Origin and transformation of morainic landscape in NW part of Lubawa Upland Origin and transformation of morainic landscape in NW part of Lubawa Upland


The paper presents the investigation results concerning the origin and transformation of the morainic landscape in the northwest part of Lubawa Upland. Detailed sedimentological studies of the sediments within the morainic hill in Rożental and the reconstruction of their depositional and deformational processes are presented. We proposed a model of landscape formation and transformation in examined area. The reconstruction of the palaeogeographical conditions which have been prevailed during the late Pleistocene is also proposed. Collected data show that morainic landscape in the northwestern part of Lubawa Upland reveal landforms of an older origin. It is suggested that relief of examined area consist some features of "palimpsest landscape". The older glacial landforms, formed before the last ice advance, can exist here

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