671 research outputs found

    Auswirkungen von Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen auf die psychosoziale Anpassung von neurologisch Erkrankten und ihren Angehörigen

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    Wuttke CE. Auswirkungen von Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen auf die psychosoziale Anpassung von neurologisch Erkrankten und ihren Angehörigen. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2006.Menschen, die mit einer neurologischen Erkrankung konfrontiert werden, bezeichnen ihren unmittelbaren Zustand nach dem Ereignis oder der Diagnosestellung häufig als "Schock". Genauso empfinden diese Situation meist die Angehörigen. Die Familien sind plötzlich mit einer Vielzahl von Problemen konfrontiert, die einerseits rein mit der körperlichen Erkrankung, andererseits aber auch mit emotionalen, psychosozialen und häufig zusätzlich wirtschaftlichen Folgen der lebensverändernden Situation zu tun haben. Erstaunlich ist allerdings immer wieder, dass Familien im Erkrankungsverlauf völlig unterschiedlich mit der Diagnose, der Schwere der Erkrankung und den Erkrankungsfolgen umgehen und diese verarbeiten. Die vorliegende Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit den möglichen psychologischen Ursachen für diese Unterschiede. Dazu wurden als zentrale Variable die subjektiven Überzeugungen der Kompetenz- und Kontrollüberzeugungen nach verschiedenen Formen von Hirnschädigungen und als weitere Variablen die wahrgenommene Soziale Unterstützung und die Formen des resultierenden Coping und des psychosozialen und emotionalen Outcome mittels Fragebögen erhoben. Einbezogen werden konnten Betroffene mit Schädel-Hirn-Verletzungen, cerebrovaskulären Erkrankungen und Hirntumoren, die bei Beendigung ihrer rehabilitativen Maßnahme in einer neurologischen Rehabilitationsklinik nach neuropsychologischer Testung und Betreuung durch die Autorin dieser Studie um ihre Mitarbeit gebeten wurden. In die Untersuchung gingen so auch neuropsychologische Testdaten, neurologische Daten und soziodemographische Variablen mit ein. Zusätzlich nahmen einige Angehörige an der Untersuchung teil. Mittels Clusteranalyse konnten im Ergebnis dann jeweils zwei voneinander abgrenzbare Personengruppen von Betroffenen und Angehörigen identifiziert werden, die entweder günstige oder ungünstige Kontrollüberzeugungsprofile zeigten. Die Cluster-Zugehörigkeit ergab einen statistisch signifikanten Einfluss auf weitere erhobene Variablen wie den Coping-Strategien und dem Outcome. Zwischen den neuropsychologischen Testdaten, den neurologischen Daten, den soziodemographischen Merkmalen und den jeweiligen Clustern zeigten sich dagegen keine grundlegenden Zusammenhänge. Es werden daraus Implikationen für eine frühzeitige Identifikation von Risikofaktoren für Fehladaptationen bei neurologischen Erkrankungen und eine Optimierung der psychologischen Intervention in einem möglichst frühen Stadium des Coping-Prozesses formuliert

    Sol-Gel Prepared Nanoscopic Metal Fluorides - a New Class of Tunable Acid-Base Catalysts

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    In this article, the high potential of the fluorolytic sol-gel process to synthesise nanoscopic metal fluorides with different acid-base properties is shown. These nanoscopic materials exhibit high potential to be used as heterogeneous catalysts due to their high surface areas and their tunable surface properties. Thus, for each specific reaction the required surface properties of the catalysts can be ”adjusted” to achieve a high yield and selectivity of the desired product. As a consequence, a greener method of chemical production can be accomplished. Moreover the cheap and easy synthesis of the catalysts using basic chemicals makes them not only interesting for fundamental research but provides an easy transformation to industrial applications

    Propylene Carbonate Reexamined: Mode-Coupling β\beta Scaling without Factorisation ?

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    The dynamic susceptibility of propylene carbonate in the moderately viscous regime above TcT_{\rm c} is reinvestigated by incoherent neutron and depolarised light scattering, and compared to dielectric loss and solvation response. Depending on the strength of α\alpha relaxation, a more or less extended β\beta scaling regime is found. Mode-coupling fits yield consistently λ=0.72\lambda=0.72 and Tc=182T_{\rm c}=182 K, although different positions of the susceptibility minimum indicate that not all observables have reached the universal asymptotics

    Depinning in a Random Medium

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    We develop a renormalized continuum field theory for a directed polymer interacting with a random medium and a single extended defect. The renormalization group is based on the operator algebra of the pinning potential; it has novel features due to the breakdown of hyperscaling in a random system. There is a second-order transition between a localized and a delocalized phase of the polymer; we obtain analytic results on its critical pinning strength and scaling exponents. Our results are directly related to spatially inhomogeneous Kardar-Parisi-Zhang surface growth.Comment: 11 pages (latex) with one figure (now printable, no other changes

    Fast relaxation in a fragile liquid under pressure

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    The incoherent dynamic structure factor of ortho-terphenyl has been measured by neutron time-of-flight and backscattering technique in the pressure range from 0.1 MPa to 240 MPa for temperatures between 301 K and 335 K. Tagged-particle correlations in the compressed liquid decay in two steps. The alpha-relaxation lineshape is independent of pressure, and the relaxation time proportional to viscosity. A kink in the amplitude f_Q(P) reveals the onset of beta relaxation. The beta-relaxation regime can be described by the mode-coupling scaling function; amplitudes and time scales allow a consistent determination of the critical pressure P_c(T). alpha and beta relaxation depend in the same way on the thermodynamic state; close to the mode-coupling cross-over, this dependence can be parametrised by an effective coupling Gamma ~ n*T**{-1/4}.Comment: 4 Pages of RevTeX, 4 figures (submitted to Physical Review Letters

    Reorientational relaxation of a linear probe molecule in a simple glassy liquid

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    Within the mode-coupling theory (MCT) for the evolution of structural relaxation in glass-forming liquids, correlation functions and susceptibility spectra are calculated characterizing the rotational dynamics of a top-down symmetric dumbbell molecule, consisting of two fused hard spheres immersed in a hard-sphere system. It is found that for sufficiently large dumbbell elongations, the dynamics of the probe molecule follows the same universal glass-transition scenario as known from the MCT results of simple liquids. The α\alpha-relaxation process of the angular-index-j=1 response is stronger, slower and less stretched than the one for j=2, in qualitative agreement with results found by dielectric-loss and depolarized-light-scattering spectroscopy for some supercooled liquids. For sufficiently small elongations, the reorientational relaxation occurs via large-angle flips, and the standard scenario for the glass-transition dynamics is modified for odd-j responses due to precursor phenomena of a nearby type-A MCT transition. In this case, a major part of the relaxation outside the transient regime is described qualitatively by the β\beta-relaxation scaling laws, while the α\alpha-relaxation scaling law is strongly disturbed.Comment: 40 pages. 10 figures as GIF-files, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Molecular mode-coupling theory applied to a liquid of diatomic molecules

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    We study the molecular mode coupling theory for a liquid of diatomic molecules. The equations for the critical tensorial nonergodicity parameters Fll′m(q){\bf F}_{ll'}^m(q) and the critical amplitudes of the β\beta - relaxation Hll′m(q){\bf H}_{ll'}^m(q) are solved up to a cut off lcol_{co} = 2 without any further approximations. Here l,ml,m are indices of spherical harmonics. Contrary to previous studies, where additional approximations were applied, we find in agreement with simulations, that all molecular degrees of freedom vitrify at a single temperature TcT_c. The theoretical results for the non ergodicity parameters and the critical amplitudes are compared with those from simulations. The qualitative agreement is good for all molecular degrees of freedom. To study the influence of the cut off on the non ergodicity parameter, we also calculate the non ergodicity parameters for an upper cut off lco=4l_{co}=4. In addition we also propose a new method for the calculation of the critical nonergodicity parameterComment: 27 pages, 17 figure

    A Nanofiber-Based Optical Conveyor Belt for Cold Atoms

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    We demonstrate optical transport of cold cesium atoms over millimeter-scale distances along an optical nanofiber. The atoms are trapped in a one-dimensional optical lattice formed by a two-color evanescent field surrounding the nanofiber, far red- and blue-detuned with respect to the atomic transition. The blue-detuned field is a propagating nanofiber-guided mode while the red-detuned field is a standing-wave mode which leads to the periodic axial confinement of the atoms. Here, this standing wave is used for transporting the atoms along the nanofiber by mutually detuning the two counter-propagating fields which form the standing wave. The performance and limitations of the nanofiber-based transport are evaluated and possible applications are discussed

    The furan microsolvation blind challenge for quantum chemical methods: First steps

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    © 2018 Author(s). Herein we present the results of a blind challenge to quantum chemical methods in the calculation of dimerization preferences in the low temperature gas phase. The target of study was the first step of the microsolvation of furan, 2-methylfuran and 2,5-dimethylfuran with methanol. The dimers were investigated through IR spectroscopy of a supersonic jet expansion. From the measured bands, it was possible to identify a persistent hydrogen bonding OH-O motif in the predominant species. From the presence of another band, which can be attributed to an OH-π interaction, we were able to assert that the energy gap between the two types of dimers should be less than or close to 1 kJ/mol across the series. These values served as a first evaluation ruler for the 12 entries featured in the challenge. A tentative stricter evaluation of the challenge results is also carried out, combining theoretical and experimental results in order to define a smaller error bar. The process was carried out in a double-blind fashion, with both theory and experimental groups unaware of the results on the other side, with the exception of the 2,5-dimethylfuran system which was featured in an earlier publication
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