29 research outputs found

    Connections of climate change and variability to large and extreme forest fires in southeast Australia

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    The 2019/20 Black Summer bushfire disaster in southeast Australia was unprecedented: the extensive area of forest burnt, the radiative power of the fires, and the extraordinary number of fires that developed into extreme pyroconvective events were all unmatched in the historical record. Australia’s hottest and driest year on record, 2019, was characterised by exceptionally dry fuel loads that primed the landscape to burn when exposed to dangerous fire weather and ignition. The combination of climate variability and long-term climate trends generated the climate extremes experienced in 2019, and the compounding effects of two or more modes of climate variability in their fire-promoting phases (as occurred in 2019) has historically increased the chances of large forest fires occurring in southeast Australia. Palaeoclimate evidence also demonstrates that fire-promoting phases of tropical Pacific and Indian ocean variability are now unusually frequent compared with natural variability in preindustrial times. Indicators of forest fire danger in southeast Australia have already emerged outside of the range of historical experience, suggesting that projections made more than a decade ago that increases in climate-driven fire risk would be detectable by 2020, have indeed eventuated. The multiple climate change contributors to fire risk in southeast Australia, as well as the observed non-linear escalation of fire extent and intensity, raise the likelihood that fire events may continue to rapidly intensify in the future. Improving local and national adaptation measures while also pursuing ambitious global climate change mitigation efforts would provide the best strategy for limiting further increases in fire risk in southeast Australia

    Mechanisms of southern Caribbean SST variability over the last two millennia

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    We present a high‐resolution Mg/Ca reconstruction of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) spanning the last 2000 years using seasonally representative foraminifera from the Cariaco Basin. The range of summer/fall SST over this interval is restricted to 1.5°C, while winter/spring SST varies by 4.5°C over the same time period suggesting that boreal winter variations control interannual SST variability in the tropical North Atlantic. Antiphasing between the two data sets, including a large divergence in the seasonal records circa 900 Common Era, can be explained by changes in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and associated changes in surface/subsurface temperatures in the tropical North Atlantic as well as resultant changes in trade wind belt location and intensity. A statistically significant but nonlinear relation exists between reconstructed winter/spring temperatures and solar variability. Key Points Seasonal reconstruction of tropical Atlantic SSTs using foraminiferal Mg/Ca Spectral analysis reveals significant power in decadal and multidecadal bands Nonlinear relationship between winter/spring temperatures and solar variabilit

    IODP Expedition 363 P-wave velocity logger (whole round)

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    P-wave velocity data were measured on whole-round sections on the Whole-Round Multisensor Logger (WRMSL) using pairs of piezoelectric transducers mounted on a caliper system. Measurements may be affected by degassing of pore fluid and microfracturing during core recovery. Report includes P-wave velocity in x-y plane and distance and traveltime between transducers

    IODP Expedition 363 Micropaleontology

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    Paleontological data were collected using microscopes and recorded in the JRSO description software. All data for a species group (e.g., diatoms or nannofossils) were collected in a Microsoft Excel worksheet by hole. A zip file of the entire expedition's observations is also available

    IODP Expedition 363 Thermal conductivity

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    Thermal conductivity was measured using the heated needle method in either full-space needle configuration (soft/saturated sediments) or half-space needle configuration (harder materials) of a TeKa Berlin TK-04 thermal conductivity meter. Heat is applied to the sample and then thermal equilibrium is sought. The heating and equilibration curve is reduced to derive the thermal conductivity value. Raw data are stored if a user wishes to do off-line or postexpedition reduction

    IODP Expedition 363 Thin section images

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    Hard rock and sediment thin section images were acquired using either the JRSO-developed Petrographic Image Capture and Archival Tool (PICAT) imager or (rarely) an upright microscope and a digital camera. Sample images are acquired in unpolarized, polarized, and/or cross-polarized light. Image files are presented compressed by hole