, till fabric and till micromorphology was used in reconstruction of till formation and ice movement mechanisms. Analysed tills are massive and stratified. We suggest existing of complex and temporally variable conditions under the Vistula ice lobe, probably caused by subglacial water fluctuations. Ice movement was caused by a combination of bed deformation and basal sliding

    Nicotine pouch marketing strategies in the USA: an analysis of Zyn, On! and Velo

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    INTRODUCTION: Nicotine pouches are gaining popularity, yet their marketing is understudied. METHODS: Using Numerator advertising data from January 2019 to September 2021 regarding three popular brands of nicotine pouch in the USA-Zyn (by Swedish Match, introduced in the USA in July 2016), On! (Altria, August 2016) and Velo (RJ Reynolds, July 2019)-we examined (1) general advertising characteristics (eg, media type, year); (2) ad content (ie, headlines and imagery themes); (3) prominent media channels (ie, specific websites, magazines, etc); and (4) ad expenditures. RESULTS: There were 286 unique ads (Zyn: 44.4%; On!: 2.8%; Velo: 52.8%), 119 143 occurrences (Zyn: 3.5%; On!: 0.5%; Velo: 96.0%) and $24 774 650 total expenditures (Zyn: 4.7%; On!: 0.6%; Velo: 94.7%). The greatest proportion of ad occurrences and expenditures were accounted for by radio (75.9% and 28.2%, respectively) and television (16.2% and 56.5%), followed by mobile (0.5% and 7.2%) and online display (6.7% and 3.6%). Across ad occurrences and expenditures, prominent headline themes included \u27freedom\u27 (26.0% and 17.1%, respectively), \u27brand\u27 (9.6% and 18.6%) and \u27flavour\u27 (16.4% and 7.6%); images mainly featured the product alone (61.4% and 56.1%), text (16.2% and 24.6%) or men (8.7% and 8.6%); and prominent channel themes were entertainment (34.7% and 37.3%), news/weather (14.3% and 21.7%), business/finance (12.9% and 9.0%) and sports (9.5% and 1.0%). Zyn and On! prioritised online display and print; Velo prioritised radio and television. Zyn\u27s and Velo\u27s headlines focused on \u27freedom\u27, with Zyn also emphasising \u27brand\u27 and Velo \u27innovation\u27; On!\u27s headlines emphasised \u27flavour\u27. CONCLUSIONS: Regulatory efforts must be informed by surveillance of nicotine pouch marketing and impacts on consumer subgroups (eg, young people)

    Ice stream motion facilitated by a shallow-deforming and accreting bed

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    Ice streams drain large portions of ice sheets and play a fundamental role in governing their response to atmospheric and oceanic forcing, with implications for sea-level change. The mechanisms that generate ice stream flow remain elusive. Basal sliding and/or bed deformation have been hypothesized, but ice stream beds are largely inaccessible. Here we present a comprehensive, multi-scale study of the internal structure of mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) formed at the bed of a palaeo ice stream. Analyses were undertaken at macro- and microscales, using multiple techniques including X-ray tomography, thin sections and ground penetrating radar (GPR) acquisitions. Results reveal homogeneity in stratigraphy, kinematics, granulometry and petrography. The consistency of the physical and geological properties demonstrates a continuously accreting, shallow-deforming, bed and invariant basal conditions. This implies that ice stream basal motion on soft sediment beds during MSGL formation is accommodated by plastic deformation, facilitated by continuous sediment supply and an inefficient drainage system

    Bidirectional associations between depressive symptoms and cigarette, e-cigarette, cannabis, and alcohol use: Cross-lagged panel analyses among young adults before and during COVID-19

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    BACKGROUND: The literature regarding bidirectional relationships of depressive symptoms to cigarette and alcohol use is mixed, and limited regarding e-cigarette and cannabis use. Moreover, COVID-19 has significantly impacted mental health and substance use, especially among young adults. Thus, this is a critical period for focused research on these relationships among young adults. METHODS: We analyzed longitudinal data (assessments in Fall 2018, 2019, and 2020) from 3,006 young adults (M = 24.56 [SD = 4.72], 54.8% female, 31.6% sexual minority, 71.6% White, 5.3% Black, 12.2% Asian, 11.4% Hispanic) from 6 US metropolitan statistical areas. Cross-lagged panel models were conducted to examine bidirectional associations between depressive symptoms and past 30-day use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cannabis, and alcohol (respectively), controlling for sociodemographics. RESULTS: During the study period, depressive symptoms decreased before the pandemic but increased during, cigarette and e-cigarette use decreased in both periods, alcohol use showed no change before but increases during the pandemic, and cannabis use increased in both periods. Additionally, each outcome demonstrated greater stability before versus during COVID-19. Finally, greater antecedent depressive symptoms correlated with more days of subsequent cigarette (β = 0.03, SE = 0.01, p =.011) and e-cigarette use (β = 0.03, SE = 0.01, p =.021), but fewer days of alcohol use (β = -0.02, SE = 0.01, p =.035). W2 cannabis use and alcohol use, respectively, were related to W3 depressive symptoms (cannabis: β = 0.09, SE = 0.02, p \u3c.001; alcohol: β = 0.06, SE = 0.02, p =.002). No other cross-lagged associations were significant. CONCLUSIONS: Intervention efforts targeting depression and substance use should explicitly address the potential for onset and escalation of substance use and depressive symptoms, respectively, especially during societal stressors

    Glaciotectonics of the selected regions of Poland

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    Niniejsze zbiorowe opracowanie powstało na podstawie szczegółowych (SMGP w skali 1: 50 000) i przeglądowych materiałów kartograficznych, publikowanych i archiwalnych opracowań autorskich oraz na podstawie Gacitektonicznej mapy Polski w skali 1:1 000 000, i stanowi swoisty, regionalny komentarz tekstowy do tej mapy. W podziale Polski na obszary: północno-zachodni, północny, północno-wschodni, zachodni i środkowozachodni, środkowy i środkowowschodni, południowo-wschodni oraz południowy przedstawiono opisy zaburzonych glacitektonicznie form i osadów powierzchniowych i kopalnych. Występowanie zaburzeń glacitektonicznych w Polsce związane jest przede wszystkim z zasięgami młodszych zlodowaceń i z miąższością ulegającego deformacjom podłoża. Formy i osady były zaburzane albo przez pionowe i poziome naciski aktywnego (transgredującego) lądolodu, albo przez nacisk pionowy na podłoże stagnujących mas lodowych. Prace nad uzupełnianiem zawartych w opracowaniu opisów wybranych obszarów Polski oraz treści Glacitektonicznej mapy Polski w skali 1:1 000 000 będą kontynuowane zarówno przez wnoszenie nowych danych, jak też przez rozszerzanie i uszczegółowianie legendy o nowe wydzielenia i oznaczenia wiekowe.The presented complete edition was prepared on the base results of the detailed (Detailed Geological Map of Poland in scale 1:50 000) and review geological mapping, published and archival data, as well as an explanations and symbols elaborated for Glaciotectonic Map of Poland in scale 1:1 000 000. Therefore this elaboration, presenting the regional description of the glaciotectonic features within selected regions of Poland, compose specific textural explanations for this map. Within the territory of Poland subdivided on following regions: North-Western, North, North-Eastern, Western, Middle-Western, Middle, Middle-Eastern, Southern, South-Eastern, glaciotectonicly disturbed landforms and sediments either expressed in recent relief or buried (stated in borings or in exposures) were described. Distribution of glaciotectonic features over the territory of Poland is related primarily to the presence younger glaciations and thickneses of the deformable substratum. Generally, the landforms and sediments were deformed by active ice sheets through the horizontal and vertical thrusts of the ice masses, as well as by vertical stress of the stagnant ice masses. The supplementary works under in details description of the glaciotectonic features in particular regions of Poland will be continued, as well as completed the contents of the Glaciotectonic Map of Poland in scale 1:1 000 000