23 research outputs found

    Testimony Provided Before the Human Resources Committee, House of Representatives, Oregon State Legislature

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    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt:My name is Norman Wyers. I am an Associate Professor, with a specialty in income maintenance from Columbia University, at the School of Social Work, Portland State University. I would like to talk with you today about the formulation of well-articulated welfare policy, in this case policy which would more effectively link social services with income maintenance. I am using this particular piece of welfare policy for illustrative reasons but also because it is badly needed

    Shame and Public Dependency: A Literature Review

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    All research related to under-utilization of income maintenance programs as well as to their impact on recipients has discovered the presence of stigma. A survey of the pertinent literature points out that much is known about stigmatization but that social welfare has been slow to incorporate this knowledge in any attempt to reduce the destructive effect of stigma on program users. Both liberal and radical reform measures are proposed as remedies

    Shame and Public Dependency: A Literature Review

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    All research related to under-utilization of income maintenance programs as well as to their impact on recipients has discovered the presence of stigma. A survey of the pertinent literature points out that much is known about stigmatization but that social welfare has been slow to incorporate this knowledge in any attempt to reduce the destructive effect of stigma on program users. Both liberal and radical reform measures are proposed as remedies

    Reaganism and the Poor Family: Life on AFDC after the Budget Cuts

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    Recent changes in federal and state welfare policies have had negative consequences for public welfare recipients. This paper summarizes a study which focused on the impact of these policy changes on the AFDC population in the most populous region of Oregon. Of particular importance are the changes in income levels, employment, and social service utilization of recipients. Personal reactions of recipients are also reviewed, as are expectations for the future. The differential economic impact of the policy changes on various categories of recipients is stressed

    Women, Welfare, and Work

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    There are many popular misconceptions about people on welfare. This study challenges these myths with empirical findings, confirming the results of earlier studies. Four misconceptions contradicted by the findings of this study are as follows: MYTH: She Doesn’t Want to Work MYTH: Welfare Breeds Welfare MYTH: She Rides the Gravy Train MYTH: She Finds Life is Easy on Welfar

    Metrology for Ammonia in Ambient Air – concept and first results of the EMRP project MetNH3

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    Dans le cadre du Programme de Recherche Européen en Métrologie (EMRP), un projet de trois ans a débuté en juin 2014 avec l’objectif d’améliorer la compréhension et la traçabilité métrologique des mesures d’ammoniac (NH3) ambient, dans le domaine 0.5 - 500 nmol/mol. Les trois tâches principales de ce projet sont 1) d’améliorer l’exactitude et la stabilité de mélanges de gaz de référence statiques et dynamiques, 2) de développer un étalon de transfert optique et 3) d’établir un lien entre les standards métrologiques de haute précision et les mesures de terrain. Les résultats attendus de ce projet vont améliorer l’exactitude et la fiabilité des estimations d’émissions et ainsi aider à l’évaluation de l’efficacité des mesures de réduction d’émission prescrites par les réglementations internationales. Dans cette publication nous décrivons le concept, les objectifs et les premiers résultats du projet

    Income Maintenance Studies: A Missing Component

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    This article reviews the findings of a national survey intended to determine the extent to which income maintenance studies are available in graduate or undergraduate social work programs. Their general unavailability is linked to a disregard for the poor on the part of organized social work. Latent interest for such a course of studies was uncovered, however. The author advocates the legitimization of income maintenance as a field of study for social workers and presents a tentative educational model for the curriculum

    Unanticipated Consequences of Policy Changes

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    This is a chapter in the book, Theory and Practice of Social Welfare Policy: Analysis, Processes, and Current Issue

    Economic Insecurity: Notes for Social Workers

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    Characteristics of individuals and families referred to as economically insecure are defined and discussed in this article. Additionally, estimates of the numbers of individuals and families affected are provided. The author recommends that social workers be more cognizant of economic insecurity and its effect on clients. Addressing the issues of economic insecurity and its relationship to social work practice adequately would require broadening social work\u27s overall mission

    Income Maintenance Revisited: Functions, Skills, and Boundaries

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