13 research outputs found

    Elasto-plastic deformations within a material point framework on modern GPU architectures

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    Plastic strain localization is an important process on Earth. It strongly influ- ences the mechanical behaviour of natural processes, such as fault mechanics, earthquakes or orogeny. At a smaller scale, a landslide is a fantastic example of elasto-plastic deformations. Such behaviour spans from pre-failure mech- anisms to post-failure propagation of the unstable material. To fully resolve the landslide mechanics, the selected numerical methods should be able to efficiently address a wide range of deformation magnitudes. Accurate and performant numerical modelling requires important compu- tational resources. Mesh-free numerical methods such as the material point method (MPM) or the smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) are particu- larly computationally expensive, when compared with mesh-based methods, such as the finite element method (FEM) or the finite difference method (FDM). Still, mesh-free methods are particularly well-suited to numerical problems involving large elasto-plastic deformations. But, the computational efficiency of these methods should be first improved in order to tackle complex three-dimensional problems, i.e., landslides. As such, this research work attempts to alleviate the computational cost of the material point method by using the most recent graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures available. GPUs are many-core processors originally designed to refresh screen pixels (e.g., for computer games) independently. This allows GPUs to delivers a massive parallelism when compared to central processing units (CPUs). To do so, this research work first investigates code prototyping in a high- level language, e.g., MATLAB. This allows to implement vectorized algorithms and benchmark numerical results of two-dimensional analysis with analytical solutions and/or experimental results in an affordable amount of time. After- wards, low-level language such as CUDA C is used to efficiently implement a GPU-based solver, i.e., ep2-3De v1.0, can resolve three-dimensional prob- lems in a decent amount of time. This part takes advantages of the massive parallelism of modern GPU architectures. In addition, a first attempt of GPU parallel computing, i.e., multi-GPU codes, is performed to increase even more the performance and to address the on-chip memory limitation. Finally, this GPU-based solver is used to investigate three-dimensional granular collapses and is compared with experimental evidences obtained in the laboratory. This research work demonstrates that the material point method is well suited to resolve small to large elasto-plastic deformations. Moreover, the computational efficiency of the method can be dramatically increased using modern GPU architectures. These allow fast, performant and accurate three- dimensional modelling of landslides, provided that the on-chip memory limi- tation is alleviated with an appropriate parallel strategy

    An explicit GPU-based material point method solver for elastoplastic problems (ep2-3De v1.0)

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    We propose an explicit GPU-based solver within the material point method (MPM) framework using graphics processing units (GPUs) to resolve elastoplastic problems under two- and three-dimensional configurations (i.e. granular collapses and slumping mechanics). Modern GPU architectures, including Ampere, Turing and Volta, provide a computational framework that is well suited to the locality of the material point method in view of high-performance computing. For intense and non-local computational aspects (i.e. the back-and-forth mapping between the nodes of the background mesh and the material points), we use straightforward atomic operations (the scattering paradigm). We select the generalized interpolation material point method (GIMPM) to resolve the cell-crossing error, which typically arises in the original MPM, because of the C0 continuity of the linear basis function. We validate our GPU-based in-house solver by comparing numerical results for granular collapses with the available experimental data sets. Good agreement is found between the numerical results and experimental results for the free surface and failure surface. We further evaluate the performance of our GPU-based implementation for the three-dimensional elastoplastic slumping mechanics problem. We report (i) a maximum 200-fold performance gain between a CPU- and a single-GPU-based implementation, provided that (ii) the hardware limit (i.e. the peak memory bandwidth) of the device is reached. Furthermore, our multi-GPU implementation can resolve models with nearly a billion material points. We finally showcase an application to slumping mechanics and demonstrate the importance of a three-dimensional configuration coupled with heterogeneous properties to resolve complex material behaviour.</p

    Light-Management Strategies for Thin-Film Silicon Multijunction Solar Cells

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    Light management is of crucial importance to reach high efficiencies with thin-film silicon multijunction solar cells. In this contribution, we present light-management strategies that we recently developed. This includes high quality absorber materials, low-refractive index intermediate reflectors, and highly transparent multiscale electrodes. Specifically, we show the fabrication of high-efficiency tandem devices with a certified stabilized efficiency of 12.6%, triple-junction solar cells with a stabilized efficiency of 12.8%, recently developed smoothening intermediate reflector layers based on silicon dioxide nanoparticles, and periodic-on-random multiscale textures

    Cratering response during droplet impacts on granular beds

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    This experimental work focuses on the cratering response of granular layers induced by liquid droplet impacts. A droplet impact results in severe granular layer deformation, crater formation and deposits in the vicinity of the impact center. High-precision three-dimensional imaging of the granular layer surface revealed important characteristics of liquid impacts on granular matter, such as singular asymmetric deformations of the layer. Our analysis also demonstrated that the impact energy and the granular packing, and its inherent compressibility, are not the unique parameters controlling the bed response, for which granular fraction heterogeneities may induce strong variations. Such heterogeneous conditions primarily influence the magnitude but not the dynamics of liquid impacts on granular layers. Finally, a general equation can be used to relate the enery released during cratering to both the impact energy and the compressibility of the granular matter. However, our results do not support any transition triggered by the compaction-dilation regime. Hence, higly detailed numerical simulations could provide considerable insights regarding the remaining questions related to heterogeneous packing conditions and its influence over the bulk compressibility and the compaction-dilation phase transition

    QDC-2D: A Semi-Automatic Tool for 2D Analysis of Discontinuities for Rock Mass Characterization

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    Quantitative characterization of discontinuities is fundamental to define the mechanical behavior of discontinuous rock masses. Several techniques for the semi-automatic and automatic extraction of discontinuities and their properties from raw or processed point clouds have been introduced in the literature to overcome the limits of conventional field surveys and improve data accuracy. However, most of these techniques do not allow characterizing flat or subvertical outcrops because planar surfaces are difficult to detect within point clouds in these circumstances, with the drawback of undersampling the data and providing inappropriate results. In this case, 2D analysis on the fracture traces are more appropriate. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, few methods to perform quantitative analyses on discontinuities from orthorectified photos are publicly available and do not provide a complete characterization. We implemented scanline and window sampling methods in a digital environment to characterize rock masses affected by discontinuities perpendicular to the bedding from trace maps, thus exploiting the potentiality of remote sensing techniques for subvertical and low-relief outcrops. The routine, named QDC-2D (Quantitative Discontinuity Characterization, 2D) was compiled in MATLAB by testing a synthetic dataset and a real case study, from which a high-resolution orthophoto was obtained by means of Structure from Motion technique. Starting from a trace map, the routine semi-automatically classifies the discontinuity sets and calculates their mean spacing, frequency, trace length, and persistence. The fracture network is characterized by means of trace length, intensity, and density estimators. The block volume and shape are also estimated by adding information on the third dimension. The results of the 2D analysis agree with the input used to produce the synthetic dataset and with the data collected in the field by means of conventional geostructural and geomechanical techniques, ensuring the procedure&rsquo;s reliability. The outcomes of the analysis were implemented in a Discrete Fracture Network model to evaluate their applicability for geomechanical modeling

    QDC-2D: A Semi-Automatic Tool for 2D Analysis of Discontinuities for Rock Mass Characterization

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    Quantitative characterization of discontinuities is fundamental to define the mechanical behavior of discontinuous rock masses. Several techniques for the semi-automatic and automatic extraction of discontinuities and their properties from raw or processed point clouds have been introduced in the literature to overcome the limits of conventional field surveys and improve data accuracy. However, most of these techniques do not allow characterizing flat or subvertical outcrops because planar surfaces are difficult to detect within point clouds in these circumstances, with the drawback of undersampling the data and providing inappropriate results. In this case, 2D analysis on the fracture traces are more appropriate. Nevertheless, to our knowledge, few methods to perform quantitative analyses on discontinuities from orthorectified photos are publicly available and do not provide a complete characterization. We implemented scanline and window sampling methods in a digital environment to characterize rock masses affected by discontinuities perpendicular to the bedding from trace maps, thus exploiting the potentiality of remote sensing techniques for subvertical and low-relief outcrops. The routine, named QDC-2D (Quantitative Discontinuity Characterization, 2D) was compiled in MATLAB by testing a synthetic dataset and a real case study, from which a high-resolution orthophoto was obtained by means of Structure from Motion technique. Starting from a trace map, the routine semi-automatically classifies the discontinuity sets and calculates their mean spacing, frequency, trace length, and persistence. The fracture network is characterized by means of trace length, intensity, and density estimators. The block volume and shape are also estimated by adding information on the third dimension. The results of the 2D analysis agree with the input used to produce the synthetic dataset and with the data collected in the field by means of conventional geostructural and geomechanical techniques, ensuring the procedure’s reliability. The outcomes of the analysis were implemented in a Discrete Fracture Network model to evaluate their applicability for geomechanical modeling

    Self-Patterned Nanoparticle Layers for Vertical Interconnects: Application in Tandem Solar Cells

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    We demonstrate self-patterned insulating nanoparticle layers to define local electrical interconnects in thin-film electronic devices. We show this with thin-film silicon tandem solar cells, where we introduce between the two component cells a solution-processed SiO2 nanoparticle layer with local openings to allow for charge transport. Because of its low refractive index, high transparency, and smooth surface, the SiO2 nanoparticle layer acts as an excellent intermediate reflector allowing for efficient light management

    Machine learning prediction of the mass and the velocity of controlled single-block rockfalls from the seismic waves they generate

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    Understanding the dynamics of slope instabilities is critical to mitigate the associated hazards but their direct observation is often difficult due to their remote locations and their spontaneous nature. Seismology allows us to get unique information on these events, including on their dynamics. However, the link between the properties of these events (mass and kinematics) and the seismic signals generated are still poorly understood. We conducted a controlled rockfall experiment in the Riou-Bourdoux torrent (south French Alps) to try to better decipher those links. We deployed a dense seismic network and inferred the dynamics of the block from the reconstruction of the 3D trajectory from terrestrial and airborne high-resolution stereo-photogrammetry. We propose a new approach based on machine learning to predict the mass and the velocity of each block. Our results show that we can predict those quantities with average errors of approximately 10% for the velocity and 25% for the mass. These accuracies are as good as or better than those obtained by other approaches, but our approach has the advantage of not requiring to localize the source and an a priori knowledge of the environment, nor of making a strong assumption on the seismic wave attenuation model. Finally, the machine learning approach allows us to explore more widely the correlations between the features of the seismic signal generated by the rockfalls and their physical properties, and might eventually lead to better constrain the physical models in the future