17 research outputs found

    Targeted Therapy Resistance Mediated by Dynamic Regulation of Extrachromosomal Mutant EGFR DNA

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    Intratumoral heterogeneity contributes to cancer drug resistance, but the underlying mechanisms are not understood. Single-cell analyses of patient-derived models and clinical samples from glioblastoma patients treated with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) demonstrate that tumor cells reversibly up-regulate or suppress mutant EGFR expression, conferring distinct cellular phenotypes to reach an optimal equilibrium for growth. Resistance to EGFR TKIs is shown to occur by elimination of mutant EGFR from extrachromosomal DNA. After drug withdrawal, reemergence of clonal EGFR mutations on extrachromosomal DNA follows. These results indicate a highly specific, dynamic, and adaptive route by which cancers can evade therapies that target oncogenes maintained on extrachromosomal DNA

    Glioblastoma cellular cross-talk converges on NF-κB to attenuate EGFR inhibitor sensitivity

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    Funding Information: We thank Dr. David James, Dr. Frederick Lang, Dr. Cameron Brennan, and Dr. Harley Kornblum for GBM-PDX neurospheres. We thank Dr. Karen Arden for continuous support and critical evaluation of the results. We thank Dr. Robert Davis, Dr. German Gomez, Dr. Tiffany Taylor, Dr. Rachel Reed, Dr. Melissa Mcalonis, and Dr. Sora Lee for technical support. In memory of Rosa Lupo. This work was supported by the Defeat GBM Research Collaborative, a subsidiary of the National Brain Tumor Society (F.B.F. and P.S.M.), R01-NS080939 (F.B.F.), the James S. McDonnell Foundation (F.B.F.), the National Cancer Institute (2T32CA009523-29A1) (A.H.T), and 1RO1NS097649-01 (C.C.C.). C.Z. was partially supported by an American-Italian Cancer Foundation post-doctoral research fellowship. F.L. received a Gao Feng Gao Yuan Scholarship Award. T.C.G., A.K.S., P.S.M., W.K.C., and F.B.F. receive salary and additional support from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. Publisher Copyright: © 2017 Zanca et al.In glioblastoma (GBM), heterogeneous expression of amplified and mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) presents a substantial challenge for the effective use of EGFR-directed therapeutics. Here we demonstrate that heterogeneous expression of the wild-type receptor and its constitutively active mutant form, EGFRvIII, limits sensitivity to these therapies through an interclonal communication mechanism mediated by interleukin-6 (IL-6) cytokine secreted from EGFRvIII-positive tumor cells. IL-6 activates a NF-κB signaling axis in a paracrine and autocrine manner, leading to bromodomain protein 4 (BRD4)-dependent expression of the prosurvival protein survivin (BIRC5) and attenuation of sensitivity to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). NF-κB and survivin are coordinately up-regulated in GBM patient tumors, and functional inhibition of either protein or BRD4 in in vitro and in vivo models restores sensitivity to EGFR TKIs. These results provide a rationale for improving anti-EGFR therapeutic efficacy through pharmacological uncoupling of a convergence point of NF-κB-mediated survival that is leveraged by an interclonal circuitry mechanism established by intratumoral mutational heterogeneity.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Orthogonal targeting of EGFRvIII expressing glioblastomas through simultaneous EGFR and PLK1 inhibition

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    We identified a synthetic lethality between PLK1 silencing and the expression of an oncogenic Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, EGFRvIII. PLK1 promoted homologous recombination (HR), mitigating EGFRvIII induced oncogenic stress resulting from DNA damage accumulation. Accordingly, PLK1 inhibition enhanced the cytotoxic effects of the DNA damaging agent, temozolomide (TMZ). This effect was significantly more pronounced in an Ink4a/Arf(-/-) EGFRvIII glioblastoma model relative to an Ink4a/Arf(-/-) PDGF-β model. The tumoricidal and TMZ-sensitizing effects of BI2536 were uniformly observed across Ink4a/Arf(-/-) EGFRvIII glioblastoma clones that acquired independent resistance mechanisms to EGFR inhibitors, suggesting these resistant clones retain oncogenic stress that required PLK1 compensation. Although BI2536 significantly augmented the anti-neoplastic effect of EGFR inhibitors in the Ink4a/Arf(-/-) EGFRvIII model, durable response was not achieved until TMZ was added. Our results suggest that optimal therapeutic effect against glioblastomas requires a "multi-orthogonal" combination tailored to the molecular physiology associated with the target cancer genome

    A urokinase receptor-Bim signaling axis emerges during EGFR inhibitor resistance in mutant EGFR glioblastoma.

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    EGFR is the most common genetically altered oncogene in glioblastoma (GBM), but small-molecule EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) have failed to yield durable clinical benefit. Here, we show that in two novel model systems of acquired resistance to EGFR TKIs, elevated expression of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) drives signaling through the MAPK pathway, which results in suppression of the proapoptotic BCL2-family member protein BIM (BCL2L11). In patient-derived GBM cells and genetic GBM models, uPA is shown to suppress BIM levels through ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which can be reversed by siRNA-mediated knockdown of uPA. TKI-resistant GBMs are resensitized to EGFR TKIs by pharmacologic inhibition of MEK or a BH3 mimetic drug to replace BIM function. A link between the uPA-uPAR-ERK1/2 pathway and BIM has not been previously demonstrated in GBM, and involvement of this signaling axis in resistance provides rationale for a new strategy to target EGFR TKI-resistant GBM

    A Urokinase Receptor–Bim Signaling Axis Emerges during EGFR Inhibitor Resistance in Mutant EGFR Glioblastoma

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    EGFR is the most common genetically altered oncogene in glioblastoma (GBM), but small molecule EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have failed to yield durable clinical benefit. Here we show that in two novel model systems of acquired resistance to EGFR TKIs, elevated expression of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) drives signaling through the MAPK pathway, which results in suppression of the pro-apoptotic BCL2-family member protein BIM (BCL2L11). In patient-derived GBM cells and genetic GBM models uPA is shown to suppress BIM levels through ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which can be reversed by siRNA mediated knockdown of uPA. TKI-resistant GBMs are re-sensitized to EGFR TKIs by pharmacological inhibition of MEK or a BH3 mimetic drug to replace BIM function. A link between the uPA-uPAR-ERK1/2 pathway and BIM has not been previously demonstrated in GBM, and involvement of this signaling axis in resistance provides rationale for a new strategy to target EGFR TKI-resistant GBM

    RIOK2 overexpression in GBM tumors is associated with Akt signaling.

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    <p>(A–E) Immunohistochemistry for RIOK2 (reddish brown) showing cytoplasmic and submembraneous enrichment for RIOK2 in tumor cells. Hematoxilin counterstain, (A) GBM39 tissue, from a subcutanteous xenograft, showing RIOK2 staining in tumor cells (arrows), which formed lobules delineated by RIOK2-negative host stromal cells. (B) ΔEGFR-positive human GBM with RIOK2-positive giant cell component (inset shows a conspicuous giant cell), and RIOK2-negative tumor stroma composed of abnormal blood vessels (“BV”). (C) ΔEGFR-positive human GBM, abnormal mitotic cells with high RIOK2 staining denoted with asterisks and shown in inset close-up. (D) ΔEGFR-positive human GBM, lower magnification to highlight enriched RIOK2 in pseudopallisades (“PSS”), inset shows enriched RIOK2 staining present in dense cellular regions of pseudopallisades. (E) RIOK2 expression in an EGFR-overexpressing human GBM with (F) matched normal control tissue from the same surgical specimen, arrows denote normal astrocytes (recognized by their open nuclei). (G) RIOK2 expression in an EGFR-negative/Akt-S473-P-positive GBM shown alongside (H) another example of normal control brain tissue. Arrows denote normal neuronal cells (recognized by their basophilic cell bodies) with low/undetectable RIOK2 expression. (I) and (J) examples of Akt-S473-P and EGFR-Y1068-P immunoreactivity in RIOK2-positive GBM tumor specimens. (K) a RIOK2- negative GBM with a negative abnormal blood vessel (“BV”). (L) Statistical analysis of RIOK2-positive and negative tumor specimens showing a significant correlation between RIOK2 expression and phosphorylation of EGFR at Tyrosine-1068 and phosphorylation of Akt at Serine-473. More stains from tumors shown in Figures S10 and S11.</p