93 research outputs found

    Wybrane prawa kobiet przestępczyń w świetle polskich i międzynarodowych uregulowań prawnych na tle teorii przestępczości

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    The article puts forward a thesis about the particularly unfavourable situation of female criminals on the labour market. It is treated as a negative premise for effective social rehabilitation. This thesis is proven through the presentation of concepts explaining the specificity of women’s crime, as well as difficulties in their social rehabilitation related to unequal treatment on the labour market. Since Poland’s accession to the EU, the situation of women pertaining to equal treatment and discrimination in the workplace has improved markedly, but there is still much to be done. As far as legal provisions are concerned, women are afforded solid protection, though there is still room for improvement. A great imbalance exists between the rights of mothers and fathers to a paternity leave, which enforces the idea of women as stay-at-home mothers as well as puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to access to and termination of employment, promotion and so on. Employers may, therefore, see women as more costly and less productive than men, which negatively affects women’s employment opportunities (which is especially visible in the case of female criminals). This article is an attempt to show that changing the law itself is not sufficient and will not afford full and effective protection against gender discrimination in the workplace. Changing the society’s perception of women is crucial if their rights are to be fully realised and women themselves must also know the extent of their rights and be willing to take advantage of them without fear of being discriminated against at work, because of their gender and criminal historyW artykule postawiono tezę o szczególnie niekorzystnej sytuacji kobiet przestępczyń na rynku pracy. Potraktowano to jako negatywną przesłankę efektywnej resocjalizacji. Dowód na słuszność tezy przeprowadzono poprzez wybiórczą prezentację koncepcji wyjaśniających specyfikę przestępczości kobiet, a także trudności w ich resocjalizacji, co wiąże się z nierównym traktowaniem na rynku pracy. Od czasu przystąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej sytuacja kobiet związana z równym traktowaniem i dyskryminacją w miejscu pracy znacznie się poprawiła, wciąż jednak pozostaje wiele do zrobienia. Jeśli chodzi o przepisy prawne, kobietom zapewnia się solidną ochronę, lecz nadal istnieje wiele obszarów zaniedbanych. Występuje zwłaszcza duża nierównowaga pomiędzy prawami matek i ojców do urlopu rodzicielskiego, co utrwala stereotyp kobiet jako matek pozostających w domu oraz stawia je w niekorzystnej sytuacji w zakresie dostępu do pracy i rozwiązania stosunku pracy, awansu itp. Pracodawcy postrzegają kobiety jako bardziej kosztorodne i mniej produktywne w pracy niż mężczyźni, co negatywnie wpływa na możliwości zatrudniania kobiet. W artykule podjęto próbę wykazania, że sama zmiana prawa nie jest wystarczająca, gdyż nie zapewnia pełnej i skutecznej ochrony przed dyskryminacją ze względu na płeć w miejscu pracy (co szczególnie widoczne jest w przypadku kobiet przestępczyń). Zmiana postrzegania kobiet przez społeczeństwo ma kluczowe znaczenie, jeśli ich prawa mają być w pełni realizowane. Co więcej, kobiety same muszą znać zakres swoich praw i być gotowe do korzystania z nich bez obawy o bycie dyskryminowanymi w miejscu pracy ze względu na płeć i kryminalną przeszłość

    The role of positive diagnosis in social rehabilitation from the perspective of the theory of evil – a psychopedagogical reflection

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    This article analyses the role of positive diagnosis in social rehabilitation. It has been assumed to be a priority in identifying socially maladapted individuals. The sufficiency of the negative diagnosis model, used so far in social rehabilitation pedagogy, has been questioned. Referring to the main features of psycho-pedagogical diagnosis (e.g. infinity, complexity, multidimensionality), the fundamental principles of diagnosing the so-called difficult phenomena, which include social maladaptation, have been formulated. The analysis has been conducted referring to the results of empirical studies (own and other authors’ studies) concerning the complex and ambiguous descriptions of maladapted people (self-concept, self-assessment, self-acceptance, concept of the world, concept of one’s own life). The article proposes a model of social rehabilitation diagnosis from the perspective of positive psychology (quality of life) and cognitive psychology.This article analyses the role of positive diagnosis in social rehabilitation. It has been assumed to be a priority in identifying socially maladapted individuals. The sufficiency of the negative diagnosis model, used so far in social rehabilitation pedagogy, has been questioned. Referring to the main features of psycho-pedagogical diagnosis (e.g. infinity, complexity, multidimensionality), the fundamental principles of diagnosing the so-called difficult phenomena, which include social maladaptation, have been formulated. The analysis has been conducted referring to the results of empirical studies (own and other authors’ studies) concerning the complex and ambiguous descriptions of maladapted people (self-concept, self-assessment, self-acceptance, concept of the world, concept of one’s own life). The article proposes a model of social rehabilitation diagnosis from the perspective of positive psychology(quality of life) and cognitive psychology

    Investigating code-switching in a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) classroom

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    The aim of this article is to provide an outline of the research on code-switching in CLIL, including the use of mother tongue vs. target language by CLIL teachers, as well as teacher perception of CLIL learners’ language use and language problems, attention being given to spoken and written discourse difficulties and ways of overcoming them. The study was conducted among 29 Secondary School CLIL teachers teaching geography, biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, or history in English, and was based on a questionnaire especially prepared for this study. The main aim of the study was to investigate the situations of switching the codes and reasons for particular linguistic behaviours in CLIL classrooms, especially through the prism of teacher and learner code-switching functions, and find out both positive and negative aspects of this phenomenon

    An Investigation into the Relation between the Technique of Movement and Overload in Step Aerobics

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    The aim of this research was to determine the features of a step workout technique which may be related to motor system overloading in step aerobics. Subjects participating in the research were instructors (n=15) and students (n=15) without any prior experience in step aerobics. Kinematic and kinetic data was collected with the use of the BTS SMART system comprised of 6 calibrated video cameras and two Kistler force plates. The subjects’ task was to perform basic steps. The following variables were analyzed: vertical, anteroposterior, and mediolateral ground reaction forces; foot flexion and abduction and adduction angles; knee joint flexion angle; and trunk flexion angle in the sagittal plane. The angle of a foot adduction recorded for the instructors was significantly smaller than that of the students. The knee joint angle while stepping up was significantly higher for the instructors compared to that for the students. Our research confirmed that foot dorsal flexion and adduction performed while stepping up increased load on the ankle joint. Both small and large angles of knee flexion while stepping up and down resulted in knee joint injuries. A small trunk flexion angle in the entire cycle of step workout shut down dorsal muscles, which stopped suppressing the load put on the spine

    Methods for evaluating the skin microcirculation in patients with diabetes

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    Rozwój cukrzycowej mikroangiopatii poprzedzają zmiany czynnościowe mikrokrążenia. Uchwycenie ich na wczesnym etapie może poprawić rokowanie chorych. Stosunkowo łatwo ocenić mikrokrążenie skóry. Istnieje wiele nieinwazyjnych metod, które można wykorzystać w tym celu. Praca zawiera krótką charakterystykę aktualnie dostępnych metod oceny mikrokrążenia skóry. Uzupełnione o testy prowokacyjne, odzwierciedlające reaktywność naczyń, pozwalają one na ocenę stanu naczyń krwionośnych u osób z cukrzycą.The development of diabetic microangiopathy is preceded by functional changes in microcirculation. Capturing them at an early stage can improve patients prognosis. The microcirculation of the skin is relatively easy to assess. There is a number of non-invasive methods which can be used for these purposes. This study contains a brief description of the currently available methods of the skin microcirculation evaluation. These methods, supplemented by provocative tests reflecting vascular reactivity, allow the assessment of blood vessels in people with diabetes

    The clinical usefulness of biochemical (free β-hCG, PAPP-A) and ultrasound (nuchal translucency) parameters in prenatal screening of trisomy 21 in the first trimester of pregnancy

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the correlation of multiples of the normal median of PAPP-A, free β-hCG levels and nuchal translucency values in prenatal, first trimester screening of trisomy 21 in pregnant women.  Material and methods: 251 pregnant women underwent antenatal screening at 11–13+6 weeks of pregnancy which was composed of the measurement of free β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein (PAPP-A) levels in the maternal serum and an ultrasound assessment of nuchal translucency (NT). The pregnant women with a high risk of trisomy 21 (≥ 1:300) were given amniocentesis to verify fetal defects. There were 217 cases of normal fetal karyotype and 34 cases of trisomy 21. PAPP-A, β-hCGMoM and NT values were analyzed for the predefined ranges.  Results: 85% cases of trisomy 21 had elevated free β-hCGMoM ( > 1.5) and only 53% of these had a PAPP-AMoM result below 0.5 (p < 0.05). Analysis of NT in selected ranges of β-hCG ( > 1.5) and PAPP-AMoM ( < 0.05), which are typical for Down Syndrome values, showed that not all fetuses with Down Syndrome presented with an increased NT. Respectively 44.15% and 26.5% of fetuses presented with increased NT. Characteristic for trisomy 21, a correlation with all 1st trimester screening tests’ parameters occurred in only 23.5% of cases. In 53% of cases the results were atypical.  Conclusions: The PAPP-A and β-hCG values in the selected MoM ranges did not shown a correlation to the NT measurement, therefore they are independent factors in the diagnosis of trisomy 21. Simultaneous biochemical and ultrasound testing is an indispensable condition for prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 21 in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

    Total antioxidant status (TAS) in childhood cancer survivors

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    Total antioxidant status (TAS), and the influence of treatment and correlation between TAS and parametersinvolved in metabolic syndrome (MS) in pediatric cancer survivors were evaluated. One hundred childrenand adolescents were studied. Twenty-five survivors received radiotherapy, 12 were obese or overweight.Additionally, we analyzed TAS in eight children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at diagnosis andduring treatment after remission induction. The control group consisted of 22 healthy children. Serum concentrationsof TAS, glucose, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, fibrinogen and insulin were measured. Incancer survivors, independently of diagnosis and kind of treatment (radiotherapy anthracyclines administration),the mean serum TAS did not differ significantly from the control group. No correlations were observedwith age at the time of diagnosis or interval after the end of treatment. TAS values did not correlate with traits ofthe metabolic syndrome. In a group of eight patients with ALL at diagnosis and after induction of remission,TAS values were lower than in the control and cancer survivor groups. Antioxidant status was not found to bedeteriorated in children after anticancer treatment, irrespective of diagnosis or kind of treatment, which mightindicate sufficient antioxidant prevention. However, the possibility of the development of MS and cardiovasculardisease in adulthood indicates the need for future studies.Total antioxidant status (TAS), and the influence of treatment and correlation between TAS and parametersinvolved in metabolic syndrome (MS) in pediatric cancer survivors were evaluated. One hundred childrenand adolescents were studied. Twenty-five survivors received radiotherapy, 12 were obese or overweight.Additionally, we analyzed TAS in eight children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at diagnosis andduring treatment after remission induction. The control group consisted of 22 healthy children. Serum concentrationsof TAS, glucose, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, fibrinogen and insulin were measured. Incancer survivors, independently of diagnosis and kind of treatment (radiotherapy anthracyclines administration),the mean serum TAS did not differ significantly from the control group. No correlations were observedwith age at the time of diagnosis or interval after the end of treatment. TAS values did not correlate with traits ofthe metabolic syndrome. In a group of eight patients with ALL at diagnosis and after induction of remission,TAS values were lower than in the control and cancer survivor groups. Antioxidant status was not found to bedeteriorated in children after anticancer treatment, irrespective of diagnosis or kind of treatment, which mightindicate sufficient antioxidant prevention. However, the possibility of the development of MS and cardiovasculardisease in adulthood indicates the need for future studies

    Liposome-based DNA carriers may induce cellular stress response and change gene expression pattern in transfected cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During functional studies on the rat stress-inducible <it>Hspa1b </it>(<it>hsp70.1</it>) gene we noticed that some liposome-based DNA carriers, which are used for transfection, induce its promoter activity. This observation concerned commercial liposome formulations (LA), Lipofectin and Lipofectamine 2000. This work was aimed to understand better the mechanism of this phenomenon and its potential biological and practical consequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that a reporter gene driven by <it>Hspa1b </it>promoter is activated both in the case of transient transfections and in the stably transfected cells treated with LA. Using several deletion clones containing different fragments of <it>Hspa1b </it>promoter, we found that the regulatory elements responsible for most efficient LA-driven inducibility were located between nucleotides -269 and +85, relative to the transcription start site. Further studies showed that the induction mechanism was independent of the classical HSE-HSF interaction that is responsible for gene activation during heat stress. Using DNA microarrays we also detected significant activation of the endogenous <it>Hspa1b </it>gene in cells treated with Lipofectamine 2000. Several other stress genes were also induced, along with numerous genes involved in cellular metabolism, cell cycle control and pro-apoptotic pathways.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our observations suggest that i) some cationic liposomes may not be suitable for functional studies on <it>hsp </it>promoters, ii) lipofection may cause unintended changes in global gene expression in the transfected cells.</p