39 research outputs found

    Surat Berharga Syariah Negara Project Based Sukuk (SBSN PBS): sebuah Instrumen Alternatif Partisipasi Publik dalam Pembiayaan Infrastruktur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keunggulan-keunggulan instrumen SBSN PBS dalam membiayai proyek-proyek infrastruktur. Metodologi yang digunakan berupa desk research bersifat kualitatif dengan mempelajari berbagai referensi. Data yang digunakan utamanya bersumber dari Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Pembiayaan dan Risiko Kementerian Keuangan, khususnya yang terkait dengan jumlah penerbitan SBSN PBS dan proyek-proyek infrastruktur yang dibiayai dengan instrumen ini. Selain itu, beberapa data dukung juga diambil dari Islamic Finance Country Index dan International Islamic Finance Market, khususnya yang terkait dengan perkembangan pasar sukuk global. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SBSN PBS dapat digunakan untuk sebagai instrumen untuk membiayai pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia. SBSN PBS juga memiliki kemiripan dengan public private partnership (PPP) karena keduanya memerlukan jaminan berupa underlying asset

    Alternative Designs for Semarang-Demak Coastal Dike and Toll Road

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    Semarang city has been experiencing coastal flooding as a major problem. The flooding is inevitable due to the declining groundwater level as an impact of population growth and groundwater exploitation. The Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Housing is currently planning to build the Semarang-Demak section of the Northern Java Coastal Tollway not only to fulfill traffic demand but also to fight coastal flooding. The purpose of this paper is to present alternative designs to support the plan and to provide recommendations based on design analyses as well as concerns from past design experiences. To the degree that is allowed by the available secondary data, reasonably detailed engineering calculations were performed to be able to present the dimensions of each alternative structure. The results of the structural and geotechnical analyses were obtained using suitable software for each type of analysis and the concerns based on past design experiences were investigated to find the most effective and efficient alternative

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu dengan Praktik Penatalaksanaan Diare pada Balita

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    Abstract: Diarrhea is a disease that occurs when a person has at least three loose stools per day. Diarrhea is considered a mild disease, but it can be fatal if not treated properly, especially in toddlers and children. The involvement of the mother in the management of diarrhea in toddlers is necessary. The aim of this study is to study the relationship between mother’s knowledge and diarrhea management practices in toddler in the Working Area of Puskesmas Sumowono, Semarang Regency. In this study focused on observational analytical studies using cross-sectional design. This study’s sample size was 122 respondents. The univariate test findings showed that the majority of respondents (54,1%) are high school graduates, 59,8% have adequate knowledge, and 59,8% have good practices for managing with diarrhea in toddlers. The bivariate analysis discovered a correlation between mother’s knowledge and diarrhea management practices (p=0.000). The most of respondents had sufficient knowledge and practice (74,0%). Keywords: Mothers’s knowledge, toddler diarrhea, diarrhea managemen

    Surat Berharga Syariah Negara Project Based Sukuk (SBSN PBS): sebuah Instrumen Alternatif Partisipasi Publik dalam Pembiayaan Infrastruktur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keunggulan-keunggulan instrumen SBSN PBS dalam membiayai proyek-proyek infrastruktur. Metodologi yang digunakan berupa desk research bersifat kualitatif dengan mempelajari berbagai referensi. Data yang digunakan utamanya bersumber dari Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Pembiayaan dan Risiko Kementerian Keuangan, khususnya yang terkait dengan jumlah penerbitan SBSN PBS dan proyek-proyek infrastruktur yang dibiayai dengan instrumen ini. Selain itu, beberapa data dukung juga diambil dari Islamic Finance Country Index dan International Islamic Finance Market, khususnya yang terkait dengan perkembangan pasar sukuk global. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SBSN PBS dapat digunakan untuk sebagai instrumen untuk membiayai pembangunan infrastruktur di Indonesia. SBSN PBS juga memiliki kemiripan dengan public private partnership (PPP) karena keduanya memerlukan jaminan berupa underlying asset

    Extreme Significant Wave Height Map of Indonesia Based on SEAFINE and ERA5 Database

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    Significant wave height, , is one of the most utilized ocean parameters. Extreme  with 1-yearly and 100-yearly return periods are required for the design of most offshore structures. A previous study by Wurjanto, et al. (2020) attempted to utilize the SEAFINE database to develop extreme  maps of Indonesian seas. However, SEAFINE does not cover the eastern Indonesian seas. This study analyzed the extreme values from ERA5 data for Indonesian seas and utilized the data to complete the extreme  map previously developed by Wurjanto, et al. (2020). The ERA5  data on the eastern Indonesian seas as well as the central and western seas were extracted for validation purposes. The ERA5 extreme value was less than half the  value compared to the SEAFINE-based results in most intersecting areas. For the development of the map, we took the SEAFINE-based map from Wurjanto et al., which covers the western and middle Indonesian seas, and filled the eastern part with extreme ERA5  data. It was found that a wave height multiplying factor of 2.0 was the most suitable for ERA5 in the developed map to make a seamless wave height transition from SEAFINE to ERA5 data

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap dengan Praktik Penggunaan Masker pada Lansia

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    Background: The trend of Covid-19 in Indonesia continues showing positive result, the government then starting to change the status from pandemic to endemic. The Indoensian government made a policy of easing the use of masks for the community not including vulnerable groups like elderly. However, there are elderly who still do not wear masks. The purpose of this study was analyzing the relation between individual characteristics, level of knowledge, and attitudes with the practice of using masks in the elderly in Wonogiri District.Methods: This research is an analytic observational research with a cross sectional study design. The research subjects were 105 elderly respondents from 15 sub-districts in Wonogiri District. The sampling technique is quota sampling. Data collection using questionnaire with interview method. Test data analysis using test chi-square.Result: The outcome of this study show indicate that there is a significant relation between level of knowledge (p=0.001) and attitude (p=0.005) with the practice of using face mask among elderly.Conclusion : It can be concluded that individual, level of knowledge, and attitude are related with the practice of using face mask among elderly. Increased socialization related to the policy of easing masks and educating people on how to use masks properly

    Evaluasi Penyelenggaraan Sistem Surveilans Covid-19 Di Kota Bekasi Tahun 2021

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    Latar Belakang: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Kondisi terkini kasus penyebaran COVID-19 di Kota Bekasi sudah cukup terkendali. Surveilans epidemiologi COVID-19 merupakan salah satu bentuk upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian penyebaran penyakit ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati penerapan sistem surveilans COVID-19 di Puskesmas Kota Bekasi.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif observasional dan menggunakan desain studi potong lintang. Responden penelitian adalah petugas surveilans COVID-19 di Puskesmas Kota Bekasi. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini dihitung dengan menggunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian angket online dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan dibandingkan dengan keputusan menteri dan pedoman surveilans.Hasil: Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan bahwa sebagian besar pelaksanaan surveilans COVID-19 yang baik lebih besar proporsinya pada kategori responden usia remaja awal, jenis kelamin laki-laki, tingkat pendidikan lulus S-1 Kesehatan, lama kerja lama (>7 tahun), rangkap tugas/beban kerja, dan kategori atribut surveilans yang tidak sesuai.Simpulan: 1) Petugas Surveilans COVID-19 Kota Bekasi sudah melaksanakan komponen surveilans dengan baik, yaitu dimulai dari kegiatan penemuan kasus, pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, analisis dan interpretasi data, ketersediaan informasi epidemiologi dan kegiatan diseminasi informasi dan umpan balik (feedback) kasus COVID-19, dan 2) Pelaksanaan kegiatan surveilans COVID-19 di Kota Bekasi yang baik lebih besar proporsinya pada puskesmas dengan kategori atribut surveilans yang tidak sesuai. Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Surveilans Epidemiologi, Atribut Surveilans, Puskesma

    Gambaran Faktor Perilaku COVID-19 pada Mahasiswa di Universitas Cenderawasih Kota Jayapura Provinsi Papua

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    Background: The rate of COVID-19 cases is still high in Jayapura City to date in one day it can contribute 30 to 35 positive patients. The form of prevention behavior in students has not been optimally implemented. the addition of positive cases every day can be triggered due to the lack of information related to the corona virus. The purpose of this study was to describe the behavioral factors to prevent COVID-19 in students.Methods: The population in this study were students of Cenderawasih University, Jayapura City. The study was conducted in January – February 2021 on 100 subjects selected by purposive sampling technique. Subjects were measured using an online questionnaire containing questions and statements regarding research variables such as knowledge, attitudes, practices, sources of information, social support and support from health workers. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis and bivariate analysis.Result: The results showed that 67% of students' level of knowledge about the causes, symptoms, modes of transmission and forms of prevention of COVID-19 was good, 58% of students' attitudes were quite good in seeking information and understanding forms of the spread of COVID-19 and 53% of students' practice levels in prevention. COVID-19 is good, with 49% of students getting information through social media, 100% of students getting social support, and 45% getting support from health workers.Conclusion : Students have received social support and support from health workers in preventing COVID-19. the majority of students have good knowledge but there are still students with less than optimal attitudes and practices