129 research outputs found

    Rozwój mowy i komunikacji dziecka z uszkodzonym słuchem

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    The article treats on complexity of speech development, communication process of child with damaged hearing. Article emphasizes factors defining different language and communication competences. Hearing impairment leads to self-expression being delayed. Mentioned delays, could be quantitative (active and passive vocabulary, subordinate to the chronological age of the child) and qualitative (numerous, different disorders of articulation, semantic errors, problems with understanding simple commands)


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    Przedsiębiorstwa rodzinne są podmiotami dominującymi w gospodarkach poszczególnych krajów. W artykule przedstawiono specyficzne cechy oraz główne narzędzia sprawnego gospodarowania firmami rodzinnymi. Na podstawie studiów literatury stwierdzono, że nie występują znaczące różnice w charakterystykach tych podmiotów w Hiszpanii, Polsce, Turcji oraz na Łotwie. W opinii właścicieli/zarządzających tymi podmiotami sprawność ich działań zdeterminowana jest głównie systemem wartości ważnych dla członków rodziny wraz z uwzględnieniem wartości cennych dla wszystkich interesariuszy rodzinnego biznesu

    Relation Extraction in underexplored biomedical domains: A diversity-optimised sampling and synthetic data generation approach

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    The sparsity of labelled data is an obstacle to the development of Relation Extraction models and the completion of databases in various biomedical areas. While being of high interest in drug-discovery, the natural-products literature, reporting the identification of potential bioactive compounds from organisms, is a concrete example of such an overlooked topic. To mark the start of this new task, we created the first curated evaluation dataset and extracted literature items from the LOTUS database to build training sets. To this end, we developed a new sampler inspired by diversity metrics in ecology, named Greedy Maximum Entropy sampler, or GME-sampler (https://github.com/idiap/gme-sampler). The strategic optimization of both balance and diversity of the selected items in the evaluation set is important given the resource-intensive nature of manual curation. After quantifying the noise in the training set, in the form of discrepancies between the input abstracts text and the expected output labels, we explored different strategies accordingly. Framing the task as an end-to-end Relation Extraction, we evaluated the performance of standard fine-tuning as a generative task and few-shot learning with open Large Language Models (LLaMA 7B-65B). In addition to their evaluation in few-shot settings, we explore the potential of open Large Language Models (Vicuna-13B) as synthetic data generator and propose a new workflow for this purpose. All evaluated models exhibited substantial improvements when fine-tuned on synthetic abstracts rather than the original noisy data. We provide our best performing (f1-score=59.0) BioGPT-Large model for end-to-end RE of natural-products relationships along with all the generated synthetic data and the evaluation dataset. See more details at https://github.com/idiap/abroad-re


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    Aktualne tendencje w wyborze formy kształcenia uczniów z uszkodzonym słuchem w obecnym systemie oświatowym w Polsce

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    The aim of this article is to present changes in the education of deaf and hard of hearing persons over the last 7 years. The trends in the education of children with hearing impairment clearly point to the departure from special forms of education in favour of public education and integration. These changes, however, are a challenge for both teachers, parents and students with hearing impairment.The aim of this article is to present changes in the education of deaf and hard of hearing persons over the last 7 years. The trends in the education of children with hearing impairment clearly point to the departure from special forms of education in favour of public education and integration. These changes, however, are a challenge for both teachers, parents and students with hearing impairment

    Children with a Speech Impairment in the School System

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    The article presents considerations for children's speech and communication disorders. Polish and foreign literature can be considered to present variety of terms and definitions, however not clear in meaning. It can be found creating difficulties not only in terms of diagnostic but as well as in therapeutic process. Article emphasizes important issues of speech disorder children in education process, care, special education forms complaint with law. Issues related to psycho-social speech disorder was also raised in this article.3221122413Studia Edukacyjn