21 research outputs found

    Activation of Ca2+-activated Cl- current by depolarizing steps in rabbit urethral interstitial cells.

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    Interstitial cells were isolated from strips of rabbit urethra for study using the amphotericin B perforated-patch technique. Depolarizing steps to -30 mV or greater activated a Ca2+ current (ICa), followed by a Ca2+-activated Cl- current, and, on stepping back to -80 mV, large Cl- tail currents were observed. Both currents were abolished when the cells were superfused with Ca2+-free bath solution, suggesting that Ca2+ influx was necessary for activation of the Cl- current. The Cl- current was also abolished when Ba2+ was substituted for Ca2+ in the bath or the cell was dialyzed with EGTA (2 mM). The Cl- current was also reduced by cyclopiazonic acid, ryanodine, 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB), and xestospongin C, suggesting that Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) involving both ryanodine and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors contributes to its activation

    Serine 25 phosphorylation inhibits RIPK1 kinase-dependent cell death in models of infection and inflammation

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    RIPK1 regulates cell death and inflammation through kinase-dependent and -independent mechanisms. As a scaffold, RIPK1 inhibits caspase-8-dependent apoptosis and RIPK3/MLKL-dependent necroptosis. As a kinase, RIPK1 paradoxically induces these cell death modalities. The molecular switch between RIPK1 pro-survival and pro-death functions remains poorly understood. We identify phosphorylation of RIPK1 on Ser25 by IKKs as a key mechanism directly inhibiting RIPK1 kinase activity and preventing TNF-mediated RIPK1-dependent cell death. Mimicking Ser25 phosphorylation (S > D mutation) protects cells and mice from the cytotoxic effect of TNF in conditions of IKK inhibition. In line with their roles in IKK activation, TNF-induced Ser25 phosphorylation of RIPK1 is defective in TAK1- or SHARPIN-deficient cells and restoring phosphorylation protects these cells from TNF-induced death. Importantly, mimicking Ser25 phosphorylation compromises the in vivo cell death-dependent immune control of Yersinia infection, a physiological model of TAK1/IKK inhibition, and rescues the cell death-induced multi-organ inflammatory phenotype of the SHARPIN-deficient mice

    Gasdermins assemble; recent developments in bacteriology and pharmacology

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    The discovery of gasdermin D (GSDMD) as the terminal executioner of pyroptosis provided a large piece of the cell death puzzle, whilst simultaneously and firmly putting the gasdermin family into the limelight. In its purest form, GSDMD provides a connection between the innate alarm systems to an explosive, inflammatory form of cell death to jolt the local environment into immunological action. However, the gasdermin field has moved rapidly and significantly since the original seminal work and novel functions and mechanisms have been recently uncovered, particularly in response to infection. Gasdermins regulate and are regulated by mechanisms such as autophagy, metabolism and NETosis in fighting pathogen and protecting host. Importantly, activators and interactors of the other gasdermins, not just GSDMD, have been recently elucidated and have opened new avenues for gasdermin-based discovery. Key to this is the development of potent and specific tool molecules, so far a challenge for the field. Here we will cover some of these recently discovered areas in relation to bacterial infection before providing an overview of the pharmacological landscape and the challenges associated with targeting gasdermins

    Inflammasome activation in response to the Yersinia type III secretion system requires hyperinjection of translocon proteins YopB and YopD

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    Type III secretion systems (T3SS) translocate effector proteins into target cells in order to disrupt or modulate host cell signaling pathways and establish replicative niches. However, recognition of T3SS activity by cytosolic pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) of the nucleotide-binding domain leucine rich repeat (NLR) family, either through detection of translocated products or membrane disruption, induces assembly of multiprotein complexes known as inflammasomes. Macrophages infected with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains lacking all known effectors or lacking the translocation regulator YopK induce rapid activation of both the canonical NLRP3 and noncanonical caspase-11 inflammasomes. While this inflammasome activation requires a functional T3SS, the precise signal that triggers inflammasome activation in response to Yersinia T3SS activity remains unclear. Effectorless strains of Yersinia as well as ΔyopK strains translocate elevated levels of T3SS substrates into infected cells. To dissect the contribution of pore formation and translocation to inflammasome activation, we took advantage of variants of YopD and LcrH that separate these functions of the T3SS. Notably, YopD variants that abrogated translocation but not pore-forming activity failed to induce inflammasome activation. Furthermore, analysis of individual infected cells revealed that inflammasome activation at the single-cell level correlated with translocated levels of YopB and YopD themselves. Intriguingly, LcrH mutants that are fully competent for effector translocation but produce and translocate lower levels of YopB and YopD also fail to trigger inflammasome activation. Our findings therefore suggest that hypertranslocation of YopD and YopB is linked to inflammasome activation in response to the Yersinia T3SS

    Increased autophagic sequestration in adaptor protein-3 deficient dendritic cells limits inflammasome activity and impairs antibacterial immunity

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    <div><p>Bacterial pathogens that compromise phagosomal membranes stimulate inflammasome assembly in the cytosol, but the molecular mechanisms by which membrane dynamics regulate inflammasome activity are poorly characterized. We show that in murine dendritic cells (DCs), the endosomal adaptor protein AP-3 –which optimizes toll-like receptor signaling from phagosomes–sustains inflammasome activation by particulate stimuli. AP-3 independently regulates inflammasome positioning and autophagy induction, together resulting in delayed inflammasome inactivation by autophagy in response to <i>Salmonella</i> Typhimurium (STm) and other particulate stimuli specifically in DCs. AP-3-deficient DCs, but not macrophages, hyposecrete IL-1β and IL-18 in response to particulate stimuli <i>in vitro</i>, but caspase-1 and IL-1β levels are restored by silencing autophagy. Concomitantly, AP-3-deficient mice exhibit higher mortality and produce less IL-1β, IL-18, and IL-17 than controls upon oral STm infection. Our data identify a novel link between phagocytosis, inflammasome activity and autophagy in DCs, potentially explaining impaired antibacterial immunity in AP-3-deficient patients.</p></div

    AP-3 is required for perinuclear inflammasome positioning and limits autophagy induction after <i>Salmonella</i> Typhimurium infection in DCs.

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    <p><b>(A-C).</b> WT and pearl (pe) BMDCs expressing ASC-GFP were infected with flagellin-expressing mCherry-STm (stimulates NLRC4). Cells were fixed 1 h after infection, labeled with DAPI and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. <b>A.</b> Representative images showing ASC speck (green) relative to STm (red) and nucleus (blue) in four infected WT and pearl DCs each. <b>B.</b> Quantification of perinuclear (within a radius of one μm from the nucleus) and non-perinuclear ASC specks in 20 cells per cell type in each of four independent experiments. <b>C.</b> Quantification of ASC speck distance to the nucleus in 15 cells per cell type in each of three independent experiments. <b>(D</b>, <b>E)</b>. WT and pearl BMDCs were infected with STm, and endogenous LC3 (and actin as a control) was detected by immunoblotting fractionated cell lysates at the indicated time points. <b>D.</b> Representative blot with positions of molecular weight markers (MW) indicated at left. <b>E</b>. Quantification of LC3-II band intensities from three independent experiments, expressed as fold increase relative to unstimulated cells and normalized to LC3-I and β-actin levels. (<b>F</b>-<b>I).</b> WT and pearl BMDCs expressing ASC-GFP alone or with mCherry-LC3 were infected with STm and analyzed by live fluorescence imaging (for LC3) or fixed immunofluorescence microscopy (for p62) 1 h later. <b>F.</b> Representative images showing ASC speck (green) and either LC3 puncta (red, <i>left panels</i>) or endogenous p62 puncta (red) and nuclei (blue; <i>right panels</i>) in infected cells. Corresponding DIC images show nuclear position. <b>G, H.</b> Quantification of LC3 (<b>G</b>) or p62 (<b>H</b>) puncta within a radius of 0.5 μm from the ASC speck (representative image shown at right) in 15 cells per cell type in each of 3 independent experiments. <b>I</b>, Quantification of total p62 puncta normalized to cell area. Data represent mean ± SD. Scale bar: 10 μm.**p<0.01; ***p<0.001. See also <b><a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006785#ppat.1006785.s005" target="_blank">S5</a></b>and <b><a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006785#ppat.1006785.s006" target="_blank">S6</a> Figs</b>.</p

    AP-3 is required for optimal transcriptional activation of pro-IL-1β and some NLRs after particulate LPS priming.

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    <p>BMDCs from WT or pearl (pe) mice were untreated or stimulated with LPS or LPS beads for 2 h (<b>A</b>-<b>C</b>) or 3 h (<b>D</b>, <b>E</b>). <b>A-C</b>. cDNA generated from isolated RNA was analyzed by RT-PCR. Shown are mRNA levels of: <b>A</b>, NLRC1, NLRC2, NLRP3; <b>B</b>, pro-IL-1β, pro-IL-18; and <b>C</b>, NLRC4, pro-caspase-1 and ASC. Data from three independent experiments were normalized to the average of five housekeeping genes, and the ΔΔCt values were calculated and represented as mean ± SD fold induction of mRNA in stimulated cells relative to unstimulated cells. <b>D</b>, <b>E.</b> Cell pellets were lysed and fractionated by SDS-PAGE, and NLRP3, NLRC4, pro-caspase-1 (pro-casp. 1), pro-IL-1β and ASC were detected by immunoblotting. <b>D</b>, representative blots. <b>E</b>, quantification of band intensities represented as mean ± SD fold induction in stimulated cells relative to unstimulated cells for pro-IL-1β (<i>top</i>) and NLRP3 (<i>bottom</i>), normalized to tubulin levels. Two or more fold induction was considered significant. *p< 0.05; **p<0.01. See also <b><a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006785#ppat.1006785.s008" target="_blank">S1 Table</a></b>.</p

    AP-3 limits inflammasome sequestration and autophagy induction after STm infection or alum stimulation.

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    <p><b>(A</b>, <b>B)</b>. WT and pearl (pe) BMDCs expressing ASC-GFP were infected with flagellin-expressing STm (stimulates NLRC4) for 30 or 60 min. Cells were then permeabilized for 1 min with 50 μg/ml digitonin or throughout labeling with 0.1% saponin as indicated, washed, and incubated with mouse anti-GFP and allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated anti-mouse antibodies. Cells were analyzed by flow cytometry, gating on GFP<sup>+</sup> cells (R1). <b>A</b>. Shown are representative dot plots of transduced WT and pe DCs indicating gated region based on GFP fluorescence and side scatter (SSC, <i>left panels</i>), and representative histogram plots indicating GFP (<i>middle panels</i>) or APC (anti-GFP) fluorescence (<i>right panels</i>). <i>Black lines</i>, WT; <i>blue lines</i>, pe; <i>dotted lines</i>, secondary antibody alone. <b>B</b>. The ratio of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) values for anti-GFP signal in digitonin-treated DCs relative to saponin-treated DCs is shown from 4 independent experiments. (<b>C-L)</b>. WT and pearl (pe) BMDCs that were non-transduced (-) or transduced with lentiviruses encoding non-target (ctrl) or either of two ATG7-specific shRNAs or ATG-5- or LC3b-specific shRNAs were infected with STm (<b>C-E</b>) or primed for 3 h with soluble LPS and stimulated with alum (<b>F-L</b>). (<b>C-E</b>) Cell supernatants collected 2 h after Stm infection were assayed for IL-1β by ELISA. <b>C.</b> Representative experiment. <b>D</b>. Data from 3 independent experiments were normalized to IL-1β values from cells treated with non-target shRNA and presented as fold induction. <b>E</b>. IL-1β values for pearl BMDC treated with non-target or ATG7 shRNAs from 3 independent experiments are shown as percent of values for WT DCs treated with the same shRNAs. (<b>F-L</b>) Cell pellets collected 4 h after alum stimulation were lysed, fractionated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted for caspase-1 and tubulin. (<b>F, H</b>). Representative immunoblots, showing pro-caspase-1 (pro-casp.-1) and mature p10 (casp.-1 p10) bands. (<b>G, I</b>) Quantification of band intensities for caspase-1 p10 normalized to pro-caspase-1 and tubulin from three independent experiments are shown as caspase-1 fold change relative to unstimulated (-) WT cells (mean ± SD). (<b>J, K</b>) Data from three independent experiments were normalized to caspase-1 values from untreated cells and presented as fold increase. (<b>L</b>). Caspase-1 values for pearl BMDC treated with non-target, ATG5, ATG7 or LC3b shRNAs from 3 independent experiments are shown as percent of values for WT DCs treated with the same shRNAs. Data in all panels represent mean ± SD. **p<0.01; ***p<0.001. See also <b><a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006785#ppat.1006785.s007" target="_blank">S7 Fig</a></b>.</p

    AP-3 promotes survival upon <i>Salmonella</i> Typhimurium infection.

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    <p>WT CD57BL/6J and congenic pearl (pe) mice were infected orally with 10<sup>8</sup> STm (+ STm) or received PBS as a control (naïve). (<b>A, B).</b> Mouse survival was assessed over 12 days (<b>A</b>; n = 5) or 7 days (<b>B</b>; n = 11 each mouse type; surviving mice were euthanized on day 7). (<b>C-E).</b> Peyer patches, MLN and spleens were harvested 5 days post-infection, homogenized and plated to measure bacterial load. CFUs were normalized to tissue weight (expressed as CFU/ g of tissue). Data are pooled from three independent experiments. Dotted lines, background (threshold value from uninfected mice); solid lines, geometric means of values above background. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001. See also <b><a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006785#ppat.1006785.s001" target="_blank">S1</a> and <a href="http://www.plospathogens.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.ppat.1006785#ppat.1006785.s002" target="_blank">S2</a> Figs</b>.</p